Example #1
    def fetch_single_time_series(self, market_data_request):

        market_data_request = MarketDataRequest(md_request=market_data_request)

        # only includes those tickers have not expired yet!
        start_date = pandas.Timestamp(market_data_request.start_date).date()

        import datetime

        current_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()

        from datetime import timedelta

        tickers = market_data_request.tickers
        vendor_tickers = market_data_request.vendor_tickers

        expiry_date = market_data_request.expiry_date

        config = ConfigManager().get_instance()

        # in many cases no expiry is defined so skip them
        for i in range(0, len(tickers)):
                expiry_date = config.get_expiry_for_ticker(
                    market_data_request.data_source, tickers[i])

            if expiry_date is not None:
                expiry_date = pandas.Timestamp(expiry_date).date()

                # use pandas Timestamp, a bit more robust with weird dates (can fail if comparing date vs datetime)
                # if the expiry is before the start date of our download don't bother downloading this ticker
                if expiry_date < start_date:
                    tickers[i] = None

                # special case for futures-contracts which are intraday
                # avoid downloading if the expiry date is very far in the past
                # (we need this before there might be odd situations where we run on an expiry date, but still want to get
                # data right till expiry time)
                if market_data_request.category == 'futures-contracts' and market_data_request.freq == 'intraday' \
                        and self.days_expired_intraday_contract_download > 0:

                    if expiry_date + timedelta(
                    ) < current_date:
                        tickers[i] = None

                if vendor_tickers is not None and tickers[i] is None:
                    vendor_tickers[i] = None

        market_data_request.tickers = [e for e in tickers if e != None]

        if vendor_tickers is not None:
            market_data_request.vendor_tickers = [
                e for e in vendor_tickers if e != None

        data_frame_single = None

        if len(market_data_request.tickers) > 0:
            data_frame_single = self.get_data_vendor(

        if data_frame_single is not None:
            if data_frame_single.empty == False:
                data_frame_single.index.name = 'Date'

                # will fail for dataframes which includes dates/strings (eg. futures contract names)
                    data_frame_single = data_frame_single.astype('float32')
                    self.logger.warning('Could not convert to float')

                if market_data_request.freq == "second":
                    data_frame_single = data_frame_single.resample("1s")

        return data_frame_single
    def fetch_single_time_series(self, md_request):
        md_request = MarketDataRequest(md_request=md_request)

        # Only includes those tickers have not expired yet!
        start_date = pd.Timestamp(md_request.start_date).date()

        current_date = pd.Timestamp(datetime.datetime.utcnow().date())

        tickers = md_request.tickers
        vendor_tickers = md_request.vendor_tickers

        expiry_date = pd.Timestamp(md_request.expiry_date)

        config = ConfigManager().get_instance()

        # In many cases no expiry is defined so skip them
        for i in range(0, len(tickers)):
                expiry_date = config.get_expiry_for_ticker(
                    md_request.data_source, tickers[i])

            if expiry_date is not None:
                expiry_date = pd.Timestamp(expiry_date)

                if not (pd.isna(expiry_date)):
                    # Use pandas Timestamp, a bit more robust with weird dates 
                    # (can fail if comparing date vs datetime)
                    # if the expiry is before the start date of our download 
                    # don"t bother downloading this ticker
                    if expiry_date < start_date:
                        tickers[i] = None

                    # Special case for futures-contracts which are intraday
                    # avoid downloading if the expiry date is very far in the 
                    # past
                    # (we need this before there might be odd situations where 
                    # we run on an expiry date, but still want to get
                    # data right till expiry time)
                    if md_request.category == "futures-contracts" \
                            and md_request.freq == "intraday" \
                            and self._days_expired_intraday_contract_download \
                                > 0:

                        if expiry_date + pd.Timedelta(
                                self._days_expired_intraday_contract_download) \
                                < current_date:
                            tickers[i] = None

                    if vendor_tickers is not None and tickers[i] is None:
                        vendor_tickers[i] = None

        md_request.tickers = [e for e in tickers if e != None]

        if vendor_tickers is not None:
            md_request.vendor_tickers = [e for e in vendor_tickers if
                                                  e != None]

        df_single = None

        if len(md_request.tickers) > 0:
            df_single = self.get_data_vendor(

        if df_single is not None:
            if df_single.empty == False:
                df_single.index.name = "Date"

                # Will fail for DataFrames which includes dates/strings 
                # eg. futures contract names
                df_single = Calculations().convert_to_numeric_dataframe(

                if md_request.freq == "second":
                    df_single = df_single.resample("1s")

        return df_single