Example #1
def test_end2end_mobilenet_export():
    # export preprocessing
    preproc_onnx = build_dir + "/end2end_mobilenet_preproc.onnx"
    mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
    std = 0.226
    ch = 3
    preproc = NormalizePreProc(mean, std, ch)
    bo.export_finn_onnx(preproc, (1, 3, 224, 224), preproc_onnx)
    preproc_model = ModelWrapper(preproc_onnx)
    # set input finn datatype to UINT8
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(InferShapes())
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(FoldConstants())
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(GiveUniqueNodeNames())
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(GiveUniqueParameterTensors())
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(GiveReadableTensorNames())
    preproc_model.save(build_dir + "/end2end_mobilenet_preproc.onnx")

    # export mobilenet
    finn_onnx = build_dir + "/end2end_mobilenet_export.onnx"
    mobilenet = get_test_model_trained("mobilenet", 4, 4)
    bo.export_finn_onnx(mobilenet, (1, 3, 224, 224), finn_onnx)

    # calculate golden output with pytorch/brevitas and save as .npy
    # get single image as input and prepare image
    img = Image.open("/workspace/finn/tests/brevitas/king_charles.jpg")
    # resize smallest side of the image to 256 pixels and resize larger side
    # with same ratio
    img = resize_smaller_side(256, img)
    # crop central 224*224 window
    img = crop_center(224, img)
    # save image as numpy array and as torch tensor to enable testing in
    # brevitas/pytorch and finn and transpose from (H, W, C) to (C, H, W)
    img_np = np.asarray(img).copy().astype(np.float32).transpose(2, 0, 1)
    img_np = img_np.reshape(1, 3, 224, 224)
    np.save(build_dir + "/end2end_mobilenet_input.npy", img_np)
    img_torch = torch.from_numpy(img_np).float()
    # do forward pass in PyTorch/Brevitas
    input_tensor = preproc.forward(img_torch)
    golden = mobilenet.forward(input_tensor).detach().numpy()
    golden_topk = golden.flatten()
    golden_top5 = np.argsort(golden_topk)[-5:]
    golden_top5 = np.flip(golden_top5)
    golden_top5_prob = []
    for index in golden_top5:
    # save golden output values
    np.save(build_dir + "/end2end_mobilenet_golden_top5.npy", golden_top5)
    np.save(build_dir + "/end2end_mobilenet_golden_top5_prob.npy",
    assert os.path.isfile(finn_onnx)
    assert os.path.isfile(build_dir + "/end2end_mobilenet_preproc.onnx")
def test_brevitas_mobilenet():
    # get single image as input and prepare image
    img = Image.open("/workspace/finn/tests/brevitas/king_charles.jpg")
    # resize smallest side of the image to 256 pixels and resize larger side
    # with same ratio
    img = resize_smaller_side(256, img)
    # crop central 224*224 window
    img = crop_center(224, img)
    # save image as numpy array and as torch tensor to enable testing in
    # brevitas/pytorch and finn and transpose from (H, W, C) to (C, H, W)
    img_np = np.asarray(img).copy().astype(np.float32).transpose(2, 0, 1)
    img_np = img_np.reshape(1, 3, 224, 224)
    img_torch = torch.from_numpy(img_np).float()

    # export preprocess
    export_onnx_path = make_build_dir("test_brevitas_mobilenet-v1_")
    preproc_onnx = export_onnx_path + "/quant_mobilenet_v1_4b_preproc.onnx"
    mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
    std = 0.226
    ch = 3
    preproc = NormalizePreProc(mean, std, ch)
    bo.export_finn_onnx(preproc, (1, 3, 224, 224), preproc_onnx)
    preproc_model = ModelWrapper(preproc_onnx)
    # set input finn datatype to UINT8
    preproc_model.set_tensor_datatype(preproc_model.graph.input[0].name, DataType.UINT8)
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(InferShapes())
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(GiveUniqueNodeNames())
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(GiveUniqueParameterTensors())
    preproc_model = preproc_model.transform(GiveReadableTensorNames())

    finn_onnx = export_onnx_path + "/quant_mobilenet_v1_4b_exported.onnx"
    mobilenet = get_test_model_trained("mobilenet", 4, 4)
    bo.export_finn_onnx(mobilenet, (1, 3, 224, 224), finn_onnx)

    # do forward pass in PyTorch/Brevitas
    input_tensor = preproc.forward(img_torch)
    expected = mobilenet.forward(input_tensor).detach().numpy()
    expected_topk = expected.flatten()
    expected_top5 = np.argsort(expected_topk)[-5:]
    expected_top5 = np.flip(expected_top5)
    expected_top5_prob = []
    for index in expected_top5:
    model = ModelWrapper(finn_onnx)
    model = model.transform(InferShapes())
    model = model.transform(FoldConstants())
    model = model.transform(InsertTopK())
    # get initializer from Mul that will be absorbed into topk
    a0 = model.get_initializer(model.graph.node[-2].input[1])
    model = model.transform(absorb.AbsorbScalarMulAddIntoTopK())
    model = model.transform(InferShapes())
    model = model.transform(InferDataTypes())
    model = model.transform(InferDataLayouts())
    model = model.transform(GiveUniqueNodeNames())
    model = model.transform(GiveUniqueParameterTensors())
    model = model.transform(GiveReadableTensorNames())
    model.save(export_onnx_path + "/quant_mobilenet_v1_4b_wo_preproc.onnx")
    model = model.transform(MergeONNXModels(preproc_model))
    model.save(export_onnx_path + "/quant_mobilenet_v1_4b.onnx")
    idict = {model.graph.input[0].name: img_np}
    odict = oxe.execute_onnx(model, idict, True)
    produced = odict[model.graph.output[0].name]
    produced_prob = odict["TopK_0_out0"] * a0
    assert (produced.flatten() == expected_top5).all()
    assert np.isclose(produced_prob.flatten(), expected_top5_prob).all()