Example #1
def handle_googleapiclient_error(error,
    """Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given googleapiclient error.

    This method is agnostic of the remote service that produced the error, whether it is a GCP
    service or otherwise. Therefore, this method does not attempt to parse the error response in
    any way.

        error: An error raised by the googleapiclient module while making an HTTP call.
        message: A message to be included in the resulting ``FirebaseError`` (optional). If not
            specified the string representation of the ``error`` argument is used as the message.
        code: A GCP error code that will be used to determine the resulting error type (optional).
            If not specified the HTTP status code on the error response is used to determine a
            suitable error code.
        http_response: A requests HTTP response object to associate with the exception (optional).
            If not specified, one will be created from the ``error``.

        FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code.
    if isinstance(error, socket.timeout) or (isinstance(error, socket.error)
                                             and 'timed out' in str(error)):
        return exceptions.DeadlineExceededError(
            message='Timed out while making an API call: {0}'.format(error),
    elif isinstance(error, httplib2.ServerNotFoundError):
        return exceptions.UnavailableError(
            message='Failed to establish a connection: {0}'.format(error),
    elif not isinstance(error, googleapiclient.errors.HttpError):
        return exceptions.UnknownError(
            message='Unknown error while making a remote service call: {0}'.

    if not code:
        code = _http_status_to_error_code(error.resp.status)
    if not message:
        message = str(error)
    if not http_response:
        http_response = _http_response_from_googleapiclient_error(error)

    err_type = _error_code_to_exception_type(code)
    return err_type(message=message, cause=error, http_response=http_response)
Example #2
def handle_requests_error(error, message=None, code=None):
    """Constructs a ``FirebaseError`` from the given requests error.

    This method is agnostic of the remote service that produced the error, whether it is a GCP
    service or otherwise. Therefore, this method does not attempt to parse the error response in
    any way.

        error: An error raised by the requests module while making an HTTP call.
        message: A message to be included in the resulting ``FirebaseError`` (optional). If not
            specified the string representation of the ``error`` argument is used as the message.
        code: A GCP error code that will be used to determine the resulting error type (optional).
            If not specified the HTTP status code on the error response is used to determine a
            suitable error code.

        FirebaseError: A ``FirebaseError`` that can be raised to the user code.
    if isinstance(error, requests.exceptions.Timeout):
        return exceptions.DeadlineExceededError(
            message='Timed out while making an API call: {0}'.format(error),
    elif isinstance(error, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError):
        return exceptions.UnavailableError(
            message='Failed to establish a connection: {0}'.format(error),
    elif error.response is None:
        return exceptions.UnknownError(
            message='Unknown error while making a remote service call: {0}'.

    if not code:
        code = _http_status_to_error_code(error.response.status_code)
    if not message:
        message = str(error)

    err_type = _error_code_to_exception_type(code)
    return err_type(message=message, cause=error, http_response=error.response)