def backward_substitution(self, pc, y): """ """ # We assemble the unknown which is an expression # of the first eliminated variable. self._sub_unknown() # Recover the eliminated unknown self._elim_unknown() with timed_region("HybridProject"): # Project the broken solution into non-broken spaces broken_pressure = self.broken_solution.split()[self.pidx] unbroken_pressure = self.unbroken_solution.split()[self.pidx] broken_pressure.dat.copy(unbroken_pressure.dat) # Compute the hdiv projection of the broken hdiv solution broken_hdiv = self.broken_solution.split()[self.vidx] unbroken_hdiv = self.unbroken_solution.split()[self.vidx] unbroken_hdiv.assign(0) par_loop(self.average_kernel, ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, READ), "vec_in": (broken_hdiv, READ), "vec_out": (unbroken_hdiv, INC)}) with self.unbroken_solution.dat.vec_ro as v: v.copy(y)
def __init__(self, equation): """ Initialise limiter :param space : equation, as we need the broken space attached to it """ self.Vt = # check this is the right space, only currently working for 2D extruded mesh if self.Vt.extruded and self.Vt.mesh().topological_dimension() == 2: # check that horizontal degree is 1 and vertical degree is 2 if self.Vt.ufl_element().degree()[0] is not 1 or \ self.Vt.ufl_element().degree()[1] is not 2: raise ValueError('This is not the right limiter for this space.') # check that continuity of the spaces is correct # this will fail if the space does not use broken elements if self.Vt.ufl_element()._element.sobolev_space()[0].name is not 'L2' or \ self.Vt.ufl_element()._element.sobolev_space()[1].name is not 'H1': raise ValueError('This is not the right limiter for this space.') else: logger.warning('This limiter may not work for the space you are using.') self.Q1DG = FunctionSpace(self.Vt.mesh(), 'DG', 1) # space with only vertex DOFs self.vertex_limiter = VertexBasedLimiter(self.Q1DG) self.theta_hat = Function(self.Q1DG) # theta function with only vertex DOFs self.w = Function(self.Vt) self.result = Function(self.Vt) par_loop(_weight_kernel, dx, {"weight": (self.w, INC)})
def solve(self): """ Apply the solver with rhs state.xrhs and result state.dy. """ # Solve the hybridized system self.hybridized_solver.solve() broken_u, rho1, _ = self.urhol0.split() u1 = self.u_hdiv # Project broken_u into the HDiv space u1.assign(0.0) with timed_region("Gusto:HybridProjectHDiv"): par_loop(self._average_kernel, dx, {"w": (self._weight, READ), "vec_in": (broken_u, READ), "vec_out": (u1, INC)}) # Reapply bcs to ensure they are satisfied for bc in self.bcs: bc.apply(u1) # Copy back into u and rho cpts of dy u, rho, theta = self.state.dy.split() u.assign(u1) rho.assign(rho1) # Reconstruct theta with timed_region("Gusto:ThetaRecon"): self.theta_solver.solve() # Copy into theta cpt of dy theta.assign(self.theta)
def forward_elimination(self, pc, x): """ """ with timed_region("HybridBreak"): with self.unbroken_residual.dat.vec_wo as v: x.copy(v) # Transfer unbroken_rhs into broken_rhs # NOTE: Scalar space is already "broken" so no need for # any projections unbroken_scalar_data = self.unbroken_residual.split()[self.pidx] broken_scalar_data = self.broken_residual.split()[self.pidx] unbroken_scalar_data.dat.copy(broken_scalar_data.dat) # Assemble the new "broken" hdiv residual # We need a residual R' in the broken space that # gives R'[w] = R[w] when w is in the unbroken space. # We do this by splitting the residual equally between # basis functions that add together to give unbroken # basis functions. unbroken_res_hdiv = self.unbroken_residual.split()[self.vidx] broken_res_hdiv = self.broken_residual.split()[self.vidx] broken_res_hdiv.assign(0) par_loop(self.average_kernel, ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, READ), "vec_in": (unbroken_res_hdiv, READ), "vec_out": (broken_res_hdiv, INC)}) with timed_region("HybridRHS"): # Compute the rhs for the multiplier system self._assemble_Srhs()
def backward_substitution(self, pc, y): """Perform the backwards recovery of eliminated fields. :arg pc: a Preconditioner instance. :arg y: a PETSc vector for placing the resulting fields. """ # We assemble the unknown which is an expression # of the first eliminated variable. self._sub_unknown() # Recover the eliminated unknown self._elim_unknown() with timed_region("HybridProject"): # Project the broken solution into non-broken spaces broken_pressure = self.broken_solution.split()[self.pidx] unbroken_pressure = self.unbroken_solution.split()[self.pidx] broken_pressure.dat.copy(unbroken_pressure.dat) # Compute the hdiv projection of the broken hdiv solution broken_hdiv = self.broken_solution.split()[self.vidx] unbroken_hdiv = self.unbroken_solution.split()[self.vidx] unbroken_hdiv.assign(0) par_loop(self.average_kernel, ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, READ), "vec_in": (broken_hdiv, READ), "vec_out": (unbroken_hdiv, INC)}, is_loopy_kernel=True) with self.unbroken_solution.dat.vec_ro as v: v.copy(y)
def backward_substitution(self, pc, y): """Perform the backwards recovery of eliminated fields. :arg pc: a Preconditioner instance. :arg y: a PETSc vector for placing the resulting fields. """ # We assemble the unknown which is an expression # of the first eliminated variable. self._sub_unknown() # Recover the eliminated unknown self._elim_unknown() with timed_region("HybridProject"): # Project the broken solution into non-broken spaces broken_pressure = self.broken_solution.split()[self.pidx] unbroken_pressure = self.unbroken_solution.split()[self.pidx] broken_pressure.dat.copy(unbroken_pressure.dat) # Compute the hdiv projection of the broken hdiv solution broken_hdiv = self.broken_solution.split()[self.vidx] unbroken_hdiv = self.unbroken_solution.split()[self.vidx] unbroken_hdiv.assign(0) par_loop(self.average_kernel, ufl.dx, { "w": (self.weight, READ), "vec_in": (broken_hdiv, READ), "vec_out": (unbroken_hdiv, INC) }, is_loopy_kernel=True) with self.unbroken_solution.dat.vec_ro as v: v.copy(y)
def copy_vertex_values(self, field): """ Copies the vertex values from temperature space to Q1DG space which only has vertices. """ par_loop(_copy_into_Q1DG_loop, dx, {"theta": (field, READ), "theta_hat": (self.theta_hat, RW)})
def apply(self, w): """ Perform the par loop for calculating the weightings for the Averager. :arg w: the field to store the weights in. """ par_loop(self._kernel, dx, {"w": (w, INC)}, is_loopy_kernel=True)
def check_midpoint_values(self, field): """ Checks the midpoint field values are less than the maximum and more than the minimum values. Amends them to the average if they are not. """ par_loop(_check_midpoint_values_loop, dx, {"theta": (field, RW)})
def copy_vertex_values_back(self, field): """ Copies the vertex values back from the Q1DG space to the original temperature space. """ par_loop(_copy_from_Q1DG_loop, dx, {"theta": (field, RW), "theta_hat": (self.theta_hat, READ)})
def apply_limiter(self, field): """ Only applies limiting loop on the given field """ par_loop(self._limit_kernel, dx, {"qbar": (self.centroids, READ), "q": (field, RW), "qmax": (self.max_field, READ), "qmin": (self.min_field, READ)})
def remap_to_embedded_space(self, field): """ Remap from DG space to embedded DG space. """ self.result.assign(0.) par_loop(_average_kernel, dx, {"vrec": (self.result, INC), "v_b": (field, READ), "weight": (self.w, READ)}) field.assign(self.result)
def copy_vertex_values(self, field): """ Copies the vertex values from temperature space to DG1 space which only has vertices. """ par_loop(self._copy_into_DG1_kernel, dx, { "theta": (field, READ), "theta_hat": (self.theta_hat, WRITE) }, is_loopy_kernel=True)
def apply_limiter(self, field): """ Only applies limiting loop on the given field """ par_loop( self._limit_kernel, dx, { "qbar": (self.centroids, READ), "q": (field, RW), "qmax": (self.max_field, READ), "qmin": (self.min_field, READ) })
def project(self): """ Apply the recovery. """ # Ensure that the function being populated is zeroed out par_loop(self._average_kernel, ufl.dx, {"vo": (self.v_out, INC), "w": (self._weighting, READ), "v": (self.v, READ)}) return self.v_out
def create_sc_nullspace(P, V, V_facet, comm): """Gets the nullspace vectors corresponding to the Schur complement system. :arg P: The H1 operator from the ImplicitMatrixContext. :arg V: The H1 finite element space. :arg V_facet: The finite element space of H1 basis functions restricted to the mesh skeleton. Returns: A nullspace (if there is one) for the Schur-complement system. """ from firedrake import Function nullspace = P.getNullSpace() if nullspace.handle == 0: # No nullspace return None vecs = nullspace.getVecs() tmp = Function(V) scsp_tmp = Function(V_facet) new_vecs = [] # Transfer the trace bit (the nullspace vector restricted # to facet nodes is the nullspace for the condensed system) kernel = """ for (int i=0; i<%(d)d; ++i){ for (int j=0; j<%(s)d; ++j){ x_facet[i*%(s)d + j] = x_h[i*%(s)d + j]; } }""" % { "d": V_facet.finat_element.space_dimension(), "s": } for v in vecs: with tmp.dat.vec_wo as t: v.copy(t) par_loop(kernel, ufl.dx, { "x_facet": (scsp_tmp, WRITE), "x_h": (tmp, READ) }) # Map vecs to the facet space with scsp_tmp.dat.vec_ro as v: new_vecs.append(v.copy()) # Normalize for v in new_vecs: v.normalize() sc_nullspace = PETSc.NullSpace().create(vectors=new_vecs, comm=comm) return sc_nullspace
def _partition_residual(self): """Partition the incoming right-hand side residual into 'interior' and 'facet' sections. """ r_int = self.interior_residual r_facet = self.trace_residual par_loop( self._transfer_kernel.partition, ufl.dx, { "x_int": (r_int, WRITE), "x_facet": (r_facet, WRITE), "x": (self.h1_residual, READ) })
def _weighting(self): """ Generates a weight function for computing a projection via averaging. """ w = Function(self.V) weight_kernel = """ for (int i=0; i<%d; ++i) { for (int j=0; j<%d; ++j) { w[i][j] += 1.0; }}""" % self._shapes par_loop(weight_kernel, ufl.dx, {"w": (w, INC)}) return w
def compute_bounds(self, field): """ Only computes min and max bounds of neighbouring cells """ self._update_centroids(field) self.max_field.assign(-1.0e10) # small number self.min_field.assign(1.0e10) # big number par_loop(self._min_max_loop, dx, {"maxq": (self.max_field, RW), "minq": (self.min_field, RW), "q": (self.centroids, READ)})
def compute_bounds(self, field): """ Only computes min and max bounds of neighbouring cells """ self._update_centroids(field) self.max_field.assign(-1.0e10) # small number self.min_field.assign(1.0e10) # big number par_loop( self._min_max_loop, dx, { "maxq": (self.max_field, MAX), "minq": (self.min_field, MIN), "q": (self.centroids, READ) })
def remap_to_embedded_space(self, field): """ Remap from DG space to embedded DG space. """ self.result.assign(0.) par_loop(self._average_kernel, dx, { "vo": (self.result, INC), "v": (field, READ), "w": (self.w, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True) field.assign(self.result)
def solve(self): """ Apply the solver with rhs state.xrhs and result state.dy. """ # Solve the velocity-density system with timed_region("Gusto:VelocityDensitySolve"): # Assemble the RHS for lambda into self.R with timed_region("Gusto:HybridRHS"): self._assemble_Rexp() # Solve for lambda with timed_region("Gusto:HybridTraceSolve"): self.lSolver.solve(self.lambdar, self.R) # Reconstruct broken u and rho with timed_region("Gusto:HybridRecon"): self._assemble_rho() self._assemble_u() broken_u, rho1 = self.urho.split() u1 = self.u_hdiv # Project broken_u into the HDiv space u1.assign(0.0) with timed_region("Gusto:HybridProjectHDiv"): par_loop(self._average_kernel, dx, {"w": (self._weight, READ), "vec_in": (broken_u, READ), "vec_out": (u1, INC)}) # Reapply bcs to ensure they are satisfied for bc in self.bcs: bc.apply(u1) # Copy back into u and rho cpts of dy u, rho, theta = self.state.dy.split() u.assign(u1) rho.assign(rho1) # Reconstruct theta with timed_region("Gusto:ThetaRecon"): self.theta_solver.solve() # Copy into theta cpt of dy theta.assign(self.theta)
def copy_vertex_values_back(self, field): """ Copies the vertex values back from the DG1 space to the original temperature space, and checks that the midpoint values are within the minimum and maximum at the adjacent vertices. If outside of the minimum and maximum, correct the values to be the average. """ par_loop(self._copy_from_DG1_kernel, dx, { "theta": (field, WRITE), "theta_hat": (self.theta_hat, READ), "theta_old": (self.theta_old, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True)
def apply(self, v_DG1, v_CG1): """ Performs the par loop. :arg v_DG1: the target field to correct. :arg v_CG1: the initially recovered uncorrected field. """ par_loop(self._kernel, dx, args={ "DG1": (v_DG1, WRITE), "CG1": (v_CG1, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True, iterate=ON_BOTTOM)
def apply(self, v_out, weighting, v_in): """ Perform the averaging par loop. :arg v_out: the continuous target field. :arg weighting: the weights to be used for the averaging. :arg v_in: the input field. """ par_loop(self._kernel, dx, { "vo": (v_out, INC), "w": (weighting, READ), "v": (v_in, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True)
def apply(self, field_hat, field_DG1, field_old): """ Performs the par loop. :arg field_hat: The field to write to in the broken temperature space. :arg field_DG1: A field in the equispaced DG1 space whose vertex values have been limited. :arg field_old: The original un-limited field in the broken temperature space. """ par_loop(self._kernel, dx, { "field_hat": (field_hat, WRITE), "field_DG1": (field_DG1, READ), "field_old": (field_old, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True)
def spatial_index(self): """Spatial index to quickly find which cell contains a given point.""" from firedrake import function, functionspace from firedrake.parloops import par_loop, READ, RW gdim = self.ufl_cell().geometric_dimension() if gdim <= 1: info_red("libspatialindex does not support 1-dimension, falling back on brute force.") return None # Calculate the bounding boxes for all cells by running a kernel V = functionspace.VectorFunctionSpace(self, "DG", 0, dim=gdim) coords_min = function.Function(V) coords_max = function.Function(V) kernel = """ for (int d = 0; d < gdim; d++) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes_per_cell; i++) { f_min[0][d] = fmin(f_min[0][d], f[i][d]); f_max[0][d] = fmax(f_max[0][d], f[i][d]); } } """ cell_node_list = self.coordinates.function_space().cell_node_list nodes_per_cell = len(cell_node_list[0]) kernel = kernel.replace("gdim", str(gdim)) kernel = kernel.replace("nodes_per_cell", str(nodes_per_cell)) par_loop(kernel, ufl.dx, {'f': (self.coordinates, READ), 'f_min': (coords_min, RW), 'f_max': (coords_max, RW)}) # Reorder bounding boxes according to the cell indices we use column_list = V.cell_node_list.reshape(-1) coords_min = self._order_data_by_cell_index(column_list, coords_min.dat.data_ro_with_halos) coords_max = self._order_data_by_cell_index(column_list, coords_max.dat.data_ro_with_halos) # Build spatial index return spatialindex.from_regions(coords_min, coords_max)
def _weighting(self): """ Generates a weight function for computing a projection via averaging. """ w = Function(self.V) weight_domain = "{{[i, j]: 0 <= i < {nDOFs} and 0 <= j < {dim}}}".format( **self.shapes) weight_instructions = (""" for i for j w[i,j] = w[i,j] + 1.0 end end """) _weight_kernel = (weight_domain, weight_instructions) par_loop(_weight_kernel, dx, {"w": (w, INC)}, is_loopy_kernel=True) return w
def _reconstruct(self): """Locally solve for the interior degrees of freedom using the computed unknowns for the facets. A transfer kernel is used to join the interior and facet solutions together. """ with timed_region("SCAssembleInterior"): self._assemble_interior_u() u_int = self.interior_solution u_facet = self.trace_solution with timed_region("SCReconSolution"): par_loop( self._transfer_kernel.join, ufl.dx, { "x": (self.h1_solution, WRITE), "x_int": (u_int, READ), "x_facet": (u_facet, READ) })
def apply(self, v_DG1_old, v_DG1, act_coords, eff_coords, num_ext): """ Performs the par loop for the Gaussian elimination kernel. :arg v_DG1_old: the originally recovered field in DG1. :arg v_DG1: the new target field in DG1. :arg act_coords: the actual coordinates in vec DG1. :arg eff_coords: the effective coordinates of the recovery in vec DG1. :arg num_ext: the number of exterior DOFs in the cell, in DG0. """ par_loop(self._kernel, dx, { "DG1_OLD": (v_DG1_old, READ), "DG1": (v_DG1, WRITE), "ACT_COORDS": (act_coords, READ), "EFF_COORDS": (eff_coords, READ), "NUM_EXT": (num_ext, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True)
def forward_elimination(self, pc, x): """Perform the forward elimination of fields and provide the reduced right-hand side for the condensed system. :arg pc: a Preconditioner instance. :arg x: a PETSc vector containing the incoming right-hand side. """ with timed_region("HybridBreak"): with self.unbroken_residual.dat.vec_wo as v: x.copy(v) # Transfer unbroken_rhs into broken_rhs # NOTE: Scalar space is already "broken" so no need for # any projections unbroken_scalar_data = self.unbroken_residual.split()[self.pidx] broken_scalar_data = self.broken_residual.split()[self.pidx] unbroken_scalar_data.dat.copy(broken_scalar_data.dat) # Assemble the new "broken" hdiv residual # We need a residual R' in the broken space that # gives R'[w] = R[w] when w is in the unbroken space. # We do this by splitting the residual equally between # basis functions that add together to give unbroken # basis functions. unbroken_res_hdiv = self.unbroken_residual.split()[self.vidx] broken_res_hdiv = self.broken_residual.split()[self.vidx] broken_res_hdiv.assign(0) par_loop(self.average_kernel, ufl.dx, { "w": (self.weight, READ), "vec_in": (unbroken_res_hdiv, READ), "vec_out": (broken_res_hdiv, INC) }, is_loopy_kernel=True) with timed_region("HybridRHS"): # Compute the rhs for the multiplier system self._assemble_Srhs()
def apply(self): self.interpolator.interpolate() if self.method == Boundary_Method.physics: par_loop(self._bottom_kernel, dx, args={ "DG1": (self.v_DG1, WRITE), "CG1": (self.v_CG1, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True, iterate=ON_BOTTOM) par_loop(self._top_kernel, dx, args={ "DG1": (self.v_DG1, WRITE), "CG1": (self.v_CG1, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True, iterate=ON_TOP) else: self.v_DG1_old.assign(self.v_DG1) par_loop(self._gaussian_elimination_kernel, dx, { "DG1_OLD": (self.v_DG1_old, READ), "DG1": (self.v_DG1, WRITE), "ACT_COORDS": (self.act_coords, READ), "EFF_COORDS": (self.eff_coords, READ), "NUM_EXT": (self.num_ext, READ) }, is_loopy_kernel=True)
def forward_elimination(self, pc, x): """Perform the forward elimination of fields and provide the reduced right-hand side for the condensed system. :arg pc: a Preconditioner instance. :arg x: a PETSc vector containing the incoming right-hand side. """ with timed_region("HybridBreak"): with self.unbroken_residual.dat.vec_wo as v: x.copy(v) # Transfer unbroken_rhs into broken_rhs # NOTE: Scalar space is already "broken" so no need for # any projections unbroken_scalar_data = self.unbroken_residual.split()[self.pidx] broken_scalar_data = self.broken_residual.split()[self.pidx] unbroken_scalar_data.dat.copy(broken_scalar_data.dat) # Assemble the new "broken" hdiv residual # We need a residual R' in the broken space that # gives R'[w] = R[w] when w is in the unbroken space. # We do this by splitting the residual equally between # basis functions that add together to give unbroken # basis functions. unbroken_res_hdiv = self.unbroken_residual.split()[self.vidx] broken_res_hdiv = self.broken_residual.split()[self.vidx] broken_res_hdiv.assign(0) par_loop(self.average_kernel, ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, READ), "vec_in": (unbroken_res_hdiv, READ), "vec_out": (broken_res_hdiv, INC)}, is_loopy_kernel=True) with timed_region("HybridRHS"): # Compute the rhs for the multiplier system self._assemble_Srhs()
def initialize(self, pc): """Set up the problem context. Take the original mixed problem and reformulate the problem as a hybridized mixed system. A KSP is created for the Lagrange multiplier system. """ from firedrake import (FunctionSpace, Function, Constant, TrialFunction, TrialFunctions, TestFunction, DirichletBC) from firedrake.assemble import (allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable) from firedrake.formmanipulation import split_form from ufl.algorithms.replace import replace # Extract the problem context prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "hybridization_" _, P = pc.getOperators() self.ctx = P.getPythonContext() if not isinstance(self.ctx, ImplicitMatrixContext): raise ValueError("The python context must be an ImplicitMatrixContext") test, trial = self.ctx.a.arguments() V = test.function_space() mesh = V.mesh() if len(V) != 2: raise ValueError("Expecting two function spaces.") if all(Vi.ufl_element().value_shape() for Vi in V): raise ValueError("Expecting an H(div) x L2 pair of spaces.") # Automagically determine which spaces are vector and scalar for i, Vi in enumerate(V): if Vi.ufl_element().sobolev_space().name == "HDiv": self.vidx = i else: assert Vi.ufl_element().sobolev_space().name == "L2" self.pidx = i # Create the space of approximate traces. W = V[self.vidx] if W.ufl_element().family() == "Brezzi-Douglas-Marini": tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() else: try: # If we have a tensor product element h_deg, v_deg = W.ufl_element().degree() tdegree = (h_deg - 1, v_deg - 1) except TypeError: tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() - 1 TraceSpace = FunctionSpace(mesh, "HDiv Trace", tdegree) # Break the function spaces and define fully discontinuous spaces broken_elements = ufl.MixedElement([ufl.BrokenElement(Vi.ufl_element()) for Vi in V]) V_d = FunctionSpace(mesh, broken_elements) # Set up the functions for the original, hybridized # and schur complement systems self.broken_solution = Function(V_d) self.broken_residual = Function(V_d) self.trace_solution = Function(TraceSpace) self.unbroken_solution = Function(V) self.unbroken_residual = Function(V) shapes = (V[self.vidx].finat_element.space_dimension(),[self.vidx].shape)) domain = "{[i,j]: 0 <= i < %d and 0 <= j < %d}" % shapes instructions = """ for i, j w[i,j] = w[i,j] + 1 end """ self.weight = Function(V[self.vidx]) par_loop((domain, instructions), ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, INC)}, is_loopy_kernel=True) instructions = """ for i, j vec_out[i,j] = vec_out[i,j] + vec_in[i,j]/w[i,j] end """ self.average_kernel = (domain, instructions) # Create the symbolic Schur-reduction: # Original mixed operator replaced with "broken" # arguments arg_map = {test: TestFunction(V_d), trial: TrialFunction(V_d)} Atilde = Tensor(replace(self.ctx.a, arg_map)) gammar = TestFunction(TraceSpace) n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh) sigma = TrialFunctions(V_d)[self.vidx] if mesh.cell_set._extruded: Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_h + gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_v) else: Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS) # Here we deal with boundaries. If there are Neumann # conditions (which should be enforced strongly for # H(div)xL^2) then we need to add jump terms on the exterior # facets. If there are Dirichlet conditions (which should be # enforced weakly) then we need to zero out the trace # variables there as they are not active (otherwise the hybrid # problem is not well-posed). # If boundary conditions are contained in the ImplicitMatrixContext: if self.ctx.row_bcs: # Find all the subdomains with neumann BCS # These are Dirichlet BCs on the vidx space neumann_subdomains = set() for bc in self.ctx.row_bcs: if bc.function_space().index == self.pidx: raise NotImplementedError("Dirichlet conditions for scalar variable not supported. Use a weak bc") if bc.function_space().index != self.vidx: raise NotImplementedError("Dirichlet bc set on unsupported space.") # append the set of sub domains subdom = bc.sub_domain if isinstance(subdom, str): neumann_subdomains |= set([subdom]) else: neumann_subdomains |= set(as_tuple(subdom, int)) # separate out the top and bottom bcs extruded_neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains & {"top", "bottom"} neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains - extruded_neumann_subdomains integrand = gammar *, n) measures = [] trace_subdomains = [] if mesh.cell_set._extruded: ds = ufl.ds_v for subdomain in sorted(extruded_neumann_subdomains): measures.append({"top": ufl.ds_t, "bottom": ufl.ds_b}[subdomain]) trace_subdomains.extend(sorted({"top", "bottom"} - extruded_neumann_subdomains)) else: ds = ufl.ds if "on_boundary" in neumann_subdomains: measures.append(ds) else: measures.extend((ds(sd) for sd in sorted(neumann_subdomains))) markers = [int(x) for x in mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers] dirichlet_subdomains = set(markers) - neumann_subdomains trace_subdomains.extend(sorted(dirichlet_subdomains)) for measure in measures: Kform += integrand*measure trace_bcs = [DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), subdomain) for subdomain in trace_subdomains] else: # No bcs were provided, we assume weak Dirichlet conditions. # We zero out the contribution of the trace variables on # the exterior boundary. Extruded cells will have both # horizontal and vertical facets trace_subdomains = ["on_boundary"] if mesh.cell_set._extruded: trace_subdomains.extend(["bottom", "top"]) trace_bcs = [DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), subdomain) for subdomain in trace_subdomains] # Make a SLATE tensor from Kform K = Tensor(Kform) # Assemble the Schur complement operator and right-hand side self.schur_rhs = Function(TraceSpace) self._assemble_Srhs = create_assembly_callable( K * Atilde.inv * AssembledVector(self.broken_residual), tensor=self.schur_rhs, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params) mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(prefix + "mat_type", "aij") schur_comp = K * Atilde.inv * K.T self.S = allocate_matrix(schur_comp, bcs=trace_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=prefix) self._assemble_S = create_assembly_callable(schur_comp, tensor=self.S, bcs=trace_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params, mat_type=mat_type) self._assemble_S() self.S.force_evaluation() Smat = self.S.petscmat nullspace = self.ctx.appctx.get("trace_nullspace", None) if nullspace is not None: nsp = nullspace(TraceSpace) Smat.setNullSpace(nsp.nullspace(comm=pc.comm)) # Set up the KSP for the system of Lagrange multipliers trace_ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm) trace_ksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix) trace_ksp.setOperators(Smat) trace_ksp.setUp() trace_ksp.setFromOptions() self.trace_ksp = trace_ksp split_mixed_op = dict(split_form(Atilde.form)) split_trace_op = dict(split_form(K.form)) # Generate reconstruction calls self._reconstruction_calls(split_mixed_op, split_trace_op)
def initialize(self, pc): """Set up the problem context. Take the original mixed problem and reformulate the problem as a hybridized mixed system. A KSP is created for the Lagrange multiplier system. """ from firedrake import (FunctionSpace, Function, Constant, TrialFunction, TrialFunctions, TestFunction, DirichletBC) from firedrake.assemble import (allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable) from firedrake.formmanipulation import split_form from ufl.algorithms.replace import replace # Extract the problem context prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() + "hybridization_" _, P = pc.getOperators() self.ctx = P.getPythonContext() if not isinstance(self.ctx, ImplicitMatrixContext): raise ValueError( "The python context must be an ImplicitMatrixContext") test, trial = self.ctx.a.arguments() V = test.function_space() mesh = V.mesh() if len(V) != 2: raise ValueError("Expecting two function spaces.") if all(Vi.ufl_element().value_shape() for Vi in V): raise ValueError("Expecting an H(div) x L2 pair of spaces.") # Automagically determine which spaces are vector and scalar for i, Vi in enumerate(V): if Vi.ufl_element().sobolev_space().name == "HDiv": self.vidx = i else: assert Vi.ufl_element().sobolev_space().name == "L2" self.pidx = i # Create the space of approximate traces. W = V[self.vidx] if W.ufl_element().family() == "Brezzi-Douglas-Marini": tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() else: try: # If we have a tensor product element h_deg, v_deg = W.ufl_element().degree() tdegree = (h_deg - 1, v_deg - 1) except TypeError: tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() - 1 TraceSpace = FunctionSpace(mesh, "HDiv Trace", tdegree) # Break the function spaces and define fully discontinuous spaces broken_elements = ufl.MixedElement( [ufl.BrokenElement(Vi.ufl_element()) for Vi in V]) V_d = FunctionSpace(mesh, broken_elements) # Set up the functions for the original, hybridized # and schur complement systems self.broken_solution = Function(V_d) self.broken_residual = Function(V_d) self.trace_solution = Function(TraceSpace) self.unbroken_solution = Function(V) self.unbroken_residual = Function(V) shapes = (V[self.vidx].finat_element.space_dimension(),[self.vidx].shape)) domain = "{[i,j]: 0 <= i < %d and 0 <= j < %d}" % shapes instructions = """ for i, j w[i,j] = w[i,j] + 1 end """ self.weight = Function(V[self.vidx]) par_loop((domain, instructions), ufl.dx, {"w": (self.weight, INC)}, is_loopy_kernel=True) instructions = """ for i, j vec_out[i,j] = vec_out[i,j] + vec_in[i,j]/w[i,j] end """ self.average_kernel = (domain, instructions) # Create the symbolic Schur-reduction: # Original mixed operator replaced with "broken" # arguments arg_map = {test: TestFunction(V_d), trial: TrialFunction(V_d)} Atilde = Tensor(replace(self.ctx.a, arg_map)) gammar = TestFunction(TraceSpace) n = ufl.FacetNormal(mesh) sigma = TrialFunctions(V_d)[self.vidx] if mesh.cell_set._extruded: Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_h + gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS_v) else: Kform = (gammar('+') * ufl.jump(sigma, n=n) * ufl.dS) # Here we deal with boundaries. If there are Neumann # conditions (which should be enforced strongly for # H(div)xL^2) then we need to add jump terms on the exterior # facets. If there are Dirichlet conditions (which should be # enforced weakly) then we need to zero out the trace # variables there as they are not active (otherwise the hybrid # problem is not well-posed). # If boundary conditions are contained in the ImplicitMatrixContext: if self.ctx.row_bcs: # Find all the subdomains with neumann BCS # These are Dirichlet BCs on the vidx space neumann_subdomains = set() for bc in self.ctx.row_bcs: if bc.function_space().index == self.pidx: raise NotImplementedError( "Dirichlet conditions for scalar variable not supported. Use a weak bc" ) if bc.function_space().index != self.vidx: raise NotImplementedError( "Dirichlet bc set on unsupported space.") # append the set of sub domains subdom = bc.sub_domain if isinstance(subdom, str): neumann_subdomains |= set([subdom]) else: neumann_subdomains |= set( as_tuple(subdom, numbers.Integral)) # separate out the top and bottom bcs extruded_neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains & { "top", "bottom" } neumann_subdomains = neumann_subdomains - extruded_neumann_subdomains integrand = gammar *, n) measures = [] trace_subdomains = [] if mesh.cell_set._extruded: ds = ufl.ds_v for subdomain in sorted(extruded_neumann_subdomains): measures.append({ "top": ufl.ds_t, "bottom": ufl.ds_b }[subdomain]) trace_subdomains.extend( sorted({"top", "bottom"} - extruded_neumann_subdomains)) else: ds = ufl.ds if "on_boundary" in neumann_subdomains: measures.append(ds) else: measures.extend((ds(sd) for sd in sorted(neumann_subdomains))) markers = [int(x) for x in mesh.exterior_facets.unique_markers] dirichlet_subdomains = set(markers) - neumann_subdomains trace_subdomains.extend(sorted(dirichlet_subdomains)) for measure in measures: Kform += integrand * measure trace_bcs = [ DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), subdomain) for subdomain in trace_subdomains ] else: # No bcs were provided, we assume weak Dirichlet conditions. # We zero out the contribution of the trace variables on # the exterior boundary. Extruded cells will have both # horizontal and vertical facets trace_subdomains = ["on_boundary"] if mesh.cell_set._extruded: trace_subdomains.extend(["bottom", "top"]) trace_bcs = [ DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), subdomain) for subdomain in trace_subdomains ] # Make a SLATE tensor from Kform K = Tensor(Kform) # Assemble the Schur complement operator and right-hand side self.schur_rhs = Function(TraceSpace) self._assemble_Srhs = create_assembly_callable( K * Atilde.inv * AssembledVector(self.broken_residual), tensor=self.schur_rhs, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params) mat_type = PETSc.Options().getString(prefix + "mat_type", "aij") schur_comp = K * Atilde.inv * K.T self.S = allocate_matrix(schur_comp, bcs=trace_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params, mat_type=mat_type, options_prefix=prefix) self._assemble_S = create_assembly_callable( schur_comp, tensor=self.S, bcs=trace_bcs, form_compiler_parameters=self.ctx.fc_params, mat_type=mat_type) with timed_region("HybridOperatorAssembly"): self._assemble_S() Smat = self.S.petscmat nullspace = self.ctx.appctx.get("trace_nullspace", None) if nullspace is not None: nsp = nullspace(TraceSpace) Smat.setNullSpace(nsp.nullspace(comm=pc.comm)) # Set up the KSP for the system of Lagrange multipliers trace_ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm) trace_ksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix) trace_ksp.setOperators(Smat) trace_ksp.setUp() trace_ksp.setFromOptions() self.trace_ksp = trace_ksp split_mixed_op = dict(split_form(Atilde.form)) split_trace_op = dict(split_form(K.form)) # Generate reconstruction calls self._reconstruction_calls(split_mixed_op, split_trace_op)