class EmbeddedDGAdvection(DGAdvection): def __init__(self, state, V, Vdg=None, continuity=False): if Vdg is None: Vdg_elt = BrokenElement(V.ufl_element()) Vdg = FunctionSpace(state.mesh, Vdg_elt) super(EmbeddedDGAdvection, self).__init__(state, Vdg, continuity) self.xdg_in = Function(Vdg) self.xdg_out = Function(Vdg) self.x_projected = Function(V) pparameters = {'ksp_type':'cg', 'pc_type':'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type':'ilu'} self.Projector = Projector(self.xdg_out, self.x_projected, solver_parameters=pparameters) def apply(self, x_in, x_out): self.xdg_in.interpolate(x_in) super(EmbeddedDGAdvection, self).apply(self.xdg_in, self.xdg_out) self.Projector.project() x_out.assign(self.x_projected)
def _prepare_output(self, function, cg): from firedrake import FunctionSpace, VectorFunctionSpace, \ TensorFunctionSpace, Function, Projector, Interpolator name = # Need to project/interpolate? # If space is linear and continuity of output space matches # continuity of current space, then we can just use the # input function. if is_linear(function.function_space()) and \ is_dg(function.function_space()) == (not cg) and \ is_cg(function.function_space()) == cg: return OFunction(array=get_array(function), name=name, function=function) # OK, let's go and do it. if cg: family = "Lagrange" else: family = "Discontinuous Lagrange" output = self._output_functions.get(function) if output is None: # Build appropriate space for output function. shape = function.ufl_shape if len(shape) == 0: V = FunctionSpace(function.ufl_domain(), family, 1) elif len(shape) == 1: if > 3: raise ValueError("Can't write vectors with more than 3 components") V = VectorFunctionSpace(function.ufl_domain(), family, 1, dim=shape[0]) elif len(shape) == 2: if > 9: raise ValueError("Can't write tensors with more than 9 components") V = TensorFunctionSpace(function.ufl_domain(), family, 1, shape=shape) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported shape %s" % (shape, )) output = Function(V) self._output_functions[function] = output if self.project: projector = self._mappers.get(function) if projector is None: projector = Projector(function, output) self._mappers[function] = projector projector.project() else: interpolator = self._mappers.get(function) if interpolator is None: interpolator = Interpolator(function, output) self._mappers[function] = interpolator interpolator.interpolate() return OFunction(array=get_array(output), name=name, function=output)
def _prepare_output(self, function, max_elem): from firedrake import FunctionSpace, VectorFunctionSpace, \ TensorFunctionSpace, Function, Projector, Interpolator name = # Need to project/interpolate? # If space is not the max element, we can do so. if function.ufl_element == max_elem: return OFunction(array=get_array(function), name=name, function=function) # OK, let's go and do it. shape = function.ufl_shape output = self._output_functions.get(function) if output is None: # Build appropriate space for output function. shape = function.ufl_shape if len(shape) == 0: V = FunctionSpace(function.ufl_domain(), max_elem) elif len(shape) == 1: if > 3: raise ValueError( "Can't write vectors with more than 3 components") V = VectorFunctionSpace(function.ufl_domain(), max_elem, dim=shape[0]) elif len(shape) == 2: if > 9: raise ValueError( "Can't write tensors with more than 9 components") V = TensorFunctionSpace(function.ufl_domain(), max_elem, shape=shape) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported shape %s" % (shape, )) output = Function(V) self._output_functions[function] = output if self.project: projector = self._mappers.get(function) if projector is None: projector = Projector(function, output) self._mappers[function] = projector projector.project() else: interpolator = self._mappers.get(function) if interpolator is None: interpolator = Interpolator(function, output) self._mappers[function] = interpolator interpolator.interpolate() return OFunction(array=get_array(output), name=name, function=output)
class PrescribedTransport(Timestepper): def __init__(self, state, problem, physics_list=None, prescribed_transporting_velocity=None): super().__init__(state, problem, physics_list=physics_list) if prescribed_transporting_velocity is not None: self.velocity_projection = Projector(prescribed_transporting_velocity(self.state.t), self.state.fields('u')) else: self.velocity_projection = None @property def transporting_velocity(self): return self.state.fields('u') def timestep(self): if self.velocity_projection is not None: self.velocity_projection.project() super().timestep()
class HybridizationPC(PCBase): """A Slate-based python preconditioner that solves a mixed saddle-point problem using hybridization. The forward eliminations and backwards reconstructions are performed element-local using the Slate language. """ def initialize(self, pc): """Set up the problem context. Take the original mixed problem and reformulate the problem as a hybridized mixed system. A KSP is created for the Lagrange multiplier system. """ from ufl.algorithms.map_integrands import map_integrand_dags from firedrake import (FunctionSpace, TrialFunction, TrialFunctions, TestFunction, Function, BrokenElement, MixedElement, FacetNormal, Constant, DirichletBC, Projector) from firedrake.assemble import (allocate_matrix, create_assembly_callable) from firedrake.formmanipulation import ArgumentReplacer, split_form # Extract the problem context prefix = pc.getOptionsPrefix() _, P = pc.getOperators() context = P.getPythonContext() test, trial = context.a.arguments() V = test.function_space() if V.mesh().cell_set._extruded: # TODO: Merge FIAT branch to support TPC trace elements raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented on extruded meshes.") # Break the function spaces and define fully discontinuous spaces broken_elements = [BrokenElement(Vi.ufl_element()) for Vi in V] elem = MixedElement(broken_elements) V_d = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), elem) arg_map = {test: TestFunction(V_d), trial: TrialFunction(V_d)} # Replace the problems arguments with arguments defined # on the new discontinuous spaces replacer = ArgumentReplacer(arg_map) new_form = map_integrand_dags(replacer, context.a) # Create the space of approximate traces. # The vector function space will have a non-empty value_shape W = next(v for v in V if bool(v.ufl_element().value_shape())) if W.ufl_element().family() in ["Raviart-Thomas", "RTCF"]: tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() - 1 else: tdegree = W.ufl_element().degree() # NOTE: Once extruded is ready, we will need to be aware of this # and construct the appropriate trace space for the HDiv element TraceSpace = FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), "HDiv Trace", tdegree) # NOTE: For extruded, we will need to add "on_top" and "on_bottom" trace_conditions = [ DirichletBC(TraceSpace, Constant(0.0), "on_boundary") ] # Set up the functions for the original, hybridized # and schur complement systems self.broken_solution = Function(V_d) self.broken_rhs = Function(V_d) self.trace_solution = Function(TraceSpace) self.unbroken_solution = Function(V) self.unbroken_rhs = Function(V) # Create the symbolic Schur-reduction Atilde = Tensor(new_form) gammar = TestFunction(TraceSpace) n = FacetNormal(V.mesh()) # Vector trial function will have a non-empty ufl_shape sigma = next(f for f in TrialFunctions(V_d) if bool(f.ufl_shape)) # NOTE: Once extruded is ready, this will change slightly # to include both horizontal and vertical interior facets K = Tensor(gammar('+') *, n) * ufl.dS) # Assemble the Schur complement operator and right-hand side self.schur_rhs = Function(TraceSpace) self._assemble_Srhs = create_assembly_callable( K * Atilde.inv * self.broken_rhs, tensor=self.schur_rhs, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params) schur_comp = K * Atilde.inv * K.T self.S = allocate_matrix(schur_comp, bcs=trace_conditions, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params) self._assemble_S = create_assembly_callable( schur_comp, tensor=self.S, bcs=trace_conditions, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params) self._assemble_S() self.S.force_evaluation() Smat = self.S.petscmat # Nullspace for the multiplier problem nullsp = P.getNullSpace() if nullsp.handle != 0: new_vecs = get_trace_nullspace_vecs(K * Atilde.inv, nullsp, V, V_d, TraceSpace) tr_nullsp = PETSc.NullSpace().create(vectors=new_vecs, comm=pc.comm) Smat.setNullSpace(tr_nullsp) # Set up the KSP for the system of Lagrange multipliers ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(comm=pc.comm) ksp.setOptionsPrefix(prefix + "trace_") ksp.setTolerances(rtol=1e-13) ksp.setOperators(Smat) ksp.setUp() ksp.setFromOptions() self.ksp = ksp # Now we construct the local tensors for the reconstruction stage # TODO: Add support for mixed tensors and these variables # become unnecessary split_forms = split_form(new_form) A = Tensor(next(sf.form for sf in split_forms if sf.indices == (0, 0))) B = Tensor(next(sf.form for sf in split_forms if sf.indices == (1, 0))) C = Tensor(next(sf.form for sf in split_forms if sf.indices == (1, 1))) trial = TrialFunction( FunctionSpace(V.mesh(), BrokenElement(W.ufl_element()))) K_local = Tensor(gammar('+') *, n) * ufl.dS) # Split functions and reconstruct each bit separately sigma_h, u_h = self.broken_solution.split() g, f = self.broken_rhs.split() # Pressure reconstruction M = B * A.inv * B.T + C u_sol = M.inv * f + M.inv * ( B * A.inv * K_local.T * self.trace_solution - B * A.inv * g) self._assemble_pressure = create_assembly_callable( u_sol, tensor=u_h, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params) # Velocity reconstruction sigma_sol = A.inv * g + A.inv * (B.T * u_h - K_local.T * self.trace_solution) self._assemble_velocity = create_assembly_callable( sigma_sol, tensor=sigma_h, form_compiler_parameters=context.fc_params) # Set up the projector for projecting the broken solution # into the unbroken finite element spaces # NOTE: Tolerance here matters! sigma_b, _ = self.broken_solution.split() sigma_u, _ = self.unbroken_solution.split() self.projector = Projector(sigma_b, sigma_u, solver_parameters={ "ksp_type": "cg", "ksp_rtol": 1e-13 }) def update(self, pc): """Update by assembling into the operator. No need to reconstruct symbolic objects. """ self._assemble_S() self.S.force_evaluation() self._assemble_Srhs() def apply(self, pc, x, y): """We solve the forward eliminated problem for the approximate traces of the scalar solution (the multipliers) and reconstruct the "broken flux and scalar variable." Lastly, we project the broken solutions into the mimetic non-broken finite element space. """ from firedrake import project # Transfer non-broken x into a firedrake function with self.unbroken_rhs.dat.vec as v: x.copy(v) # Transfer unbroken_rhs into broken_rhs field0, field1 = self.unbroken_rhs.split() bfield0, bfield1 = self.broken_rhs.split() # This updates broken_rhs project(field0, bfield0) field1.dat.copy(bfield1.dat) # Compute the rhs for the multiplier system self._assemble_Srhs() # Solve the system for the Lagrange multipliers with self.schur_rhs.dat.vec_ro as b: with self.trace_solution.dat.vec as x: self.ksp.solve(b, x) # Assemble the pressure and velocity (in that order) # using the Lagrange multipliers self._assemble_pressure() self._assemble_velocity() # Project the broken solution into non-broken spaces sigma_h, u_h = self.broken_solution.split() sigma_u, u_u = self.unbroken_solution.split() u_h.dat.copy(u_u.dat) self.projector.project() with self.unbroken_solution.dat.vec_ro as v: v.copy(y) def applyTranspose(self, pc, x, y): """Apply the transpose of the preconditioner.""" raise NotImplementedError("The transpose application of this PC" "is not implemented.") def view(self, pc, viewer=None): super(HybridizationPC, self).view(pc, viewer) viewer.printfASCII("Hybridizing mixed system:\n") viewer.pushASCIITab() viewer.printfASCII("KSP solver for the multipliers:\n") viewer.pushASCIITab() self.ksp.view(viewer) viewer.popASCIITab()
class Advection(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for advection schemes. :arg state: :class:`.State` object. :arg field: field to be advected :arg equation: :class:`.Equation` object, specifying the equation that field satisfies :arg solver_parameters: solver_parameters :arg limiter: :class:`.Limiter` object. :arg options: :class:`.AdvectionOptions` object """ def __init__(self, state, field, equation=None, *, solver_parameters=None, limiter=None): if equation is not None: self.state = state self.field = field self.equation = equation # get ubar from the equation class self.ubar = self.equation.ubar self.dt = self.state.timestepping.dt # get default solver options if none passed in if solver_parameters is None: self.solver_parameters = equation.solver_parameters else: self.solver_parameters = solver_parameters if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): self.solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = True self.limiter = limiter if hasattr(equation, "options"): self.discretisation_option = self._setup(state, field, equation.options) else: self.discretisation_option = None self.fs = field.function_space() # setup required functions self.dq = Function(self.fs) self.q1 = Function(self.fs) def _setup(self, state, field, options): if in ["embedded_dg", "recovered"]: self.fs = options.embedding_space self.xdg_in = Function(self.fs) self.xdg_out = Function(self.fs) self.x_projected = Function(field.function_space()) parameters = {'ksp_type': 'cg', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} self.Projector = Projector(self.xdg_out, self.x_projected, solver_parameters=parameters) if == "recovered": # set up the necessary functions self.x_in = Function(field.function_space()) x_rec = Function(options.recovered_space) x_brok = Function(options.broken_space) # set up interpolators and projectors self.x_rec_projector = Recoverer(self.x_in, x_rec, VDG=self.fs, boundary_method=options.boundary_method) # recovered function self.x_brok_projector = Projector(x_rec, x_brok) # function projected back self.xdg_interpolator = Interpolator(self.x_in + x_rec - x_brok, self.xdg_in) if self.limiter is not None: self.x_brok_interpolator = Interpolator(self.xdg_out, x_brok) self.x_out_projector = Recoverer(x_brok, self.x_projected) def pre_apply(self, x_in, discretisation_option): """ Extra steps to advection if using an embedded method, which might be either the plain embedded method or the recovered space advection scheme. :arg x_in: the input set of prognostic fields. :arg discretisation option: string specifying which scheme to use. """ if discretisation_option == "embedded_dg": try: self.xdg_in.interpolate(x_in) except NotImplementedError: self.xdg_in.project(x_in) elif discretisation_option == "recovered": self.x_in.assign(x_in) self.x_rec_projector.project() self.x_brok_projector.project() self.xdg_interpolator.interpolate() def post_apply(self, x_out, discretisation_option): """ The projection steps, returning a field to its original space for an embedded DG advection scheme. For the case of the recovered scheme, there are two options dependent on whether the scheme is limited or not. :arg x_out: the outgoing field. :arg discretisation_option: string specifying which option to use. """ if discretisation_option == "embedded_dg": self.Projector.project() elif discretisation_option == "recovered": if self.limiter is not None: self.x_brok_interpolator.interpolate() self.x_out_projector.project() else: self.Projector.project() x_out.assign(self.x_projected) @abstractproperty def lhs(self): return self.equation.mass_term(self.equation.trial) @abstractproperty def rhs(self): return self.equation.mass_term(self.q1) - self.dt*self.equation.advection_term(self.q1) def update_ubar(self, xn, xnp1, alpha): un = xn.split()[0] unp1 = xnp1.split()[0] self.ubar.assign(un + alpha*(unp1-un)) @cached_property def solver(self): # setup solver using lhs and rhs defined in derived class problem = LinearVariationalProblem(self.lhs, self.rhs, self.dq) solver_name = return LinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix=solver_name) @abstractmethod def apply(self, x_in, x_out): """ Function takes x as input, computes L(x) as defined by the equation, and returns x_out as output. :arg x: :class:`.Function` object, the input Function. :arg x_out: :class:`.Function` object, the output Function. """ pass
class Fallout(Physics): """ The fallout process of hydrometeors. :arg state :class: `.State.` object. :arg moments: an AdvectedMoments Enum object, indicating which rainfall scheme to use. Current valid values are: AdvectedMoments.M0 -- advects all rain at constant speed; AdvectedMoments.M3 -- advects mean mass of droplet distribution. The default value is AdvectedMoments.M3. :arg limit: if True (the default value), applies a limiter to the rainfall advection. """ def __init__(self, state, moments=AdvectedMoments.M3, limit=True): super().__init__(state) # function spaces Vt = state.fields('rain').function_space() Vu = state.fields('u').function_space() # declare properties of class self.state = state self.moments = moments self.rain = state.fields('rain') self.v = state.fields('rainfall_velocity', Vu) self.limit = limit if moments == AdvectedMoments.M0: # all rain falls at terminal velocity terminal_velocity = Constant(5) # in m/s if state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2: self.v.project(as_vector([0, -terminal_velocity])) elif state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3: self.v.project(as_vector([0, 0, -terminal_velocity])) elif moments == AdvectedMoments.M3: # this advects the third moment M3 of the raindrop # distribution, which corresponds to the mean mass rho = state.fields('rho') rho_w = Constant(1000.0) # density of liquid water # assume n(D) = n_0 * D^mu * exp(-Lambda*D) # n_0 = N_r * Lambda^(1+mu) / gamma(1 + mu) N_r = Constant(10**5) # number of rain droplets per m^3 mu = 0.0 # shape constant of droplet gamma distribution # assume V(D) = a * D^b * exp(-f*D) * (rho_0 / rho)^g # take f = 0 a = Constant(362.) # intercept for velocity distr. in log space b = 0.65 # inverse scale parameter for velocity distr. rho0 = Constant(1.22) # reference density in kg/m^3 g = Constant(0.5) # scaling of density correction # we keep mu in the expressions even though mu = 0 threshold = Constant(10**-10) # only do rainfall for r > threshold Lambda = (N_r * pi * rho_w * gamma(4 + mu) / (6 * gamma(1 + mu) * rho * self.rain))**(1. / 3) Lambda0 = (N_r * pi * rho_w * gamma(4 + mu) / (6 * gamma(1 + mu) * rho * threshold))**(1. / 3) v_expression = conditional( self.rain > threshold, (a * gamma(4 + b + mu) / (gamma(4 + mu) * Lambda**b) * (rho0 / rho)**g), (a * gamma(4 + b + mu) / (gamma(4 + mu) * Lambda0**b) * (rho0 / rho)**g)) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Currently we only have implementations for zero and one moment schemes for rainfall. Valid options are AdvectedMoments.M0 and AdvectedMoments.M3' ) if moments != AdvectedMoments.M0: if state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 2: self.determine_v = Projector(as_vector([0, -v_expression]), self.v) elif state.mesh.geometric_dimension() == 3: self.determine_v = Projector(as_vector([0, 0, -v_expression]), self.v) # determine whether to do recovered space advection scheme # if horizontal and vertical degrees are 0 do recovered space if state.horizontal_degree == 0 and state.vertical_degree == 0: VDG1 = FunctionSpace(Vt.mesh(), "DG", 1) VCG1 = FunctionSpace(Vt.mesh(), "CG", 1) Vbrok = FunctionSpace(Vt.mesh(), BrokenElement(Vt.ufl_element())) boundary_method = Boundary_Method.dynamics advect_options = RecoveredOptions(embedding_space=VDG1, recovered_space=VCG1, broken_space=Vbrok, boundary_method=boundary_method) else: advect_options = EmbeddedDGOptions() # need to define advection equation before limiter (as it is needed for the ThetaLimiter) advection_equation = EmbeddedDGAdvection(state, Vt, equation_form="advective", outflow=True, options=advect_options) # decide which limiter to use if self.limit: if state.horizontal_degree == 0 and state.vertical_degree == 0: limiter = VertexBasedLimiter(VDG1) elif state.horizontal_degree == 1 and state.vertical_degree == 1: limiter = ThetaLimiter(Vt) else: logger.warning( "There is no limiter yet implemented for the spaces used. NoLimiter() is being used for the rainfall in this case." ) limiter = NoLimiter() else: limiter = None # sedimentation will happen using a full advection method self.advection_method = SSPRK3(state, self.rain, advection_equation, limiter=limiter) def apply(self): if self.moments != AdvectedMoments.M0: self.determine_v.project() self.advection_method.update_ubar(self.v, self.v, 0) self.advection_method.apply(self.rain, self.rain)
class TimeDiscretisation(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class for time discretisation schemes. :arg state: :class:`.State` object. :arg field: field to be evolved :arg equation: :class:`.Equation` object, specifying the equation that field satisfies :arg solver_parameters: solver_parameters :arg limiter: :class:`.Limiter` object. :arg options: :class:`.DiscretisationOptions` object """ def __init__(self, state, field_name=None, solver_parameters=None, limiter=None, options=None): self.state = state self.field_name = field_name self.dt = self.state.dt self.limiter = limiter self.options = options if options is not None: self.discretisation_option = else: self.discretisation_option = None # get default solver options if none passed in if solver_parameters is None: self.solver_parameters = {'ksp_type': 'cg', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} else: self.solver_parameters = solver_parameters if logger.isEnabledFor(DEBUG): self.solver_parameters["ksp_monitor_true_residual"] = None def setup(self, equation, uadv=None, apply_bcs=True, *active_labels): self.residual = equation.residual if self.field_name is not None: self.idx = equation.field_names.index(self.field_name) self.fs = self.state.fields(self.field_name).function_space() self.residual = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.get(prognostic) == self.field_name, lambda t: Term( split_form(t.form)[self.idx].form, t.labels), drop) bcs = equation.bcs[self.field_name] else: self.field_name = equation.field_name self.fs = equation.function_space self.idx = None if type(self.fs.ufl_element()) is MixedElement: bcs = [bc for _, bcs in equation.bcs.items() for bc in bcs] else: bcs = equation.bcs[self.field_name] if len(active_labels) > 0: self.residual = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: any(t.has_label(time_derivative, *active_labels)), map_if_false=drop) options = self.options # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Routines relating to transport # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if hasattr(self.options, 'ibp'): self.replace_transport_term() self.replace_transporting_velocity(uadv) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Wrappers for embedded / recovery methods # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if self.discretisation_option in ["embedded_dg", "recovered"]: # construct the embedding space if not specified if options.embedding_space is None: V_elt = BrokenElement(self.fs.ufl_element()) self.fs = FunctionSpace(self.state.mesh, V_elt) else: self.fs = options.embedding_space self.xdg_in = Function(self.fs) self.xdg_out = Function(self.fs) if self.idx is None: self.x_projected = Function(equation.function_space) else: self.x_projected = Function(self.state.fields(self.field_name).function_space()) new_test = TestFunction(self.fs) parameters = {'ksp_type': 'cg', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Make boundary conditions # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if not apply_bcs: self.bcs = None elif self.discretisation_option in ["embedded_dg", "recovered"]: # Transfer boundary conditions onto test function space self.bcs = [DirichletBC(self.fs, bc.function_arg, bc.sub_domain) for bc in bcs] else: self.bcs = bcs # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Modify test function for SUPG methods # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # if self.discretisation_option == "supg": # construct tau, if it is not specified dim = self.state.mesh.topological_dimension() if options.tau is not None: # if tau is provided, check that is has the right size tau = options.tau assert as_ufl(tau).ufl_shape == (dim, dim), "Provided tau has incorrect shape!" else: # create tuple of default values of size dim default_vals = [options.default*self.dt]*dim # check for directions is which the space is discontinuous # so that we don't apply supg in that direction if is_cg(self.fs): vals = default_vals else: space = self.fs.ufl_element().sobolev_space() if in ["HDiv", "DirectionalH"]: vals = [default_vals[i] if space[i].name == "H1" else 0. for i in range(dim)] else: raise ValueError("I don't know what to do with space %s" % space) tau = Constant(tuple([ tuple( [vals[j] if i == j else 0. for i, v in enumerate(vals)] ) for j in range(dim)]) ) self.solver_parameters = {'ksp_type': 'gmres', 'pc_type': 'bjacobi', 'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'} test = TestFunction(self.fs) new_test = test + dot(dot(uadv, tau), grad(test)) if self.discretisation_option is not None: # replace the original test function with one defined on # the embedding space, as this is the space where the # the problem will be solved self.residual = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_test_function(new_test)) if self.discretisation_option == "embedded_dg": if self.limiter is None: self.x_out_projector = Projector(self.xdg_out, self.x_projected, solver_parameters=parameters) else: self.x_out_projector = Recoverer(self.xdg_out, self.x_projected) if self.discretisation_option == "recovered": # set up the necessary functions self.x_in = Function(self.state.fields(self.field_name).function_space()) x_rec = Function(options.recovered_space) x_brok = Function(options.broken_space) # set up interpolators and projectors self.x_rec_projector = Recoverer(self.x_in, x_rec, VDG=self.fs, boundary_method=options.boundary_method) # recovered function self.x_brok_projector = Projector(x_rec, x_brok) # function projected back self.xdg_interpolator = Interpolator(self.x_in + x_rec - x_brok, self.xdg_in) if self.limiter is not None: self.x_brok_interpolator = Interpolator(self.xdg_out, x_brok) self.x_out_projector = Recoverer(x_brok, self.x_projected) else: self.x_out_projector = Projector(self.xdg_out, self.x_projected) # setup required functions self.dq = Function(self.fs) self.q1 = Function(self.fs) def pre_apply(self, x_in, discretisation_option): """ Extra steps to discretisation if using an embedded method, which might be either the plain embedded method or the recovered space scheme. :arg x_in: the input set of prognostic fields. :arg discretisation option: string specifying which scheme to use. """ if discretisation_option == "embedded_dg": try: self.xdg_in.interpolate(x_in) except NotImplementedError: self.xdg_in.project(x_in) elif discretisation_option == "recovered": self.x_in.assign(x_in) self.x_rec_projector.project() self.x_brok_projector.project() self.xdg_interpolator.interpolate() def post_apply(self, x_out, discretisation_option): """ The projection steps, returning a field to its original space for an embedded DG scheme. For the case of the recovered scheme, there are two options dependent on whether the scheme is limited or not. :arg x_out: the outgoing field. :arg discretisation_option: string specifying which option to use. """ if discretisation_option == "recovered" and self.limiter is not None: self.x_brok_interpolator.interpolate() self.x_out_projector.project() x_out.assign(self.x_projected) @abstractproperty def lhs(self): l = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_true=replace_subject(self.dq, self.idx), map_if_false=drop) return l.form @abstractproperty def rhs(self): r = self.residual.label_map( all_terms, map_if_true=replace_subject(self.q1, self.idx)) r = r.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(time_derivative), map_if_false=lambda t: -self.dt*t) return r.form def replace_transport_term(self): """ This routine allows the default transport term to be replaced with a different one, specified through the transport options. This is necessary because when the prognostic equations are declared, the whole transport """ # Extract transport term of equation old_transport_term_list = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transport), map_if_false=drop) # If there are more transport terms, extract only the one for this variable if len(old_transport_term_list.terms) > 1: raise NotImplementedError('Cannot replace transport terms when there are more than one') # Then we should only have one transport term old_transport_term = old_transport_term_list.terms[0] # If the transport term has an ibp label, then it could be replaced if old_transport_term.has_label(ibp_label) and hasattr(self.options, 'ibp'): # Do the options specify a different ibp to the old transport term? if old_transport_term.labels['ibp'] != self.options.ibp: # Set up a new transport term field = self.state.fields(self.field_name) test = TestFunction(self.fs) # Set up new transport term (depending on the type of transport equation) if old_transport_term.labels['transport'] == TransportEquationType.advective: new_transport_term = advection_form(self.state, test, field, ibp=self.options.ibp) elif old_transport_term.labels['transport'] == TransportEquationType.conservative: new_transport_term = continuity_form(self.state, test, field, ibp=self.options.ibp) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Replacement of transport term not implemented yet for {old_transport_term.labels["transport"]}') # Finally, drop the old transport term and add the new one self.residual = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transport), map_if_true=drop) self.residual += subject(new_transport_term, field) def replace_transporting_velocity(self, uadv): # replace the transporting velocity in any terms that contain it if any([t.has_label(transporting_velocity) for t in self.residual]): assert uadv is not None if uadv == "prognostic": self.residual = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transporting_velocity), map_if_true=lambda t: Term(ufl.replace( t.form, {t.get(transporting_velocity): split(t.get(subject))[0]}), t.labels) ) else: self.residual = self.residual.label_map( lambda t: t.has_label(transporting_velocity), map_if_true=lambda t: Term(ufl.replace( t.form, {t.get(transporting_velocity): uadv}), t.labels) ) self.residual = transporting_velocity.update_value(self.residual, uadv) @cached_property def solver(self): # setup solver using lhs and rhs defined in derived class problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.lhs-self.rhs, self.dq, bcs=self.bcs) solver_name = self.field_name+self.__class__.__name__ return NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem, solver_parameters=self.solver_parameters, options_prefix=solver_name) @abstractmethod def apply(self, x_in, x_out): """ Function takes x as input, computes L(x) as defined by the equation, and returns x_out as output. :arg x: :class:`.Function` object, the input Function. :arg x_out: :class:`.Function` object, the output Function. """ pass
class Recoverer(object): """ An object that 'recovers' a field from a low order space (e.g. DG0) into a higher order space (e.g. CG1). This encompasses the process of interpolating first to a the right space before using the :class:`Averager` object, and also automates the boundary recovery process. If no boundary method is specified, this simply performs the action of the :class: `Averager`. :arg v_in: the :class:`ufl.Expr` or :class:`.Function` to project. (e.g. a VDG0 function) :arg v_out: :class:`.Function` to put the result in. (e.g. a CG1 function) :arg VDG: optional :class:`.FunctionSpace`. If not None, v_in is interpolated to this space first before recovery happens. :arg boundary_method: an Enum object, . """ def __init__(self, v_in, v_out, VDG=None, boundary_method=None): # check if v_in is valid if isinstance(v_in, expression.Expression) or not isinstance( v_in, (ufl.core.expr.Expr, function.Function)): raise ValueError( "Can only recover UFL expression or Functions not '%s'" % type(v_in)) self.v_in = v_in self.v_out = v_out self.V = v_out.function_space() if VDG is not None: self.v = Function(VDG) self.interpolator = Interpolator(v_in, self.v) else: self.v = v_in self.interpolator = None self.VDG = VDG self.boundary_method = boundary_method self.averager = Averager(self.v, self.v_out) # check boundary method options are valid if boundary_method is not None: if boundary_method != Boundary_Method.dynamics and boundary_method != Boundary_Method.physics: raise ValueError( "Boundary method must be a Boundary_Method Enum object.") if VDG is None: raise ValueError( "If boundary_method is specified, VDG also needs specifying." ) # now specify things that we'll need if we are doing boundary recovery if boundary_method == Boundary_Method.physics: # check dimensions if self.V.value_size != 1: raise ValueError( 'This method only works for scalar functions.') self.boundary_recoverer = Boundary_Recoverer( self.v_out, self.v, method=Boundary_Method.physics) else: mesh = self.V.mesh() # this ensures we get the pure function space, not an indexed function space V0 = FunctionSpace(mesh, self.v_in.function_space().ufl_element()) VDG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1) VCG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1) if self.V.value_size == 1: coords_to_adjust = find_coords_to_adjust(V0, VDG1) self.boundary_recoverer = Boundary_Recoverer( self.v_out, self.v, coords_to_adjust=coords_to_adjust, method=Boundary_Method.dynamics) else: VuDG1 = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1) coords_to_adjust = find_coords_to_adjust(V0, VuDG1) # now, break the problem down into components v_scalars = [] v_out_scalars = [] self.boundary_recoverers = [] self.project_to_scalars_CG = [] self.extra_averagers = [] coords_to_adjust_list = [] for i in range(self.V.value_size): v_scalars.append(Function(VDG1)) v_out_scalars.append(Function(VCG1)) coords_to_adjust_list.append( Function(VDG1).project(coords_to_adjust[i])) self.project_to_scalars_CG.append( Projector(self.v_out[i], v_out_scalars[i])) self.boundary_recoverers.append( Boundary_Recoverer( v_out_scalars[i], v_scalars[i], method=Boundary_Method.dynamics, coords_to_adjust=coords_to_adjust_list[i])) # need an extra averager that works on the scalar fields rather than the vector one self.extra_averagers.append( Averager(v_scalars[i], v_out_scalars[i])) # the boundary recoverer needs to be done on a scalar fields # so need to extract component and restore it after the boundary recovery is done self.project_to_vector = Projector( as_vector(v_out_scalars), self.v_out) def project(self): """ Perform the fully specified recovery. """ if self.interpolator is not None: self.interpolator.interpolate() self.averager.project() if self.boundary_method is not None: if self.V.value_size > 1: for i in range(self.V.value_size): self.project_to_scalars_CG[i].project() self.boundary_recoverers[i].apply() self.extra_averagers[i].project() self.project_to_vector.project() else: self.boundary_recoverer.apply() self.averager.project() return self.v_out