def test_get_mentions_anywhere(self):
        test = 'Hello! This, this testCase is a test.'
        message = Message(test, self.mock_firefly, self.hostmask)

        r = message.get_mentions(['casetest', 'TestCase'], message.MENTION_ANYWHERE)

        self.assertTupleEqual(r, ('testCase', 'Hello! This, this testCase is a test.', r[2]))
    def test_get_mentions_end(self):
        test = 'Hello! This, this TestCase is a test, TestCase,'
        message = Message(test, self.mock_firefly, self.hostmask)

        r = message.get_mentions(['casetest', 'TestCase'], message.MENTION_END)

        self.assertTupleEqual(r, ('TestCase', 'Hello! This, this TestCase is a test', r[2]))
        self.assertEqual(r[2].group('ender'), ',')
    def test_get_mentions_start(self):
        test = 'Testcase: hello! This, this is a test.'
        message = Message(test, self.mock_firefly, self.hostmask)

        r = message.get_mentions(['casetest', 'TestCase'])

        self.assertTupleEqual(r, ('Testcase', 'hello! This, this is a test.', r[2]))
        self.assertEqual(r[2].group('separator'), ':')
Example #4
    def privmsg(self, user, channel, message):
        Called when I have a message from a user to me or a channel.

        @type   user:       C{str}
        @param  user:       Hostmask of the sender.

        @type   channel:    C{str}
        @param  channel:    Name of the source channel or user nick.

        @type   message:    C{str}
        hostmask    = Hostmask(user)
        destination = Destination(self, channel)
        message     = Message(message, destination, hostmask)
        is_command  = False
        has_reply   = False
        reply_dest  = destination
        groups = set()

        # Log the message

        # Is the message a command?
        if message.is_command:
            self._log.debug('Message registered as a command: %s', repr(message))
            is_command = True

            command_plugin, command_name, command_args = message.command_parts
            self._fire_command(command_plugin, command_name, command_args, message)

        # Is this a private message?
        if message.destination.is_user:
            reply_dest = hostmask

        # Have we been mentioned in this message?
        nicks = self.server.identity.nicks
            nick, raw_message, match = message.get_mentions(nicks)
        except TypeError:
            self._log.debug('Message has no mentions at the beginning')

                nick, raw_message, match = message.get_mentions(nicks, message.MENTION_END)
            except TypeError:
                self._log.debug('Message has no mentions at the end')
                nick = self.nickname
                raw_message = message.stripped
                match = False
                if message.destination.is_channel:

        # Do we have a language response?
        reply = self.language.get_reply(raw_message, groups=groups)
        if reply:
            self._log.debug('Reply matched: %s', reply)
            has_reply = True

            self.msg(reply_dest, reply)

        # Fire global event
        self._fire_event(irc.on_message, has_reply, is_command, message=message)

        # Fire custom events
        if message.destination.is_channel:
            self.channelMessage(message, has_reply, is_command)
        elif message.destination.is_user:
            self.privateMessage(message, has_reply, is_command)