Example #1
 def get_load_status(self):
     To check the load status of a service.
     :return: a dictionary that include json data.
              example: { "status": "ok", "running": "0", "pending": "0", "finished": "0", "node_name": "node-name" }
     url, method = self.command_set['daemonstatus'][0], self.command_set['daemonstatus'][1]
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = DaemonStatus().__dict__
     return response
Example #2
 def get_project_list(self):
     Get the list of projects uploaded to this Scrapy server.
     :return: a dictionary that project name list
              example: {"status": "ok", "projects": ["myproject", "otherproject"]}
     url, method = self.command_set['listprojects'][0], self.command_set['listprojects'][1]
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = ProjectList().__dict__
     return response
Example #3
 def get_logs(self, project_name, spider_name):
     Get urls that scrapyd logs file by project name and spider name
     :param project_name: the project name
     :param spider_name: the spider name
     :return: two list of the logs file name and logs file url
     url, method = self.command_set['logs'][0] + project_name + '/' + spider_name + '/', self.command_set['logs'][1]
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method)
     html_parser = ScrapydLogsPageHTMLParser()
     return html_parser.result, [url + x for x in html_parser.result]
Example #4
 def delete_project(self, project_name):
     Delete a project and all its uploaded versions.
     :param project_name: the project name
     :return: a dictionary that status message
              example: {"status": "ok"}
     url, method = self.command_set['delproject'][0], self.command_set['delproject'][1]
     data = {'project': project_name}
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, data=data, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = DeleteProjectResultSet().__dict__
     return response
Example #5
 def get_version_list(self, project_name):
     Get the list of versions available for some project.
     The versions are returned in order, the last one is the currently used version.
     :param project_name: the project name
     :return: a dictionary that version name list
              example: {"status": "ok", "versions": ["r99", "r156"]}
     url, method = self.command_set['listversions'][0], self.command_set['listversions'][1]
     data = {'project': project_name}
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, data=data, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = VersionList().__dict__
     return response
Example #6
 def delete_project_version(self, project_name, version):
     Delete a project version.
     If there are no more versions available for a given project, that project will be deleted too.
     :param project_name: the project name
     :param version: the project version
     :return: a dictionary that status message
              example: {"status": "ok"}
     url, method = self.command_set['delversion'][0], self.command_set['delversion'][1]
     data = {'project': project_name, 'version': version}
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, data=data, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = DeleteProjectVersionResultSet().__dict__
     return response
Example #7
 def cancel(self, project_name, job_id):
     Cancel a spider run (aka. job). If the job is pending, it will be removed. If the job is running, it will be terminated.
     :param project_name: the project name
     :param job_id: the job id
     :return: a dictionary that status message
              example: {"status": "ok", "prevstate": "running"}
     url, method = self.command_set['cancel'][0], self.command_set['cancel'][1]
     data = {}
     data['project'] = project_name
     data['job'] = job_id
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, data=data, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = CancelResultSet().__dict__
     return response
Example #8
 def get_spider_list(self, project_name, version=None):
     Get the list of spiders available in the last (unless overridden) version of some project.
     :param project_name: the project name
     :param version: the version of the project to examine
     :return: a dictionary that spider name list
              example: {"status": "ok", "spiders": ["spider1", "spider2", "spider3"]}
     url, method = self.command_set['listspiders'][0], self.command_set['listspiders'][1]
     data = {}
     data['project'] = project_name
     if version is not None:
         data['_version'] = version
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, data=data, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = SpiderList().__dict__
     return response
Example #9
 def add_version(self, project_name, version, egg):
     Add a version to a project, creating the project if it doesn’t exist.
     :param project_name: the project name
     :param version:  the project version
     :param egg:  a Python egg containing the project’s code
     :return: a dictionary that status message
              example: {"status": "ok", "spiders": 3}
     url, method = self.command_set['addversion'][0], self.command_set['addversion'][1]
     data = {}
     data['project'] = project_name
     data['version'] = version
     data['egg'] = egg
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, data=data, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = AddVersionResultSet().__dict__
     return response
Example #10
 def get_job_list(self, project_name):
     Get the list of pending, running and finished jobs of some project.
     :param project_name: the project name
     :return: a dictionary that list inculde job name and status
              {"status": "ok",
                 "pending": [{"id": "78391cc0fcaf11e1b0090800272a6d06", "spider": "spider1"}],
                 "running": [{"id": "422e608f9f28cef127b3d5ef93fe9399", "spider": "spider2",
                 "start_time": "2012-09-12 10:14:03.594664"}],
                 "finished": [{"id": "2f16646cfcaf11e1b0090800272a6d06", "spider": "spider3",
                 "start_time": "2012-09-12 10:14:03.594664", "end_time": "2012-09-12 10:24:03.594664"}]}
     url, method = self.command_set['listjobs'][0], self.command_set['listjobs'][1]
     data = {'project': project_name}
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, data=data, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = JobList().__dict__
     return response
Example #11
 def schedule(self,
     Schedule a spider run (also known as a job), returning the job id.
     :param project_name: the project name
     :param spider_name: the spider name
     :param priority: the run priority
     :param setting: a Scrapy setting to use when running the spider
     :param job_id: a job id used to identify the job, overrides the default generated UUID
     :param version: the version of the project to use
     :param args: passed as spider argument
     :return: a dictionary that status message
              example: {"status": "ok", "jobid": "6487ec79947edab326d6db28a2d86511e8247444"}
     url, method = self.command_set['schedule'][0], self.command_set['schedule'][1]
     data = {}
     data['project'] = project_name
     data['spider'] = spider_name
     data['priority'] = priority
     if setting is not None:
         data['setting'] = setting
     if job_id is not None:
         data['jobid'] = job_id
     if version is not None:
         data['_version'] = version
     for k, v in args.items():
         data[k] = v
     response = http_utils.request(url, method_type=method, data=data, return_type=http_utils.RETURN_JSON)
     if response is None:
         logging.warning('%s failure: not found or connection fail' % sys._getframe().f_code.co_name)
         response = ScheduleResultSet().__dict__
     return response