Example #1
def main():
    ffunc = [
        set_fitfunc_from_fname(input_params(fbase + "/" + ifile[i], False)[0])
        for i in range(Npot)
    param = [
        input_params(fbase + "/" + ifile[i], False)[1] for i in range(Npot)

    Nconf = len(param[0][:, 0])
    ### check #.conf
    for i in range(Npot):
        if (Nconf != len(param[i][:, 0])):
            print("\nERROR: Nconf is differ, exit\n")
            return -1

    for r in frange(r_min, r_max, r_del):
        ipot = np.array(
            [[ffunc[i](r, *param[i][iconf, :]) for i in range(Npot)]
             for iconf in range(Nconf)])
        rpot = np.array(
            [np.dot(rot_mat, ipot[iconf, :]) for iconf in range(Nconf)])

        print("%lf %1.16e %1.16e %1.16e %1.16e %1.16e %1.16e %1.16e %1.16e" %
              (r, *make_mean_err(rpot[:, 0]), *make_mean_err(rpot[:, 1]),
               *make_mean_err(rpot[:, 2]), *make_mean_err(rpot[:, 3])))

    return 0
def main():
    Nadd = len(ifnames)
    if (Nadd == 0):
        print("\nERROR: No input files, exit.")
        return -1

    func_names = [input_params(ifnames[i])[0] for i in range(Nadd)]
    iparams = np.array([input_params(ifnames[i])[1] for i in range(Nadd)])
    Ngauss = np.array([len(iparams[i, 0, :]) // 2 for i in range(Nadd)])

    Nconf = len(iparams[0, :, 0])

    for i in range(Nadd):
        for c in range(Nconf):
            for k in range(Ngauss[i]):
                iparams[i, c, 2 * k] *= coeffs[i]

    oparam = iparams[0, :, :]
    for i in range(1, Nadd):
        oparam = np.append(oparam, iparams[i, :, :], axis=1)

    output_params(ofname, "12G", oparam)

    return 0
def input_NxN_params(a_iFname, verbose_flg=True):
    The function to input the initial-fit parameters.
    FORMAT: First  line = '#.ch: [Number of channel]'
    FORMAT: Second line = [mass of ch.1-1] [mass of ch.1-2] ... [mass of ch.N-1] [mass of ch.N-2]
    FORMAT: From third line, [a name of parameter file] (for each line)
    FORMAT: The order of file name corresponds to jch+Nch*ich for params[ich, jch]
    FORMAT: A blank row and the row starting from '#' will be skippled
    return: (FuncName[#.ch, #.ch],
             Params  [#.ch, #.ch, #.conf, #.param],
             mass    [#.ch, 2])
    with open(a_iFname, 'r') as ifile:
        lines = ifile.readlines()

    if (lines[0].split()[0].strip() != '#.ch:'):
            "\nERROR: Invalid NxN fit-parameters file (error at first line), exit.\n"
        return (None, None, None)

    l_Nch = int(lines[0].split()[1].strip())

    if (len(lines[1].split()) != l_Nch * 2):
            "\nERROR: Invalid NxN fit-parameters file (error at second line), exit.\n"
        return (None, None, None)

    r_mass = array(
        [[float(lines[1].split()[j + 2 * i].strip()) for j in range(2)]
         for i in range(l_Nch)])

    l_fparams = []
    tmp_count = 0
    for i in range(2, len(lines)):
        line = lines[i].split()
        if (len(line) == 0 or line[0][0].strip() == '#'):
        tmp_count += 1
        if (tmp_count == l_Nch**2):

    if (len(l_fparams) != l_Nch**2):
            "\nERROR: Invalid NxN fit-parameters file (error at below third line), exit.\n"
        return (None, None, None)

    r_FuncName = array([[
        input_params(l_fparams[jch + l_Nch * ich], verbose_flg=False)[0]
        for jch in range(l_Nch)
    ] for ich in range(l_Nch)])

    r_Params = array([[
        input_params(l_fparams[jch + l_Nch * ich], verbose_flg=False)[1]
        for jch in range(l_Nch)
    ] for ich in range(l_Nch)])

    tmp_Nconf = len(r_Params[0, 0, :, 0])
    for ich in range(l_Nch):
        for jch in range(l_Nch):
            if (tmp_Nconf != len(r_Params[ich, jch, :, 0])):
                    "\nERROR: Invalid NxN fit-parameters file (different #.conf), exit.\n"
                return (None, None, None)

    if (verbose_flg):
        print("# Successful to input NxN fit parameters.")
        print("# N.ch     =", l_Nch)
        print("# N.conf   =", tmp_Nconf)
        for ich in range(l_Nch):
            print("# mass[%2d] =" % ich, r_mass[ich, :])
        print("# Fit function (%dx%d):" % (l_Nch, l_Nch))
        for ich in range(l_Nch):
            print("#", "%9s" * l_Nch % (*r_FuncName[ich, :], ))

    return (r_FuncName, r_Params, r_mass)
Example #4
def main():
    from multiprocessing import Pool

    from common.statistics import make_mean_err
    from fitting.io_params import input_params
    from fitting.fitfunc_type import set_fitfunc_from_fname
    from sch_diffeq.solve_diffeq_mixLS import solve_sch_diff_mixLS
    from Tmatrix.io_Tmatrix import output_Tmatrix
    from Tmatrix.convert_mat import convert_TtoS
    from Tmatrix.calc_phase_shift import calc_phase_Sii, within_one

    ### Input the potential func_type and parameters ###
    func_name_V_C, params_V_C = input_params(if_V_C)
    if (func_name_V_C is params_V_C is None):
        return -1
    func_name_V_T, params_V_T = input_params(if_V_T)
    if (func_name_V_T is params_V_T is None):
        return -1
    mass = (mass1 * mass2) / (mass1 + mass2)

    ### Set the potential func_type ###
    fit_func_V_C = set_fitfunc_from_fname(func_name_V_C)
    fit_func_V_T = set_fitfunc_from_fname(func_name_V_T)

    ### Set the energies to calculate ###
    if (ifengy is None):
        N_E = int((Emax - Emin) / Edel)
        Edata = np.array([Emin + i * Edel for i in range(N_E)])
        Edata = np.array(
            [float(line.split()[0].strip()) for line in open(ifengy, 'r')])
        N_E = len(Edata)

### T-matrix calculation ###
    Nconf = len(params_V_C[:, 0])
    l_in = np.array([0, 2])
    print("#\n# Calculate T-matrix...")
    if (Nproc == 1):
        Tmat = np.array([
                (iconf, fit_func_V_C, params_V_C[iconf, :], fit_func_V_T,
                 params_V_T[iconf, :], mass, Edata, Rmax))
            for iconf in range(Nconf)
        args_procs = [(iconf, fit_func_V_C, params_V_C[iconf, :], fit_func_V_T,
                       params_V_T[iconf, :], mass, Edata, Rmax)
                      for iconf in range(Nconf)]
        with Pool(Nproc) as proc:
            Tmat = np.array(proc.map(fproc_wrapper, args_procs))
    print("# Calculate T-matrix... all end\n#")

    ### Output T-matrix ###
    output_Tmatrix(ofname, Edata, Tmat)

    ### Output the Phase shift & Calculation of the Scattering length ###
    Smat = np.array(
        [[convert_TtoS(Tmat[iconf, iE, :, :]) for iE in range(N_E)]
         for iconf in range(Nconf)])

    Edata[Edata == 0.0] = 1e-10  # To avoid zero-div
    phase = np.array([[
        calc_phase_Sii(Smat[iconf, :, i, i], shift_disc=50) for i in range(2)
    ] for iconf in range(Nconf)])
    MixAng = np.array([[
        np.arccos(within_one(phase[iconf, 0, 1, iE])) * 90.0 / np.pi
        for iE in range(N_E)
    ] for iconf in range(Nconf)])
    Edata[Edata == 1e-10] = 0.0

    print("#\n# E, phs(S), phs_e(S), phs(D), phs_e(D), mix_ang, mix_ang_e")
    for iE in range(N_E):
        print("%lf %e %e %e %e %e %e" %
              (Edata[iE], *make_mean_err(phase[:, 0, 0, iE]), *make_mean_err(
                  phase[:, 1, 0, iE]), *make_mean_err(MixAng[:, iE])))

    # Scattering length for [fm] := T_ii(p)/p (p->0)
    ScatLength = np.array([
        solve_sch_diff_mixLS(fit_func_V_C, params_V_C[iconf, :],
                             fit_func_V_T, params_V_T[iconf, :], mass,
                             np.array([1e-10]), Rmax)[0, :, :]
        for iconf in range(Nconf)
    ]) / np.sqrt(2.0 * mass * 1e-10) * hbar_c
    print("#\n# Scattering length for S-wave[fm] = %lf(%lf) + %lf(%lf) i" %
          (*make_mean_err(ScatLength[:, 0, 0].real),
           *make_mean_err(ScatLength[:, 0, 0].imag)))
    print("#\n# Scattering length for D-wave[fm] = %lf(%lf) + %lf(%lf) i" %
          (*make_mean_err(ScatLength[:, 1, 1].real),
           *make_mean_err(ScatLength[:, 1, 1].imag)))
    return 0
def main():
    from multiprocessing import Pool

    from common.statistics import make_mean_err
    from fitting.io_params import input_params
    from fitting.fitfunc_type import set_fitfunc_from_fname
    from sch_diffeq.io_param_files import input_NxN_params
    from sch_diffeq.solve_diffeq import solve_sch_diff_NLO
    from Tmatrix.io_Tmatrix import output_Tmatrix
    from Tmatrix.convert_mat import convert_TtoS
    from Tmatrix.calc_phase_shift import calc_phase_Sii

    ### Input the potential func_type and parameters ###
    if (Nch == 1):
        TmpFuncName__LO, TmpParams__LO = input_params(if__LO)
        if (TmpFuncName__LO is TmpParams__LO is None):
            return -1
        TmpFuncName_NLO, TmpParams_NLO = input_params(if_NLO)
        if (TmpFuncName_NLO is TmpParams_NLO is None):
            return -1
        func_name__LO = np.array([[TmpFuncName__LO]])
        func_name_NLO = np.array([[TmpFuncName_NLO]])
        params__LO = np.array([[TmpParams__LO]])
        params_NLO = np.array([[TmpParams_NLO]])
        mass = np.array([[mass1, mass2]])
        func_name__LO, params__LO, mass__LO = input_NxN_params(if__LO)
        if (func_name__LO is params__LO is mass__LO is None):
            return -1
        func_name_NLO, params_NLO, mass_NLO = input_NxN_params(if_NLO)
        if (func_name_NLO is params_NLO is mass_NLO is None):
            return -1
        if (Nch != len(params__LO[:, 0, 0, 0])):
                "\nERROR: Different #.ch in the NxN parameters file (for V_LO): "
                + "(%d != %d), exit." % (Nch, len(params__LO[:, 0, 0, 0])))
            return -1
        if (Nch != len(params_NLO[:, 0, 0, 0])):
                "\nERROR: Different #.ch in the NxN parameters file (for V_NLO): "
                + "(%d != %d), exit." % (Nch, len(params_NLO[:, 0, 0, 0])))
            return -1
        if (mass__LO != mass_NLO):
                "\nERROR: Different masses in two NxN parameters files (for V_LO and V_NLO): (",
                mass__LO, " != ", mass_NLO, "), exit.")
            return -1
        mass = mass__LO

### Set the potential func_type ###
    fit_funcs__LO = np.array([[
        set_fitfunc_from_fname(func_name__LO[ich][jch]) for jch in range(Nch)
    ] for ich in range(Nch)])
    fit_funcs_NLO = np.array([[
        set_fitfunc_from_fname(func_name_NLO[ich][jch]) for jch in range(Nch)
    ] for ich in range(Nch)])

    ### Set the energies to calculate ###
    if (ifengy is None):
        N_E = int((Emax - Emin) / Edel)
        Edata = np.array([Emin + i * Edel for i in range(N_E)])
        Edata = np.array(
            [float(line.split()[0].strip()) for line in open(ifengy, 'r')])
        N_E = len(Edata)

### Set the initial wave functions ###
    iphi = np.zeros((Nch, 2 * Nch))
    for ich in range(Nch):
        iphi[ich, ich + Nch] = 1.0

### T-matrix calculation ###
    Nconf = len(params__LO[0, 0, :, 0])
    l_in = np.zeros(Nch, dtype=int)
    print("#\n# Calculate T-matrix...")
    if (Nproc == 1):
        Tmat = np.array([
                (iconf, iphi, fit_funcs__LO, params__LO[:, :, iconf, :],
                 fit_funcs_NLO, params_NLO[:, :, iconf, :], mass, Edata, l_in,
                 1e-6, Rmax)) for iconf in range(Nconf)
        args_procs = [(iconf, iphi, fit_funcs__LO, params__LO[:, :, iconf, :],
                       fit_funcs_NLO, params_NLO[:, :, iconf, :], mass, Edata,
                       l_in, 1e-6, Rmax) for iconf in range(Nconf)]
        with Pool(Nproc) as proc:
            Tmat = np.array(proc.map(fproc_wrapper, args_procs))
    print("# Calculate T-matrix... all end\n#")

    ### Output T-matrix ###
    output_Tmatrix(ofname, Edata, Tmat)
    if (Nch != 1):
        return 0

### Output the Phase shift & Calculation of the Scattering length (For #.ch == 1) ###
    Smat = np.array(
        [[convert_TtoS(Tmat[iconf, iE, :, :]) for iE in range(N_E)]
         for iconf in range(Nconf)])
    tmp_mu = (mass1 * mass2) / (mass1 + mass2)

    Edata[Edata == 0.0] = 1e-10  # To avoid zero-div
    PhaseShift = np.array(
        [calc_phase_Sii(Smat[iconf, :, 0, 0])[0] for iconf in range(Nconf)])
    ScatLength = np.array([[(np.tan(PhaseShift[iconf] * np.pi / 180) /
                             np.sqrt(2.0 * tmp_mu * Edata[iE]) * hbar_c)
                            for iE in range(N_E)] for iconf in range(Nconf)])
    Edata[Edata == 1e-10] = 0.0

    print("#\n# E, phs, phs_e, scatt.len, scatt.len_e")
    for iE in range(N_E):
        print("%lf %e %e %e %e" %
              (Edata[iE], *make_mean_err(PhaseShift[:, iE]),
               *make_mean_err(ScatLength[:, iE])))

    # Scattering length [fm] := T(p)/p (p->0)
    ScatLength = np.array([
        solve_sch_diff_NLO(iphi, fit_funcs__LO, params__LO[:, :, iconf, :],
                           fit_funcs_NLO, params_NLO[:, :, iconf, :], mass,
                           np.array([1e-10]), l_in, 1e-6, Rmax)[0, 0, 0]
        for iconf in range(Nconf)
    ]) / np.sqrt(2.0 * tmp_mu * 1e-10) * hbar_c
    print("#\n# Scattering length [fm] = %lf(%lf) + %lf(%lf) i" %
          (*make_mean_err(ScatLength.real), *make_mean_err(ScatLength.imag)))
    return 0
def main():
    from multiprocessing import Pool
    from fitting.io_params           import input_params
    from sch_gauss_exp.print_eigen   import print_eigen
    from sch_gauss_exp.solve_sch_GEM import solve_sch_GEM, make_Ham_mat, solve_sch_GEM_from_Ham_mat
    from sch_gauss_exp.io_Ham_mat    import input_Ham_mat, output_Ham_mat
### Input parameters ###
    if (ifname != 'DEBUG'):
        if (from_Ham_mat):
            ### Calculation from Hamiltonian matrix
            max_r_in, ranges, Ham = input_Ham_mat(ifname)
            if (ranges is Ham is None):
                return -1
            eigens = solve_sch_GEM_from_Ham_mat(Nstat, ranges, Ham, Np, eval_only, Nproc)
            print_eigen(eigens[0], eigens[1], ranges, max_r_in, 0.01, eval_only)
            return 0
            func_name, params = input_params(ifname)
            if (func_name is params is None):
                return -1
            Nconf = len(params[:,0])
        ### For Debug
        from misc_QM.scattering_Idogata import Eb_Idogata3D_Swave
        global mass
        #Vzero     = -50.0; Rzero = 2.0; mass = 500.0
        Vzero     = -100.0; Rzero = 4.0; mass = 1000.0
        func_name = "SW"
        Nconf     = 1
        params    = np.array([[Vzero, Rzero]])
        print("# DEGUB MODE...")
        print("# V_0 (MeV) =", Vzero)
        print("# R_0 ( fm) =", Rzero)
        print("# mass(MeV) =", mass)
        print("# Func type = 3-dim Idogata")
        print("# Expect En =", Eb_Idogata3D_Swave(Vzero, Rzero, mass)))
### Construct the ranges ###
    if (not do_stochastic):
        ranges = np.array([max_r * pow(range_a, i) for i in range(Nbase)])
        ### The stocastic variational method
        ranges = np.empty(0); tmp_eval = 1e+30
        for i in range(Nbase):
            ranges = np.append(ranges, 0.0)
                ranges[i] = np.random.random() * max_r
                eval = solve_sch_GEM(1, ranges, params[0,:], mass, func_name, Np, True)[0]
                if (eval < tmp_eval):
                    tmp_eval = eval
### Solve the Schrodinger equation by GEM ###
    if (False): ### Two ways to solve GEM (first one will be deleted in future)
        print("#\n# Solve Schrodinger equation by GEM...")
        if (Nproc == 1):
            eigens = np.array([fproc_wrapper((iconf, Nstat, ranges, params[iconf,:], mass, func_name, Np, eval_only))
                               for iconf in range(Nconf)])
            args_procs = [(iconf, Nstat, ranges, params[iconf,:], mass, func_name, Np, eval_only) for iconf in range(Nconf)]
            with Pool(Nproc) as proc:
                eigens = np.array(proc.map(fproc_wrapper, args_procs))
        eigens = (np.array([eigens[iconf,0] for iconf in range(Nconf)]),
                  np.array([eigens[iconf,1] for iconf in range(Nconf)]))
        print("# Solve Schrodinger equation by GEM... all end\n#")