def callback(ch, method, properties, body): try: f1 = build_fact(e1, body) #decoded = json.loads(body) # f1 = e1.Assert("(ServerFact \"" + str(decoded[SERVERID]) + "\" " + str(decoded['cpu']) # + " " + str(decoded['mem']) + " " + str(decoded['hdd']) + " " + str(decoded['net']) # + ")")"received fact: %s" % body) get_rules_from_db(tenantId) saveout = sys.stdout fsock = open(LOGGING_PATH + '/CLIPSout.log', 'w') sys.stdout = fsock e1.PrintFacts() e1.PrintRules() e1.Run() sys.stdout = saveout fsock.close() f1.Retract() except ValueError: logger.error("receiving an invalid body: " + body) except clips.ClipsError: logger.error(clips.ErrorStream.Read()) except Exception as ex: logger.warn("FACT: already exists or " + ex.message)
def main(): if os.environ.get("SETTINGS_TYPE"): execution_type = os.environ.get("SETTINGS_TYPE") else: execution_type = SETTINGS_TYPE tenants = [] processes = [] def exit_program(*args): for p in processes:"Process finished %s" % p.stop() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_program) while (True): try: conn = None if execution_type == 'production': conn = mysql.connect(charset=DB_CHARSET, use_unicode=True, host=DB_HOST, user=DB_USER, passwd=DB_PASSWD, db=DB_NAME) elif execution_type == "test": import sqlite3 as lite conn = lite.connect("{0}{1}.db".format(INSTALLATION_PATH, DB_NAME)) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM {0}.cloto_tenantinfo'.format(DB_NAME)) data = cursor.fetchall() if tenants.__len__() < data.__len__(): for tenant in data: if tenant not in tenants: tenants.append(tenant) id = tenant[0] process = Process( 'Top', 'python ' + ENVIRONMENTS_PATH + ' %s' % id)"Starting new environment for %s - pid: " % id) processes.append(process) except mysql.Error, e: logger.error("Error %s:" % e.args[0]) except Exception, e: logger.error("Error %s" % e.message)
def NotifyScale(serverId, url, action): """Sends a notification to given url showing that service must scale up or scale down a server. """ try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = '{"action": "' + action + '", "serverId": "' + serverId + '"}' + " Preparing message to %s : %s" % (url, data)) r =, data=data, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: + " message sent to %s about server %s.--- Response: %d" % (url, serverId, r.status_code)) else: logger.error(action + " message sent to %s about server %s.--- Response: %d" % (url, serverId, r.status_code)) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex.message)
def main(): if os.environ.get("SETTINGS_TYPE"): execution_type = os.environ.get("SETTINGS_TYPE") else: execution_type = SETTINGS_TYPE tenants = [] processes = [] def exit_program(*args): for p in processes:"Process finished %s" % p.stop() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exit_program) while (True): try: conn = None if execution_type == 'production': conn = mysql.connect(charset=DB_CHARSET, use_unicode=True, host=DB_HOST, user=DB_USER, passwd=DB_PASSWD, db=DB_NAME) elif execution_type == "test": import sqlite3 as lite conn = lite.connect("{0}{1}.db".format(INSTALLATION_PATH, DB_NAME)) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM {0}.cloto_tenantinfo'.format(DB_NAME)) data = cursor.fetchall() if tenants.__len__() < data.__len__(): for tenant in data: if tenant not in tenants: tenants.append(tenant) id = tenant[0] process = Process('Top', 'python ' + ENVIRONMENTS_PATH + ' %s' % id)"Starting new environment for %s - pid: " % id) processes.append(process) except mysql.Error, e: logger.error("Error %s:" % e.args[0]) except Exception, e: logger.error("Error %s" % e.message)
def NotifyEmail(serverId, url, description, email): """Sends a notification to given url showing that service must send an email to an address. """ try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = '{"action": "notifyEmail", "serverId": "' + serverId\ + '", "email": "' + email + '", "description": "' + description + '"}'"Preparing eMail to %s: %s" % (url, data)) r =, data=data, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200:"mail sent to %s about server %s.---url: %s, Response: %d" % (email, serverId, url, r.status_code)) else: print(2)"ERROR Sending mail to %s about server %s---url: %s, Response: %d" % (email, serverId, url, r.status_code)) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex.message)
def NotifyEmail(serverId, url, description, email): """Sends a notification to given url showing that service must send an email to an address. """ try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = '{"action": "notifyEmail", "serverId": "' + serverId\ + ', "email": "' + email + '", "description": "' + description + '"}'"Preparing eMail to %s: %s--- Response: " % (url, data)) r =, data=data, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200:"mail sent to %s about server %s.--- Response: %d" % (email, serverId, url, r.status_code)) else: print(2)"ERROR Sending mail to %s about server %s.--- %s Response: %d" % (email, serverId, url, r.status_code)) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex.message)
def main(): tenantId = sys.argv[1] def env_id(): return clips.Symbol(sys.argv[1]) # the following dictionary will contain the environment specific functions ENV_SPECIFIC_FUNCTIONS = {} # ...and this wrapper calls in turn the functions associated with certain # names for each environment def envCallSpecificFunction(e_id, funcname, *args): f = ENV_SPECIFIC_FUNCTIONS[e_id][funcname] return f(*args) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(envCallSpecificFunction, 'env-call-specific-func') # now we need some helpers to make it easier to set up the environment and # the map of environment specific functions def PrepareEnvironment(e): """Prepares environments to be defined. """ eid = env_id() ENV_SPECIFIC_FUNCTIONS[eid] = {} # a map of functions e.Identifier = eid # so that we can always get it back return eid def GetNotificationUrl(ruleName, serverId): """Gets url from database where actions should be notified. """ #conn = db.connect("cloto.db") conn = mysql.connect(charset=DB_CHARSET, use_unicode=True, host=DB_HOST, user=DB_USER, passwd=DB_PASSWD, db=DB_NAME) #conn.row_factory = db.Row cur = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT url from cloto.cloto_subscription S join cloto.cloto_specificrule R " \ "on S.ruleId=R.specificRule_Id " \ "WHERE name='%s' AND S.serverId='%s';" \ % (ruleName, serverId) cur.execute(SQL) while True: r = cur.fetchone() if not r: conn.close() break else: url = r[0] #url = r['url'] return url def NotifyEmail(serverId, url, description, email): """Sends a notification to given url showing that service must send an email to an address. """ try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = '{"action": "notifyEmail", "serverId": "' + serverId\ + '", "email": "' + email + '", "description": "' + description + '"}'"Preparing eMail to %s: %s" % (url, data)) r =, data=data, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200:"mail sent to %s about server %s.---url: %s, Response: %d" % (email, serverId, url, r.status_code)) else: print(2)"ERROR Sending mail to %s about server %s---url: %s, Response: %d" % (email, serverId, url, r.status_code)) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex.message) def NotifyScale(serverId, url, action): """Sends a notification to given url showing that service must scale up or scale down a server. """ try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = '{"action": "' + action + '", "serverId": "' + serverId + '"}' + " Preparing message to %s : %s" % (url, data)) r =, data=data, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: + " message sent to %s about server %s.--- Response: %d" % (url, serverId, r.status_code)) else: logger.error(action + " message sent to %s about server %s.--- Response: %d" % (url, serverId, r.status_code)) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex.message) def get_rules_from_db(tenantId): """Gets all subscripted rules for a specified tenant and adds them to CLIPS environment to be checked. """ import MySQLdb as mysql conn = mysql.connect(charset=DB_CHARSET, use_unicode=True, host=DB_HOST, user=DB_USER, passwd=DB_PASSWD, db=DB_NAME) #conn = db.connect("cloto.db") #conn.row_factory = db.Row cur = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT * FROM cloto.cloto_specificrule WHERE specificRule_Id IN " \ "(SELECT ruleId FROM cloto.cloto_subscription WHERE %s IN " \ "(SELECT %s FROM cloto.cloto_entity WHERE tenantId='%s'))" % (SERVERID, SERVERID, tenantId) cur.execute(SQL) while True: r = cur.fetchone() if not r: conn.close() break else: rule_name = r[2] rule_cond = r[5] rule_action = r[6] #rule_name = r['name'] #rule_cond = r['condition'] #rule_action = r['action'] e1.BuildRule(rule_name, rule_cond, rule_action) clips.Reset() e1 = clips.Environment() PrepareEnvironment(e1) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(NotifyEmail, "notify-email") clips.RegisterPythonFunction(NotifyScale, "notify-scale") clips.RegisterPythonFunction(GetNotificationUrl, "get-notification-url") e1.Assert("(initial-fact)") try: connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters( host=RABBITMQ_URL)) channel = channel.exchange_declare(exchange="facts", exchange_type='direct') result = channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True) queue_name = result.method.queue channel.queue_bind(exchange="facts", queue=queue_name, routing_key=tenantId)'Environment started. Waiting for Facts') def callback(ch, method, properties, body): try: f1 = build_fact(e1, body) #decoded = json.loads(body) # f1 = e1.Assert("(ServerFact \"" + str(decoded[SERVERID]) + "\" " + str(decoded['cpu']) # + " " + str(decoded['mem']) + " " + str(decoded['hdd']) + " " + str(decoded['net']) # + ")")"received fact: %s" % body) get_rules_from_db(tenantId) saveout = sys.stdout fsock = open(LOGGING_PATH + '/CLIPSout.log', 'w') sys.stdout = fsock e1.PrintFacts() e1.PrintRules() e1.Run() sys.stdout = saveout fsock.close() f1.Retract() except ValueError: logger.error("receiving an invalid body: " + body) except clips.ClipsError: logger.error(clips.ErrorStream.Read()) except Exception as ex: logger.warn("FACT: already exists or " + ex.message) channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=queue_name, no_ack=True) channel.start_consuming() except mysql.Error, e: logger.error("%s %s Error %s:" % LOGGER_COMPONENT, tenantId, e.args[0])
def exit_program(*args): for p in processes:"Process finished %s" % p.stop() sys.exit(0)
def main(): tenantId = sys.argv[1] def env_id(): return clips.Symbol(sys.argv[1]) # the following dictionary will contain the environment specific functions ENV_SPECIFIC_FUNCTIONS = {} # ...and this wrapper calls in turn the functions associated with certain # names for each environment def envCallSpecificFunction(e_id, funcname, *args): f = ENV_SPECIFIC_FUNCTIONS[e_id][funcname] return f(*args) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(envCallSpecificFunction, 'env-call-specific-func') # now we need some helpers to make it easier to set up the environment and # the map of environment specific functions def PrepareEnvironment(e): """Prepares environments to be defined. """ eid = env_id() ENV_SPECIFIC_FUNCTIONS[eid] = {} # a map of functions e.Identifier = eid # so that we can always get it back return eid def GetNotificationUrl(ruleName, serverId): """Gets url from database where actions should be notified. """ #conn = db.connect("cloto.db") conn = mysql.connect(charset=DB_CHARSET, use_unicode=True, host=DB_HOST, user=DB_USER, passwd=DB_PASSWD, db=DB_NAME) #conn.row_factory = db.Row cur = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT url from %s.cloto_subscription S join %s.cloto_specificrule R " \ "on S.ruleId=R.specificRule_Id " \ "WHERE name='%s' AND S.serverId='%s';" \ % (DB_NAME, DB_NAME, ruleName, serverId) cur.execute(SQL) while True: r = cur.fetchone() if not r: conn.close() break else: url = r[0] #url = r['url'] return url def NotifyEmail(serverId, url, description, email): """Sends a notification to given url showing that service must send an email to an address. """ try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = '{"action": "notifyEmail", "serverId": "' + serverId\ + '", "email": "' + email + '", "description": "' + description + '"}'"Preparing eMail to %s: %s" % (url, data)) r =, data=data, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200:"mail sent to %s about server %s.---url: %s, Response: %d" % (email, serverId, url, r.status_code)) else: print(2)"ERROR Sending mail to %s about server %s---url: %s, Response: %d" % (email, serverId, url, r.status_code)) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex.message) def NotifyScale(serverId, url, action): """Sends a notification to given url showing that service must scale up or scale down a server. """ try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} data = '{"action": "' + action + '", "serverId": "' + serverId + '"}' + " Preparing message to %s : %s" % (url, data)) r =, data=data, headers=headers) if r.status_code == 200: + " message sent to %s about server %s.--- Response: %d" % (url, serverId, r.status_code)) else: logger.error(action + " message sent to %s about server %s.--- Response: %d" % (url, serverId, r.status_code)) except Exception as ex: logger.error(ex.message) def get_rules_from_db(tenantId): """Gets all subscripted rules for a specified tenant and adds them to CLIPS environment to be checked. """ import MySQLdb as mysql conn = mysql.connect(charset=DB_CHARSET, use_unicode=True, host=DB_HOST, user=DB_USER, passwd=DB_PASSWD, db=DB_NAME) #conn = db.connect("cloto.db") #conn.row_factory = db.Row cur = conn.cursor() SQL = "SELECT * FROM %s.cloto_specificrule WHERE specificRule_Id IN " \ "(SELECT ruleId FROM %s.cloto_subscription WHERE %s IN " \ "(SELECT %s FROM %s.cloto_entity WHERE tenantId='%s'))" % (DB_NAME, DB_NAME, SERVERID, SERVERID, DB_NAME, tenantId) cur.execute(SQL) while True: r = cur.fetchone() if not r: conn.close() break else: rule_name = r[2] rule_cond = r[5] rule_action = r[6] #rule_name = r['name'] #rule_cond = r['condition'] #rule_action = r['action'] e1.BuildRule(rule_name, rule_cond, rule_action) clips.Reset() e1 = clips.Environment() PrepareEnvironment(e1) clips.RegisterPythonFunction(NotifyEmail, "notify-email") clips.RegisterPythonFunction(NotifyScale, "notify-scale") clips.RegisterPythonFunction(GetNotificationUrl, "get-notification-url") e1.Assert("(initial-fact)") try: connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters( host=RABBITMQ_URL)) channel = channel.exchange_declare(exchange="facts", exchange_type='direct') result = channel.queue_declare(exclusive=True) queue_name = result.method.queue channel.queue_bind(exchange="facts", queue=queue_name, routing_key=tenantId)'Environment started. Waiting for Facts') def callback(ch, method, properties, body): try: f1 = build_fact(e1, body) #decoded = json.loads(body) # f1 = e1.Assert("(ServerFact \"" + str(decoded[SERVERID]) + "\" " + str(decoded['cpu']) # + " " + str(decoded['mem']) + " " + str(decoded['hdd']) + " " + str(decoded['net']) # + ")")"received fact: %s" % body) get_rules_from_db(tenantId) saveout = sys.stdout fsock = open(LOGGING_PATH + '/CLIPSout.log', 'w') sys.stdout = fsock e1.PrintFacts() e1.PrintRules() e1.Run() sys.stdout = saveout fsock.close() f1.Retract() except ValueError: logger.error("receiving an invalid body: " + body) except clips.ClipsError: logger.error(clips.ErrorStream.Read()) except Exception as ex: logger.warn("FACT: already exists or " + ex.message) channel.basic_consume(callback, queue=queue_name, no_ack=True) channel.start_consuming() except mysql.Error, e: logger.error("%s %s Error %s:" % LOGGER_COMPONENT, tenantId, e.args[0])