Example #1
 def setUp(self):
     parser = Parser()
     checking_stmt = get_checking_stmt()
     creditcard_stmt = get_creditcard_stmt()
     blank_memo_stmt = get_blank_memo_stmt()
     self.checkparse = parser.parse(checking_stmt)
     self.creditcardparse = parser.parse(creditcard_stmt)
     self.blank_memoparse = parser.parse(blank_memo_stmt)
Example #2
 def setUp(self):
     parser = Parser()
     checking_stmt = get_checking_stmt()
     creditcard_stmt = get_creditcard_stmt()
     blank_memo_stmt = get_blank_memo_stmt()
     self.checkparse = parser.parse(checking_stmt)
     self.creditcardparse = parser.parse(creditcard_stmt)
     self.blank_memoparse = parser.parse(blank_memo_stmt)
Example #3
    def __init__(self, response, debug=False):
        # Bank of America (California) seems to be putting out bad Content-type
        # headers on manual OFX download.  I'm special-casing this out since
        # B of A is such a large bank.
        # REVIEW: Check later to see if this is still needed, espcially once
        # B of A is mechanized.
        # REVIEW: Checked.  Still needed.  Feh!
        if not isinstance(response, str):
            response = response.decode('utf-8')

        self.raw_response = response
        self.raw_response = self.raw_response.replace(
            'Content- type:application/ofx', "")

        # Good god, another one.  Regex?
        self.raw_response = self.raw_response.replace(
            'Content-Type: application/x-ofx', "")

        # I'm seeing this a lot, so here's an ugly workaround.  I wonder why multiple
        # FIs are causing it, though.
        self.raw_response = self.raw_response.replace(
            '****OFX download terminated due to exception: Null or zero length FITID****',

        parser = Parser(debug)
        self.parse_dict = parser.parse(self.raw_response)
        self.ofx = self.parse_dict["body"]["OFX"][0].asDict()
Example #4
    def __init__(self, response, debug=False):
        # Bank of America (California) seems to be putting out bad Content-type
        # headers on manual OFX download.  I'm special-casing this out since
        # B of A is such a large bank.
        # REVIEW: Check later to see if this is still needed, espcially once
        # B of A is mechanized.
        # REVIEW: Checked.  Still needed.  Feh!
        if not isinstance(response, str):
            response = response.decode('utf-8')

        self.raw_response = response
        self.raw_response = self.raw_response.replace('Content- type:application/ofx', "")

        # Good god, another one.  Regex?
        self.raw_response = self.raw_response.replace('Content-Type: application/x-ofx', "")

        # I'm seeing this a lot, so here's an ugly workaround.  I wonder why multiple
        # FIs are causing it, though.
        self.raw_response = self.raw_response.replace('****OFX download terminated due to exception: Null or zero length FITID****', '')

        parser = Parser(debug)
        self.parse_dict = parser.parse(self.raw_response)
        self.ofx = self.parse_dict["body"]["OFX"][0].asDict()
Example #5
class RequestTests(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.request = Request()
        self.institution = Institution(ofx_org="fi_name", ofx_fid="1000")
        self.account = Account(acct_number="00112233",
        self.username = "******"
        self.password = "******"
        self.parser  = Parser()

    # FIXME: Need to add tests for date formatting.

    def test_header(self):
        """Test the correctness of an OFX document header by examining
        some of the dynamically-generated values at the bottom of the
        header.  This test uses a bank statement request, since that
        is our most common use, and since that will build a full, parsable
        document, including the header."""
        parsetree = self.parser.parse(self.request.bank_stmt(self.account,
        self.assertEqual("NONE", parsetree["header"]["OLDFILEUID"])
        self.assertNotEqual("NONE", parsetree["header"]["NEWFILEUID"])

    def test_sign_on(self):
        """Test the OFX document sign-on block, using a bank statement
        request again."""
        parsetree = self.parser.parse(self.request.bank_stmt(self.account,
        # FIXME: add DTCLIENT test here.
        signon = parsetree["body"]["OFX"]["SIGNONMSGSRQV1"]["SONRQ"]
        self.assertEqual("joeuser", signon["USERID"])
        self.assertEqual("mypasswd", signon["USERPASS"])
        self.assertEqual("fi_name", signon["FI"]["ORG"])
        self.assertEqual("1000", signon["FI"]["FID"])
        self.assertEqual("Money", signon["APPID"])
        self.assertEqual("1400", signon["APPVER"])

    def test_account_info(self):
        """Test the values sent for an account info request."""
        parsetree = self.parser.parse(self.request.account_info(self.institution,
        info = parsetree["body"]["OFX"]["SIGNUPMSGSRQV1"]["ACCTINFOTRNRQ"]
        self.assertNotEqual("NONE", info["TRNUID"])
        self.assertEqual("4", info["CLTCOOKIE"])
        self.assertEqual("19980101", info["ACCTINFORQ"]["DTACCTUP"])

    def test_bank_stmt(self):
        """Test the specific values for a bank statement request."""
        parsetree = self.parser.parse(self.request.bank_stmt(self.account,
        stmt = parsetree["body"]["OFX"]["BANKMSGSRQV1"]["STMTTRNRQ"]
        self.assertNotEqual("NONE", stmt["TRNUID"])
        self.assertEqual("4", stmt["CLTCOOKIE"])
        self.assertEqual("12345678", stmt["STMTRQ"]["BANKACCTFROM"]["BANKID"])
        self.assertEqual("00112233", stmt["STMTRQ"]["BANKACCTFROM"]["ACCTID"])
        # FIXME: Add DTSTART and DTEND tests here.

    def test_creditcard_stmt(self):
        """Test the specific values for a credit card statement request."""
        self.account.acct_number = "412345678901"
        parsetree = self.parser.parse(self.request.creditcard_stmt(self.account,
        stmt = parsetree["body"]["OFX"]["CREDITCARDMSGSRQV1"]["CCSTMTTRNRQ"]
        self.assertNotEqual("NONE", stmt["TRNUID"])
        self.assertEqual("4", stmt["CLTCOOKIE"])
        self.assertEqual("412345678901", stmt["CCSTMTRQ"]["CCACCTFROM"]["ACCTID"])