def interpolator(measures_per_image_iter, grid, interp_mode='linear'): accumulated_values = np.zeros_like(grid, np.float64) # Count values per bin N = np.zeros_like(grid, np.int64) num_imgs = 0 num_errors = 0 for img_description, (bpps, values) in measures_per_image_iter: assert len(bpps) >= 2, 'Missing values for {}'.format(img_description) assert bpps[0] >= bpps[-1] num_imgs += 1 # interpolation function try: fq = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(bpps, values, interp_mode) # key code except ValueError as e: print(bpps, values) print(e) exit(1) for i, bpp in enumerate(grid): try: accumulated_values[i] += fq(bpp) N[i] += 1 except ValueError as e: num_errors += 1 continue try: grid, values = ft.unzip( (bpp, m / n) for bpp, m, n in zip(grid, accumulated_values, N) if n > _REQUIRED_BINS * num_imgs) except ValueError as e: raise e return grid, values
def get_interpolated_values_bpg_jp2k(bpg_or_jp2k_dir, grid, metric): """ :returns grid, values""" ps = other_codecs.all_measures_file_ps(bpg_or_jp2k_dir) if len(ps) == 0: raise CodecDistanceReadException('No matches in {}'.format(bpg_or_jp2k_dir)) measures_per_image_iter = ((p, ft.unzip(sorted(other_codecs.read_measures(p, metric), reverse=True))) for p in ps) return interpolator(measures_per_image_iter, grid, interp_mode='linear')
def interpolator(measures_per_image_iter, grid, interp_mode='linear'): accumulated_values = np.zeros_like(grid, np.float64) # Count values per bin N = np.zeros_like(grid, np.int64) num_imgs = 0 num_errors = 0 for img_description, (bpps, values) in measures_per_image_iter: assert_exc( len(bpps) >= 2, 'Missing values for {}'.format(img_description), OtherCodecsReadException) assert_exc(bpps[0] >= bpps[-1], f'First bpp < last: {bpps[0]} < {bpps[-1]}', OtherCodecsReadException) num_imgs += 1 # create interpolation function try: fq = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(bpps, values, interp_mode) except ValueError as e: raise OtherCodecsReadException('ValueError while creating fq:', e) for i, bpp in enumerate(grid): try: accumulated_values[i] += fq(bpp) N[i] += 1 except ValueError as e: num_errors += 1 continue try: grid, values = ft.unzip( (bpp, v / n) for bpp, v, n in zip(grid, accumulated_values, N) if n > _REQUIRED_BINS * num_imgs) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( grid, accumulated_values, N, list( ft.unzip((bpp, v / n) for bpp, v, n in zip(grid, accumulated_values, N) if n > _REQUIRED_BINS * num_imgs))) return grid, values
def interpolate_ours(measures_readers, grid, interp_mode, metric): measures_per_image = defaultdict(list) for measures_reader in measures_readers: for img_name, bpp, value in measures_reader.iter_metric(metric): measures_per_image[img_name].append((bpp, value)) # Make sure every job has a value for every image for img_name, values in measures_per_image.items(): assert len(values) == len(measures_readers), '{}: {}'.format(img_name, len(values)) return interpolator( ((img_name, ft.unzip(sorted(bpps_values, reverse=True))) for img_name, bpps_values in measures_per_image.items()), grid, interp_mode)
def __init__(self, ms_config_p, dl_config_p, log_dir_root, log_config: LogConfig, num_workers, saver: Saver, restorer: TrainRestorer=None, sw_cls=vis.safe_summary_writer.SafeSummaryWriter): """ :param ms_config_p: Path to the multiscale config file, see README :param dl_config_p: Path to the dataloader config file, see README :param log_dir_root: All outputs (checkpoints, tensorboard) will be saved here. :param log_config: Instance of train.trainer.LogConfig, contains intervals. :param num_workers: Number of workers to use for DataLoading, see :param saver: Saver instance to use. :param restorer: Instance of TrainRestorer, if we need to restore """ # Read configs # config_ms = config for the network (ms = multiscale) # config_dl = config for data loading (self.config_ms, self.config_dl), rel_paths = ft.unzip(map(config_parser.parse, [ms_config_p, dl_config_p])) # Update config_ms depending on global_config global_config.update_config(self.config_ms) # Create data loaders dl_train, dl_val = self._get_dataloaders(num_workers) # Create blueprint. A blueprint collects the network as well as the losses in one class, for easy reuse # during testing. self.blueprint = MultiscaleBlueprint(self.config_ms) print('Network:', # Setup optimizer optim_cls = {'RMSprop': optim.RMSprop, 'Adam': optim.Adam, 'SGD': optim.SGD, }[self.config_ms.optim] net = self.optim = optim_cls(net.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.config_ms.weight_decay) # Calculate a rough estimate for time per batch (does not take into account that CUDA is async, # but good enought to get a feeling during training). self.time_accumulator = timer.TimeAccumulator() # Restore network if requested skip_to_itr = self.maybe_restore(restorer) if skip_to_itr is not None: # i.e., we have a restorer print('Skipping to {}...'.format(skip_to_itr)) # Create LR schedule to update parameters self.lr_schedule = lr_schedule.from_spec(,, [self.optim], epoch_len=len(dl_train)) # --- All nn.Modules are setup --- print('-' * 80) # create log dir and summary writer self.log_dir = Trainer.get_log_dir(log_dir_root, rel_paths, restorer) self.log_date = logdir_helpers.log_date_from_log_dir(self.log_dir) self.ckpt_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, CKPTS_DIR_NAME) print(f'Checkpoints will be saved to {self.ckpt_dir}') saver.set_out_dir(self.ckpt_dir) # Create summary writer sw = sw_cls(self.log_dir) self.summarizer = vis.summarizable_module.Summarizer(sw) net.register_summarizer(self.summarizer) self.blueprint.register_summarizer(self.summarizer) # superclass setup super(MultiscaleTrainer, self).__init__(dl_train, dl_val, [self.optim], net, sw, max_epochs=self.config_dl.max_epochs, log_config=log_config, saver=saver, skip_to_itr=skip_to_itr)
def interpolated_curve(log_dir_root, job_ids, dataset, grid, interp_mode, plot_interp_of_ours, plot_mean_of_ours, plot_ids_of_ours, metric, x_range, y_range, use_latex, output_path, paper_plot): if not output_path: output_path = 'plot_{}.png'.format(TITLES[dataset]) cmap ='cool') style = { LABEL_OURS: ('0', '-', 3), LABEL_RB: (cmap(0.9), '-', 1.5), LABEL_BPG: (cmap(0.7), '-', 1.5), LABEL_JP2K: (cmap(0.45), '-', 1.5), LABEL_JP: (cmap(0.2), '-', 1.5), LABEL_WEBP: (cmap(0.1), '-', 1.5), LABEL_JOHNSTON: (cmap(0.7), '--', 1.5), LABEL_BALLE: (cmap(0.45), '--', 1.5), LABEL_THEIS: (cmap(0.2), '--', 1.5), } pos = { LABEL_OURS: 10, LABEL_RB: 9, LABEL_JOHNSTON: 8, LABEL_BPG: 7, LABEL_BALLE: 6, LABEL_JP2K: 5, LABEL_THEIS: 4, LABEL_JP: 3, LABEL_WEBP: 2, 'Fig. 1': 11 } plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6)) if use_latex: plt.rc('text', usetex=True) plt.rc('font', family='serif', serif=['Computer Modern Roman']) for codec_short_name, measures_dir in CODECS[dataset].items(): measures_dir = os.path.join(constants.OTHER_CODECS_ROOT, measures_dir) label = get_label_from_codec_short_name(codec_short_name) col, line_style, line_width = style[label] assert os.path.exists(measures_dir), measures_dir this_grid, this_msssims = get_interpolated_values_bpg_jp2k( measures_dir, grid, metric) dashes = (5, 1) if line_style == '--' else [] plt.plot(this_grid, this_msssims, label=label, linewidth=line_width, color=col, dashes=dashes) if dataset == 'kodak': for name, data in [(LABEL_RB, _RIPPEL_KODAK)]: print('hi') col, line_style, line_width = style[name] dashes = (5, 1) if line_style == '--' else [] plt.plot(*ft.unzip(data), label=name, color=col, linewidth=line_width, dashes=dashes) for job_ids in job_ids.split(';'): measures_readers = get_measures_readers(log_dir_root, job_ids, dataset) print('\n'.join(m.p for m in measures_readers)) if measures_readers: # may be empty if no job_ids are passed col, line_style, line_width = style['Ours'] if plot_interp_of_ours: ours_grid, ours_msssim = interpolate_ours( measures_readers, grid, interp_mode, metric) dashes = (5, 1) if line_style == '--' else [] plt.plot(ours_grid, ours_msssim, label='Ours', color=col, linewidth=line_width, dashes=dashes) if plot_mean_of_ours: plot_ours_mean(measures_readers, metric, col, plot_ids_of_ours) if paper_plot: col, line_style, line_width = style['Ours'] dashes = (5, 1) if line_style == '--' else [] plt.plot(*ft.unzip(CVPR_FIG1), label='Fig. 1', color=col, linewidth=line_width, dashes=dashes) plt.title('{} on {}'.format(metric.upper(), TITLES[dataset])) plt.xlabel('bpp', labelpad=-5) plt.grid() ax = plt.gca() handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() labels, handles = zip( *sorted(zip(labels, handles), reverse=True, key=lambda t: pos[t[0]])) ax.legend(handles, labels, loc=4, prop={'size': 12}, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.7) ax.yaxis.grid(b=True, which='both', color='0.8', linestyle='-') ax.xaxis.grid(b=True, which='major', color='0.8', linestyle='-') ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.minorticks_on() ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.AutoMinorLocator(2)) plt.xlim(x_range) plt.ylim(y_range) print('Saving {}...'.format(output_path)) plt.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def parse_configs(*configs): """ Parse multiple configs """ return ft.unzip(map(parse, configs))
def __init__(self, log_date, flags, restore_itr, l3c=False): """ :param flags: log_dir img filter_filenames max_imgs_per_folder # out_dir crop recursive sample write_to_files compare_theory time_report overwrite_cache """ self.flags = flags test_log_dir_root = self.flags.log_dir.rstrip(os.path.sep) + '_test' global_config.reset() config_ps, experiment_dir = MultiscaleTester.get_configs_experiment_dir( 'ms', self.flags.log_dir, log_date) self.log_date = logdir_helpers.log_date_from_log_dir(experiment_dir) (self.config_ms, _), _ = ft.unzip(map(config_parser.parse, config_ps)) global_config.update_config(self.config_ms) self.recursive = _parse_recursive_flag(self.flags.recursive, config_ms=self.config_ms) if self.flags.write_to_files and self.recursive: raise NotImplementedError( '--write_to_file not implemented for --recursive') if self.recursive: print(f'--recursive={self.recursive}') blueprint = MultiscaleBlueprint(self.config_ms) blueprint.set_eval() self.blueprint = blueprint self.restorer = saver.Restorer(paths.get_ckpts_dir(experiment_dir)) self.restore_itr, ckpt_p = self.restorer.get_ckpt_for_itr(restore_itr) self.restorer.restore({'net':}, ckpt_p, strict=True) # test_log_dir/0311_1057 cr oi_012 self.test_log_dir = os.path.join(test_log_dir_root, os.path.basename(experiment_dir)) if self.flags.reset_entire_cache and os.path.isdir(self.test_log_dir): print(f'Removing test_log_dir={self.test_log_dir}...') time.sleep(1) shutil.rmtree(self.test_log_dir) os.makedirs(self.test_log_dir, exist_ok=True) self.test_output_cache = TestOutputCache(self.test_log_dir) self.times = cuda_timer.StackTimeLogger( ) if self.flags.write_to_files else None # Import only if needed, as it imports torchac if self.flags.write_to_files: check_correct_torchac_backend_available() from bitcoding.bitcoding import Bitcoding self.bc = Bitcoding(self.blueprint, times=self.times, compare_with_theory=self.flags.compare_theory) elif l3c: # Called from from bitcoding.bitcoding import Bitcoding self.bc = Bitcoding(self.blueprint, times=no_op.NoOp)
def plot_measured_dataset( out_dir, points_ours: Optional[Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, float, float]]]] = None): bpp_grid = np.linspace(0, 3, 100) ylims = {'psnr': 26} for metric in SUPPORTED_METRICS: title = metric out_p = os.path.join(out_dir, title + '.pdf') print(f'Creating plot {out_p}...') plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) plt.title(title) xlim = bpp_grid[-1] if points_ours and metric in points_ours: xlim = max(xlim, max(bpp for _, bpp, _ in points_ours[metric])) plt.xlim((0, xlim)) if metric in ylims and metric in points_ours: plt.ylim( (ylims[metric], np.ceil(max(psnr for _, _, psnr in points_ours[metric])))) for codec_dir in os_ext.listdir_paths(out_dir): ps = all_measures_file_ps(codec_dir) if len(ps) == 0: # print(f'Nothing in {codec_dir}, skipping...') continue if any(count_num_measures(p) == 0 for p in ps): print( f'Found incomplete measures file, skipping {os.path.basename(codec_dir)}' ) continue measures_per_image_iter = ((p, ft.unzip( sorted(read_measures(p, metric), reverse=True))) for p in ps) try: grid, values = interpolator(measures_per_image_iter, bpp_grid, interp_mode='linear') except OtherCodecsReadException as e: print(f'*** Skipping {os.path.basename(codec_dir)}: {e}') continue except ValueError as e: print(e) print(codec_dir) continue codec_name = os.path.basename(codec_dir) plt.plot(grid, values, label=codec_name) # plt.ylim((0.4, 1)) if points_ours and metric in points_ours: ours_for_metric = points_ours[metric] for name, bpp, value in ours_for_metric: plt.scatter(bpp, value, label=name) plt.legend() plt.savefig(out_p, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def __init__(self, config_p, dl_config_p, log_dir_root, log_config: LogConfig, num_workers, saver: Saver, restorer: TrainRestorer = None, sw_cls=vis.safe_summary_writer.SafeSummaryWriter): """ :param config_p: Path to the network config file, see README :param dl_config_p: Path to the dataloader config file, see README :param log_dir_root: All outputs (checkpoints, tensorboard) will be saved here. :param log_config: Instance of train.trainer.LogConfig, contains intervals. :param num_workers: Number of workers to use for DataLoading, see :param saver: Saver instance to use. :param restorer: Instance of TrainRestorer, if we need to restore """ = MultiscaleTrainer.get_style_from_config(config_p) self.blueprint_cls = { 'enhancement': EnhancementBlueprint, 'classifier': ClassifierBlueprint }[] global_config.declare_used('filter_imgs') # Read configs # config = config for the network # config_dl = config for data loading (self.config, self.config_dl), rel_paths = ft.unzip( map(config_parser.parse, [config_p, dl_config_p])) # TODO only read by enhancement classes self.config.is_residual = self.config_dl.is_residual_dataset # Update global_config given config.global_config global_config_config_keys = global_config.add_from_str_without_overwriting( self.config.global_config) # Update config_ms depending on global_config global_config.update_config(self.config) if == 'enhancement': EnhancementBlueprint.read_evenly_spaced_bins(self.config_dl) self._custom_init() # Create data loaders dl_train, self.ds_val, self.fixed_first_val = self._get_dataloaders( num_workers) # Create blueprint. A blueprint collects the network as well as the losses in one class, for easy reuse # during testing. self.blueprint = self.blueprint_cls(self.config) print('Network:', # Setup optimizer optim_cls = { 'RMSprop': optim.RMSprop, 'Adam': optim.Adam, 'SGD': optim.SGD, }[self.config.optim] net = self.optim = optim_cls(net.parameters(),, weight_decay=self.config.weight_decay) # Calculate a rough estimate for time per batch (does not take into account that CUDA is async, # but good enought to get a feeling during training). self.time_accumulator = timer.TimeAccumulator() # Restore network if requested skip_to_itr = self.maybe_restore(restorer) if skip_to_itr is not None: # i.e., we have a restorer print('Skipping to {}...'.format(skip_to_itr)) # Create LR schedule to update parameters self.lr_schedule = lr_schedule.from_spec(,, [self.optim], epoch_len=len(dl_train)) # --- All nn.Modules are setup --- print('-' * 80) # create log dir and summary writer self.log_dir_root = log_dir_root global_config_values = global_config.values( ignore=global_config_config_keys) self.log_dir = Trainer.get_log_dir( log_dir_root, rel_paths, restorer, global_config_values=global_config_values) self.log_date = logdir_helpers.log_date_from_log_dir(self.log_dir) self.ckpt_dir = os.path.join(self.log_dir, CKPTS_DIR_NAME) print(f'Checkpoints will be saved to {self.ckpt_dir}') saver.set_out_dir(self.ckpt_dir) if global_config.get('ds_syn', None): underlying = dl_train.dataset while not isinstance(underlying, _CheckerboardDataset): underlying = underlying.ds underlying.save_all(self.log_dir) # Create summary writer sw = sw_cls(self.log_dir) self.summarizer = vis.summarizable_module.Summarizer(sw) net.register_summarizer(self.summarizer) self.blueprint.register_summarizer(self.summarizer) # Try to write filenames somewhere try: dl_train.dataset.write_file_names_to_txt(self.log_dir) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError( f'dl_train.dataset of type {type(dl_train.dataset)} does not support ' f'write_file_names_to_txt(log_dir)!') # superclass setup super(MultiscaleTrainer, self).__init__(dl_train, [self.optim], net, sw, max_epochs=self.config_dl.max_epochs, log_config=log_config, saver=saver, skip_to_itr=skip_to_itr)