class FlaechensummeDialogTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test dialog works.""" def setUp(self): """Runs before each test.""" self.dialog = FlaechensummeDialog(None) def tearDown(self): """Runs after each test.""" self.dialog = None def test_dialog_ok(self): """Test we can click OK.""" button = self.dialog.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) result = self.dialog.result() self.assertEqual(result, QDialog.Accepted) def test_dialog_cancel(self): """Test we can click cancel.""" button = self.dialog.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) result = self.dialog.result() self.assertEqual(result, QDialog.Rejected)
def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'Flaechensumme_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = FlaechensummeDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&Flaechensumme') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'Flaechensumme') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'Flaechensumme') self.layers = self.iface.legendInterface().layers() self.vLayers = self.initVectorLayers()
def setUp(self): """Runs before each test.""" self.dialog = FlaechensummeDialog(None)
class Flaechensumme: """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'Flaechensumme_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = FlaechensummeDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&Flaechensumme') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'Flaechensumme') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'Flaechensumme') self.layers = self.iface.legendInterface().layers() self.vLayers = self.initVectorLayers() # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('Flaechensumme', message) def add_action( self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): """Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar. :param icon_path: Path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal file system path. :type icon_path: str :param text: Text that should be shown in menu items for this action. :type text: str :param callback: Function to be called when the action is triggered. :type callback: function :param enabled_flag: A flag indicating if the action should be enabled by default. Defaults to True. :type enabled_flag: bool :param add_to_menu: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the menu. Defaults to True. :type add_to_menu: bool :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the toolbar. Defaults to True. :type add_to_toolbar: bool :param status_tip: Optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer hovers over the action. :type status_tip: str :param parent: Parent widget for the new action. Defaults None. :type parent: QWidget :param whats_this: Optional text to show in the status bar when the mouse pointer hovers over the action. :returns: The action that was created. Note that the action is also added to self.actions list. :rtype: QAction """ #icon = QIcon(icon_path) icon = QIcon(':/plugins/Flaechensumme/icon.png') action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/Flaechensumme/icon.png' self.add_action( icon_path,'Flaechensummen...'),, parent=self.iface.mainWindow()) self.initComboBox() self.initAttributeSelect() self.initTable() self.dlg.comboBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.currentLayerChanged) self.dlg.attributeSelect.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.currentClassificationChanged) self.dlg.button_copyToClip.clicked.connect(self.copyToClipboard) def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI.""" for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu('&Flaechensumme'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) # remove the toolbar del self.toolbar def run(self): """Run method that performs all the real work""" self.layers = self.iface.legendInterface().layers() self.vLayers = self.initVectorLayers() self.initComboBox() self.initAttributeSelect() self.initTable() # show the dialog # Run the dialog event loop result = self.dlg.exec_() # See if OK was pressed if result: # Do something useful here - delete the line containing pass and # substitute with your code. pass def initTable(self): """Initializes a tablewidget-item in order to display the results""" self.dlg.tableWidget.clear() self.dlg.tableWidget.setRowCount(6) self.dlg.tableWidget.setColumnCount(6) self.dlg.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(0, QTableWidgetItem("Jahr")) self.dlg.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(1, QTableWidgetItem("Flaeche [ha]".decode('utf8'))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(2, QTableWidgetItem("kleinste Flaeche [ha]".decode('utf8'))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(3, QTableWidgetItem("größte Flaeche [ha]".decode('utf8'))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(4, QTableWidgetItem("durchschnittl. Flaeche [ha]".decode('utf8'))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderItem(5, QTableWidgetItem("Anzahl bearbeiteter Flaechen".decode('utf8'))) def initComboBox(self): """Inserts all available vectorlayers in the comboBox""" # Test, if there are any vector layers available self.dlg.comboBox.clear() if len(self.vLayers) > 0: self.dlg.comboBox.setEnabled(True) self.dlg.attributeSelect.setEnabled(True) layer_names = [] for layer in self.vLayers: layer_names.append( self.dlg.comboBox.addItems(layer_names) # vectorlayers available, set combobox content else: self.dlg.comboBox.addItem("keine geeigneten Layer vorhanden!") # no vectorlayer, set user-warning self.dlg.comboBox.setEnabled(False) # disable combobox self.dlg.attributeSelect.setEnabled(False) # disable classification selector def initAttributeSelect(self): """Inserts all attributes of the selected Layer into the combobox""" self.dlg.attributeSelect.clear() if len(self.vLayers) > 0: currentLayer = self.vLayers[self.dlg.comboBox.currentIndex()] currentLayerFieldNames = [] for field in currentLayer.pendingFields(): currentLayerFieldNames.append( self.dlg.attributeSelect.addItems(currentLayerFieldNames) def initVectorLayers(self): """Returns all vectorlayers""" try: layer_list = [] for layer in self.layers: if layer.type() == 0: # check if current Layer is a vectorlayer layer_list.append(layer) # if so, add it to the array return layer_list except: print 'initVectorLayers' def currentLayerChanged(self): """Triggered by the "currentIndexChanged"-event of the layer combobox""" self.dlg.attributeSelect.clear() self.initAttributeSelect() def calculateArea(self): currentLayer = self.vLayers[self.dlg.comboBox.currentIndex()] area = 0 for f in currentLayer.getFeatures(): area += f.geometry().area() return area /100 /100 #in ha def currentClassificationChanged(self): """Handler for changing the classification. Includes calculation of the desired results.""" try: # Reading current layer and classification out of the comboboxes currentLayer = self.vLayers[self.dlg.comboBox.currentIndex()] currentClassification = self.dlg.attributeSelect.currentText() # clear table widet and initializing it again self.dlg.tableWidget.clear() self.initTable() # saving possible classifications in a set -> Set contains only unique classifications allClassifications = set() for feature in currentLayer.getFeatures(): allClassifications.add(feature[currentClassification]) # setting row count self.dlg.tableWidget.setRowCount(len(allClassifications)) # iterator for rows rowCount = 0 # initialising filter expression for classification in allClassifications: request = QgsFeatureRequest() request.setFilterExpression(str(currentClassification) + ' = ' + str(classification)) # helper values for storing results area_total = 0 area_collection = [] for feature in currentLayer.getFeatures(request): print str(currentClassification) + ' = ' + str(classification) + " --- " + str(feature.geometry().area()) area_total += feature.geometry().area() area_collection.append(feature.geometry().area()) # write out the results self.dlg.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 0, QTableWidgetItem(str(classification))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 1, QTableWidgetItem(str(round(area_total / 10000, 3)))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 2, QTableWidgetItem(str(round(min(area_collection) / 10000, 3)))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 3, QTableWidgetItem(str(round(max(area_collection) / 10000, 3)))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 4, QTableWidgetItem(str(round(sum(area_collection) / len(area_collection) / 10000,3)))) self.dlg.tableWidget.setItem(rowCount, 5, QTableWidgetItem(str(len(area_collection)))) rowCount += 1 except: print 'currentClassificationChanged' def copyToClipboard(self): # check if there is anything selected if len(self.dlg.tableWidget.selectedItems()) == 0: return clipboard = QApplication.clipboard() text = '' columns = self.dlg.tableWidget.columnCount() selectionTopEnd = self.dlg.tableWidget.selectedRanges()[0].topRow() selectionBottomEnd = self.dlg.tableWidget.selectedRanges()[0].bottomRow() # reading headers for i in range(columns): text += self.dlg.tableWidget.horizontalHeaderItem(i).text() if i != (columns - 1): text += chr(9) text += chr(13) # reading contents for i in range(selectionTopEnd, selectionBottomEnd + 1): for j in range(columns): text += self.dlg.tableWidget.item(i,j).text() if j != (columns - 1): text += chr(9) if i != selectionBottomEnd: text += chr(13) # set text clipboard.setText(text)