def __init__(self, name: str, factories_num: int, key: str, username: str, setup_cmds: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: super().__init__() = name self.factories_num = factories_num self.setup_cmds = setup_cmds self.key = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(key)) self.username = username self.debug = is_dev_mode() self.orchestrator: Optional[OrchestratorInstance] = None self.factories: List[FactoryInsT] = []
def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: """Execute command based on given config""" if is_dev_mode(): print(cl.RA(ASCII_LOGO_DEV)) print(cl.BL(f"Location: {get_flambe_repo_location()}\n")) else: print(cl.RA(ASCII_LOGO)) print(cl.BL(f"VERSION: {flambe.__version__}\n")) # Pass original module for ray / pickle make_component(torch.nn.Module, TORCH_TAG_PREFIX, only_module='torch.nn') # torch.optim.Optimizer exists, ignore mypy make_component( torch.optim.Optimizer, TORCH_TAG_PREFIX, # type: ignore only_module='torch.optim') make_component(torch.optim.lr_scheduler._LRScheduler, TORCH_TAG_PREFIX, only_module='torch.optim.lr_scheduler') make_component(ray.tune.schedulers.TrialScheduler, TUNE_TAG_PREFIX) make_component(ray.tune.suggest.SearchAlgorithm, TUNE_TAG_PREFIX) # TODO check first if there is cluster as if there is there # is no need to install extensions check_system_reqs() with SafeExecutionContext(args.config) as ex: if args.cluster is not None: with SafeExecutionContext(args.cluster) as ex_cluster: cluster, _ = ex_cluster.preprocess( secrets=args.secrets, install_ext=args.install_extensions) runnable, extensions = ex.preprocess(import_ext=False, secrets=args.secrets) if isinstance(runnable, ClusterRunnable): cluster = cast(Cluster, cluster) # This is independant to the type of ClusterRunnable destiny = os.path.join(cluster.get_orch_home_path(), "extensions") # Before sending the extensions, they need to be # downloaded (locally). t = os.path.join(FLAMBE_GLOBAL_FOLDER, "extensions") extensions = download_extensions(extensions, t) # At this point, all remote extensions # (except pypi extensions) # have local paths. new_extensions = cluster.send_local_content(extensions, destiny, all_hosts=True) new_secrets = cluster.send_secrets() # Installing the extensions is crutial as flambe # will execute without '-i' flag and therefore # will assume that the extensions are installed # in the orchestrator. cluster.install_extensions_in_orchestrator(new_extensions)"Extensions installed in Orchestrator")) runnable.setup_inject_env(cluster=cluster, extensions=new_extensions, force=args.force) cluster.execute(runnable, new_extensions, new_secrets, args.force) else: raise ValueError( "Only ClusterRunnables can be executed in a cluster.") else: runnable, _ = ex.preprocess(secrets=args.secrets, install_ext=args.install_extensions), verbose=args.verbose)