Example #1
 def newGame(self):
     self.world.genWorld(5, 5)
     self.player = Player(*self.world.getStartPoint())
     # get enemy's random position
     pntLs = self.world.getPntList()
     # put enemy somewhere > 5 hallways away from player to start with
     xPlayer, yPlayer = self.world.getClosestIntersectPoint(self.player)
     enemyStartPositions = [p for p in pntLs if abs(p[0]-xPlayer)>4 or abs(p[1]-yPlayer)>4]
     pnt = random.choice(pntLs if len(enemyStartPositions)==0 else enemyStartPositions)
     xl, yu, xr, yd = self.world.getIntersectBoundingBox(pnt)
     px, py = ((xl+xr)/2, (yu+yd)/2)
     self.enemy = Enemy(px, py, self.world)
     self.flashlight = Flashlight(self.screen, 1)  # flashlight w/ range of 1 radian
     self.keys = None
     self.xCam = 0
     self.yCam = 0
     self.messages = ["iloveyou","yourhairsmellsnice","stop","imscared","canyouhearme?","youcantleave"]
     self.startTime = time.clock()  # time since last message started / removed
     self.currentMessage = None
#Library has a DESK that contains/hides 2 items, a key, and a quarter
library.desk=Container("inside the desk.",["key","quarter"])
library.shelf=Container("on the shelf.",["Sniper","can"])


# Small Office
smalloffice = Room("Small Office","A dark room with a mess of books and papers covering the desk. There is some mail and an ozon.ru PACKAGE. You can READ a book. You can look in the DESK.")
smalloffice.desk = Container("desk",["battery","envelope"])
smalloffice.package = Container("ozon.ru package",["sheet of bubble wrap","porcelain figurine of a bear","red flashlight"])
smalloffice.create_room_item("guinea pig")
redFlashlight = Flashlight("red",0,False)

# Laboratory
lab = Room("Laboratory","A bright room with sunlight shining through windows secured by prison bars. There is a messy SHELF on the north wall.")
# The lab has a SHELF object that contains 3 interactive items. Shelf gets a third argument because you'd say ON the shelf, not IN the shelf
lab.shelf = Container("shelf",["brass key","spork","yellow flashlight"],"on")
yellowFlashlight = Flashlight("yellow",1,True)

# Supply Closet
supplycloset = Room("Supply Closet","A small dark room with a musty smell. On one side is a filing CABINET and a large plastic BIN. On the other side is a SHELF with supplies and a SHOEBOX.")

# Create a fake room called locked that represents all permenently locked doors
Example #3
# Create an interactive item that's show in a room (not hidden in a container) with create_room_item()

# Small Office
smalloffice = Room(
    "Small Office",
    "A dark room with a mess of books and papers covering the desk. There is some mail and an ozon.ru PACKAGE. You can READ a book. You can look in the DESK."
smalloffice.desk = Container("desk", ["battery", "envelope"])
smalloffice.package = Container(
    "ozon.ru package",
    ["sheet of bubble wrap", "porcelain figurine of a bear", "red flashlight"])
smalloffice.create_room_item("guinea pig")
redFlashlight = Flashlight("red", 0, False)

# Laboratory
aud = Room(
    "A huge room that has very little lighting. You can hear the echos of mice running, and the support beams creaking. There is a CHEST behind stage that looks like it would have some clothing in it."
# The lab has a SHELF object that contains 3 interactive items. Shelf gets a third argument because you'd say ON the shelf, not IN the shelf
aud.chest = Container(
    "In the chest you see a ROBIN HOOD COSTUME, a BOW, and some ARROWS.",
    ["Robinhood Costume", "Long Bow", "quiver with arrows"], "in ")
aud.create_room_item("Cars Flashlight")
carsFlashlight = Flashlight("Cars", 1, True)

# Supply Closet
kitchen.cupboard = Container("cupboard above the sink",["sponge","plate","can of bOPW soup"])
# The kitchen has a CABINET object that contains/hides 2 interactive items, a knife and a twinkie
# Once this container is open, the interactive items will no longer be hidden in the container
kitchen.cabinet = Container("cabinet under the sink",["knife","twinkie"])

# Create an interactive item that's show in a room (not hidden in a container) with create_room_item()

# Small Office
smalloffice = Room("Small Office","A dark room with a mess of books and papers covering the desk. There is some mail and an ozon.ru PACKAGE. You can READ a book. You can look in the DESK.")
smalloffice.desk = Container("desk",["battery","envelope"])
smalloffice.package = Container("ozon.ru package",["sheet of bubble wrap","porcelain figurine of a bear","red flashlight"])
smalloffice.create_room_item("guinea pig")
redFlashlight = Flashlight("red",0,False)

#medium Office
medoff=Room("Medium Office","A well lit room with a large DESK in it and a large portrat of lenin off to one side. On the desk sits a COMPUTER")


# Weapon Room \\ Gab's room
weaponroom = Room("Weapon Room","A surprisingly well-lit room with random assortments of bayonets, knives, and bullet casings on the ground. Whoever was here last was obviously in a hurry.")
weaponroom.desk = Container("Table",["bayonet","casings"])
weaponroom.create_room_item("pocket knife")
Example #5
class GameSession(object):
    """A session of playing the game."""

    def __init__(self, screen):
        self.screen = screen
        w, h = self.screen.get_size()
        pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0,0,0), pygame.Rect(0,0,w,h))
        self.world = World(10, 10, self.screen)

    def newGame(self):
        self.world.genWorld(5, 5)
        self.player = Player(*self.world.getStartPoint())
        # get enemy's random position
        pntLs = self.world.getPntList()
        # put enemy somewhere > 5 hallways away from player to start with
        xPlayer, yPlayer = self.world.getClosestIntersectPoint(self.player)
        enemyStartPositions = [p for p in pntLs if abs(p[0]-xPlayer)>4 or abs(p[1]-yPlayer)>4]
        pnt = random.choice(pntLs if len(enemyStartPositions)==0 else enemyStartPositions)
        xl, yu, xr, yd = self.world.getIntersectBoundingBox(pnt)
        px, py = ((xl+xr)/2, (yu+yd)/2)
        self.enemy = Enemy(px, py, self.world)
        self.flashlight = Flashlight(self.screen, 1)  # flashlight w/ range of 1 radian
        self.keys = None
        self.xCam = 0
        self.yCam = 0
        self.messages = ["iloveyou","yourhairsmellsnice","stop","imscared","canyouhearme?","youcantleave"]
        self.startTime = time.clock()  # time since last message started / removed
        self.currentMessage = None

    def startGame(self):
        """Start session of playing game."""
        beatLevel = True
        currentLevel = 0
        while beatLevel:
            beatLevel = self.startLevel()
            if beatLevel: currentLevel += 1
        return currentLevel

    def startLevel(self):
        """Start play of a level. Returns True if player got to end, False if killed by enemy or player quit."""
        # make transition effect to new level
        prevScreen = pygame.Surface(self.screen.get_size())
        prevScreen.blit(self.screen, (0,0))
        self.keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
        self.renderTransition(prevScreen, self.screen)
        wasESCPressed = False  # was ESC pressed last turn
        paused = False
        while not self.keys[pygame.K_q]:
            self.keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            if not self.keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and wasESCPressed:  # invert whether paused or not if escape pressed + released
                paused = not paused
                if paused: pygame.mixer.pause()
                else:      pygame.mixer.unpause()
            if paused:
            wasESCPressed = self.keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]
            if (-10 < self.enemy.xPos-self.player.xPos < 10) and (-10 < self.enemy.yPos-self.player.yPos < 10):
                # enemy got to player, player = killed
                return False
            elif self.world.hasReachedExit(self.player):
                # player reached exit
                return True
        return False  # player hit 'q' to quit game

    def update(self):
        self.player.update(self.keys, self.world)
        self.enemy.update(self.world, self.player, self.flashlight, (self.xCam, self.yCam))
        x, y = self.screen.get_size()
        self.xCam = self.player.xPos - x/2
        self.yCam = self.player.yPos - y/2

    def render(self):
        self.world.drawWorld(self.xCam, self.yCam, self.player)
        self.enemy.drawTo(self.screen, self.flashlight, self.player, (self.xCam, self.yCam))
        self.flashlight.drawLight(self.world, self.player, (self.xCam, self.yCam))
        # draw random message from enemy
        if time.clock() - self.startTime >= random.choice(range(90, 120)) \
                and random.random() < 0.1 and self.currentMessage==None:
            self.currentMessage = random.choice(self.messages)
            self.startTime = time.clock()
        if self.currentMessage != None:
            textFont = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsans", 50)
            line = textFont.render(self.currentMessage, 1, (127, 0, 0))
            self.screen.blit(line, (400, 600))
            if time.clock() - self.startTime > 3:
                self.currentMessage = None
                self.startTime = time.clock()

    def updateFake(self):
        """Use a false game session for display on menu; fake session update detailed here."""
        x, y = self.screen.get_size()
        self.xCam = self.player.xPos - x/2
        self.yCam = self.player.yPos - y/2

    def renderFake(self):
        """Use a false game session for display on menu; fake session rendering detailed here."""
        x, y = self.screen.get_size()
        self.world.drawWorld(self.xCam, self.yCam, self.player)
        self.flashlight.drawLight(self.world, self.player, (self.xCam, self.yCam))

    def renderPause(self):
        font = pygame.font.SysFont("comicsans", 50)
        text = font.render("Paused", 1, (255, 255, 255))
        self.screen.blit(text, (0, 0))

    def renderTransition(self, frame1, frame2):
        """fade from one image to another."""
        frame1 = frame1.convert(); frame2 = frame2.convert()
        w, h = self.screen.get_size()
        for alpha2 in range(255):
            alpha1 = 255-alpha2
            frame1.set_alpha(alpha1); frame2.set_alpha(alpha2)
            pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0,0,0), pygame.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
            self.screen.blit(frame1, (0,0))
            self.screen.blit(frame2, (0,0))