Example #1
def pressure_scale_height(field, data):
    """Scale height (H) for cylindrical coordinates.
    WARN: cylindrical_r is not sound for other coord systems.
    approximates gravity by U/r
    H = kT/mg
    m = mean molec weight = rho * N_A/(n_I+n_e)
    n_I = rho*N_A \Sigma_i x_i / A_i
    n_e = rho*N_A \Sigma_i x_i * Z_i / A_i
    _, ps, ns, ms = splitSpecies(_alphas)
#     ms = np.array(len(_alphas)*[np.array(ms)])
#     ps = np.array(len(_alphas)*[np.array(ps)])
    ms = np.array(ms)
    ps = np.array(ps)
    xms = [data['flash', s].v for s in _alphas]
    xms = np.array(xms)
    # 13 cell*cell*cell blocks
    nions = [xms[i]/ms[i] for i in range(len(_alphas))]
    nions = np.array(nions)
    neles = [xms[i]/ms[i]*ps[i] for i in range(len(_alphas))]
    neles = np.array(neles)
    totalnele = np.sum(neles)
    totalnion = np.sum(nions)
    mu_ele = 1/(totalnele+totalnion)
    num = data['kT'].v
    g = -data['gpot'].v/data['cylindrical_r'].v
    return num/g/mu_ele
Example #2
def extractVariables(source, destination, variables=['temp']):
    """creates a new hdf5 FLASH file with a reduced set of variables.

        source(str): input filename.
        destination(str): output filename.
        variables(str list): list of named variables to extract.

    finn = h5py.File(source, 'r')
    # essential mesh data for the FLASH file structure
    struct = [
        'bflags', 'block size', 'bounding box', 'coordinates', 'gid',
        'gsurr_blks', 'integer runtime parameters', 'integer scalars',
        'logical runtime parameters', 'logical scalars', 'node type',
        'real runtime parameters', 'real scalars', 'refine level', 'sim info',
        'string runtime parameters', 'string scalars', 'unknown names',
        'which child'
    struct += variables
    # turn selected tags to bytes
    newunks = np.array(variables, dtype=np.bytes_)
    with h5py.File(destination, 'w') as otp:
        for key in finn.keys():
            if key in struct:
                print('Wrote: ', key)
                # reduce the variables to selected ones.
                if key == 'unknown names':
                    otp.create_dataset('unknown names', data=[newunks])
                    otp.copy(finn[key], dest='/{}'.format(key))
Example #3
def mean_molec_weight(field, data):
    """Mean molecular weight for alpha mixture
    m = mean molec weight = rho * N_A/(n_I+n_e)
    n_I = rho*N_A \Sigma_i x_i / A_i
    n_e = rho*N_A \Sigma_i x_i * Z_i / A_i
    _, ps, ns, ms = splitSpecies(_alphas)
    ms = np.array(ms)
    ps = np.array(ps)
    xms = [data['flash', s].v for s in _alphas]
    xms = np.array(xms)
    # 13 cell*cell*cell blocks
    nions = [xms[i]/ms[i] for i in range(len(_alphas))]
    nions = np.array(nions)
    neles = [xms[i]/ms[i]*ps[i] for i in range(len(_alphas))]
    neles = np.array(neles)
    totalnele = np.sum(neles)
    totalnion = np.sum(nions)
    return 1/(totalnele+totalnion)
Example #4
def snipProf(orig, cut, byM=False, left=True, keys=[]):
    """ cuts a profile, returning a standalone profile obj for 
    conv: center is 0, edge is -1.
    abscissa = orig.masses if byM else orig.radius
    npabs = np.array(abscissa)
    flow = operator.le(npabs, cut) if left else operator.ge(npabs, cut)
    cells = np.where(flow)
    # start block with essential properties (all dmat have these 2).
    nra = orig.radius[cells]
    nde = orig.density[cells]
    dblock = np.column_stack([nra, nde])
    keys = orig.filekeys
    for k in keys[2:]:
        dblock = np.column_stack((dblock, getattr(orig, k)[cells]))
    return dataMatrix([keys, dblock])
Example #5
def snipProf(orig, cut, byM=False, left=True, edgecell=False):
    """cuts a profile, returning a new profile obj.
    conv: center is 0, edge is -1.

        orig(dataMatrix): dMatrix object to cut.
        cut(float): cut coordinate.
        byM(bool): specify cut is by mass coordinate.
        left(bool): return data at the left/right of the cut.

        (dataMatrix): new dMatrix object.

    abscissa = orig.masses if byM else orig.radius
    npabs = np.array(abscissa)
    flow = operator.le(npabs, cut) if left else operator.ge(npabs, cut)
    if np.any(flow) is False:
        print('Cut outside the profile, returning whole profile')
        return orig
    allcells = np.where(flow)
    # remove edge cell
    if edgecell:
        cells = (allcells[0][:], ) if left else (allcells[0][0:], )
        cells = (allcells[0][:], ) if left else (allcells[0][0:], )
    # start block with essential properties (all dmat have these 2).
    nra = orig.radius[cells]
    nde = orig.density[cells]
    dblock = np.column_stack([nra, nde])
    keys = orig.filekeys
    rem = []
    for i, k in enumerate(keys):
        if k in orig.rnames or k in orig.dnames:
        elif k in orig.mnames:
        dblock = np.column_stack((dblock, getattr(orig, k)[cells]))
    for index in rem:
        del keys[index]
    return dataMatrix([keys, dblock])
Example #6
def wedge3d(chkp, elevation, depth, reference='x', fields=[], antipode=False):
    """cut a wedge in a 3d rectangular domain to perform velocity
    vs mass fraction measurements.
    default fields: vx, vy, vz, cell_mass and species

        fname(str): file name
        elevation(float): equator-north pole wedge angle.
        depth(float): equator-south pole wedge angle.
        reference(str): equinox reference for the equator.
        fields(str list): override default fields.
        antipode(bool): invert selection, antipodal wedge.

        (tuple of np.arrays): raw data sorted by field.

    ds = yt.load(chkp)
    for f in fields:
        if f in dir(ytf):
            meta = getattr(ytf, '_' + f)
            yt.add_field(("flash", f), function=getattr(ytf, f), **meta)
    domx, domy, domz = ds.domain_width.value
    rad = 100 * np.max(ds.domain_width.value)  # huge radius to grab all cells.
    inv = -1.0 if antipode else 1.0  # flip selection

    tvec, bvec = {
        'x': [(0.0, 0.5 * domy, 0.5 * domz), (0.0, 0.5 * domy, -0.5 * domz)],
        'y': [(0.5 * domx, 0.0, 0.5 * domz), (-0.5 * domx, 0.0, 0.5 * domz)],
        'z': [(0.5 * domx, 0.5 * domy, 0.0), (0.5 * domx, -0.5 * domy, 0.0)]
    topv = np.array(tvec)
    botv = np.array(bvec)

    if depth * elevation < 0.0:
        # in this case we are on a quadrant
        if depth < 0.0:
            # upper right, use 2 bottom cylinders:
            # normal bot cylinder up to abs(depth)
            equ = 45 - abs(depth)
            alt = np.deg2rad(equ)
            rm = rot(-alt, reference)
            normal = rm.dot(botv)
            height = np.cos(alt) * np.sqrt(botv.dot(botv))
            center = botv * inv
            cylinder1 = ds.disk(center=ds.arr(center, "code_length"),
                                normal=ds.arr(normal, "code_length"),
                                radius=(_radiusMult * domy, "code_length"),
                                height=(height, "code_length"))
            # second cylinder up to elevation but flipped to grab the wedge
            equ = 45 - elevation
            alt = np.deg2rad(equ)
            rm = rot(-alt, reference)
            normal = rm.dot(botv)
            height = np.cos(alt) * np.sqrt(botv.dot(botv))
            center = -botv * inv
            cylinder2 = ds.disk(center=ds.arr(center, "code_length"),
                                normal=ds.arr(normal, "code_length"),
                                radius=(_radiusMult * domy, "code_length"),
                                height=(height, "code_length"))
            # lower right, use 2 top cylinders:
            # first top goes down to depth and in inverted
            equ = 45 - depth  # 45 degree offset from center-origin reference
            dep = np.deg2rad(equ)
            rm = rot(dep, reference)
            normal = rm.dot(topv)
            height = np.cos(dep) * np.sqrt(topv.dot(topv))
            center = topv * inv
            cylinder1 = ds.disk(center=ds.arr(center, "code_length"),
                                normal=ds.arr(normal, "code_length"),
                                radius=(rad, "code_length"),
                                height=(height, "code_length"))
            # second top cylinder goes down to abs(elevation)
            # 45 degree offset from center-origin reference
            equ = 45 - abs(elevation)
            dep = np.deg2rad(equ)
            rm = rot(dep, reference)
            normal = rm.dot(topv)
            height = np.cos(dep) * np.sqrt(topv.dot(topv))
            center = -topv * inv
            cylinder2 = ds.disk(center=ds.arr(center, "code_length"),
                                normal=ds.arr(normal, "code_length"),
                                radius=(rad, "code_length"),
                                height=(height, "code_length"))
        # default wedge covering the equator
        # top cylinder
        equ = 45 - depth  # 45 degree offset from center-origin reference
        dep = np.deg2rad(equ)
        rm = rot(dep, reference)
        normal = rm.dot(topv)
        height = np.cos(dep) * np.sqrt(topv.dot(topv))
        center = topv * inv
        cylinder1 = ds.disk(center=ds.arr(center, "code_length"),
                            normal=ds.arr(normal, "code_length"),
                            radius=(rad, "code_length"),
                            height=(height, "code_length"))
        # bottom cylinder
        equ = 45 - elevation  # 45 degree offset from center-origin reference
        alt = np.deg2rad(equ)
        rm = rot(-alt, reference)

        normal = rm.dot(botv)
        height = np.cos(alt) * np.sqrt(botv.dot(botv))
        center = botv * inv
        cylinder2 = ds.disk(center=ds.arr(center, "code_length"),
                            normal=ds.arr(normal, "code_length"),
                            radius=(rad, "code_length"),
                            height=(height, "code_length"))

    wedge = ds.intersection([cylinder1, cylinder2])
    # get fields and data from data file
    if not fields:
        _, species = getFields(ds.field_list)
        fields = ['velx', 'vely', 'velz', 'cell_mass'] + species
        # rawd 0 1 2 3 fixed.
        # offset = 4
        # ask yt for data, as always this takes forever.
        rawd = []
        for f in fields:
        return rawd, species  # WARNING: this might be humongous.
        rawd = []
        for f in fields:
        return rawd
Example #7
def getYields(fname, subsetR=0.0):
    """returns time, summed masses and species in a flash otp file.
    all units are msun or cgs.
    1D assumes spherical geometry
    2D assumes cylindrical geometry and trims cart_ from filename.

        fname(str): filename to inspect.
        subsetR(float): radius cutoff for extraction.

        time (float) [s],
        species names: (list of str),
        masses: (float list) [msun]

    if 'cart' in fname:
        stem, bud = os.path.split(fname)
        filename = os.path.join(stem, bud[5:])
        filename = fname
    ds = yt.load(filename)
    if subsetR:
        log.warning('R subset for yields: {:.2E}'.format(subsetR))
        ad = ds.sphere([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], (subsetR, 'cm'))
        ad = ds.all_data()
    _, species = getFields(ds.field_list)
    species = [s.ljust(4) for s in species]
    # 2d glitches due to dz being nonsensical
    if ds.parameters['dimensionality'] == 1:
            dx = ad['path_element_x'].value
            x = ad['x'].value
        except YTFieldNotFound:
            dx = ad['path_element_r'].value
            x = ad['r'].value
        fac = 4.0 / 3.0 * np.pi
        if len(x) > 1:
            rdiff = np.diff(x)
            rdiff = np.append(rdiff, rdiff[-1])
            skewed = 0.5 * rdiff + x
            skewed = np.insert(skewed, 0, 0.0)
            rcub = skewed**3
            vols = fac * np.diff(rcub)
            vols = np.array([fac * ad['dr'].value])
        cell_masses = vols * ad['density'].value / msol
        msunMs = []
        for sp in species:
            msunMs.append(np.sum(cell_masses * ad[sp].value))
        log.warning('Assumed spherical cells for volume')
    elif ds.parameters['dimensionality'] == 2:
        log.warning('Cylindrical volume cells')
        masses = ad.quantities.weighted_average_quantity(species, 'cell_mass')
        total = ad.quantities.total_mass()
        msunMs = [m.value * total[0].value / msol for m in masses]
        masses = ad.quantities.weighted_average_quantity(species, 'cell_mass')
        total = ad.quantities.total_mass()
        msunMs = [m.value * total[0].value / msol for m in masses]
    return ds.current_time.value, species, msunMs