def create_app(config, debug=False, testing=False, config_overrides=None): """Application factory """ # define the WSGI application object flask_app = Flask(__name__) # configuration flask_app.config.from_object(config) flask_app.debug = debug flask_app.testing = testing if config_overrides: flask_app.config.update(config_overrides) # initialize the database db.init_app(flask_app) # blueprints from app.users import users_blueprint flask_app.register_blueprint(users_blueprint) # flask-restful from app.users import UserListAPI, UserAPI api = Api(prefix='/api/v0') api.add_resource(UserListAPI, '/users', endpoint='users') api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/users/<id>', endpoint='user') api.init_app(flask_app) cors = CORS(resources={r'/api/*': {'origins': '*'}}) cors.init_app(flask_app) return flask_app
def create_app(config_filemane): """Application factory """ # define the WSGI application object flask_app = Flask(__name__) # configuration flask_app.config.from_object(config_filemane) # initialize the database db.init_app(flask_app) # blueprints from app.users import users_blueprint from app.trips import trips_blueprint flask_app.register_blueprint(users_blueprint) flask_app.register_blueprint(trips_blueprint) # flask-restful from app.users import UserListAPI, UserAPI from app.trips import TripListAPI, TripAPI api = Api(prefix='/api/v0') api.add_resource(UserListAPI, '/users', endpoint='users') api.add_resource(UserAPI, '/users/<id>', endpoint='user') api.add_resource(TripListAPI, '/trips', endpoint='trips') api.add_resource(TripAPI, '/trips/<int:id>', endpoint='trip') api.init_app(flask_app) cors = CORS(resources={r'/api/v0/*': {'origins': '*'}}) cors.init_app(flask_app) return flask_app
def create_app(config): """A factory that returns an application object from the passed config. The factory accepts further configuration from ENV variables. Some simple checks for core configuration settings are made to raise errors early if vital information is missing. """ import os from flask import Flask from flask.ext.babel import Babel from flask.ext.cors import CORS from flask.ext.markdown import Markdown # from flask.ext.assets import Environment, Bundle from .components import api, pages from .components.commons import context_processors, encoders app_label = 'web' # Get the static and template folder for the passed theme static_folder = os.path.join('theme', 'static') template_folder = os.path.join('theme', 'templates') # Construct app and service objects app = Flask(app_label, template_folder=template_folder, static_folder=static_folder, static_url_path='/static') trans = Babel() cors = CORS(resources=r'/api/*', allow_headers='Content-Type') # assets = Environment() # Configure the app with defaults app.config.from_object(config) # Set app core services trans.init_app(app) cors.init_app(app) # assets.init_app(app) Markdown(app) # Register routable components app.register_blueprint(api.blueprint) app.register_blueprint(pages.blueprint) # Set additional jinja2 extensions app.jinja_env.add_extension('') # Set custom context processors app.context_processor(context_processors.inject_app_data) # Set custom encoders app.json_encoder = encoders.JSONEncoder # Register webassets bundles # sass = Bundle('css/base.scss', filters='pyscss', output='css/base.css') # assets.register('sass', sass) return app
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sun Aug 28 16:43:34 2016 @author: stefan """ from flask import Flask from flask import request import pandas as pd import json from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree from sklearn import preprocessing from flask.ext.cors import CORS, cross_origin app = Flask(__name__) cors = CORS(app) app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type' winger = ['AM(R)','AM(L)','F(R)','F(L)','M(R)','M(L)'] gf = ['AM(R)','AM(L)','AM(C)','F(R)','F(L)','F(C)'] target = ['F(C)'] dlf = ['AM(R)','AM(L)','AM(C)','F(R)','F(L)','F(C)'] aplay = ['AM(R)','AM(L)','AM(C)'] play = ['M(C)','AM(C)'] stopper = ['D(C)'] bwm = ['DM(C)','M(C)'] btb = ['DM(C)','M(C)','AM(C)','M(R)','M(L)'] gm = ['M(C)'] wf = ['AM(R)','AM(L)','F(R)','F(L)','F(C)'] fb = ['D(R)','D(L)','D(C)','DM(R)','DM(L)'] bpd = ['D(R)','D(L)','D(C)']
from os import environ import requests from flask import Flask from flask.ext.cors import CORS from flask.json import jsonify app = Flask(__name__) cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}}) # You can get API_KEY from here: # Your API_KEY = '<YourKeyHere>' API_KEY = environ['API_KEY'] TICKETS_URL = '' # EVENT_ID you can get via this request: EVENT_ID = environ['EVENT_ID'] @app.route('/api/tickets-left/') def get_remaining_tickets_count(): headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': "Bearer %s" % API_KEY } payload = {'eventId': EVENT_ID} response =, data=payload, headers=headers) data = response.json() try: data_response = {'tickets_left': data["tickets"][0]["quantity"]} except KeyError: return jsonify(**data) return jsonify(**data_response)
import stinger.stinger_net as sn import stinger.stinger_core as sc # Value of -1 in either field disables its use as a threshold TIMEOUT_SECS = 1 BATCH_THRESHOLD = -1 application = Flask(__name__) api = Api( application, version='1.1', title='STINGER API', description='An API to interface with the STINGER graph database', ) cors = CORS(application) @api.route('/insert', endpoint='insert') class Insert(Resource): edge = api.model( 'Edge', { 'src': fields.String(required=True, description='Source vertex'), 'dest': fields.String(required=True, description='Destination vertex'), 'type': fields.String(required=False, description='Edge type'), 'weight': fields.Integer(required=False, description='Edge weight'), 'time': fields.Integer(required=False, description='Timestamp') }) edgesSpec = api.model(
def create_app(): """ Create the api as it's own app so that it's easier to scale it out on it's own in the future. :return: A flask object/wsgi callable. """ import cf_deployment_tracker from bluemix_service_discovery.service_publisher import ServicePublisher from server.config import Config from os import environ as env from server.exceptions import APIException from server.web.utils import request_wants_json from import root_v1_blueprint from import demos_v1_blueprint, setup_auth_from_request from import shipments_v1_blueprint from import distribution_centers_v1_blueprint from import retailers_v1_blueprint from import products_v1_blueprint # Emit Bluemix deployment event cf_deployment_tracker.track() # Create the app logistics_wizard = Flask('logistics_wizard', static_folder=None) CORS(logistics_wizard, origins=[re.compile('.*')], supports_credentials=True) if Config.ENVIRONMENT == 'DEV': logistics_wizard.debug = True # Register the blueprints for each component logistics_wizard.register_blueprint(root_v1_blueprint, url_prefix='/api/v1') logistics_wizard.register_blueprint(demos_v1_blueprint, url_prefix='/api/v1') logistics_wizard.register_blueprint(shipments_v1_blueprint, url_prefix='/api/v1') logistics_wizard.register_blueprint(distribution_centers_v1_blueprint, url_prefix='/api/v1') logistics_wizard.register_blueprint(retailers_v1_blueprint, url_prefix='/api/v1') logistics_wizard.register_blueprint(products_v1_blueprint, url_prefix='/api/v1') logistics_wizard.before_request(setup_auth_from_request) def exception_handler(e): """ Handle any exception thrown in the interface layer and return a JSON response with the error details. Wraps python exceptions with a generic exception message. :param e: The raised exception. :return: A Flask response object. """ if not isinstance(e, APIException): exc = APIException(u'Server Error', internal_details=unicode(e)) else: exc = e current_app.logger.error(exc) return Response(json.dumps(compose_error(exc, e)), status=exc.status_code, mimetype='application/json') def not_found_handler(e): current_app.logger.exception(e) if request_wants_json(): status_code = 404 return Response(json.dumps({ 'code': status_code, 'message': 'Resource not found.' }), status=status_code, mimetype='application/json') else: # TODO: Default to the root web page # return index() pass def bad_request_handler(e): current_app.logger.exception(e) status_code = 400 return Response(json.dumps({ 'code': status_code, 'message': 'Bad request.' }), status=status_code, mimetype='application/json') # Register error handlers logistics_wizard.errorhandler(Exception)(exception_handler) logistics_wizard.errorhandler(400)(bad_request_handler) logistics_wizard.errorhandler(404)(not_found_handler) # Register app with Service Discovery and initiate heartbeat cycle if running in PROD if Config.SD_STATUS == 'ON' and env.get('VCAP_APPLICATION') is not None: from signal import signal, SIGINT, SIGTERM from sys import exit # Create service publisher and register service creds = json.loads( env['VCAP_SERVICES'])['service_discovery'][0]['credentials'] publisher = ServicePublisher( 'lw-controller', 300, 'UP', json.loads(env['VCAP_APPLICATION'])['application_uris'][0], 'http', tags=[ 'logistics-wizard', 'front-end', env['LOGISTICS_WIZARD_ENV'] ], url=creds['url'], auth_token=creds['auth_token']) publisher.register_service(True) # Set up exit handlers for gracefully killing heartbeat thread def exit_app(*args): deregister_app(publisher) exit(0) signal(SIGTERM, exit_app) signal(SIGINT, exit_app) atexit.register(destroy_app, publisher) return logistics_wizard
import os, sys import json from flask import Flask, Response from flask import request, jsonify from flask.ext.cors import CORS, cross_origin app = Flask(__name__) cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/response": {"origins": "*"}}) app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type' app.config["DEBUG"] = True class DataStorage(object): def __init__(self, filename='reponses.jsons'): self.filename = filename def appendResponse(self, response): with open(self.filename, 'a') as fl: fl.write('{}\n'.format(json.dumps(response))) DS = DataStorage() @app.route('/response', methods=['POST']) @cross_origin(origin='*', headers=['access-control-allow-origin', 'Content-Type']) def collect_response(): resp = json.loads(
from os import environ from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) app.debug = bool(environ.get('DEBUG')) app.config.from_object('config') from flask.ext.cors import CORS CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": "*"}}, allow_headers=['X-Requested-With', 'Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'user-aws-key', 'Accept', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin']) from views.swagger import swagger_bp from views.user_management import user_management_bp from import aws_account_management_bp from import aws_cost_cost_bp from import aws_cost_stats_bp from import aws_forecast_bp from import aws_usage_bp from import google_bp from views.ms_azure import ms_azure_bp from views.compare_providers import compare_providers_bp import app.register_blueprint(swagger_bp) app.register_blueprint(user_management_bp) app.register_blueprint(aws_account_management_bp) app.register_blueprint(aws_cost_cost_bp) app.register_blueprint(aws_cost_stats_bp) app.register_blueprint(aws_forecast_bp) app.register_blueprint(aws_usage_bp) app.register_blueprint(google_bp)
CORS(app, resources={ r"/capturarVuelo": { "origins": "*" }, r"/guardarWaypoints": { "origins": "*" }, r"/guardarBlanco": { "origins": "*" }, r"/guardarNegro": { "origins": "*" }, r"/capturarNegro": { "origins": "*" }, r"/capturarBlanco": { "origins": "*" }, r"/crearMision": { "origins": "*" }, r"/conectarDron": { "origins": "*" }, r"/calibrar": { "origins": "*" }, r"/enviarAltitudVelocidad": { "origins": "*" }, r"/login": { "origins": "*" } })
from flask import request import os import signal import copy import websites from scrader_logger import LOG import mongo import utils import socket DEBUG = False # Enable this to print python crashes and exceptions app = flask.Flask(__name__, static_url_path='/static') # Make cross-origin AJAX possible (for all domains on all routes) CORS(app, resources={r"*": {"origins": "*"}}) NEXT = 0 @app.route('/scrader/companies/<user_id>'.format(methods=['GET'])) def get_companies_html(user_id): """ GET Server Status API endpoint Args: Returns: dict: A JSON object containing the nfvacc server status information """ first_name = "None" user = mongo.find_one_match('users', {"user_id": user_id}) if user is not None: last_name = user.get('name')
from flask import Flask from flask.ext.cors import CORS from flask_restful import Resource, Api from resources.home import Home from resources.socket import Socket app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) app.config.from_pyfile('config.cfg') cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/socket/*": { "origins": app.config['CORS_ORIGINS'] }}) # Add resources api.add_resource(Home, '/') api.add_resource(Socket, '/socket/<string:socketNumber>/<string:socketState>') if __name__ == '__main__':['HOST'], port=app.config['PORT'], debug=app.config['DEBUG'])
app.permanent_session_lifetime = timedelta(minutes=15) app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False app.config['LOGGER_NAME'] = 'st' app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_NAME'] = 'st' app.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'sqlalchemy' app.config['SESSION_PERMANENT'] = True app.config['SESSION_SQLALCHEMY_TABLE'] = 'sessions' app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = DB_URL app.config['MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH'] = 16 * 1024 * 1024 Session(app) CORS(app, resources=r'*', headers=[ 'Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ], supports_credentials=True) app.register_blueprint(pg, url_prefix='/sync') root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) static_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'app/static') app.config['UPLOADED_DEFAULTS_DEST'] = os.path.join(static_dir, 'uploads/defaults') default_uploader = UploadSet('defaults', DEFAULTS) configure_uploads(app, default_uploader) @app.route('/')
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if config.DEBUG else log.setLevel(logging.INFO) fh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if config.DEBUG else fh.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter( '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') fh.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(fh) ## create object db_connector db = db_connector.DbConnector('rapni') ### Some initialization app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/*": {"origins": config.ALLOWED_CORS_DOMAINS}}) auth = HTTPBasicAuth() parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument('data', type=str) ## RESTful APP ## ## This is a generic resource class for this API ## providing the main method behaviour ## class IdsResource(Resource): """ The generic resource class for the API: /resource/<identifier>
# coding: utf-8 from __future__ import (print_function, unicode_literals, absolute_import) from flask import Flask from flask.ext.mongoengine import MongoEngine from flask.ext.cors import CORS from flask.ext.cache import Cache app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('app.settings') enable_cors = app.config.get("ENABLE_CORS", False) if enable_cors: CORS(app, resources={ r"/properties/*": { "origins": "*" }, }) db = MongoEngine(app) cache = Cache(config={"CACHE": app.config.get("CACHE_TYPE")}) cache.init_app(app) from app.resources import properties app.register_blueprint(properties.blueprint)
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from flask.ext.login import LoginManager from flask.ext.mail import Mail from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask.ext.pagedown import PageDown from flask.ext.cors import CORS from flask.ext.bootstrap import Bootstrap import logging mail = Mail() db = SQLAlchemy() pagedown = PageDown() bootstrap = Bootstrap() login_manager = LoginManager() login_manager.session_protection = 'strong' login_manager.login_view = 'auth.login' cors = CORS() logging.getLogger('flask_cors').level = logging.DEBUG
from flask.ext.cors import CORS, cross_origin except ImportError: # Path hack allows examples to be run without installation. import os parentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) os.sys.path.insert(0, parentdir) from flask.ext.cors import CORS, cross_origin app = Flask(__name__) # Set CORS options on app configuration app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = "Content-Type" app.config['CORS_RESOURCES'] = {r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}} cors = CORS(app) ## Equivalent to (but using both is not advised) cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/api/*": { "origins": "*" }}, headers="Content-Type") @app.route("/") def helloWorld(): ''' Since the path '/' does not match the regular expression r'/api/*', this route does not have CORS headers set. '''
#!/usr/env/bin python import os from flask import Flask, g, render_template from flask.ext.misaka import Misaka from lib import db, filters from themes import themes from flask.ext.cors import CORS theme = os.environ.get('THEME', 'new') blog = Flask(__name__, static_folder=themes[theme]['static'], template_folder=themes[theme]['templates']) CORS(blog) Misaka(blog, tables=True) blog.config['FREEZER_RELATIVE_URLS'] = True blog.config['MONGODB_DATABASE_URI'] = 'mongodb://localhost:27017' blog.config['BASE_DIR'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) blog.jinja_env.filters['human_readable_date'] = filters.human_readable_date blog.jinja_env.filters['clean_date'] = filters.clean_date blog.jinja_env.filters['urlencode'] = filters.urlencode blog.jinja_env.filters['urldecode'] = filters.urldecode blog.jinja_env.filters['md'] = blog.secret_key = 'test'
def main(): # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run all modules defined for ' 'this system') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0) parser.add_argument('--log', default=None) args = parser.parse_args() # Configure logging logger = logging.getLogger("openag_brain") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter( "%(levelname)s %(asctime)s (%(name)s): %(message)s") stream_log_level = max(10, 30 - 10 * args.verbose) stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) stream_handler.setLevel(stream_log_level) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) if args.log: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(args.log) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) file_handler.setLevel(min(logging.INFO, stream_log_level)) logger.addHandler(file_handler) # Connect to the databases module_db = db_server[DbName.MODULE] module_type_db = db_server[DbName.MODULE_TYPE] module_connection_db = db_server[DbName.MODULE_CONNECTION] env_data_db = db_server[DbName.ENVIRONMENTAL_DATA_POINT] # Construct all of the modules for mod_id in module_db: if mod_id.startswith('_'): continue mod_info = ModuleModel.load(module_db, mod_id) mod_type_info = ModuleTypeModel.load(module_type_db, mod_info.type) package_path, class_name = mod_type_info._id.split(':') py_mod = import_module(package_path) mod_class = getattr(py_mod, class_name) mod = mod_class(mod_id) # Initialize all of the modules for mod_id in module_db: if mod_id.startswith('_'): continue mod_info = ModuleModel.load(module_db, mod_id) mod = Module.get_by_id(mod_id) params = mod_info.parameters for arg_name in mod.init.__code__.co_varnames[1:mod.init.__code__. co_argcount]: annotation = mod.init.__annotations__.get(arg_name, '') if isinstance(annotation, Parameter) and arg_name in params: params[arg_name] = annotation.encode(params[arg_name]) mod.init(**mod_info.parameters) # Hook up all of the connections for mod_conn_id in module_connection_db: if mod_conn_id.startswith('_'): continue mod_conn = ModuleConnectionModel.load(module_connection_db, mod_conn_id) output_module = Module.get_by_id(mod_conn.output_module) input_module = Module.get_by_id(mod_conn.input_module) output = getattr(output_module, mod_conn.output_name) input = getattr(input_module, mod_conn.input_name) output.output_to(input) # Run all of the modules threads = [] for mod_id in module_db: if mod_id.startswith('_'): continue mod = Module.get_by_id(mod_id) mod.start()"Running {} modules".format(len(module_db))) # Create and run a Flask app for calling endpoints app = Flask(__name__) # Set cross-origin headers CORS(app) app.debug = True mod_id = uuid4().hex while Module.get_by_id(mod_id): mod_id = uuid4().hex app.mod = Module(mod_id) app.mod.start() def find_recipe_start(env_data_db, env_id): """Given a pointer to the environmental data point db, return the latest recipe start for a given environment. returns a Dict or None. """ # Query latest view with key (requires this design doc to exist) recipe_start_view = env_data_db.view( 'openag/latest', key=[env_id, EnvironmentalVariable.RECIPE_START, 'desired']) recipe_end_view = env_data_db.view( 'openag/latest', key=[env_id, EnvironmentalVariable.RECIPE_END, 'desired']) # Collect results of iterator (ViewResult has no next method). recipe_starts = [recipe_start for recipe_start in recipe_start_view] recipe_ends = [recipe_end for recipe_end in recipe_end_view] # Narrow list of results down to one and unbox the value recipe_start = recipe_starts[0].value if len(recipe_starts) else None recipe_end = recipe_ends[0].value if len(recipe_ends) else None # If we have a recipe_end, check that it is older than the latest # recipe_start if recipe_start and recipe_end and recipe_start[ "timestamp"] > recipe_end["timestamp"]: return recipe_start # If we don't have a recipe end, but do have a recipe_start, return it. elif recipe_start: return recipe_start else: return None def find_env_recipe_handler_id(module_db, env_id): """Find ID of recipe handler that is running in current environment. Returns ID or None. """ recipe_type = 'openag.brain.modules.recipe_handler:RecipeHandler' module_view = module_db.view('openag/by_type') recipe_handler_ids = [ for module in module_view if module.key == recipe_type ] return recipe_handler_ids[0] if len(recipe_handler_ids) > 0 else None @app.route("/api/{v}/module/<mod_id>/<endpoint>".format(v=API_VER), methods=['POST']) def serve_endpoint(mod_id, endpoint): return getattr(app.mod.ask(mod_id), endpoint)(**request.json) @app.route("/api/{v}/environment/<env_id>".format(v=API_VER), methods=['GET']) def serve_environment(env_id): recipe_handler_id = find_env_recipe_handler_id(module_db, env_id) recipe_start = find_recipe_start(env_data_db, env_id) recipe_id = recipe_start["value"] if recipe_start else None recipe_start_timestamp = recipe_start[ "timestamp"] if recipe_start else None return jsonify(env_id=env_id, recipe_id=recipe_id, recipe_start_timestamp=recipe_start_timestamp, recipe_handler_id=recipe_handler_id) http_server = WSGIServer(('', 5000), app)"Listening for requests on http://localhost:5000/") http_server.serve_forever()
import grp import sys from gevent import pywsgi from geventwebsocket.handler import WebSocketHandler import geventwebsocket import websocket import settings from emulator import Emulator from uuid import uuid4, UUID import logging import atexit app = Flask(__name__) cors = CORS(app, headers=["X-Requested-With", "X-CSRFToken", "Content-Type"], resources="/qemu/*") logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(levelname)s %(asctime)s: %(message)s") emulators = {} @app.route('/qemu/launch', methods=['POST']) def launch(): if request.headers.get('authorization', None) != settings.LAUNCH_AUTH_HEADER: abort(403) if len(emulators) >= settings.EMULATOR_LIMIT: abort(503) uuid = uuid4() if '/' in request.form['platform'] or '/' in request.form['version']: abort(400) emu = Emulator( request.form['token'],
from flask.ext.mongoengine import MongoEngine from flask.ext.login import LoginManager from flask.ext.cache import Cache from flask.ext.bcrypt import Bcrypt from flask.ext.cors import CORS from flask.ext.mail import Mail, Message from celery import Celery app = Flask(__name__) app.config["MONGODB_SETTINGS"] = {"DB": "tumblelog"} app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "KeepThisS3cr3t" app.config["CACHE_TYPE"] = "simple" CORS(app, resources={r'/api/*': { "origins": "*" }}, allow_headers=[ 'Authorization', 'Content-Type', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' ]) app.config.update( DEBUG=True, #EMAIL SETTINGS MAIL_SERVER='', MAIL_PORT=587, MAIL_USE_TLS=True, MAIL_USE_SSL=False, MAIL_USERNAME='******', MAIL_PASSWORD='******') flask_mail = Mail(app)
def run(self): ''' Run flask app''' app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app, resources={r"/prediction/*": {"origins": "*"}}) = app @app.route('/dist/<path:path>') def static_file_dist(path): return open("ui/dist/" + path).read() @app.route('/large/<path:path>') def static_file_large(path): return open("ui/large/" + path, 'rb').read() @app.route('/') def home(): # Inject game data into HTML board_init = 'initialBoard = ""' # backup variable board = {} for row in range(19): board_row = {} for col in range(19): # Get the cell value cell = str(, row))) # Replace values with numbers # Value will be be 'w' 'b' or None cell = cell.replace("None", "0") cell = cell.replace("b", "1") cell = cell.replace("w", "2") # Add cell to row board_row[col] = int(cell) # must be an int # Add row to board board[row] = board_row board_init = str(board) # lazy convert list to JSON return open("ui/demoBot.html").read().replace( '"__i__"', 'var boardInit = ' + board_init) # output the modified HTML file @app.route('/sync', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def exportJSON(): export = {} export["hello"] = "yes?" return jsonify(**export) @app.route('/prediction', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def next_move(): '''Predict next move and send to client. Parses the move and hands the work off to the bot. ''' content = request.json col = content['i'] row = content['j'] print('Received move:') print((col, row))'b', (row, col)) bot_row, bot_col ='w') print('Prediction:') print((bot_col, bot_row)) result = {'i': bot_col, 'j': bot_row} json_result = jsonify(**result) return json_result'', port=self.port, debug=True, use_reloader=False)
def create_application(config, log_filename='rest_server.log'): ''' Creates the flask application and database. Using a function to avoid using global variables. :param BaseConfig config: One configuration object. :param str log_filename: The file to generate log messages. If None do not generate log file. :return tuple(Flask, SqlAlchemy): Returns the flask application and sql-alchemy database. ''' from flask import Flask from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from flask.ext.cors import CORS import flask.ext.restless from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler import logging app = Flask(__name__) # Logging if log_filename is not None: handler = RotatingFileHandler(log_filename, maxBytes=10000, backupCount=1) handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) app.logger.addHandler(handler) # Enable different origin to access the REST API. cors = CORS(app) app.config.from_object(config) db = SQLAlchemy(app) # Define the Task model. The actual database is defined by the application configuration object # (SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI). class Task(db.Model): __tablename__ = "tasks" id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) task = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False) done = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False) def __init__(self, task, done=False, id=None): = id self.task = task self.done = done class RestLogger(object): """ Generates log messages by handling pre/post processors for restless api. """ def __init__(self, logger, message, getter=lambda x: x): self.__logger = logger self.__message = message self.__getter = getter def __call__(self, **kwargs): try: values = self.__getter(kwargs) message = self.__message.format(**values) except Exception: message = "Error formating log message with:\n * message: {}\n * keys: {}".format( self.__message, [i for i in values.keys()]) # RESTless automatically creates the REST API based in a Model. Changes the defaults valus to match the required # API. restless_manager = flask.ext.restless.APIManager(app, flask_sqlalchemy_db=db) blueprint = restless_manager.create_api_blueprint( Task, methods=('GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'), url_prefix='', collection_name='task', allow_delete_many=True, preprocessors={ 'DELETE_SINGLE': [RestLogger(app.logger, "Deleting {instance_id}")], 'DELETE_MANY': [RestLogger(app.logger, "Deleting all!")], }, postprocessors={ 'POST': [ RestLogger(app.logger, "Adding \"{task}\"", getter=lambda x: x['result']) ], 'PATCH_SINGLE': [ RestLogger(app.logger, "Editing {id}", getter=lambda x: x['result']) ], }) app.register_blueprint(blueprint) return app, db
from flask.ext.cache import Cache from flask_sslify import SSLify from moztelemetry.histogram import Histogram from joblib import Parallel, delayed from functools import wraps from gevent.monkey import patch_all from psycogreen.gevent import patch_psycopg from psycopg2.pool import SimpleConnectionPool from aggregator import simple_measures_labels, count_histogram_labels from db import get_db_connection_string, histogram_revision_map pool = None app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('config') CORS(app, resources=r'/*', allow_headers='Content-Type') cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': app.config["CACHETYPE"]}) sslify = SSLify(app, skips=['status']) patch_all() patch_psycopg() cache.clear() def cache_request(f): @wraps(f) def decorated_request(*args, **kwargs): rv = cache.get(request.url) if rv is None: rv = f(*args, **kwargs) cache.set(request.url, rv, timeout=app.config["TIMEOUT"])
from newapp import get_model from flask import Blueprint, render_template from flask.ext.cors import CORS appview = Blueprint('appview', __name__) CORS(appview) @appview.route("/") def home(): return render_template("home.html")
#from mysql.connector import (connection) import MySQLdb import json import sys import urllib2 from crossdomain import crossdomain from flask.ext.cors import CORS, cross_origin from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET app.config[ 'SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'mysql://*****:*****@websys3/websysS16GB6' db = SQLAlchemy(app) cors = CORS(app, resources={r"/*": { "origins": "*" }}, supports_credentials=True) app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type' #@cross_origin(origin='*',headers=['Content-Type','Authorization']) lm = LoginManager() lm.init_app(app) lm.login_view = 'login' @lm.user_loader def load_user(id): return User.query.get(int(id))
from boto.mturk.connection import MTurkConnection from celery import Celery import redis app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object(os.environ['APP_SETTINGS']) api = Api(app) app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type' cors = CORS(app, resources={ "/taboo": { "origins": "*" }, "/train": { "origins": "*" } }) print "Loading mail extension" sys.stdout.flush() mail = Mail(app) print "Loading redis and mongo" #print "Flush the cache" app.redis = redis.Redis.from_url(app.config['REDIS_URL']) #app.redis.flushdb()
from flask.ext.cors import CORS app = Flask(__name__) if settings.USE_SENTRY: app.config['SENTRY_DSN'] = settings.SENTRY_DSN sentry = Sentry(app) try: app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = 'sqlite:///' + settings.DB_PATH except AttributeError: app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = settings.ALCHEMY_URL api = Api(app) db = SQLAlchemy(app) cors = CORS(app, supports_credentials=True) json_parser = reqparse.RequestParser() json_parser.add_argument('criticality', type=int, required=True, location='json') json_parser.add_argument('unix_timestamp', type=int, required=True, location='json') json_parser.add_argument('category', type=unicode, required=True, location='json') json_parser.add_argument('description',
from jormungandr import compat, utils import six app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_object('jormungandr.default_settings') if 'JORMUNGANDR_CONFIG_FILE' in os.environ: app.config.from_envvar('JORMUNGANDR_CONFIG_FILE') # there is a import order problem to get this variable in decorators (current_app is not in the context) # so we make it a global variable USE_SERPY = app.config.get('USE_SERPY') app.request_class = NavitiaRequest CORS(app, vary_headers=True, allow_credentials=True, send_wildcard=False, headers=['Access-Control-Request-Headers', 'Authorization']) app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type' if 'LOGGER' in app.config: logging.config.dictConfig(app.config['LOGGER']) else: # Default is std out handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) app.logger.addHandler(handler) app.logger.setLevel('INFO') app.wsgi_app = ReverseProxied(app.wsgi_app) got_request_exception.connect(log_exception, app) #we want the old behavior for reqparse
'AC': 'Tech Disaster', 'TO': 'Tornado', 'TC': 'Tropical Cyclone', 'TS': 'Tsunami', 'VW': 'Violent Wind', 'WV': 'Wave Surge', 'WF': 'Wild Fire', } tips = { 'Earthquake': " Quick Tip : If you're indoors, stand against a wall near the center of the building, stand in a doorway, or crawl under heavy furniture (a desk or table). Stay away from windows and outside doors.If you're outdoors, stay in the open away from power lines or anything that might fall. Stay away from buildings (stuff might fall off the building or the building could fall on you)." } app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) @app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST']) def hello(): temp_json = {} for item in data['items']: temp_json_item = {} temp_json_item['coordinates'] = item['where'] try: temp_json_item['event_type'] = types[item['gdacs_eventtype']] except: temp_json_item['event_type'] = item['gdacs_eventtype'] try: temp_json_item['tip'] = tips[types[item['gdacs_eventtype']]] except:
import os from flask import Flask from flask.ext.cors import CORS from diary_app.database import db # Initialize App application = Flask(__name__) CORS(application) application.config.from_object( 'diary_app.config.' + os.getenv('EPILEPSY_CONFIG')) # Initialize Logging ''' from diary_app.utils import logger application.logger.addHandler(logger.get_rotating_file_handler(APP_LOG_FILE)) items_log = logger.get_logger(JOB_ITEMS_LOG_FILE, log_level=LOG_LEVEL) tasks_log = logger.get_logger(TASKS_LOG_FILE, log_level=LOG_LEVEL) jobs_log = logger.get_logger(JOBS_LOG_FILE, log_level=LOG_LEVEL) ''' # Import APIs import diary_app.users.api import import diary_app.charts.api @application.teardown_appcontext def shutdown_session(exception=None): db.remove()
def init(): CORS(app) app.config['CORS_HEADERS'] = 'Content-Type' global module_obj module_obj = ResponseMachine.ResponseClassifierRequests(topn=20)
prepare_data() @APP.route('/earthquakes', methods=['GET']) def earthquakes_by_year(): """Return The trend per year""" data = VARS['data'] grouped = data.groupby('year') count = grouped['mag'].count() return count.to_csv(None, index=False) @APP.route('/earthquakes/<year>', methods=['GET']) def earthquakes_in_year(year='2015'): """Filter the dataset by year and return in csv format""" data = VARS['data'] filtered_data = data[data['year'] == year] return filtered_data.to_csv(None, index=False) @APP.route('/', methods=['GET']) def dashboard(): """Return the HTML for the dashboard""" return None if __name__ == "__main__": CORS(APP)