Example #1
def submit_flag(challenge: Challenge, event: Event):
    """Submit a flag for a given challenge"""

    body = flask_rebar.get_validated_body()
    submitted_flag = body["flag"]

    team = current_user.get_team()

    if team is None:
        raise errors.NotFound(f'Current user has no team.')

    if event.id != team.event_id:
        raise errors.UnprocessableEntity(
            f'Team "{team.name}" and challenge "{challenge.id}" are not part of the same event')

    submission = Submission(team_id=team.id, challenge_id=challenge.id, input=submitted_flag)

    flags = Flag.query.filter_by(challenge_id=challenge.id).all()

    is_correct = any(validate_flag(x, submitted_flag) for x in flags)
    submission.is_correct = is_correct


    return {'correct': is_correct}
Example #2
def get_listings():
    body = rebar.validated_body

    listings = _get_listings_by_seller(body['seller_id'])
    if not listings:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.USER_HAS_NO_LISTINGS)
    return listings
Example #3
def create_category(current_admin: Administrator):
    """Add a category """
    body = flask_rebar.get_validated_body()
    name = body["name"]
    event_id = body["event_id"]

    event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id).first()

    if event is None:
        raise errors.NotFound(f'Event with id "{event_id}" not found.')

    if not current_admin.is_admin_of_event(event_id):
        raise errors.Unauthorized(
            "You do not have the permission to administer this event.")

    category = Category.query.filter_by(name=name, event_id=event_id).first()

    if category is not None:
        raise errors.UnprocessableEntity(
            "A category with that name already exists")

    category = Category(name=name, event_id=event_id)


    return category
Example #4
def validate_and_get_current_event(event_id: int):
    Check if event with id event_id exists and that the event is visible. If not, return a 404 error.
    event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id).first()
    if event is None or not event.is_visible:
        raise errors.NotFound(f"Event with ID {event_id} not found.")
    return event
def delete_account(account_id: UUID):
    account = Account.query.filter_by(id=account_id).first()
    if account is None:
        raise errors.NotFound()

    return "", 204
Example #6
def get_user(user_id: int):
    """Get a user's info by its id"""
    user = User.query.filter_by(id=user_id).first()

    if user is None:
        raise errors.NotFound()

    return user
Example #7
def get_job(job_id: UUID) -> Tuple[JobModel, int]:
    domain = flask_rebar.get_validated_headers()["domain"]

        job = JobModel.get(domain, str(job_id))
    except DoesNotExist:
        raise errors.NotFound(f"Job {job_id} not found.")

    return job, 200
def replace_account(account_id: UUID):
    body = flask_rebar.get_validated_body()

    account = Account.query.filter_by(id=account_id).update(body)
    if account is None:
        raise errors.NotFound()

    return "", 204
Example #9
def get_admin_event(current_admin: Administrator, event_id: int):
    """Get all the events"""
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id).first()

    if event is None:
        raise errors.NotFound(f"Event with ID {event_id} does not exist.")

    return event
Example #10
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if 'challenge_id' not in kwargs:
            raise errors.BadRequest('The request requires a challenge ID')
        challenge = Challenge.query.filter_by(id=kwargs['challenge_id']).first()

        if challenge is None:
            raise errors.NotFound(f'The challenge with id {kwargs["challenge_id"]} was not found')

        event = Event.query.filter_by(id=challenge.category.event_id).first()
        if event is None or not event.is_visible:
            raise errors.NotFound(f"Event with ID {event.id} not found.")


        kwargs['challenge'] = challenge
        kwargs['event'] = event
        del kwargs['challenge_id']
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
def get_author_by_name(author_name: str):
    authors = author_service.get_by_name(author_name)
    if not authors:
        logging.error("Author is not found for [author_name=%s]", author_name)
        raise errors.NotFound(
            msg="Author is not found for [name={}]".format(author_name),
                'timestamp': datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    return authors
def update_author(author_id: int):
    body = flask_rebar.get_validated_body()
    author = author_service.update(author_id, body)
    if author is None:
        logging.error("Author is not found for [author_id=%s]", author_id)
        raise errors.NotFound(
            msg="Author is not found for [author_id={}]".format(author_id),
                'timestamp': datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    return author, 200
Example #13
def update_todo(todo_id):
    global todo_database

    if todo_id not in todo_database:
        raise errors.NotFound()

    params = rebar.validated_body
    todo = todo_database[todo_id]

    return todo
def get_author_by_id(author_id: int):
    author = author_service.get_by_id(author_id)
    if author is None:
        logging.error("Author is not found for [author_id=%s]", author_id)
        raise errors.NotFound(
            msg="Author is not found for [author_id={}]".format(author_id),
                'timestamp': datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    return author
Example #15
def get_admin_categories(current_admin: Administrator, event_id: int):
    """Get all the categories for a given event"""
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id).first()

    if event is None:
        raise errors.NotFound(f'Event with id "{event_id}" not found.')

    categories = Category.query.filter_by(event_id=event_id).all()

    return categories
Example #16
def delete_event(current_admin: Administrator, event_id: int):
    """Delete an event"""
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id).first()

    if event is None:
        raise errors.NotFound(f'Event with id "{event_id}" not found.')


    return ""
Example #17
def delete_game():
    body = rebar.validated_body

    game = _get_game(body['id'])
    if not game:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.GAME_DOESNT_EXIST)

    # Will return true if successful
    if not _delete_game(body['id']):
        raise errors.InternalError(msg=ResponseMessages.COULDNT_DELETE_GAME)

    return "", 204
Example #18
def delete_user():
    body = rebar.validated_body

    user = _get_user(body['id'])
    if not user:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.USER_DOESNT_EXIST)

    # Will return true if successful
    if not _delete_user(body['id']):
        raise errors.InternalError(msg=ResponseMessages.COULDNT_DELETE_USER)

    return "", 204 
Example #19
def modify_listing(listing_id):
    body = rebar.validated_body

    listing = _get_listing(listing_id)
    if not listing:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.LISTING_DOESNT_EXIST)

    seller_id = str(listing.seller_id)
    if seller_id != get_jwt_identity():
        raise errors.Unauthorized(msg=ResponseMessages.LISTING_UNAUTHORIZED)

    return _modify_listing(listing, body)
Example #20
def delete_listing():
    body = rebar.validated_body

    listing = _get_listing(body['id'])
    if not listing:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.LISTING_DOESNT_EXIST)

    # Will return true if successful
    if not _delete_listing(body['id']):
        raise errors.InternalError(msg=ResponseMessages.COULDNT_DELETE_LISTING)

    return "", 204
Example #21
def delete_shipment():
    body = rebar.validated_body

    shipment = _get_shipment(body['id'])
    if not shipment:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.SHIPMENT_DOESNT_EXIST)

    # Will return true if successful
    if not _delete_shipment(body['id']):
        raise errors.InternalError(

    return "", 204
Example #22
def get_admin_challenges_for_event(current_admin: Administrator,
                                   event_id: int):
    """Get all the challenges for a given event"""
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id).first()

    if event is None:
        raise errors.NotFound(f'Event with id "{event_id}" not found.')

    challenges = Challenge.query.join(Category)\
        .order_by(Challenge.id) \

    return challenges
Example #23
def get_admin_challenge(current_admin: Administrator, challenge_id: int):
    """Get a single challenge by its id"""
    challenge = Challenge.query.filter_by(id=challenge_id) \
        .join(Challenge.category) \
        .join(Challenge.flags) \
    # TODOMAX : Add tags
    # TODOMAX : Add files
    # TODOMAX : Add links

    if challenge is None:
        raise errors.NotFound(f'Challenge with id "{challenge_id}" not found.')

    if not current_admin.is_admin_of_event(challenge.category.event_id):
        raise errors.Unauthorized(
            "You do not have the permission to administer this challenge.")

    return challenge
Example #24
def delete_document(doc_id: str):
    # Delete a document by doc_id

    errors = []
    rc = 204

    # Get the document from the store by ID
    doc = Document.query.get(doc_id)

    if not doc:
        # Create a new doc
        raise err.NotFound(f"Document with doc_id {doc_id} was not found")


    return {
        'errors': errors, 
    }, rc
Example #25
def edit_event(current_admin: Administrator, event_id: int):
    """Edit an new event"""
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    body = flask_rebar.get_validated_body()
    name = body["name"]
    teams = body["teams"]
    is_open = body["is_open"]
    is_visible = body["is_visible"]
    front_page = body["front_page"] if "front_page" in body else ""
    flag_format = body["flag_format"] if "flag_format" in body else ""

    editable_event = Event.query.filter_by(id=event_id).first()

    if editable_event is None:
        raise errors.NotFound(f'Event with id "{event_id}" not found.')

    if name != editable_event.name:
        if not name:
            raise errors.UnprocessableEntity("Name must not be empty.")

        event = Event.query.filter_by(name=name).first()

        if event is not None:
            raise errors.UnprocessableEntity(
                "An event with that name already exists.")

    editable_event.name = name
    editable_event.front_page = front_page
    editable_event.flag_format = flag_format
    editable_event.is_open = is_open
    editable_event.is_visible = is_visible
    editable_event.teams = teams


    return editable_event
Example #26
def get_game(game_id):
    game = _get_game(game_id)
    if not game:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.GAME_DOESNT_EXIST)

    return game
Example #27
def get_listing(listing_id):
    listing = _get_listing(listing_id)
    if not listing:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.LISTING_DOESNT_EXIST)

    return listing
Example #28
def get_account(account_id: UUID):
    account = Account.query.filter_by(id=account_id).first()
    if account is None:
        raise errors.NotFound()

    return account
Example #29
def get_shipment(shipment_id):
    shipment = _get_shipment(shipment_id)
    if not shipment:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.SHIPMENT_DOESNT_EXIST)

    return shipment
Example #30
def get_user(user_id):
    user = _get_user(user_id)
    if not user:
        raise errors.NotFound(msg=ResponseMessages.USER_DOESNT_EXIST)

    return user