def execute(self, request) -> Response: component_repository = Repository() factory = Factory() for f in request.files: file = request.files.get(f) try: xlsx_file = XLSXFile(file) except InvalidArgument: return Response( False, 'An invalid file was provided, please make sure you are uploading a .xlsx file' ) for row in'', userows=True): if not search(row[1], row[2]): continue baseprotocol = 0 if len(row) > 2: baseprotocol = int(row[3]) model = factory.create({ 'type': row[0], 'name': row[1], 'unit': row[2], 'base_protocol': baseprotocol }) xlsx_file.delete() return Response(True, 'File imported successfully')
def execute(self) -> Response: timestart = time.time() self.measurement_manager = MeasurementManager() if self.form is None: get_existing_metadata(self) else: update_metadata(self) build_swap_inputs(self) build_group_inputs(self) validate_errors(self) wellindex = 0 for wellindex, well in enumerate(get_collection(self)): well = add_custom_group_label(self, well, wellindex) # swap wells and shift RFUs to account for a cut time if len(self.swaps) > 0 and self.swaps.get(well.get_excelheader()) is not None: well = swap_wells(self, well) self.measurement_manager.update(well) try: self.swaps.pop(well.get_excelheader()) except KeyError: current_app.logger.error('Error deleting swap from swap dictionary') # set well status to invalid if reported if well.get_excelheader() in self.errorwells: well['is_valid'] = False # build time list from first well if wellindex < 2: self.time = [n for n in range(len(well.get_rfus()))] self.measurement_manager.update(well) response = self.processData(well) if not response.is_success(): return Response(False, response.get_message()) if len(self.swaps) > 0: missing_swaps = ", ".join([item for item in self.swaps.keys()]) flash('Swap(s) from the following well(s) %s could not occur. Please verify the entered values.' % missing_swaps, 'error') if len(self.errorwells) > 0 and self.errorwells[0] != '': flash('Peaks were not found in wells %s' % str(', '.join(self.errorwells)), 'error') self.getStatistics() welltotal = sum([int(self.groupings[g]['Wells']) for g in self.groupings.keys()]) if welltotal == 0: welltotal = wellindex + 1 if welltotal != wellindex+1: flash('Number of Wells in Custom Groups Not Equal to Total Number of Wells', 'error') flash('Please Edit Inputs', 'error') return Response(True, str(round(time.time() - timestart, 2)))
def validate_target(self, target): if re.match(r'^\d+\s*[a-z]+\/*[a-zA-Z]+?\s+\w?', target) is not None: quantityRe = re.match(r'^\d+', target) unitRe = reg_conc(target) if quantityRe is None or unitRe is None: Response(False, 'Target units and name could not be identified') name = target[unitRe.end():] unit = target[quantityRe.end():unitRe.end()] component = self.component_repository.search_by_name_and_unit(name, unit) if component is not None: return Response(True, component['_id']) return Response(False, 'Target does not exist in the component library') return Response(False, 'Target units and name could not be identified')
def execute(self, request, name) -> Response: self.measurement_factory = MeasurementFactory() self.measurement_manager = MeasurementManager() dataset_repository = Repository() if self.dataset is None: factory = Factory() model = factory.create({'name': name}) self.dataset = model infofile = None rfufile = None for f in request.files: file = request.files.get(f) try: xlsx_file = XLSXFile(file) except InvalidArgument: dataset_repository.delete(self.dataset) return Response(False, 'An invalid file was provided, please make sure you are uploading a .xlsx file') if file.filename.endswith('INFO.xlsx'): infofile = xlsx_file elif file.filename.endswith('RFU.xlsx'): rfufile = xlsx_file name = buildname(file.filename) self.getexperimentlength(infofile) for info, rfu in zip('0', userows=True),'SYBR', usecolumns=True)): self.add_measurement(info, rfu) infofile.delete() rfufile.delete() self.dataset['measure_count'] = self.dataset.get_well_collection().get_size() self.dataset['version'] = float(current_app.config['VERSION']) flash('File imported successfully', 'success') flash('Calculated cycle length was %s' % round(self.cyclelength, 3), 'success') return Response( True, self.dataset_id )
def execute(self, request) -> Response: if request.form['select'] != '': return Response(True, '') if request.form.get('delete') and request.form['select'] == '': return Response(False, 'No dataset selected') if request.files is None: return Response(False, 'Files are required') for file in request.files.values(): if file is None or file.filename == '': return Response(False, 'A file is required') if not file.filename.endswith('.xlsx'): return Response(False, 'The file has an incorrect filetype') return Response(True, '')
def writebook(self): dataset_repository = Repository() dataset = dataset_repository.get_by_id(self.dataset_id) df = dataset.get_pd_well_collection() df = self.build_dataframe(df) # write individual variables of interest startindex = int( np.where(df.columns.str.startswith('Inflection '))[0][0]) variablesofinterest = 4 * 3 variablecolumns = [startindex + n for n in range(variablesofinterest)] variablecolumns.insert(0, 6) for group in range(1, int(df['group'].max()) + 1): self.write_to_sheet('Inflections', df[(df['group'] == group)], variablecolumns) self.rowshift += df[(df['group'] == group)].shape[0] + 4 # write averages of variables of interest self.rowshift = 0 adf = self.build_averages(df) variablecolumns.pop(0) startindex = variablesofinterest + list( np.where(df.columns.str.startswith('Inflection ')))[0][0] for group in range(1, int(adf['group'].max()) + 1): columns = [n for n in variablecolumns] gdf = adf[(adf['group'] == group)] # TODO: use this when control work is finished # control = gdf[gdf['is_control'] == 'True'] control = gdf[gdf['triplicate'] == gdf['triplicate'].min()] for inf in range(4): columns.append(startindex + inf) inf_label = 'Inflection ' + str(inf + 1) gdf.insert(int(startindex + inf), 'Difference from control ' + str(inf + 1), gdf[inf_label] - float(control[inf_label])) gdf = gdf.iloc[:, columns] gdf.to_excel(self.excelwriter, sheet_name='Averages', startrow=self.rowshift) self.excel_formatting('Averages', gdf, 0) self.rowshift += gdf.shape[0] + 4 # write inflection and percent differences in matrices self.rowshift = 0 for group in range(1, int(adf['group'].max()) + 1): gdf = adf[(adf['group'] == group)] pdf = adf[(adf['group'] == group)] for inf in range(4): columns = [] inf_label = 'Inflection ' + str(inf + 1) pcnt_label = 'Percent Diff ' + str(inf + 1) columns.append(7) for triplicateA in gdf['triplicate'].unique(): columns.append(len(gdf.columns)) rowA = gdf[gdf['triplicate'] == triplicateA] gdf.insert(len(gdf.columns), str(len(columns) - 2) + ' ' + inf_label, [ label - float(rowA[inf_label]) if triplicateB <= triplicateA else 'nan' for label, triplicateB in zip( gdf[inf_label], gdf['triplicate']) ]) pdf.insert(len(pdf.columns), str(len(columns) - 2) + ' ' + pcnt_label, [ label - float(rowA[pcnt_label]) if triplicateB >= triplicateA else 'nan' for label, triplicateB in zip( pdf[pcnt_label], pdf['triplicate']) ]) spacedifferencematrices = (len(columns) + 4) * inf self.write_to_sheet('Inf Differences', gdf, columns, spacedifferencematrices) self.write_to_sheet('Percent Differences', pdf, columns, spacedifferencematrices) self.rowshift += gdf.shape[0] + 4 # write individual ct values self.rowshift = 0 df.insert(0, 'Ct threshold', [x[1] for x in df['deltaCt']]) df.insert(0, 'delta Ct', [x[0] for x in df['deltaCt']]) variablecolumns = [] for item in ['label', 'group', 'sample', 'Ct threshold', 'delta Ct']: variablecolumns.append(int(np.where(df.columns == item)[0])) for group in range(1, int(df['group'].max()) + 1): self.write_to_sheet('Ct Thresholds', df[(df['group'] == group)], variablecolumns) self.rowshift += df[(df['group'] == group)].shape[0] + 4 return Response(True, '')
def search_components(self, name, unit): component = self.component_repository.search_by_name_and_unit(name, unit) if component is not None: return Response(True, component['_id']) return Response(False, 'Target does not exist in the component library.')
def processData(self, well): if well['excelheader'] in self.errorwells: well['is_valid'] = False else: well['is_valid'] = True percentdiffs = [0 for x in range(4)] deltact = [0 for x in range(3)] inflectiondict = {} derivatives = get_derivatives(well) for dIndex in derivatives.keys(): inflectiondict = get_peaks(self, well=well, derivativenumber=dIndex, derivative=derivatives[dIndex], allpeaks=inflectiondict) inflectiondict = dict(sorted(inflectiondict.items())) well['inflections'] = [(key, inflectiondict[key]['inflection']) for key in inflectiondict.keys()] well['inflectionRFUs'] = [(key, inflectiondict[key]['rfu']) for key in inflectiondict.keys()] if len(inflectiondict.keys()) < 4: flash('%s of 4 inflections were found in well: %s' % (str(len(inflectiondict)), well.get_excelheader()), 'error') if self.groupings.get(str(well.get_group())): groupcontrols = self.groupings[str(well.get_group())]['Controls'].split(',') if well.get_excelheader() in groupcontrols: well['is_control'] = True # TODO: will need to loop through all wells, set control property # before making the following calculations if self.control is None or well.get_group() != self.control.get_group(): self.control = well self.controllist = [] self.ctthreshold = {'Ct RFU': [], 'Ct Cycle': []} #for all samples that match the control sample, collect controls if self.control.get_sample() == well.get_sample(): self.controllist.append([x for x in well.get_inflections()]) if not self.form.get('gPCR'): controlCt = self.getCtThreshold(well, derivatives[1], inflectiondict) self.ctlist.append(controlCt) deltact = [0, controlCt['Ct Cycle'], controlCt['Ct RFU']] #average the control inflections #TODO: what if the first control has only 2 inflections and the others have 4? or vice versa? for idx, x in enumerate(self.control.get_inflections()): i = int(x[0]) self.control['inflections'][idx] = (str(i), np.mean([controlinflection[idx][1] for controlinflection in self.controllist if len(controlinflection) > idx])) #average the ct threshold self.ctthreshold['Ct Cycle'] = np.mean([x['Ct Cycle'] for x in self.ctlist]) self.ctthreshold['Ct RFU'] = np.mean([x['Ct RFU'] for x in self.ctlist]) # get percent differences and delta ct values elif self.control.get_sample() != well.get_sample(): percentdiffs = get_percent_difference(self, well['inflections']) if not self.form.get('gPCR'): deltact = self.getDeltaCt(well) # calculate delta ct and percent diffs well['deltaCt'] = deltact well['percentdiffs'] = percentdiffs #TODO: check validity? These should be able to be corrected on another run if len(inflectiondict.keys()) == 4: self.statistics = self.statistics.append([{'group': well.get_group(), 'sample': well.get_sample(), '1': inflectiondict.get('1')['inflection'], '2': inflectiondict.get('2')['inflection'], '3': inflectiondict.get('3')['inflection'], '4': inflectiondict.get('4')['inflection']}], ignore_index=True) self.measurement_manager.update(well) return Response(True, '')