Example #1
    def _open(self, bind, kwargs):
        """Return a ``'<partial'`` opener tag with no terminator."""
        contents = kwargs.pop('contents', None)

        if PY2:
            attributes = _unicode_keyed(kwargs)
            attributes = kwargs
        tagname = self.tagname
        new_contents = transform(
            tagname, attributes, contents, self._context, bind)

        if not new_contents:
            new_contents = u''
        elif hasattr(new_contents, '__html__'):
            new_contents = _unpack(new_contents)
        self.contents = self._markup(new_contents)

        if self._context[u'ordered_attributes']:
            pairs = sorted(attributes.items(), key=_attribute_sort_key)
            pairs = iteritems(attributes)
        guts = u' '.join(u'%s="%s"' % (k, _attribute_escape(v))
                         for k, v in pairs)
        if guts:
            return u'<' + tagname + u' ' + guts
            return u'<' + tagname
Example #2
    def _open(self, bind, kwargs):
        """Return a ``'<partial'`` opener tag with no terminator."""
        contents = kwargs.pop('contents', None)

        if PY2:
            attributes = _unicode_keyed(kwargs)
            attributes = kwargs
        tagname = self.tagname
        new_contents = transform(tagname, attributes, contents, self._context,

        if not new_contents:
            new_contents = u''
        elif hasattr(new_contents, '__html__'):
            new_contents = _unpack(new_contents)
        self.contents = self._markup(new_contents)

        if self._context[u'ordered_attributes']:
            pairs = sorted(attributes.items(), key=_attribute_sort_key)
            pairs = iteritems(attributes)
        guts = u' '.join(u'%s="%s"' % (k, _attribute_escape(v))
                         for k, v in pairs)
        if guts:
            return u'<' + tagname + u' ' + guts
            return u'<' + tagname
Example #3
def _rewrite_stream(stream, directives, ctxt, vars, bind):
    stream = list(stream)
    mutable_attrs = {}

    for control_attribute in directives:
        control_attribute.inject(mutable_attrs, ctxt, vars)

    kind, (tagname, attrs), pos = stream[0]
    if len(stream) == 2:
        contents = None
        contents = _simplify_stream(stream[1:-1], ctxt, vars)

    existing_attributes = {}
    for qname, value in attrs:
        if qname.namespace is None:
            if not isinstance(value, unicode):
                value = _simplify_stream(value, ctxt, vars)
                attrs |= ((qname, value), )
            existing_attributes[qname.localname] = qname
            mutable_attrs[qname.localname] = value

        render_context = ctxt['flatland_render_context']
    except KeyError:
        ctxt['flatland_render_context'] = render_context = Context()

    new_contents = transform(tagname.localname, mutable_attrs, contents,
                             render_context, bind)

    if new_contents is None:
        new_contents = ()
    elif isinstance(new_contents, unicode):
        new_contents = [(TEXT, new_contents, (None, -1, -1))]

    pairs = sorted(mutable_attrs.iteritems(), key=_attribute_sort_key)
    for attribute_name, value in pairs:
        if attribute_name in existing_attributes:
            qname = existing_attributes.pop(attribute_name)
            qname = QName(attribute_name)
        attrs |= ((qname, value), )
    for qname in existing_attributes.values():
        attrs -= qname

    stream[0] = (kind, (tagname, attrs), pos)
    if new_contents and tagname.localname == u'select' and bind is not None:
        if tagname.namespace:
            sub_tag = Namespace(tagname.namespace).option
        else:  # pragma: nocover
            sub_tag = QName('option')
        new_contents = _bind_unbound_tags(new_contents, sub_tag, bind)
    if new_contents:
        stream[1:-1] = new_contents
    return iter(stream)
Example #4
def _rewrite_stream(stream, directives, ctxt, vars, bind):
    stream = list(stream)
    mutable_attrs = {}

    for control_attribute in directives:
        control_attribute.inject(mutable_attrs, ctxt, vars)

    kind, (tagname, attrs), pos = stream[0]
    if len(stream) == 2:
        contents = None
        contents = _simplify_stream(stream[1:-1], ctxt, vars)

    existing_attributes = {}
    for qname, value in attrs:
        if qname.namespace is None:
            if not isinstance(value, unicode):
                value = _simplify_stream(value, ctxt, vars)
                attrs |= ((qname, value),)
            existing_attributes[qname.localname] = qname
            mutable_attrs[qname.localname] = value

        render_context = ctxt['flatland_render_context']
    except KeyError:
        ctxt['flatland_render_context'] = render_context = Context()

    new_contents = transform(tagname.localname, mutable_attrs, contents,
                             render_context, bind)

    if new_contents is None:
        new_contents = ()
    elif isinstance(new_contents, unicode):
        new_contents = [(TEXT, new_contents, (None, -1, -1))]

    pairs = sorted(mutable_attrs.iteritems(), key=_attribute_sort_key)
    for attribute_name, value in pairs:
        if attribute_name in existing_attributes:
            qname = existing_attributes.pop(attribute_name)
            qname = QName(attribute_name)
        attrs |= ((qname, value),)
    for qname in existing_attributes.values():
        attrs -= qname

    stream[0] = (kind, (tagname, attrs), pos)
    if new_contents and tagname.localname == u'select' and bind is not None:
        if tagname.namespace:
            sub_tag = Namespace(tagname.namespace).option
        else:  # pragma: nocover
            sub_tag = QName('option')
        new_contents = _bind_unbound_tags(new_contents, sub_tag, bind)
    if new_contents:
        stream[1:-1] = new_contents
    return iter(stream)