Example #1
def test_label():
    # .label fallback to .name works for instances and classes
    for item in Element.named(u'x'), Element.named(u'x')(), Element(name=u'x'):
        assert item.label == u'x'

    for item in (Element.using(name=u'x', label=u'L'),
                 Element.using(name=u'x', label=u'L')(),
                 Element(name=u'x', label=u'L')):
        assert item.label == u'L'
Example #2
def test_label():
    # .label fallback to .name works for instances and classes
    for item in Element.named(u'x'), Element.named(u'x')(), Element(name=u'x'):
        assert item.label == u'x'

    for item in (Element.using(name=u'x',
                               label=u'L'), Element.using(name=u'x',
                 Element(name=u'x', label=u'L')):
        assert item.label == u'L'
Example #3
def test_dsl_validated_by():
    s = Element.using(validators=(123, 456))
    eq_(s.validators, [123, 456])

    s = Element.validated_by(123, 456)
    eq_(s.validators, [123, 456])

    s = Element.using(validators=(123, 456)).validated_by(789)
    eq_(s.validators, [789])

    assert_raises(TypeError, Element.validated_by, int)
Example #4
def test_dsl_validated_by():
    s = Element.using(validators=(123, 456))
    eq_(s.validators, [123, 456])

    s = Element.validated_by(123, 456)
    eq_(s.validators, [123, 456])

    s = Element.using(validators=(123, 456)).validated_by(789)
    eq_(s.validators, [789])

    assert_raises(TypeError, Element.validated_by, int)
Example #5
def test_dsl_validated_by():
    s = Element.using(validators=(123, 456))
    assert s.validators == [123, 456]

    s = Element.validated_by(123, 456)
    assert s.validators == [123, 456]

    s = Element.using(validators=(123, 456)).validated_by(789)
    assert s.validators == [789]

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example #6
def test_validators():
    # Validators may be inherited or supplied at construction.
    el = Element()
    assert not el.validators

    # argument is transformed into a list copy
    el = Element(validators=(123, 456))
    eq_(el.validators, [123, 456])

    el = Element(validators=xrange(3))
    eq_(el.validators, list(xrange(3)))

    schema = Element.using(validators=xrange(3))
    eq_(schema.validators, list(xrange(3)))
Example #7
def test_validators():
    # Validators may be inherited or supplied at construction.
    el = Element()
    assert not el.validators

    # argument is transformed into a list copy
    el = Element(validators=(123, 456))
    eq_(el.validators, [123, 456])

    el = Element(validators=xrange(3))
    eq_(el.validators, list(xrange(3)))

    schema = Element.using(validators=xrange(3))
    eq_(schema.validators, list(xrange(3)))
Example #8
def test_validator_return():
    # Validator returns can be bool, int or None.

    class Bool(object):
        """A truthy object that does not implement __and__"""

        def __init__(self, val):
            self.val = val

        def __bool__(self):
            return bool(self.val)
        __nonzero__ = __bool__

    Validatable = Element.using(validates_down='validators')

    # mostly we care about allowing None for False
    true = lambda *a: True
    skip = lambda *a: Skip
    skipall = lambda *a: SkipAll
    one = lambda *a: 1

    false = lambda *a: False
    skipallfalse = lambda *a: SkipAllFalse
    zero = lambda *a: 0
    none = lambda *a: None
    no = lambda *a: Bool(False)

    for validator in true, one, skip, skipall:
        el = Validatable(validators=(validator,))
        assert el.validate()

    for validator in false, zero, none, skipallfalse:
        el = Validatable(validators=(validator,))
        assert not el.validate()

    for validator in [no]:
        el = Validatable(validators=(validator,))
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example #9
def test_validator_return():
    # Validator returns can be bool, int or None.

    class Bool(object):
        """A truthy object that does not implement __and__"""
        def __init__(self, val):
            self.val = val

        def __bool__(self):
            return bool(self.val)

        __nonzero__ = __bool__

    Validatable = Element.using(validates_down='validators')

    # mostly we care about allowing None for False
    true = lambda *a: True
    skip = lambda *a: Skip
    skipall = lambda *a: SkipAll
    one = lambda *a: 1

    false = lambda *a: False
    skipallfalse = lambda *a: SkipAllFalse
    zero = lambda *a: 0
    none = lambda *a: None
    no = lambda *a: Bool(False)

    for validator in true, one, skip, skipall:
        el = Validatable(validators=(validator, ))
        assert el.validate()

    for validator in false, zero, none, skipallfalse:
        el = Validatable(validators=(validator, ))
        assert not el.validate()

    for validator in [no]:
        el = Validatable(validators=(validator, ))
        assert_raises(TypeError, el.validate)