Example #1
def _read_yaml_object_values_correlated(obj, constraints):
    list_ = yaml.safe_load(obj)
    for parameter_group in list_:
        parameter_names = []
        central_values = []
        errors = []
        for dict_list in parameter_group['values']:
            parameter_name, value = list(dict_list.items())[0]
            Parameter[parameter_name] # this will raise an error if the parameter doesn't exist!
            error_dict = errors_from_string(value)
            squared_error = 0.
            for sym_err in error_dict['symmetric_errors']:
                squared_error += sym_err**2
            for asym_err in error_dict['asymmetric_errors']:
                squared_error += asym_err[0]*asym_err[1]
        correlation = _fix_correlation_matrix(parameter_group['correlation'], len(parameter_names))
        covariance = np.outer(np.asarray(errors), np.asarray(errors))*correlation
        if not np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(covariance) > 0):
            # if the covariance matrix is not positive definite, try a dirty trick:
            # multiply all the correlations by 0.99.
            n_dim = len(correlation)
            correlation = (correlation - np.eye(n_dim))*0.99 + np.eye(n_dim)
            covariance = np.outer(np.asarray(errors), np.asarray(errors))*correlation
            # if it still isn't positive definite, give up.
            assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(covariance) > 0), "The covariance matrix is not positive definite!" + str(covariance)
        constraints.add_constraint(parameter_names, MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_values, covariance))
Example #2
def _read_yaml_object_values_correlated(obj, constraints):
    list_ = yaml.load(obj)
    for parameter_group in list_:
        parameter_names = []
        central_values = []
        errors = []
        for dict_list in parameter_group['values']:
            parameter_name, value = list(dict_list.items())[0]
            Parameter.get_instance(parameter_name) # this will raise an error if the parameter doesn't exist!
            error_dict = errors_from_string(value)
            squared_error = 0.
            for sym_err in error_dict['symmetric_errors']:
                squared_error += sym_err**2
            for asym_err in error_dict['asymmetric_errors']:
                squared_error += asym_err[0]*asym_err[1]
        correlation = _fix_correlation_matrix(parameter_group['correlation'], len(parameter_names))
        covariance = np.outer(np.asarray(errors), np.asarray(errors))*correlation
        if not np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(covariance) > 0):
            # if the covariance matrix is not positive definite, try a dirty trick:
            # multiply all the correlations by 0.99.
            n_dim = len(correlation)
            correlation = (correlation - np.eye(n_dim))*0.99 + np.eye(n_dim)
            covariance = np.outer(np.asarray(errors), np.asarray(errors))*correlation
            # if it still isn't positive definite, give up.
            assert np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(covariance) > 0), "The covariance matrix is not positive definite!" + str(covariance)
        constraints.add_constraint(parameter_names, MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_values, covariance))