Example #1
def DeltaGamma_B(wc_obj, par, meson):
    r"""Decay width difference defined as
    $\Delta\Gamma = \Gamma_1 - \Gamma_2$ in the convention where
    $\Delta M = M_2 - M_1$ is positive (and the mass eigenstate
    1 is CP-even in the absence of CP violation), as often used in the
    $B$ system."""
    M12, G12 = get_M12_G12(wc_obj, par, meson)
    DM = common.DeltaM(M12, G12)
    if DM > 0:
        return common.DeltaGamma(M12, G12)
        return -common.DeltaGamma(M12, G12)
Example #2
def DeltaGamma_12(wc_obj, par, meson):
    r"""Decay width difference defined as
    $\Delta\Gamma = \Gamma_1 - \Gamma_2$, in the convention where the
    mass eigenstate 1 is CP-even in the absence of CP violation."""
    M12, G12 = get_M12_G12(wc_obj, par, meson)
    return common.DeltaGamma(M12, G12)
Example #3
def DeltaGamma(wc_obj, par, meson):
    M12, G12 = get_M12_G12(wc_obj, par, meson)
    return common.DeltaGamma(M12, G12)