Example #1
def load_parameters(file_res, file_cov, process, constraints):
    implementation_name = process + ' SSE'
    res_dict = csv_to_dict(file_res)
    cov_dict = csv_to_dict(file_cov)
    keys_sorted = sorted(res_dict.keys())
    res = [res_dict[k] for k in keys_sorted]
    # M -> M + M^T - diag(M) since the dictionary contains only the entries above the diagonal
    cov = (np.array([[cov_dict.get((k, m), 0) for m in keys_sorted]
                     for k in keys_sorted]) +
           np.array([[cov_dict.get((m, k), 0) for m in keys_sorted]
                     for k in keys_sorted]) -
           np.diag([cov_dict[(k, k)] for k in keys_sorted]))
    parameter_names = [
        implementation_name + ' ' + coeff_name for coeff_name in keys_sorted
    for parameter_name in parameter_names:
        try:  # check if parameter object already exists
            p = Parameter.get_instance(parameter_name)
        except:  # otherwise, create a new one
            p = Parameter(parameter_name)
        else:  # if parameter exists, remove existing constraints
        MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_value=res, covariance=cov))
Example #2
 def test_emcee_scan(self):
     # dummy observables
     o1 = Observable( 'test_obs 1' )
     o2 = Observable( 'test_obs 2' )
     # dummy predictions
     def f1(wc_obj, par_dict):
         return par_dict['m_b']
     def f2(wc_obj, par_dict):
         return 2.5
     Prediction( 'test_obs 1', f1 )
     Prediction( 'test_obs 2', f2 )
     d1 = NormalDistribution(5, 0.2)
     cov2 = [[0.1**2, 0.5*0.1*0.3], [0.5*0.1*0.3, 0.3**2]]
     d2 = MultivariateNormalDistribution([6,2], cov2)
     m1 = Measurement( 'measurement 1 of test_obs 1' )
     m2 = Measurement( 'measurement 2 of test_obs 1 and test_obs 2' )
     m1.add_constraint(['test_obs 1'], d1)
     m2.add_constraint(['test_obs 1', 'test_obs 2'], d2)
     fit = BayesianFit('fit_emcee_test', flavio.default_parameters, ['m_b', 'm_c'],  [], ['test_obs 1', 'test_obs 2'])
     scan = emceeScan(fit)
     scan.run(3, burnin=0)
     self.assertTupleEqual(scan.result.shape, (3 * scan.nwalkers, 2))
     Observable.del_instance('test_obs 1')
     Observable.del_instance('test_obs 2')
     Measurement.del_instance('measurement 1 of test_obs 1')
     Measurement.del_instance('measurement 2 of test_obs 1 and test_obs 2')
Example #3
def load_parameters(filename, process, constraints):
    implementation_name = process + ' BSZ'
    parameter_names = [
        implementation_name + ' ' + coeff_name for coeff_name in a_ff_string
    # a0_A0 and a0_T2 are not treated as independent parameters!
    parameter_names.remove(implementation_name + ' a0_A0')
    parameter_names.remove(implementation_name + ' a0_T2')
    for parameter_name in parameter_names:
        try:  # check if parameter object already exists
            p = Parameter[parameter_name]
        except:  # otherwise, create a new one
            p = Parameter(parameter_name)
            # get LaTeX representation of coefficient and form factor names
            _tex_a = tex_a[parameter_name.split(' ')[-1].split('_')[0]]
            _tex_ff = tex_ff[parameter_name.split(' ')[-1].split('_')[-1]]
            p.tex = r'$' + _tex_a + r'^{' + _tex_ff + r'}$'
            p.description = r'BSZ form factor parametrization coefficient $' + _tex_a + r'$ of $' + _tex_ff + r'$'
        else:  # if parameter exists, remove existing constraints
    [central, unc, corr] = get_ffpar(filename)
                                       covariance=np.outer(unc, unc) * corr))
Example #4
    def make_measurement(self, N=100, Nexp=5000, threads=1, force=False):
        """Initialize the fit by producing a pseudo-measurement containing both
        experimental uncertainties as well as theory uncertainties stemming
        from nuisance parameters.

        Optional parameters:

        - `N`: number of random computations for the SM covariance (computing
          time is proportional to it; more means less random fluctuations.)
        - `Nexp`: number of random computations for the experimental covariance.
          This is much less expensive than the theory covariance, so a large
          number can be afforded (default: 5000).
        - `threads`: number of parallel threads for the SM
          covariance computation. Defaults to 1 (no parallelization).
        - `force`: if True, will recompute SM covariance even if it
          already has been computed. Defaults to False.
        central_exp, cov_exp = self._get_central_covariance_experiment(Nexp)
        cov_sm = self.get_sm_covariance(N, force=force, threads=threads)
        covariance = cov_exp + cov_sm
        # add the Pseudo-measurement
        m = flavio.classes.Measurement(
            'Pseudo-measurement for FastFit instance: ' + self.name)
        if np.asarray(central_exp).ndim == 0 or len(
                central_exp) <= 1:  # for a 1D (or 0D) array
                NormalDistribution(central_exp, np.sqrt(covariance)))
                MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_exp, covariance))
Example #5
def np_measurement(name, w, observables, covariance):
    """Measurement instance of `observables` measured with `covariance`
    assuming the central values to be equal to the NP predictions given
    the `Wilson` instance `w`."""
    def predict(obs):
        d = Observable.argument_format(obs, 'dict')
        return flavio.np_prediction(d.pop('name'), w, **d)

    cv = [predict(obs) for obs in observables]
    d = MultivariateNormalDistribution(cv, covariance=covariance)
    m = Measurement(name)
    m.add_constraint(observables, d)
    return m
Example #6
 def test_exp_combo(self):
     o = Observable('test_obs')
     o.arguments = ['x']
     m = Measurement('test_obs measurement 1')
     m.add_constraint([('test_obs', 1)], MultivariateNormalDistribution([1, 2], np.eye(2)))
     # error: no measurement
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         flavio.combine_measurements('test_obs', x=1, include_measurements=['bla'])
     m.add_constraint([('test_obs', 1)], NormalDistribution(2, 3))
     combo = flavio.combine_measurements('test_obs', x=1)
     self.assertEqual(combo.central_value, 2)
     self.assertEqual(combo.standard_deviation, 3)
     m2 = Measurement('test_obs measurement 2')
     m2.add_constraint([('test_obs', 1)], NormalDistribution(3, 3))
     combo = flavio.combine_measurements('test_obs', x=1)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(combo.central_value, 2.5)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(combo.standard_deviation, sqrt(9 / 2))
Example #7
def load_parameters(filename, constraints):
    f = pkgutil.get_data('flavio.physics', filename)
    ff_dict = yaml.load(f)
    for parameter_name in ff_dict['parameters']:
        try:  # check if parameter object already exists
            p = Parameter[parameter_name]
        except:  # otherwise, create a new one
            p = Parameter(parameter_name)
        else:  # if parameter exists, remove existing constraints
    covariance = np.outer(ff_dict['uncertainties'],
                          ff_dict['uncertainties']) * ff_dict['correlation']
    if not np.allclose(covariance, covariance.T):
        # if the covariance is not symmetric, it is assumed that only the values above the diagonal are present.
        # then: M -> M + M^T - diag(M)
        covariance = covariance + covariance.T - np.diag(np.diag(covariance))
def load_parameters(file_res, file_cov, process, constraints):
    implementation_name = process + ' SSE'
    res_dict = csv_to_dict(file_res)
    cov_dict = csv_to_dict(file_cov)
    keys_sorted = sorted(res_dict.keys())
    res = [res_dict[k] for k in keys_sorted]
    cov = np.array([[ cov_dict.get((k,m),0) for m in keys_sorted] for k in keys_sorted])
    parameter_names = [implementation_name + ' ' + translate_parameters(coeff_name) for coeff_name in keys_sorted]
    for parameter_name in parameter_names:
        try: # check if parameter object already exists
            p = Parameter[parameter_name]
        except: # otherwise, create a new one
            p = Parameter(parameter_name)
            _tex_a = tex_a[parameter_name.split(' ')[-1].split('_')[0]]
            _tex_ff = tex_ff[parameter_name.split(' ')[-1].split('_')[-1]]
            p.tex = r'$' + _tex_a + r'^{' + _tex_ff + r'}$'
            p.description = r'SSE form factor parametrization coefficient $' + _tex_a + r'$ of $' + _tex_ff + r'$'
        else: # if parameter exists, remove existing constraints
            MultivariateNormalDistribution(central_value=res, covariance=cov ))