Example #1
    def fetch_c_plugins_installed(cls, plugin_type, is_config):
        libs = utils.find_c_plugin_libs(plugin_type)
        configs = []
        for name, _type in libs:
                if _type == 'binary':
                    jdoc = utils.get_plugin_info(name, dir=plugin_type)
                    if jdoc:
                        if 'flag' in jdoc:
                            if common_utils.bit_at_given_position_set_or_unset(
                                raise DeprecationWarning
                        plugin_config = {
                            'name': name,
                            'type': plugin_type,
                            'version': jdoc['version']
                        if is_config:
                            plugin_config.update({'config': jdoc['config']})
                    # for c-hybrid plugin
                    hybrid_plugin_config = common.load_and_fetch_c_hybrid_plugin_info(
                        name, is_config)
                    if hybrid_plugin_config:
            except DeprecationWarning:
                _logger.warning('"{}" plugin is deprecated'.format(name))
            except Exception as ex:

        return configs
Example #2
 def test_get_plugin_info(self, mock_subproc_popen):
     with patch.object(utils, '_find_c_util',
                       return_value=['']) as patch_util:
         with patch.object(utils, '_find_c_lib',
                           return_value=['']) as patch_lib:
             process_mock = MagicMock()
             attrs = {
                 (b'{"name": "Random", "version": "1.0.0", "type": "south", "interface": "1.0.0", "config": {"plugin" : { "description" : "Random C south plugin", "type" : "string", "default" : "Random" }, "asset" : { "description" : "Asset name", "type" : "string", "default" : "Random" } } }\n',
             mock_subproc_popen.return_value = process_mock
             j = utils.get_plugin_info('Random', dir='south')
             assert {
                 'name': 'Random',
                 'type': 'south',
                 'version': '1.0.0',
                 'interface': '1.0.0',
                 'config': {
                     'plugin': {
                         'description': 'Random C south plugin',
                         'type': 'string',
                         'default': 'Random'
                     'asset': {
                         'description': 'Asset name',
                         'type': 'string',
                         'default': 'Random'
             } == j
         patch_lib.assert_called_once_with('Random', 'south')
Example #3
def load_and_fetch_c_hybrid_plugin_info(plugin_name: str, is_config: bool, plugin_type='south') -> Dict:
    plugin_info = None
    if plugin_type == 'south':
        config_items = ['default', 'type', 'description']
        optional_items = ['readonly', 'order', 'length', 'maximum', 'minimum', 'rule', 'deprecated', 'displayName', 'options']
        plugin_dir = _FLEDGE_ROOT + '/' + 'plugins' + '/' + plugin_type
            plugin_paths = _FLEDGE_PLUGIN_PATH.split(";")
            for pp in plugin_paths:
                if os.path.isdir(pp):
                    plugin_dir = pp + '/' + plugin_type
        if not os.path.isdir(plugin_dir + '/' + plugin_name):
            plugin_dir = _FLEDGE_ROOT + '/' + 'plugins' + '/' + plugin_type

        file_name = plugin_dir + '/' + plugin_name + '/' + plugin_name + '.json'
        with open(file_name) as f:
            data = json.load(f)
            json_file_keys = ('connection', 'name', 'defaults', 'description')
            if all(k in data for k in json_file_keys):
                connection_name = data['connection']
                if _FLEDGE_ROOT + '/' + 'plugins' + '/' + plugin_type or os.path.isdir(plugin_dir + '/' + connection_name):
                    jdoc = utils.get_plugin_info(connection_name, dir=plugin_type)
                    if jdoc:
                        plugin_info = {'name': plugin_name, 'type': plugin_type,
                                       'description': data['description'],
                                       'version': jdoc['version']}
                        keys_a = set(jdoc['config'].keys())
                        keys_b = set(data['defaults'].keys())
                        intersection = keys_a & keys_b
                        # Merge default and other configuration fields of both connection plugin and hybrid plugin with intersection of 'config' keys
                        # Use Hybrid Plugin name and description defined in json file
                        temp = jdoc['config']
                        temp['plugin']['default'] = plugin_name
                        temp['plugin']['description'] = data['description']
                        for _key in intersection:
                            config_item_keys = set(data['defaults'][_key].keys())
                            for _config_key in config_item_keys:
                                if _config_key in config_items:
                                    if temp[_key]['type'] == 'JSON' and _config_key == 'default':
                                        temp[_key][_config_key] = json.dumps(data['defaults'][_key][_config_key])
                                    elif temp[_key]['type'] == 'enumeration' and _config_key == 'default':
                                        temp[_key][_config_key] = data['defaults'][_key][_config_key]
                                        temp[_key][_config_key] = str(data['defaults'][_key][_config_key])
                        if is_config:
                            plugin_info.update({'config': temp})
                        _logger.warning("{} hybrid plugin is not installed which is required for {}".format(connection_name, plugin_name))
                    _logger.warning("{} hybrid plugin is not installed which is required for {}".format(connection_name, plugin_name))
                raise Exception('Required {} keys are missing for json file'.format(json_file_keys))
    return plugin_info
Example #4
def load_c_plugin(plugin: str, service_type: str) -> Dict:
        plugin_info = apiutils.get_plugin_info(plugin, dir=service_type)
        if plugin_info['type'] != service_type:
            msg = "Plugin of {} type is not supported".format(plugin_info['type'])
            raise TypeError(msg)
        plugin_config = plugin_info['config']
    except Exception:
        # Now looking for hybrid plugins if exists
        plugin_info = common.load_and_fetch_c_hybrid_plugin_info(plugin, True)
        if plugin_info:
            plugin_config = plugin_info['config']
    return plugin_config
Example #5
 def test_get_plugin_info_exception(self):
     plugin_name = 'Random'
     with patch.object(utils, '_find_c_util',
                       return_value=None) as patch_util:
         with patch.object(utils, '_find_c_lib',
                           return_value=None) as patch_lib:
             with patch.object(utils.subprocess,
                 with patch.object(utils._logger,
                                   'exception') as patch_logger:
                     assert {} == utils.get_plugin_info(plugin_name,
                 assert 1 == patch_logger.call_count
         patch_lib.assert_called_once_with(plugin_name, 'south')
Example #6
async def create_filter(request: web.Request) -> web.Response:
    Create a new filter with a specific plugin
     curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/fledge/filter -d '{"name": "North_Readings_to_PI_scale_stage_1Filter", "plugin": "scale"}'
     curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/fledge/filter -d '{"name": "North_Readings_to_PI_scale_stage_1Filter", "plugin": "scale", "filter_config": {"offset":"1","enable":"true"}}'

    'name' is the filter name
    'plugin' is the filter plugin name
    'filter_config' is the new configuration of the plugin, part or full, should we desire to modify
    the config at creation time itself

    The plugin is loaded and default config from 'plugin_info'
    is fetched.

    A new config category 'name' is created:
    items are:
       - 'plugin'
       - all items from default plugin config

    NOTE: The 'create_category' call is made with keep_original_items = True

        data = await request.json()
        filter_name = data.get('name', None)
        plugin_name = data.get('plugin', None)
        filter_config = data.get('filter_config', {})
        if not filter_name or not plugin_name:
            raise TypeError('Filter name, plugin name are mandatory.')

        storage = connect.get_storage_async()
        cf_mgr = ConfigurationManager(storage)

        # Check first whether filter already exists
        category_info = await cf_mgr.get_category_all_items(
        if category_info is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "This '{}' filter already exists".format(filter_name))

        # Load C/Python filter plugin info
        #loaded_plugin_info = apiutils.get_plugin_info(plugin_name, dir='filter')
            # Try fetching Python filter
            plugin_module_path = "{}/python/fledge/plugins/filter/{}".format(
                _FLEDGE_ROOT, plugin_name)
            loaded_plugin_info = common.load_and_fetch_python_plugin_info(
                plugin_module_path, plugin_name, "filter")
        except FileNotFoundError as ex:
            # Load C filter plugin
            loaded_plugin_info = apiutils.get_plugin_info(plugin_name,

        if not loaded_plugin_info or 'config' not in loaded_plugin_info:
            message = "Can not get 'plugin_info' detail from plugin '{}'".format(
            raise ValueError(message)

        # Sanity checks
        plugin_config = loaded_plugin_info['config']
        loaded_plugin_type = loaded_plugin_info['type']
        loaded_plugin_name = plugin_config['plugin']['default']
        if plugin_name != loaded_plugin_name or loaded_plugin_type != 'filter':
            raise ValueError(
                "Loaded plugin '{}', type '{}', doesn't match the specified one '{}', type 'filter'"
                .format(loaded_plugin_name, loaded_plugin_type, plugin_name))

        # Set dict value for 'default' if type is JSON. This is required by the configuration manager
        for key, value in plugin_config.items():
            if value['type'] == 'JSON':
                value['default'] = json.loads(json.dumps(value['default']))

        # Check if filter exists in filters table
        payload = PayloadBuilder().WHERE(['name', '=', filter_name]).payload()
        result = await storage.query_tbl_with_payload("filters", payload)
        if len(result["rows"]) == 0:
            # Create entry in filters table
            payload = PayloadBuilder().INSERT(name=filter_name,
            await storage.insert_into_tbl("filters", payload)

        # Everything ok, now create filter config
        filter_desc = "Configuration of '{}' filter for plugin '{}'".format(
            filter_name, plugin_name)
        await cf_mgr.create_category(category_name=filter_name,

        # If custom filter_config is in POST data, then update the value for each config item
        if filter_config is not None:
            if not isinstance(filter_config, dict):
                raise ValueError('filter_config must be a JSON object')
            await cf_mgr.update_configuration_item_bulk(
                filter_name, filter_config)

        # Fetch the new created filter: get category items
        category_info = await cf_mgr.get_category_all_items(
        if category_info is None:
            raise ValueError("No such '{}' filter found".format(filter_name))
            return web.json_response({
                'filter': filter_name,
                'description': filter_desc,
                'value': category_info
    except ValueError as ex:
        _LOGGER.exception("Add filter, caught exception: " + str(ex))
        raise web.HTTPNotFound(reason=str(ex))
    except TypeError as ex:
        _LOGGER.exception("Add filter, caught exception: " + str(ex))
        raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=str(ex))
    except StorageServerError as ex:
        await _delete_configuration_category(storage, filter_name
                                             )  # Revert configuration entry
        _LOGGER.exception("Failed to create filter. %s", ex.error)
        raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason='Failed to create filter.')
    except Exception as ex:
        _LOGGER.exception("Add filter, caught exception:  %s", str(ex))
        raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason=str(ex))
Example #7
async def add_task(request):
    """ Create a new task to run a specific plugin

     curl -X POST http://localhost:8081/fledge/scheduled/task -d
        "name": "North Readings to PI",
        "plugin": "pi_server",
        "type": "north",
        "schedule_type": 3,
        "schedule_day": 0,
        "schedule_time": 0,
        "schedule_repeat": 30,
        "schedule_enabled": true

     curl -sX POST http://localhost:8081/fledge/scheduled/task -d
     '{"name": "PI-2",
     "plugin": "pi_server",
     "type": "north",
     "schedule_type": 3,
     "schedule_day": 0,
     "schedule_time": 0,
     "schedule_repeat": 30,
     "schedule_enabled": true,
     "config": {
        "producerToken": {"value": "uid=180905062754237&sig=kx5l+"},
        "URL": {"value": ""}}}'

        data = await request.json()
        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            raise ValueError('Data payload must be a valid JSON')

        name = data.get('name', None)
        plugin = data.get('plugin', None)
        task_type = data.get('type', None)

        schedule_type = data.get('schedule_type', None)
        schedule_day = data.get('schedule_day', None)
        schedule_time = data.get('schedule_time', None)
        schedule_repeat = data.get('schedule_repeat', None)
        enabled = data.get('schedule_enabled', None)
        config = data.get('config', None)

        if name is None:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Missing name property in payload.')
        if plugin is None:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Missing plugin property in payload.')
        if task_type is None:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Missing type property in payload.')
        if utils.check_reserved(name) is False:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Invalid name property in payload.')
        if utils.check_fledge_reserved(name) is False:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="'{}' is reserved for Fledge and can not be used as task name!".format(name))
        if utils.check_reserved(plugin) is False:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Invalid plugin property in payload.')
        if task_type not in ['north']:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Only north type is supported.')

        if schedule_type is None:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='schedule_type is mandatory')
        if not isinstance(schedule_type, int) and not schedule_type.isdigit():
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Error in schedule_type: {}'.format(schedule_type))
        if int(schedule_type) not in list(Schedule.Type):
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='schedule_type error: {}'.format(schedule_type))
        if int(schedule_type) == Schedule.Type.STARTUP:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='schedule_type cannot be STARTUP: {}'.format(schedule_type))

        schedule_type = int(schedule_type)

        if schedule_day is not None:
            if isinstance(schedule_day, float) or (isinstance(schedule_day, str) and (schedule_day.strip() != "" and not schedule_day.isdigit())):
                raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Error in schedule_day: {}'.format(schedule_day))
            schedule_day = int(schedule_day) if schedule_day is not None else None

        if schedule_time is not None and (not isinstance(schedule_time, int) and not schedule_time.isdigit()):
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Error in schedule_time: {}'.format(schedule_time))
            schedule_time = int(schedule_time) if schedule_time is not None else None

        if schedule_repeat is not None and (not isinstance(schedule_repeat, int) and not schedule_repeat.isdigit()):
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Error in schedule_repeat: {}'.format(schedule_repeat))
            schedule_repeat = int(schedule_repeat) if schedule_repeat is not None else None

        if schedule_type == Schedule.Type.TIMED:
            if not schedule_time:
                raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='schedule_time cannot be empty/None for TIMED schedule.')
            if schedule_day is not None and (schedule_day < 1 or schedule_day > 7):
                raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='schedule_day {} must either be None or must be an integer, 1(Monday) '
                                                'to 7(Sunday).'.format(schedule_day))
            if schedule_time < 0 or schedule_time > 86399:
                raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='schedule_time {} must be an integer and in range 0-86399.'.format(schedule_time))

        if schedule_type == Schedule.Type.INTERVAL:
            if schedule_repeat is None:
                raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='schedule_repeat {} is required for INTERVAL schedule_type.'.format(schedule_repeat))
            elif not isinstance(schedule_repeat, int):
                raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='schedule_repeat {} must be an integer.'.format(schedule_repeat))

        if enabled is not None:
            if enabled not in ['true', 'false', True, False]:
                raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='Only "true", "false", true, false are allowed for value of enabled.')
        is_enabled = True if ((type(enabled) is str and enabled.lower() in ['true']) or (
            (type(enabled) is bool and enabled is True))) else False

        # Check if a valid plugin has been provided
            # "plugin_module_path" is fixed by design. It is MANDATORY to keep the plugin in the exactly similar named
            # folder, within the plugin_module_path.
            # if multiple plugin with same name are found, then python plugin import will be tried first
            plugin_module_path = "{}/python/fledge/plugins/{}/{}".format(_FLEDGE_ROOT, task_type, plugin)
            plugin_info = common.load_and_fetch_python_plugin_info(plugin_module_path, plugin, task_type)
            plugin_config = plugin_info['config']
            script = '["tasks/north"]'
            process_name = 'north'
        except FileNotFoundError as ex:
            # Checking for C-type plugins
            script = '["tasks/north_c"]'
            plugin_info = apiutils.get_plugin_info(plugin, dir=task_type)
            if plugin_info['type'] != task_type:
                msg = "Plugin of {} type is not supported".format(plugin_info['type'])
                return web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)
            plugin_config = plugin_info['config']
            process_name = 'north_c'
            if not plugin_config:
                _logger.exception("Plugin %s import problem from path %s. %s", plugin, plugin_module_path, str(ex))
                raise web.HTTPNotFound(reason='Plugin "{}" import problem from path "{}"'.format(plugin, plugin_module_path))
        except TypeError as ex:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=str(ex))
        except Exception as ex:
            _logger.exception("Failed to fetch plugin configuration. %s", str(ex))
            raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason='Failed to fetch plugin configuration.')

        storage = connect.get_storage_async()
        config_mgr = ConfigurationManager(storage)

        # Abort the operation if there are already executed tasks
        payload = PayloadBuilder() \
            .SELECT(["id", "schedule_name"]) \
            .WHERE(['schedule_name', '=', name]) \
            .LIMIT(1) \

        result = await storage.query_tbl_with_payload('tasks', payload)

        if result['count'] >= 1:            
            msg = 'Unable to reuse name {0}, already used by a previous task.'.format(name)
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=msg)

        # Check whether category name already exists
        category_info = await config_mgr.get_category_all_items(category_name=name)
        if category_info is not None:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason="The '{}' category already exists".format(name))

        # Check that the schedule name is not already registered
        count = await check_schedules(storage, name)
        if count != 0:
            raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason='A north instance with this name already exists')

        # Check that the process name is not already registered
        count = await check_scheduled_processes(storage, process_name)
        if count == 0:  # Create the scheduled process entry for the new task
            payload = PayloadBuilder().INSERT(name=process_name, script=script).payload()
                res = await storage.insert_into_tbl("scheduled_processes", payload)
            except StorageServerError as ex:
                _logger.exception("Failed to create scheduled process. %s", ex.error)
                raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason='Failed to create north instance.')
            except Exception as ex:
                _logger.exception("Failed to create scheduled process. %s", ex)
                raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason='Failed to create north instance.')

        # If successful then create a configuration entry from plugin configuration
            # Create a configuration category from the configuration defined in the plugin
            category_desc = plugin_config['plugin']['description']
            await config_mgr.create_category(category_name=name,
            # Create the parent category for all North tasks
            await config_mgr.create_category("North", {}, 'North tasks', True)
            await config_mgr.create_child_category("North", [name])

            # If config is in POST data, then update the value for each config item
            if config is not None:
                if not isinstance(config, dict):
                    raise ValueError('Config must be a JSON object')
                for k, v in config.items():
                    await config_mgr.set_category_item_value_entry(name, k, v['value'])
        except Exception as ex:
            await config_mgr.delete_category_and_children_recursively(name)
            _logger.exception("Failed to create plugin configuration. %s", str(ex))
            raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason='Failed to create plugin configuration. {}'.format(ex))

        # If all successful then lastly add a schedule to run the new task at startup
            schedule = TimedSchedule() if schedule_type == Schedule.Type.TIMED else \
                       IntervalSchedule() if schedule_type == Schedule.Type.INTERVAL else \
            schedule.name = name
            schedule.process_name = process_name
            schedule.day = schedule_day
            m, s = divmod(schedule_time if schedule_time is not None else 0, 60)
            h, m = divmod(m, 60)
            schedule.time = datetime.time().replace(hour=h, minute=m, second=s)
            schedule.repeat = datetime.timedelta(seconds=schedule_repeat if schedule_repeat is not None else 0)
            schedule.exclusive = True
            schedule.enabled = False  # if "enabled" is supplied, it gets activated in save_schedule() via is_enabled flag

            # Save schedule
            await server.Server.scheduler.save_schedule(schedule, is_enabled)
            schedule = await server.Server.scheduler.get_schedule_by_name(name)
        except StorageServerError as ex:
            await config_mgr.delete_category_and_children_recursively(name)
            _logger.exception("Failed to create schedule. %s", ex.error)
            raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason='Failed to create north instance.')
        except Exception as ex:
            await config_mgr.delete_category_and_children_recursively(name)
            _logger.exception("Failed to create schedule. %s", str(ex))
            raise web.HTTPInternalServerError(reason='Failed to create north instance.')

    except ValueError as e:
        raise web.HTTPBadRequest(reason=str(e))
        return web.json_response({'name': name, 'id': str(schedule.schedule_id)})