def __init__(self, controller='joint_state_head', duration=120, interval=[2.0, 4.0], joints=[], minimal=[], maximal=[]): super(RandJointsMovements, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'], input_keys=['config']) # Store topic parameter for later use. self._controller = 'motion/controller/' + controller # create proxies self._set_operational_caller = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._controller + '/set_operational': SetBool}) self._publisher = ProxyPublisher( {self._controller + '/in_joints_ref': JointState}) # state self._start_timestamp = None self._movement_timestamp = None self._movement_duration = Duration() # user input self.set_movement_parameters(duration, interval, joints, minimal, maximal) # error in enter hook self._error = False
def __init__(self, group, offset, joint_names, tool_link, rotation): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(ComputeGraspState, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed'], input_keys=['pose'], output_keys=['joint_values', 'joint_names']) self._group = group self._offset = offset self._joint_names = joint_names self._tool_link = tool_link self._rotation = rotation self._srv_name = '/compute_ik' self._ik_srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: GetPositionIK}) # tf to transfor the object pose self._tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer( rospy.Duration(10.0)) #tf buffer length self._tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self._tf_buffer) self._robot1_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'execute_trajectory', moveit_msgs.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryAction) self._robot1_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Execute Trajectory server is available for robot1')
class depth_control(EventState): ''' Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation. This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started. -- target_depth float the desired depth to reach. <= Done Given time has passed. <= Failed Example for a failure outcome. ''' def __init__(self, depth): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(MovementServiceCaller, self).__init__(outcomes=['Done', 'Failed']) #To catch the sent srv_type in the state parameter self._topic = "/autonomous/depth_control" self._srv_type = depth_adv self._depth = depth self.service_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._topic: self._srv_type}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) Logger.loginfo("initiated %s service caller" % self._topic) def execute(self, userdata): # This method is called periodically while the state is active. # Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome. Logger.loginfo("Executing The service %s" % self._topic), self._depth) return 'Done' # One of the outcomes declared above. # If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active. def on_enter(self, userdata): # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken. # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state. # The following code is just for illustrating how the behavior logger works. # Text logged by the behavior logger is sent to the operator and displayed in the GUI. pass def on_exit(self, userdata): # This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active. # It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter. pass # Nothing to do in this example. def on_start(self): # This method is called when the behavior is started. # If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor # because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started. pass # In this example, we use this event to set the correct start time. def on_stop(self): # This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled. # Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources. pass # Nothing to do in this example.
def __init__(self, move_group, offset, tool_link, action_topic='/move_group'): ''' Constructor ''' super(MoveitToJointsDynState, self).__init__( outcomes=['reached', 'planning_failed', 'control_failed'], input_keys=['joint_values', 'joint_names']) self._offset = offset self._tool_link = tool_link self._action_topic = action_topic self._fk_srv_topic = '/compute_fk' self._cartesian_srv_topic = '/compute_cartesian_path' self._client = ProxyActionClient({self._action_topic: MoveGroupAction}) self._fk_srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._fk_srv_topic: GetPositionFK}) self._cartesian_srv = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._cartesian_srv_topic: GetCartesianPath}) self._current_group_name = move_group self._joint_names = None self._planning_failed = False self._control_failed = False self._success = False self._traj_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient( 'execute_trajectory', moveit_msgs.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryAction) self._traj_client.wait_for_server() self._traj_exec_result = None
def __init__(self, config_name, move_group="", duration=1.0, wait_for_execution=True, action_topic='/execute_kinematic_path', robot_name=""): ''' Constructor ''' super(SrdfStateToMoveitExecute, self).__init__( outcomes=['reached', 'request_failed', 'moveit_failed', 'param_error']) self._config_name = config_name self._robot_name = robot_name self._move_group = move_group self._duration = duration self._wait_for_execution = wait_for_execution self._action_topic = action_topic self._client = ProxyServiceCaller({self._action_topic: ExecuteKnownTrajectory}) # self._action_topic = action_topic # self._client = ProxyActionServer({self._action_topic: ExecuteTrajectoryAction}) self._request_failed = False self._moveit_failed = False self._success = False self._srdf_param = None if rospy.has_param("/robot_description_semantic"): self._srdf_param = rospy.get_param("/robot_description_semantic") else: Logger.logerror('Unable to get parameter: /robot_description_semantic') self._param_error = False self._srdf = None self._response = None
def __init__(self, sentence, input_keys=[], emotion=0, block=True): """Constructor""" super(SaraSay, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], input_keys=input_keys) if not (isinstance(sentence, types.LambdaType) and sentence.__name__ == "<lambda>") and len(input_keys) is not 0: raise ValueError( "In state " + type(self).__name__ + " saying \"" + sentence + "\", you need to define a lambda function for sentence.") # Get parameters self.msg = say() self.sentence = sentence self.emotion = UInt8() = emotion self.block = block # Set topics self.emotion_topic = "sara_face/Emotion" self.say_topic = "/say" self.sayServiceTopic = "/wm_say" self.emotionPub = ProxyPublisher({self.emotion_topic: UInt8}) # Prepare wm_tts if self.block: self.sayClient = ProxyServiceCaller( {self.sayServiceTopic: say_service}) else: self.sayPub = ProxyPublisher({self.say_topic: say}) # Initialise the face sub self.emotionSub = ProxySubscriberCached({self.emotion_topic: UInt8}) self.lastEmotion = None
class StopHandTracking(EventState): def __init__(self): super(StopHandTracking, self).__init__(outcomes=['done']) self.TRACKING_TOPIC = '/handtracking_server/stop' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({ self.TRACKING_TOPIC: Handtracking }) Logger.loginfo('waiting for handtracking service server') while not self._srv.is_available(self.TRACKING_TOPIC): rospy.Rate(10).sleep() Logger.loginfo('service found.') def execute(self, d): Logger.loginfo('stopping handtracking ...') req = HandtrackingRequest() #req.carrying = True, req) Logger.loginfo('done') return 'done'
def on_enter(self, userdata): # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken. # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state. self._move_group = userdata.move_group self._move_group_prefix = userdata.move_group_prefix self._tool_link = userdata.tool_link self._offset = userdata.offset self._rotation = userdata.rotation self._srv_name = userdata.move_group_prefix + '/compute_ik' self._ik_srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: GetPositionIK}) self._robot1_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(userdata.move_group_prefix + '/execute_trajectory', moveit_msgs.msg.ExecuteTrajectoryAction) self._robot1_client.wait_for_server() rospy.loginfo('Execute Trajectory server is available for robot') # Get transform between camera and robot1_base while True: rospy.sleep(0.1) try: target_pose = self._tf_buffer.transform(userdata.pose, "world") break except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logerr("ComputeGraspState::on_enter - Failed to transform to world") continue # the grasp pose is defined as being located on top of the item target_pose.pose.position.z += self._offset + 0.0 # rotate the object pose 180 degrees around - now works with -90??? #q_orig = [target_pose.pose.orientation.x, target_pose.pose.orientation.y, target_pose.pose.orientation.z, target_pose.pose.orientation.w] q_orig = [0, 0, 0, 1] #q_rot = quaternion_from_euler(self._rotation, 0, 0) q_rot = quaternion_from_euler(self._rotation, math.pi/2.0, 0) # math.pi/2.0 added by gerard!! #q_rot = quaternion_from_euler(math.pi/-2.0, 0, 0) res_q = quaternion_multiply(q_rot, q_orig) target_pose.pose.orientation = geometry_msgs.msg.Quaternion(*res_q) # use ik service to compute joint_values self._srv_req = GetPositionIKRequest() self._srv_req.ik_request.group_name = self._move_group self._srv_req.ik_request.robot_state.joint_state = rospy.wait_for_message(self._move_group_prefix + '/joint_states', sensor_msgs.msg.JointState) self._srv_req.ik_request.ik_link_name = self._tool_link # TODO: this needs to be a parameter self._srv_req.ik_request.pose_stamped = target_pose self._srv_req.ik_request.avoid_collisions = True self._srv_req.ik_request.attempts = 500 try: self._srv_result =, self._srv_req) self._failed = False except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Could not call IK: ' + str(e)) self._failed = True
def __init__(self): # See for basic explanations. super(SaraNLUrestaurant, self).__init__(outcomes=['understood', 'fail'], input_keys=['sentence'], output_keys=['orderList']) self.serviceName = "/Restaurant_NLU_Service" Logger.loginfo("waiting forservice: " + self.serviceName) self.serviceNLU = ProxyServiceCaller({self.serviceName: RestaurantNLUService})
def __init__(self, stop): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(SetConveyorPowerState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded', 'failed'], input_keys = ['speed']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._stop = stop # initialize service proxy self._srv_name = '/omtp/conveyor/control' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: ConveyorBeltControl})
def __init__(self, robot_name): """Constructor""" super(CaptureCharUcoState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'fail']) self.robot_name = robot_name self.move_mode = 'p2p' self.pose_indx = 0 self.hand_eye_service = '/camera/hand_eye_calibration' self.hand_eye_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.hand_eye_service: hand_eye_calibration}) self.get_feedback_service = self.robot_name +'/get_kinematics_pose' self.get_feedback_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.get_feedback_service: GetKinematicsPose})
class Trans2Robot(EventState): ''' Get the pose in robot coordinate from pose in camera coordinate -- robot_name string Robots name to move ># c_trans float[16] transformation matrix in camera coordinate with shape -1 #> pos float[3] pos with meter in robot coordinate #> euler float[3] euler with degrees in robot coordinate #> trans float[16] transformation matrix in robot coordinate <= done Robot move done. <= failed Robot move failed. ''' def __init__(self, robot_name): ''' Constructor ''' super(Trans2Robot, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'], input_keys=['c_trans'], output_keys=['trans', 'pos', 'euler']) self.robot_name = robot_name self.trans2robot_service = self.robot_name + '/eye_trans2base' self.trans2robot_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self.trans2robot_service: eye2base}) def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if len(userdata.pix_and_depth) != 16: rospy.logerr("data illegal") return 'failed' req = eye2baseRequest() req.ini_pose = userdata.c_trans try: res =, req) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e) return 'failed' userdata.trans = res.trans userdata.pos = res.pos userdata.euler = res.euler return 'done' def on_enter(self, userdata): if not self.trans2robot_client.is_available(self.trans2robot_service): rospy.logerr("trans2robot_service is not available!") return 'failed' def stop(self): pass
def __init__(self, object_name): super(RecognizeObjectState, self).__init__(outcomes=['detected', 'not_detected', 'failed'], input_keys=['pointcloud']) self._srv_topic = '/recognition_service/sv_recognition' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_topic: recognize}) self._object_name = object_name self._srv_result = None self._failed = False
def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(Wait_getCloserVictim, self).__init__( outcomes=['waiting', 'restart', 'preempted'], input_keys=['task_details_task_id', 'params_distance'], output_keys=['pose', 'params_distance']) self._allocated_task = '/taskallocation/allocatedTask' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._allocated_task: Task}) self._topic_get_task = 'taskallocation/get_task' self.getTask = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic_get_task: GetTask})
class SaraNLUreceptionist(EventState): ''' Use wm_nlu to parse a sentence and return the answer. ># sentence string sentence to parse #> answer string answer <= understood Finished job. <= not_understood Finished job but no commands detected. <= fail Finished job but sentence not successfully parsed or service unavailable. ''' def __init__(self): # See for basic explanations. super(SaraNLUreceptionist, self).__init__(outcomes=['understood', 'fail'], input_keys=['sentence'], output_keys=['answer']) self.serviceName = "/Receptionist_NLU_Service" Logger.loginfo("waiting forservice: " + self.serviceName) self.serviceNLU = ProxyServiceCaller( {self.serviceName: ReceptionistNLUService}) # self.service = rospy.ServiceProxy(serviceName, ReceptionistNLUService) def execute(self, userdata): if self.serviceNLU.is_available(self.serviceName): try: # Call the say service srvRequest = ReceptionistNLUServiceRequest() srvRequest.str = userdata.sentence response =, srvRequest) if not response: userdata.answer = "unknown" return "fail" # Checking the validity of the response if response.response is "unknown": userdata.answer = response.response return "fail" if response.response is "": userdata.answer = "unknown" return "fail" userdata.answer = response.response return "understood" except rospy.ServiceException as exc: Logger.logwarn("Receptionist NLU did not work: \n" + str(exc))
def __init__(self, depth): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(MovementServiceCaller, self).__init__(outcomes=['Done', 'Failed']) #To catch the sent srv_type in the state parameter self._topic = "/autonomous/depth_control" self._srv_type = depth_adv self._depth = depth self.service_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._topic: self._srv_type}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) Logger.loginfo("initiated %s service caller" % self._topic)
def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(DetectPlaneState, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed']) # The constructor is called when building the state machine, not when actually starting the behavior. # Thus, we cannot save the starting time now and will do so later. self._srv_topic = "/detect_plane_srv" self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_topic: Trigger}) self._srv_result = None self._failed = False
def __init__(self, robot_name): ''' Constructor ''' super(Pos2Robot, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'], input_keys=['c_pos'], output_keys=['pos']) self.robot_name = robot_name self.pos2robot_service = self.robot_name + '/eye2base' self.pos2robot_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self.pos2robot_service: eye2base})
class CaptureCharUcoState(EventState): """ Publishes a pose from userdata so that it can be displayed in rviz. -- robot_name string Robots name to move <= done Calib done. <= fail Calib fail. """ def __init__(self, robot_name): """Constructor""" super(CaptureCharUcoState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'fail']) self.robot_name = robot_name self.move_mode = 'p2p' self.pose_indx = 0 self.hand_eye_service = '/camera/hand_eye_calibration' self.hand_eye_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.hand_eye_service: hand_eye_calibration}) self.get_feedback_service = self.robot_name +'/get_kinematics_pose' self.get_feedback_client = ProxyServiceCaller({self.get_feedback_service: GetKinematicsPose}) def execute(self, _): if not self.get_feedback_client.is_available(self.get_feedback_service): rospy.logerr("get_feedback_service is not available!") return 'fail' try: arm_feedback =, 'arm') except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e) return 'fail' req = hand_eye_calibrationRequest() req.end_trans.translation.x = arm_feedback.group_pose.position.x req.end_trans.translation.y = arm_feedback.group_pose.position.y req.end_trans.translation.z = arm_feedback.group_pose.position.z req.end_trans.rotation.x = arm_feedback.group_pose.orientation.x req.end_trans.rotation.y = arm_feedback.group_pose.orientation.y req.end_trans.rotation.z = arm_feedback.group_pose.orientation.z req.end_trans.rotation.w = arm_feedback.group_pose.orientation.w if not self.hand_eye_client.is_available(self.hand_eye_service): rospy.logerr("get_feedback_service is not available!") return 'fail' try: res =, req) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e) return 'fail' return 'done' def on_enter(self, _): time.sleep(0.2)
def __init__(self, model_name, output_frame_id): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(LocateFactoryDeviceState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded', 'failed'], output_keys = ['pose']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._failed = True # initialize service proxy self._srv_name = '/gazebo/get_model_state' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: GetModelState}) self._srv_req = GetModelStateRequest() self._srv_req.model_name = model_name # TODO: change parameter name self._srv_req.relative_entity_name = output_frame_id # TODO: change parameter name
def __init__(self, target, service_name, srv_type): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(MAVROSServiceCaller, self).__init__(outcomes=['Done', 'Failed']) #To catch the sent srv_type in the state parameter types = {"CommandBool": CommandBool, "SetMode": SetMode} self._topic = service_name self._target = target self._srv_type = types[srv_type] self.service_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._topic: self._srv_type}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) #self._proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(self._topic,dist) # Store state parameter for later use. Logger.loginfo("initiated %s service caller" % self._topic)
def __init__(self, enable, service_name): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(VacuumGripperControlState, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed']) # initialize service proxy self._srv_name = service_name self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: VacuumGripperControl}) self._srv_req = VacuumGripperControlRequest() if enable: self._srv_req.enable = True else: self._srv_req.enable = False
class Pix2Robot(EventState): ''' Get the position in robot coordinate from pixel and depth in image -- robot_name string Robots name to move ># pix_and_depth float[3] pixel x, y, and the depth with meter #> pos float[3] pos with meter in robot coordinate <= done Robot move done. <= failed Robot move failed. ''' def __init__(self, robot_name): ''' Constructor ''' super(Pix2Robot, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failed'], input_keys=['pix_and_depth'], output_keys=['pos']) self.robot_name = robot_name self.pix2robot_service = self.robot_name + '/pix2base' self.pix2robot_client = ProxyServiceCaller( {self.pix2robot_service: eye2base}) def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if len(userdata.pix_and_depth) != 3: rospy.logerr("data illegal") return 'failed' req = eye2baseRequest() req.ini_pose = userdata.pix_and_depth try: res =, req) except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % e) return 'failed' userdata.pos = res.pos return 'done' def on_enter(self, userdata): if not self.pix2robot_client.is_available(self.pix2robot_service): rospy.logerr("pix2robot_service is not available!") return 'failed' def stop(self): pass
def __init__(self): super(StopHandTracking, self).__init__(outcomes=['done']) self.TRACKING_TOPIC = '/handtracking_server/stop' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({ self.TRACKING_TOPIC: Handtracking }) Logger.loginfo('waiting for handtracking service server') while not self._srv.is_available(self.TRACKING_TOPIC): rospy.Rate(10).sleep() Logger.loginfo('service found.')
def __init__(self, service, value): super(SetBoolState, self).__init__(outcomes=['true', 'false', 'failure'], output_keys=['success', 'message']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._value = value self._service = service # get service caller self._service_caller = ProxyServiceCaller({service: SetBool}) self._response = None # It may happen that the service caller fails to send the action goal. self._error = False
def __init__(self, activation): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(ControlFeederState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded', 'failed']) # Store state parameter for later use. self._activation = activation # initialize service proxy if self._activation: self._srv_name = '/start_spawn' else: self._srv_name = '/stop_spawn' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_name: Empty}) self._srv_req = EmptyRequest()
def __init__(self): super(DiscardVictim, self).__init__(outcomes = ['discarded'], input_keys = ['victim']) self._setVictimState = '/worldmodel/set_object_state' self._srvSet = ProxyServiceCaller({self._setVictimState: SetObjectState})
def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ super(CreatePath, self).__init__(outcomes=["succeeded", "retry"], output_keys=["path"]) self._serv = ProxyServiceCaller({"trajectory": GetRobotTrajectory}) self._start_time = None
def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(Wait_getCloserVictim, self).__init__(outcomes = ['waiting','restart','preempted'], input_keys = ['task_details_task_id', 'params_distance'], output_keys = ['pose', 'params_distance']) self._allocated_task = '/taskallocation/allocatedTask' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._allocated_task: Task}) self._topic_get_task = 'taskallocation/get_task' self.getTask = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic_get_task: GetTask})
def __init__(self, name, timeout=2.0): """Constructor""" super(CheckForPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes=['found', 'not_found', 'failed']) self._name = name self._mutex = Lock() self._people = [] self._timeout = timeout self._start_time = None self._callback_received = False self._transform_topic = '/clf_perception_vision/people/raw/transform' self._service_name = 'pepper_face_identification' self._service_proxy = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._service_name: DoIKnowThatPerson}) self._transform_listener = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._transform_topic: ExtendedPeople})
def __init__(self, object_name): super(RecognizeObjectState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['detected', 'not_detected', 'failed'], input_keys = ['pointcloud']) self._srv_topic = '/recognition_service/sv_recognition' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_topic: recognize}) self._object_name = object_name self._srv_result = None self._failed = False
def __init__(self, tolerance): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(AlignWithGate, self).__init__(outcomes = ['Aligned', 'CantSee']) #To catch the sent srv_type in the state parameter self._v_topic = "/vision/gate" self.sway_left_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/sway_left': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.sway_right_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/sway_right': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.heave_down_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/heave_down': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.heave_up_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/heave_up': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.stop_client = ProxyServiceCaller({'/autonomous/stop_vehicle': Empty}) # pass required clients as dict (topic: type) self.vision_sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._v_topic: vision_target}) self.width = rospy.get_param("frame_width") self.height = rospy.get_param("frame_height") self.width_h = (self.width/2) + tolerance self.width_l = (self.width/2) - tolerance self.height_h = (self.height/2) + tolerance self.height_l = (self.height/2) - tolerance self.inrange_flag = True Logger.loginfo("initiated allign gate state")
def __init__(self, active): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(SetMappingState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded']) self._mappingTopicSet = '/mapper/set_mode' self._srvSet = ProxyServiceCaller({self._mappingTopicSet: SetMode}) #self.set_mapper_mode = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mapper/set_mode', SetMode) self._switch = active
def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ super(MoveitExecuteTrajectoryState, self).__init__(outcomes=["done", "failed"], input_keys=["joint_trajectory"]) self._topic = "/execute_kinematic_path" self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic: ExecuteKnownTrajectory}) self._failed = False self._result = None
class DetectPlaneState(EventState): ''' The state that the camera detect the plane to place the object. The detect part is done by Apriltag <= continue Given time has passed. <= failed Example for a failure outcome. ''' def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(DetectPlaneState, self).__init__(outcomes=['continue', 'failed']) # The constructor is called when building the state machine, not when actually starting the behavior. # Thus, we cannot save the starting time now and will do so later. self._srv_topic = "/detect_plane_srv" self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_topic: Trigger}) self._srv_result = None self._failed = False def execute(self, userdata): # This method is called periodically while the state is active. # Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome. # If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active. if self._failed or self._srv_result.success is False: return 'failed' else: return "continue" def on_enter(self, userdata): # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken. # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state. # The following code is just for illustrating how the behavior logger works. # Text logged by the behavior logger is sent to the operator and displayed in the GUI. try: self._srv_result =, TriggerRequest()) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to send service call:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True def on_exit(self, userdata): pass # Nothing to do in this service. def on_start(self): pass # Nothing to do in this service. def on_stop(self): pass # Nothing to do in this service.
def __init__(self, pose_topic, follow_joint_state_controller='joint_state_head', discomfort_time=1000.0, neck_control_parameteres=[-0.13, 0.3, 0.20, 0.2], deactivate=True, controlled_chains=['head', 'eyes']): super(SweetieBotFollowHeadPoseSmart, self).__init__(outcomes=['failed', 'too_close']) # store state parameter for later use. self._pose_topic = pose_topic if len(neck_control_parameteres) != 4: raise TypeError( 'SweetieBotFollowHeadPoseSmart: neck_control_parameteres must be float[4]' ) self._neck_params = neck_control_parameteres self._discomfort_time = discomfort_time self._controller = 'motion/controller/' + follow_joint_state_controller self._deactivate = deactivate self._control_head = 'head' in controlled_chains self._control_eyes = 'eyes' in controlled_chains # setup proxies self._set_operational_caller = ProxyServiceCaller( {self._controller + '/set_operational': SetBool}) self._pose_subscriber = ProxySubscriberCached( {self._pose_topic: PoseStamped}) self._joints_publisher = ProxyPublisher( {self._controller + '/in_joints_ref': JointState}) # head inverse kinematics self._ik = HeadIK() # state self._neck_angle = None self._comfortable_stamp = None # error in enter hook self._error = False
def __init__(self, move_group, ignore_collisions = False): ''' Constructor ''' super(CalculateIKState, self).__init__(outcomes=['planned', 'failed'], input_keys=['eef_pose'], output_keys=['joint_config']) self._topic = '/compute_ik' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic: GetPositionIK}) self._move_group = move_group self._result = None self._failed = False self._ignore_collisions = ignore_collisions
class Wait_getCloserVictim(EventState): ''' Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation. This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started. -- target_time float Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started. <= continue Given time has passed. <= failed Example for a failure outcome. ''' def __init__(self): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(Wait_getCloserVictim, self).__init__(outcomes = ['waiting','restart','preempted'], input_keys = ['task_details_task_id', 'params_distance'], output_keys = ['pose', 'params_distance']) self._allocated_task = '/taskallocation/allocatedTask' self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._allocated_task: Task}) self._topic_get_task = 'taskallocation/get_task' self.getTask = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic_get_task: GetTask}) def execute(self, userdata): if self.preempt_requested(): self.service_preempt() return 'preempted' request = GetTaskRequest() # before userdata.task_details_task_id request.task_id = 'victim_0_autonomous' try: response =, request).task except Exception, e: Logger.loginfo('[behavior_get_closer] Could not get task:' + str(e)) rospy.sleep(0.5) return 'waiting' if not response.details.floatParams[SarTaskTypes.INDEX_VICTIM_DISTANCE] == userdata.params_distance: userdata.pose.pose = response.pose userdata.params_distance = response.details.floatParams[SarTaskTypes.INDEX_VICTIM_DISTANCE] return 'restart' else: rospy.sleep(0.5) return 'waiting'
class DiscardVictim(EventState): ''' Discard current victim ># victim string object_id of current victim <= discarded Current victim was discarded. ''' def __init__(self): super(DiscardVictim, self).__init__(outcomes = ['discarded'], input_keys = ['victim']) self._setVictimState = '/worldmodel/set_object_state' self._srvSet = ProxyServiceCaller({self._setVictimState: SetObjectState}) def execute(self, userdata): return 'discarded' def on_enter(self, userdata): state = ObjectState() state.state = -2 request = SetObjectStateRequest(userdata.victim, state) resp =, request) Logger.loginfo('%(x)s discarded' % { 'x': userdata.victim }) return 'discarded' def on_exit(self, userdata): pass def on_start(self): pass def on_stop(self): pass
class SetMappingState(EventState): ''' Activate or deactivate mapping. -- active bool Mapping changed to active or inactive. <= succeeded Mapping changed. ''' def __init__(self, active): # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments. super(SetMappingState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded']) self._mappingTopicSet = '/mapper/set_mode' self._srvSet = ProxyServiceCaller({self._mappingTopicSet: SetMode}) #self.set_mapper_mode = rospy.ServiceProxy('/mapper/set_mode', SetMode) self._switch = active def execute(self, userdata): return 'succeeded' def on_enter(self, userdata): #map_state = userdata.switch #resp = self.set_mapper_mode(True, map_state, True) request = SetModeRequest(True,self._switch, True) = self._switch resp =, request) def on_exit(self, userdata): pass def on_start(self): pass def on_stop(self): pass
class RecognizeObjectState(EventState): ''' Recognizes an object in the given pointcloud. -- object_name string Name of the object to look for. ># pointcloud PointCloud2 The perception data to work on. <= detected Object is detected. <= not_detected Object is not detected. <= failed Something regarding the service call went wrong. ''' def __init__(self, object_name): super(RecognizeObjectState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['detected', 'not_detected', 'failed'], input_keys = ['pointcloud']) self._srv_topic = '/recognition_service/sv_recognition' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._srv_topic: recognize}) self._object_name = object_name self._srv_result = None self._failed = False def execute(self, userdata): if self._failed or self._srv_result is None: return 'failed' if self._object_name in [ for s in self._srv_result.ids]: return 'detected' else: return 'not_detected' def on_enter(self, userdata): srv_request = recognizeRequest(cloud=userdata.pointcloud) self._failed = False try: self._srv_result =, srv_request) print self._srv_result except Exception as e: rospy.logwarn('Failed to call object recognizer:\n\r%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
def __init__(self, move_group, ignore_collisions = False): ''' Constructor ''' super(CalculateCartesianPathState, self).__init__(outcomes=['planned', 'failed'], input_keys=['eef_pose'], output_keys=['joint_trajectory', 'plan_fraction']) self._topic = '/compute_cartesian_path' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic: GetCartesianPath}) self._tf = ProxyTransformListener().listener() self._move_group = move_group self._result = None self._failed = False self._ignore_collisions = ignore_collisions
class CreatePath(EventState): """ Record a path. #> path Path Generated path. <= succeeded Robot is now located at the specified waypoint. <= retry Retry to operate robot. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ super(CreatePath, self).__init__(outcomes=["succeeded", "retry"], output_keys=["path"]) self._serv = ProxyServiceCaller({"trajectory": GetRobotTrajectory}) self._start_time = None def execute(self, userdata): """ Execute this state """ # wait for manual exit pass def on_enter(self, userdata): self._start_time = def on_exit(self, userdata): path ="trajectory", GetRobotTrajectoryRequest()) result = path.trajectory result.poses = filter(lambda p: p.header.stamp > self._start_time, path.trajectory.poses) userdata.path = result def on_stop(self): pass def on_pause(self): pass def on_resume(self, userdata): pass
class MoveitExecuteTrajectoryState(EventState): """ Executes a given joint trajectory message. ># joint_trajectory JointTrajectory Trajectory to be executed. <= done Trajectory has successfully finished its execution. <= failed Failed to execute trajectory. """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ super(MoveitExecuteTrajectoryState, self).__init__(outcomes=["done", "failed"], input_keys=["joint_trajectory"]) self._topic = "/execute_kinematic_path" self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic: ExecuteKnownTrajectory}) self._failed = False self._result = None def execute(self, userdata): if self._failed: return "failed" if self._result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: return "done" else: Logger.logwarn("Failed to execute trajectory: %d" % self._result.error_code.val) return "failed" def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False request = ExecuteKnownTrajectoryRequest() request.trajectory.joint_trajectory = userdata.joint_trajectory request.wait_for_execution = True try: self._result =, request) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn("Was unable to execute joint trajectory:\n%s" % str(e)) self._failed = True
class CalculateIKState(EventState): ''' Calculates a joint target from the given endeffector pose. -- move_group string Name of the move group to be used for planning. -- ignore_collisions bool Ignore collision, use carefully. ># eef_pose PoseStamped Target pose of the endeffector. #> joint_config float[] Calculated joint target. <= planned Found a plan to the target. <= failed Failed to find a plan to the given target. ''' def __init__(self, move_group, ignore_collisions = False): ''' Constructor ''' super(CalculateIKState, self).__init__(outcomes=['planned', 'failed'], input_keys=['eef_pose'], output_keys=['joint_config']) self._topic = '/compute_ik' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic: GetPositionIK}) self._move_group = move_group self._result = None self._failed = False self._ignore_collisions = ignore_collisions def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self._failed: return 'failed' if self._result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: userdata.joint_config = self._result.solution.joint_state.position return 'planned' else: Logger.logwarn('IK calculation resulted in error %d' % self._result.error_code.val) self._failed = True return 'failed' def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False request = GetPositionIKRequest() request.ik_request.group_name = self._move_group request.ik_request.avoid_collisions = not self._ignore_collisions request.ik_request.pose_stamped = userdata.eef_pose try: self._result =, request) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Failed to calculate IK!\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
class CalculateCartesianPathState(EventState): ''' Calculates the trajectory for a cartesian path to the given goal endeffector pose. -- move_group string Name of the move group to be used for planning. -- ignore_collisions bool Ignore collision, use carefully. ># eef_pose PoseStamped Target pose of the endeffector. #> joint_trajectory JointTrajectory Calculated joint trajectory. #> plan_fraction float Fraction of the planned path. <= planned Found a plan to the target. <= failed Failed to find a plan to the given target. ''' def __init__(self, move_group, ignore_collisions = False): ''' Constructor ''' super(CalculateCartesianPathState, self).__init__(outcomes=['planned', 'failed'], input_keys=['eef_pose'], output_keys=['joint_trajectory', 'plan_fraction']) self._topic = '/compute_cartesian_path' self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({self._topic: GetCartesianPath}) self._tf = ProxyTransformListener().listener() self._move_group = move_group self._result = None self._failed = False self._ignore_collisions = ignore_collisions def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self._failed: return 'failed' if self._result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS and self._result.fraction > .2: userdata.plan_fraction = self._result.fraction userdata.joint_trajectory = self._result.solution.joint_trajectory Logger.loginfo('Successfully planned %.2f of the path' % self._result.fraction) return 'planned' elif self._result.error_code.val == MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: Logger.logwarn('Only planned %.2f of the path' % self._result.fraction) self._failed = True return 'failed' else: Logger.logwarn('Failed to plan trajectory: %d' % self._result.error_code.val) self._failed = True return 'failed' def on_enter(self, userdata): self._failed = False request = GetCartesianPathRequest() request.group_name = self._move_group request.avoid_collisions = not self._ignore_collisions request.max_step = 0.05 request.header = userdata.eef_pose.header request.waypoints.append(userdata.eef_pose.pose) now = try: self._tf.waitForTransform('base_link', 'gripper_cam_link', now, rospy.Duration(1)) (p,q) = self._tf.lookupTransform('gripper_cam_link', 'base_link', now) c = OrientationConstraint() c.header.frame_id = 'base_link' c.header.stamp = now c.link_name = 'gripper_cam_link' c.orientation.x = q[0] c.orientation.y = q[1] c.orientation.z = q[2] c.orientation.w = q[3] c.weight = 1 c.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1 c.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1 c.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 0.1 #request.path_constraints.orientation_constraints.append(c) self._result =, request) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Exception while calculating path:\n%s' % str(e)) self._failed = True
class SrdfStateToMoveitExecute(EventState): ''' State to execute with MoveIt! a known trajectory defined in the "/robot_description_semantic" parameter (SRDF file) BEWARE! This state performs no self-/collison planning! -- config_name string Name of the joint configuration of interest. -- move_group string Name of the move group to be used for planning. -- duration float Duration of the execution Default to 1 second -- action_topic string Topic on which MoveIt is listening for action calls. Defualt to: /execute_kinematic_path -- robot_name string Optional name of the robot to be used. If left empty, the first one found will be used (only required if multiple robots are specified in the same file). ># joint_config float[] Target configuration of the joints. Same order as their corresponding names in joint_names. <= reached Target joint configuration has been reached. <= request_failed Failed to request the service. <= moveit_failed Failed to execute the known trajectory. ''' def __init__(self, config_name, move_group="", duration=1.0, wait_for_execution=True, action_topic='/execute_kinematic_path', robot_name=""): ''' Constructor ''' super(SrdfStateToMoveitExecute, self).__init__( outcomes=['reached', 'request_failed', 'moveit_failed', 'param_error']) self._config_name = config_name self._robot_name = robot_name self._move_group = move_group self._duration = duration self._wait_for_execution = wait_for_execution self._action_topic = action_topic self._client = ProxyServiceCaller({self._action_topic: ExecuteKnownTrajectory}) # self._action_topic = action_topic # self._client = ProxyActionServer({self._action_topic: ExecuteTrajectoryAction}) self._request_failed = False self._moveit_failed = False self._success = False self._srdf_param = None if rospy.has_param("/robot_description_semantic"): self._srdf_param = rospy.get_param("/robot_description_semantic") else: Logger.logerror('Unable to get parameter: /robot_description_semantic') self._param_error = False self._srdf = None self._response = None def execute(self, userdata): ''' Execute this state ''' if self._param_error: return 'param_error' if self._request_failed: return 'request_failed' if self._response.error_code.val != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS: Logger.logwarn('Move action failed with result error code: %s' % str(self._response.error_code)) self._moveit_failed = True return 'moveit_failed' else: Logger.loginfo('Move action succeeded: %s' % str(self._response.error_code)) self._success = True return 'reached' def on_enter(self, userdata): self._param_error = False self._request_failed = False self._moveit_failed = False self._success = False # Parameter check if self._srdf_param is None: self._param_error = True return try: self._srdf = ET.fromstring(self._srdf_param) except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Unable to parse given SRDF parameter: /robot_description_semantic') self._param_error = True if not self._param_error: robot = None for r in self._srdf.iter('robot'): if self._robot_name == '' or self._robot_name == r.attrib['name']: robot = r break if robot is None: Logger.logwarn('Did not find robot name in SRDF: %s' % self._robot_name) return 'param_error' config = None for c in robot.iter('group_state'): if (self._move_group == '' or self._move_group == c.attrib['group']) \ and c.attrib['name'] == self._config_name: config = c self._move_group = c.attrib['group'] #Set move group name in case it was not defined break if config is None: Logger.logwarn('Did not find config name in SRDF: %s' % self._config_name) return 'param_error' try: self._joint_config = [float(j.attrib['value']) for j in config.iter('joint')] self._joint_names = [str(j.attrib['name']) for j in config.iter('joint')] except Exception as e: Logger.logwarn('Unable to parse joint values from SRDF:\n%s' % str(e)) return 'param_error' # Action Initialization action_goal = ExecuteKnownTrajectoryRequest() # ExecuteTrajectoryGoal() #action_goal.trajectory.joint_trajectory.header.stamp = + rospy.Duration(0.3) action_goal.trajectory.joint_trajectory.joint_names = self._joint_names action_goal.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points = [JointTrajectoryPoint()] action_goal.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points[0].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(self._duration) action_goal.wait_for_execution = self._wait_for_execution action_goal.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points[0].positions = self._joint_config try: self._response =, action_goal) Logger.loginfo("Execute Known Trajectory Service requested: \n" + str(self._action_topic)) except rospy.ServiceException as exc: Logger.logwarn("Execute Known Trajectory Service did not process request: \n" + str(exc)) self._request_failed = True return