def test_publish_subscribe(self):
        t1 = '/pubsub_1'
        t2 = '/pubsub_2'
        pub = ProxyPublisher({t1: String})
        pub = ProxyPublisher({t2: String}, _latch=True)
        sub = ProxySubscriberCached({t1: String})

        pub.publish(t1, String('1'))
        pub.publish(t2, String('2'))

            .5)  # make sure latched message is sent before subscriber is added
        sub = ProxySubscriberCached({t2: String})
            .5)  # make sure latched message can be received before checking

        self.assertEqual(sub.get_last_msg(t1).data, '1')

        self.assertEqual(sub.get_last_msg(t2).data, '2')
Example #2
class GetClosestEntity(EventState):
    return the closest entity from the list in parameter. If no list in parameter, return the closest entity from the topic /entities

    ># entityList   object[]   	List of entities.

    #> entityFound object      The found entity.

    <= done                     Indicates completion of the extraction.
    <= not_found                Indicates completion of the extraction.

    def __init__(self):
        super(GetClosestEntity, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'not_found'],

        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({'/entities': Entities})
        self._subpos = ProxySubscriberCached({'/robot_pose': Pose})
        self.mypose = None

    def dist(self, entity1, entity2):
        x = entity1.position.x - entity2.position.x
        y = entity1.position.y - entity2.position.y
        return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)

    def execute(self, userdata):
        '''Execute this state'''
        if self._subpos.has_msg('/robot_pose'):
            self.mypose = self._subpos.get_last_msg('/robot_pose')

        if len(userdata.entityList) == 0:
            Logger.loginfo('va chercher la liste entities')
            if self._sub.has_msg('/entities'):
                myList = self._sub.get_last_msg('/entities')
                myList = myList.entities
                Logger.loginfo('a la liste entities')
            myList = userdata.entityList
            Logger.loginfo('a la liste en parametre')

        if len(myList) == 0:
            Logger.loginfo('liste vide')
            return "not_found"

        min_dist = 99999
        closestEntity = myList[0]
        for entity in myList:
            if self.dist(self.mypose, entity) < min_dist:
                min_dist = self.dist(self.mypose, entity)
                closestEntity = entity

        userdata.output_entity = closestEntity
        return 'done'
class ReadTorque(EventState):
    Reads torque of a joint.

    <= done            torque increase has been detected.

    def __init__(self, watchdog, Joint, Threshold, min_time):

              self).__init__(outcomes=['threshold', 'watchdog', 'fail'],
        self.watchdog = watchdog
        self.Threshold = Threshold
        self.Joint = Joint
        self.min_time = min_time
        self.timer = 0
        self._topic = "/joint_states"
        self.watchdogTime = None

        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: JointState})
        self.initialTorque = None

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self.initialTorque is None:
            self.watchdogTime = get_time() + self.watchdog
            if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
                message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
                for i in range(len(
                    if[i] == self.Joint:
                        self.Joint = i
                self.initialTorque = message.effort[self.Joint]
                print("Initial torque is:" + str(self.initialTorque))

            if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
                torque = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic).effort[self.Joint]
                if abs(self.initialTorque - torque) >= self.Threshold:
                    Logger.loginfo('Reading torque :' +
                                   str(abs(self.initialTorque - torque)))
                    if self.timer < get_time():
                        userdata.torque = torque
                        return 'threshold'
                    self.timer = get_time() + self.min_time

            if (self.watchdogTime - get_time() <= 0):
                return "watchdog"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self.initialTorque = None
Example #4
class Get_Robot_Pose(EventState):
    Gets the current pose of the robot.

    #> pose         geometry_msgs.Pose        Current pose of the robot.

    <= done         The pose is received.

    def __init__(self):
        super(Get_Robot_Pose, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],

        self._topic = "/robot_pose"
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: Pose})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        Execute this state

        mypose = userdata.pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
        if mypose:
            Logger.loginfo('my pose is:' + str(mypose))
            userdata.pose = mypose
            userdata.pose = Pose()
        return 'done'
Example #5
class GetLaserscanState(EventState):
	Grabs the most recent laserscan data.

	#> laserscan 	LaserScan 	The current laser scan.

	<= done 					Scanning data is available.

    def __init__(self):
        super(GetLaserscanState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],

        self._scan_topic = "/multisense/lidar_scan"
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._scan_topic: LaserScan})

    def execute(self, userdata):

        if self._sub.has_msg(self._scan_topic):
            userdata.laserscan = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._scan_topic)
            return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
class GetCameraImageState(EventState):
	Grabs the most recent camera image.

	#> camera_img 	Image 	The current color image of the left camera.

	<= done 				Image data is available.

    def __init__(self):
        super(GetCameraImageState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],

        self._img_topic = "/multisense/camera/left/image_rect_color"
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._img_topic: Image})

    def execute(self, userdata):

        if self._sub.has_msg(self._img_topic):
            userdata.camera_img = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._img_topic)
            return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
class GetLaserscanState(EventState):
	Grabs the most recent laserscan data.

	#> laserscan 	LaserScan 	The current laser scan.

	<= done 					Scanning data is available.


    def __init__(self):
        super(GetLaserscanState, self).__init__(outcomes=["done"], output_keys=["laserscan"])

        self._scan_topic = "/multisense/lidar_scan"
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._scan_topic: LaserScan})

    def execute(self, userdata):

        if self._sub.has_msg(self._scan_topic):
            userdata.laserscan = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._scan_topic)
            return "done"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
class DetectPersonState(EventState):
	Detects the nearest person and provides their pose.

	-- wait_timeout	float 			Time (seconds) to wait for a person before giving up.

	#> person_pose 	PoseStamped 	Pose of the nearest person if one is detected, else None.

	<= detected 		Detected a person.
	<= not_detected		No person detected, but time ran out.


    def __init__(self, wait_timeout):
        super(DetectPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes=["detected", "not_detected"], output_keys=["person_pose"])

        self._wait_timeout = rospy.Duration(wait_timeout)

        self._topic = "/people_tracker/pose"
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: PoseStamped})

        self._start_waiting_time = None

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if > self._start_waiting_time + self._wait_timeout:
            userdata.person_pose = None
            return "not_detected"

        if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
            userdata.person_pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
            return "detected"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._start_waiting_time =
class StorePointcloudState(EventState):
	Stores the latest pointcloud of the given topic.

	-- topic 		string 			The topic on which to listen for the pointcloud.

	#> pointcloud 	PointCloud2		The received pointcloud.

	<= done 			Pointcloud has been received and stored.


	def __init__(self, topic):
		super(StorePointcloudState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'],
													output_keys = ['pointcloud'])

		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({topic: PointCloud2})

		self._pcl_topic = topic

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._sub.has_msg(self._pcl_topic):
			userdata.pointcloud = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._pcl_topic)
			return 'done'
class MarkPoint(EventState):
	Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
	This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

	-- target_time 	float 	Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started.

	<= continue 			Given time has passed.
	<= failed 				Example for a failure outcome.

    def __init__(self):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
        super(MarkPoint, self).__init__(outcomes=['succeeded'],

        #self._topic = '/move_base/simple_goal'
        #self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped})

        self._objectTopic = '/robot_pose'
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: PoseStamped})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # This method is called periodically while the state is active.
        # Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome.
        # If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active.

        ##if - self._start_time < self._target_time:
        return 'succeeded'  # One of the outcomes declared above.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken.
        # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state.

        # The following code is just for illustrating how the behavior logger works.
        # Text logged by the behavior logger is sent to the operator and displayed in the GUI.

        userdata.pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._objectTopic)

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active.
        # It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter.

        pass  # Nothing to do in this example.

    def on_start(self):
        # This method is called when the behavior is started.
        # If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor
        # because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started.

        # In this example, we use this event to set the correct start time.
        ##self._start_time =


    def on_stop(self):
        # This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled.
        # Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources.

        pass  # Nothing to do in this example.
class GetCameraImageState(EventState):
	Grabs the most recent camera image.

	#> camera_img 	Image 	The current color image of the left camera.

	<= done 				Image data is available.


	def __init__(self):
		super(GetCameraImageState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'],
														output_keys = ['camera_img'])

		self._img_topic = "/multisense/camera/left/image_rect_color"
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._img_topic: Image})

	def execute(self, userdata):

		if self._sub.has_msg(self._img_topic):
			userdata.camera_img = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._img_topic)
			return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
Example #12
class ShowPictureWebinterfaceState(EventState):
    Displays the picture in a web interface

    ># Image    Image       The received Image
    <= done                 Displaying the Picture

    def __init__(self):
        super(ShowPictureWebinterfaceState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['tweet', 'forget'],
                                                            input_keys = ['image_name'])

        self._pub_topic = '/webinterface/display_picture'
        self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._pub_topic: String})

        self._sub_topic = '/webinterface/dialog_feedback'
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._sub_topic: String})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._sub.has_msg(self._sub_topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._sub_topic)

            if == 'yes':
		print 'show_picture_webinterface_state, returning tweet'
                return 'tweet'
		print 'show_picture_webinterface_state, returning forget'
                return 'forget'

    def on_enter(self,userdata):
        self._pub.publish(self._pub_topic, String(userdata.image_name))
class CheckCurrentControlModeState(EventState):
	Implements a state where the robot checks its current control mode.

	-- target_mode 	enum	The control mode to check for being the current one (e.g. 3 for stand, 6 for manipulate).
							The state's class variables can also be used (e.g. CheckCurrentControlModeState.STAND).
	-- wait 		bool	Whether to check once and return (False), or wait for the control mode to change (True).

	#> control_mode enum	The current control mode when the state returned.

	<= correct				Indicates that the current control mode is the target/expected one.
	<= incorrect			Indicates that the current control mode is not the target/expected one.


	NONE = 0
	STAND = 3
	WALK = 4
	STEP = 5
	USER = 7

	def __init__(self, target_mode, wait = False):
		super(CheckCurrentControlModeState, self).__init__(outcomes=['correct', 'incorrect'],
		self._status_topic = '/flor/controller/mode'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._status_topic: VigirAtlasControlMode})
		self._target_mode = target_mode
		self._wait = wait
	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if self._sub.has_msg(self._status_topic):
			msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._status_topic)
			userdata.control_mode = msg.bdi_current_behavior
			if msg.bdi_current_behavior == self._target_mode:
				return 'correct'
			elif not self._wait:
				return 'incorrect'
	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		if self._wait:
			Logger.loghint("Waiting for %s" % str(self._target_mode))
Example #14
class ContinueButton(EventState):
    Reads on a topic to see for the continue button.

    <= done            Continue if button pressed.

    def __init__(self):
        super(ContinueButton, self).__init__(outcomes=['true', 'false'])
        self._topic = "/continue_button"
        self._connected = False

        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: Bool})

    def execute(self, userdata):

        Logger.loginfo('Waiting for the continue button')
        if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
            message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
                return 'true'
                return 'false'
Example #15
class CheckCurrentControlModeState(EventState):
	Implements a state where the robot checks its current control mode.

	-- target_mode 	enum	The control mode to check for being the current one (e.g. 3 for stand, 6 for manipulate).
							The state's class variables can also be used (e.g. CheckCurrentControlModeState.STAND).
	-- wait 		bool	Whether to check once and return (False), or wait for the control mode to change (True).

	#> control_mode enum	The current control mode when the state returned.

	<= correct				Indicates that the current control mode is the target/expected one.
	<= incorrect			Indicates that the current control mode is not the target/expected one.


    NONE = 0
    FREEZE = 1
    STAND_PREP = 2
    STAND = 3
    WALK = 4
    STEP = 5
    USER = 7
    SOFT_STOP = 9

    def __init__(self, target_mode, wait=False):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['correct', 'incorrect'],

        self._status_topic = '/flor/controller/mode'

        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached(
            {self._status_topic: VigirAtlasControlMode})


        self._target_mode = target_mode
        self._wait = wait

    def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
        if self._sub.has_msg(self._status_topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._status_topic)
            userdata.control_mode = msg.bdi_current_behavior
            if msg.bdi_current_behavior == self._target_mode:
                return 'correct'
            elif not self._wait:
                return 'incorrect'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        if self._wait:
            Logger.loghint("Waiting for %s" % str(self._target_mode))
Example #16
class GenericSub(EventState):
        GenericPubSub state subscribes to a given topic (Int32 message only) and will not move forward until a response is recieved.
        This is meant to be a template to be modified to your needs it is not super useful in its current
        state. Intended mostly for communicating with arduino    

    def __init__(self, subtopic):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
        super(GenericSub, self).__init__(outcomes=["completed", "failed"])

        # Store state parameters for later use.
        self._subtopic = subtopic

        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._subtopic: Int32})
        #rospy.init_node('reset_control', anonymous=True)

    def execute(self, userdata):
        #publish to arduino

        if self._sub.has_msg(self._subtopic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._subtopic)
            # in case you want to make sure the same message is not processed twice:
            return "completed"
class TurtlebotStatusState(EventState):
    The state monitors the Kobuki turtlebot bumper and cliff sensors and will
    return an outcome if a one is activated.

    -- bumper_topic    string    The topic that the bumper events are published
    -- cliff_topic     string    The topic that the cliff events are published

    <= bumper    A bumper was activated
    <= cliff     The cliff sensor
    def __init__(self,

              self).__init__(outcomes=['bumper', 'cliff'])

        self._bumper_topic = bumper_topic
        self._cliff_topic = cliff_topic
        self._bumper_sub = ProxySubscriberCached(
            {self._bumper_topic: BumperEvent})
        self._cliff_sub = ProxySubscriberCached(
            {self._cliff_topic: CliffEvent})
        self._return = None  # Handle return in case outcome is blocked by low autonomy

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._bumper_sub.has_msg(self._bumper_topic):
            sensor = self._bumper_sub.get_last_msg(self._bumper_topic)

            if sensor.state > 0:
                Logger.logwarn('Bumper %d contact' % (sensor.bumper))
                self._return = 'bumper'

        if self._cliff_sub.has_msg(self._cliff_topic):
            sensor = self._cliff_sub.get_last_msg(self._cliff_topic)
            if sensor.state > 0:
                Logger.logwarn('Cliff alert')
                self._return = 'cliff'

        return self._return

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self._return = None  # Clear the completion flag
class MonitorPerceptState(EventState):
	Monitors the hector worldmodel for percepts
	and triggers a detection event if a percept has a high-enough support.

	-- required_support	float 		Support threshold which needs to be reached before an event is triggered.
	-- percept_class	string 		Class name of percepts to be monitored.
	-- track_percepts 	bool 		Defines if this state should track previously detected percepts.
									Recommended if it is not desired to react multiple times on the same percept.

	#> object_id 		string 		Identifier of the detected object.
	#> object_pose 		PoseStamped Pose of the detected object.
	#> object_data 		float[] 	Data associated with this object.

	<= detected 					Percept is detected.


	def __init__(self, required_support, percept_class, track_percepts = True):
		super(MonitorPerceptState, self).__init__(outcomes=['detected'],
												output_keys=['object_id', 'object_pose', 'object_data'])
		self._topic = '/worldmodel/objects'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: ObjectModel})

		self._required_support = required_support
		self._percept_class = percept_class
		self._track_percepts = track_percepts
		self._percepts = list()
	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
			msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)

			objects = filter(lambda obj:
				#obj.state.state == ObjectState.ACTIVE \ == self._percept_class \
				and >= self._required_support \
				and not in self._percepts,

			for obj in objects:
				if self._track_percepts:

				(x,y,z) = (obj.pose.pose.position.x, obj.pose.pose.position.y, obj.pose.pose.position.z)
				Logger.loginfo('Detected %s percept with id: %s\nPosition: (%.1f, %.1f, %.1f)' % (self._percept_class,, x, y, z))

				userdata.object_id =
				userdata.object_pose = PoseStamped(header=obj.header, pose=obj.pose.pose)
				userdata.object_data =
				return 'detected'
Example #19
class SpeakState(EventState):
	Genie TTS request	
    def __init__(self):
        super(SpeakState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],

        self.tts_topic = '/genie_tts'
        self.state_topic = '/genie_state'
        self.tts_pub = ProxyPublisher({self.tts_topic: String})
        self.state_sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self.state_topic: UInt8})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self.state_sub.has_msg(self.state_topic):

            # get genie state
            state = self.state_sub.get_last_msg(self.state_topic)

            # non-speaking state
            if == 0:
                return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):

        tts_text = String() = userdata.tts_text

        check_rate = rospy.Rate(10)

        while self.state_sub.has_msg(self.state_topic):

            # get genie state
            state = self.state_sub.get_last_msg(self.state_topic)

            # non-speaking state
            if == 0:


        # send tts request
        self.tts_pub.publish(self.tts_topic, tts_text)
class GetWristPoseState(EventState):
	Retrieves the current wrist pose from the corresponding ROS topic.

	># hand_side 	string 		Wrist whose pose will be returned (left, right)

	#> wrist_pose 	PoseStamped	The current pose of the left or right wrist

	<= done 					Wrist pose has been retrieved.
	<= failed 					Failed to retrieve wrist pose.


	def __init__(self):
		super(GetWristPoseState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'],
												input_keys = ['hand_side'],
												output_keys = ['wrist_pose'])

		# Set up subscribers for listening to the latest wrist poses
		self._wrist_pose_topics = dict()
		self._wrist_pose_topics['left']  = '/flor/l_arm_current_pose'
		self._wrist_pose_topics['right'] = '/flor/r_arm_current_pose'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({
						self._wrist_pose_topics['left']:  PoseStamped,
						self._wrist_pose_topics['right']: PoseStamped})

		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):

		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'
			return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):

		self._failed = False

		# Read the current wrist pose and write to userdata
			wrist_pose_topic = self._wrist_pose_topics[userdata.hand_side]
			wrist_pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(wrist_pose_topic)
			userdata.wrist_pose = wrist_pose
			rospy.loginfo('Retrieved %s wrist pose: \n%s',
						  userdata.hand_side, wrist_pose)
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to get the latest wrist pose:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True
class DetectObject(EventState):
	Observe the update of objects (victims) in the worldmodel. When its state is 'active', we return it.

	># pose	   PoseStamped		Pose of object

	<= found 			Victim was found

	#> pose    PoseStamped		Pose of the object, which was detected
	#> victim  string		object_id of detected victim


	def __init__(self):
		super(DetectObject, self).__init__(outcomes = [ 'found'], input_keys =['pose'], output_keys = ['pose', 'victim'])

		self._objectTopic = '/worldmodel/object'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: Object})

	def execute(self, userdata):

		current_obj = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._objectTopic)
		if current_obj:
			if == 'victim' and current_obj.state.state == 2: 
				userdata.pose = PoseStamped()
				userdata.pose.pose = current_obj.pose.pose
				userdata.pose.header.stamp =
				userdata.pose.header.frame_id = 'map'
				userdata.victim =
				Logger.loginfo('detected %(x)s' % {
				return 'found'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):


	def on_exit(self, userdata):

	def on_start(self):

	def on_stop(self):
class DetectObjectNew(EventState):
	Observe the update of objects in the worldmodel.
	># type	   string		object_type to be found
	># state   string		state the object should be in

	<= found 			Object was found

	#> pose    PoseStamped		Pose of the object, which was detected
	#> object_id  string		object_id of detected object


	def __init__(self):
		super(DetectObjectNew, self).__init__(outcomes = ['found'], input_keys =['type', 'state', 'pose'], output_keys = ['pose', 'object_id'])

		self._objectTopic = '/worldmodel/object'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: Object})

	def execute(self, userdata):

		current_obj = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._objectTopic)
		if current_obj:
			if == userdata.type and current_obj.state.state == userdata.state: 
				userdata.pose = PoseStamped()
				userdata.pose.pose = current_obj.pose.pose
				userdata.pose.header.stamp =
				userdata.pose.header.frame_id = 'map'
				userdata.object_id =
				Logger.loginfo('detected %(x)s' % {
				return 'found'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):


	def on_exit(self, userdata):

	def on_start(self):

	def on_stop(self):
class CupboardDoorDetector(EventState):
    Detect if door is open
    REF :

    -- timeout  limit time before conclusion
    <= done     Finish job.
    <= failed   Job as failed.
    def __init__(self, timeout):
        # See for basic explanations.
        super(CupboardDoorDetector, self).__init__(outcomes=['open', 'closed'])

        self.distances = []
        self._topic = "/scan"
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: LaserScan})
        self.time = 0
        self.timeout = timeout

    def avg(self, lst):
        return sum(lst) / max(len(lst), 1)

    def interval(self, lst):
        return max(lst) - min(lst)

    def process_scan(self, scan_msg):

        # Extract the interval in a restricted range to determine if the is a closed door
        middle_index = len(scan_msg.ranges) / 2
        ranges_at_center = scan_msg.ranges[middle_index - 40:middle_index + 40]
        interval_of_door = self.interval(ranges_at_center)

        print("dist = " + str(interval_of_door))
        if interval_of_door < 0.1 or interval_of_door > 0.5 or max(
                ranges_at_center) > 0.85:
            rospy.loginfo("Distance to door is more than a meter")
            return "open"

        if (self.time - get_time() <= 0):
            Logger.loginfo('no speech detected')
            return 'closed'

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
            message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
            return self.process_scan(message)

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        rospy.loginfo("Waiting for door...")
        self.time = get_time() + self.timeout

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        rospy.loginfo("The door is now open")
Example #24
class WaitForPersonState(EventState):
    Implements a state that returns true if there is a face published on the given topic.

    -- target_sub_topic     String  The topic for the coordinates where to gaze.

    <= done			                There is a person.

    <= failure		                Something bad happend.

    def __init__(self, target_sub_topic='/hace/people'):
        super(WaitForPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done', 'failure'])
        self._target_sub_topic = target_sub_topic

        self._persons = None
        self._start_sec = 0
        self._start_nsec = 0

        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached(
            {self._target_sub_topic: MinimalHumans})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        '''Execute this state'''

        self._persons = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._target_sub_topic)
        if (self._persons != None and len(self._persons.humans) > 0):
            if self._persons.humans[0].header.stamp.secs > self._start_sec or \
                    (self._persons.humans[0].header.stamp.secs == self._start_sec and self._persons.humans[0].header.stamp.nsecs > self._start_nsec) :
                return 'done'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        '''Upon entering the state, save the start time and calculate the duration.'''

        self._persons = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._target_sub_topic)
        if (self._persons != None and len(self._persons.humans) > 0):
            self._start_sec = self._persons.humans[0].header.stamp.secs
            self._start_nsec = self._persons.humans[0].header.stamp.nsecs
Example #25
class hsr_GetWrench(EventState):
    Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
    This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

    -- threshold        float       StartBottun(20.0>0), PutControl(-15.0<0), Ignore(0.0)

    <= completed        Completed

    <= failed           Failed

    def __init__(self, threshold=-15.0):
        super(hsr_GetWrench, self).__init__(outcomes=['completed', 'failed'])
        self.threshold = threshold
        self._topic = '/hsrb/wrist_wrench/raw'
        self.sub_wrench = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: WrenchStamped})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self.sub_wrench.has_msg(self._topic):
            msg = self.sub_wrench.get_last_msg(self._topic)

            if self.threshold < 0.0 and msg.wrench.force.x < self.threshold:
                print "Move on Gripper Open Phase."
                return "completed"

            if self.threshold > 0.0 and msg.wrench.force.x > self.threshold:
                print "Start the Task."
                return "completed"

            if self.threshold == 0.0:
                print "Ignore the this state"
                return "completed"

            rospy.loginfo("Cannot subscribe the topic: %s", self._topic)
            return "failed"

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        #self._sub_wrench = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: WrenchStamped})

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

    def on_start(self):

    def on_stop(self):
Example #26
class GetClosestObstacle(EventState):
    Renvoie l'angle de l'obstacle le plus proche.

    ### InputKey
    ># angle        msg.ranges

    ### OutputKey
    <= done         Angle de l'obstacle

    def __init__(self, topic="/scan", maximumDistance=2):
        super(GetClosestObstacle, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'], output_keys=['Angle', 'distance', 'position'])

        self._topic = topic
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: LaserScan})
        self.maximumDistance = maximumDistance

    def execute(self, userdata):
        Execute this state

        Angle = 0
        previousMinimum = self.maximumDistance
        i = 0

        msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
        # print(str(msg))
        if msg:
            for range in msg.ranges:
                ang = msg.angle_min + i * msg.angle_increment
                if range < previousMinimum and (range > 0.4 or -1.8 < ang < 1.8) and range > 0.05:
                    previousMinimum = range
                    Angle = ang
                i += 1
            dist = previousMinimum
            userdata.distance = dist

            pos = Point()
            pos.x = cos(Angle)*dist
            pos.y = sin(Angle)*dist
            userdata.position = pos

            Logger.loginfo("closest obstacle is at "+str(Angle)+" and "+str(dist))

        userdata.Angle = max(min(Angle, 1.8), -1.8)
        return "done"
class Reset_Control_State_GR(EventState):
        Reset control takes in the trial information from Test control and on a succesful completion starts
        the Data Control. If all trials are completed then it will loop back to Test control. Direction is
        used for determining a successful and unsuccseful outcome for testing purposed but will need to be
        replaced with a different measure of success once it becomes more fleshed out. 
        TODO: More complex information for trials, update info

        -- direction  int       TEMPORARY: Determines a succesful (1) or unsuccesful (0) outcome for testing purposes

        ># number_of_trials     Trial information (currently just an int)

        <= continue             All actions completed
        <= failed               Trial control failed to initialize or call something TODO: Proper error checking
        <= completed            All Trials have been succesfully completed, go back to Test control           


        def __init__(self):
            # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
            super(Reset_Control_State_GR, self).__init__(outcomes = ["continue", "failed"], input_keys=["rotation"])

            # Store state parameters for later use.
            self._rotation = None

            self._pub = ProxyPublisher({"reset_start": Int32})
            self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({"reset_complete": Int32})
            #rospy.init_node('reset_control', anonymous=True) 

        def execute(self, userdata):
            #publish to arduino

            if self._sub.has_msg("reset_complete"):
                msg = self._sub.get_last_msg("reset_complete")
                # in case you want to make sure the same message is not processed twice:
                return "continue"            

        def on_enter(self, userdata):
            #self._rotation = 5
            #Initializes class variable from userdata, has to be done outside of constructor 
            if(self._rotation is None and userdata.rotation is not None):
                self._rotation = userdata.rotation

            self._pub.publish("reset_start", self._rotation)

Example #28
class hsr_SpeechRecognitionByHeadMic(EventState):
    Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
    This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

    #> recognition  String  speech recognition

    <= recognition  recognition


    def __init__(self):
        self._topic = "/hsrb/voice/text"
        self.Speech2Text_CB = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: RecognitionResult})
        #self.led_cli = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('em_led_action', ledAction) # LED
        self.goal = ledGoal()
        p = subprocess.Popen("rosservice call /hsrb/voice/stop_recognition '{}'", shell=True)

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self.Speech2Text_CB.has_msg(self._topic):
            text = self.Speech2Text_CB.get_last_msg(self._topic)
            result = text.sentences
            rospy.loginfo('[Subscribe %s] "%s"', self._topic, result[0])
            print result[0]
            userdata.recognition = result[0]
            return 'recognition'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        self.goal.mode = 2
        self.goal.color = ColorRGBA(r=0.0, g=1.0, b=0.0, a=0.0)
        self.goal.flash_interval = 5
        p = subprocess.Popen("rosservice call /hsrb/voice/start_recognition '{}'", shell=True)

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        self.goal.mode = 1
        self.goal.color = ColorRGBA(r=0.0, g=0.0, b=1.0, a=0.0)
        self.goal.flash_interval = 0
        p = subprocess.Popen("rosservice call /hsrb/voice/stop_recognition '{}'", shell=True)

    def on_start(self):

    def on_stop(self):
Example #29
class hsr_SpeechRecognition(EventState):
    Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
    This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

    -- topic        string  topic

    #> recognition  String  speech recognition

    <= recognition  recognition

    def __init__(self, topic):
        self._topic = topic
        self.Speech2Text_CB = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: String})
        # self.led_cli = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('em_led_action', ledAction)
        # self.goal = ledGoal()

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self.Speech2Text_CB.has_msg(self._topic):
            text = self.Speech2Text_CB.get_last_msg(self._topic)
            rospy.loginfo('[Subscribe %s] "%s"', self._topic,
            userdata.recognition =
            return 'recognition'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # self.led_cli.wait_for_server()
        # self.goal.mode = 2
        # self.goal.color = ColorRGBA(r=0.0, g=1.0, b=0.0, a=0.0)
        # self.goal.flash_interval = 5
        # self.led_cli.send_goal(self.goal)

    def on_exit(self, userdata):

    def on_start(self):

    def on_stop(self):
class AutonomousState(EventState):
    Project11 state where backseat driver is in control with mission manager executing missions and commands. 

    def __init__(self):
        # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
        super(AutonomousState, self).__init__(outcomes=['manual', 'standby'])

        self.subscribers = ProxySubscriberCached({'/joy': Joy})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        # This method is called periodically while the state is active.
        # Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome.
        # If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active.
        if self.subscribers.has_msg('/joy'):
            msg = self.subscribers.get_last_msg('/joy')
            print msg
            if msg.buttons[0]:
                return 'manual'
            if msg.buttons[2]:
                return 'standby'

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        # This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken.
        # It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state.

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        # This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active.
        # It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter.

        pass  # Nothing to do in this example.

    def on_start(self):
        # This method is called when the behavior is started.
        # If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor
        # because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started.

    def on_stop(self):
        # This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled.
        # Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources.

        pass  # Nothing to do in this example.
class GetRobotPose(EventState):
	Retrieves the robots current pose and returns it

	#> pose 	PoseStamped	Position and Pose which has been marked

	<= succeeded 			Point has been marked successfully.


	def __init__(self):
		super(GetRobotPose, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded'], output_keys = ['pose'])

		self._objectTopic = '/robot_pose'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: PoseStamped})

		self._succeeded = False

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._succeeded == True:
			return 'succeeded' 

	def on_enter(self, userdata):

		userdata.pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._objectTopic)
		self._succeeded = True

	def on_exit(self, userdata):


	def on_start(self):

	def on_stop(self):

Example #32
class Project11StateBase():
    Base class for Project11 states. 
    Handles operations, such as interpreting jostick buttons, that are common to many states.
    def __init__(self):
        self.base_subscribers = ProxySubscriberCached({'/joy': Joy})

    def checkJoystick(self):
        if self.base_subscribers.has_msg('/joy'):
            msg = self.base_subscribers.get_last_msg('/joy')
            state_request = None
            if msg.buttons[0]:
                state_request = 'manual'
            if msg.buttons[1]:
                state_request = 'autonomous'
            if msg.buttons[2]:
                state_request = 'standby'
            return msg, state_request
class TakePictureState(EventState):
	Stores the picture  of the given topic.

	#> Image     Image        The received pointcloud.

	<= done             The picture has been received and stored.

    def __init__(self):
        super(TakePictureState, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'],
        self._topic = '/head_xtion/rgb/image_rect_color'
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: Image})

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
            userdata.Image = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
        return 'done'
class DetectPersonState(EventState):
	Detects the nearest person and provides their pose.

	-- wait_timeout	float 			Time (seconds) to wait for a person before giving up.

	#> person_pose 	PoseStamped 	Pose of the nearest person if one is detected, else None.

	<= detected 		Detected a person.
	<= not_detected		No person detected, but time ran out.


	def __init__(self, wait_timeout):
		super(DetectPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['detected', 'not_detected'],
												output_keys = ['person_pose'])

		self._wait_timeout = rospy.Duration(wait_timeout)

		self._topic = '/people_tracker/pose'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: PoseStamped})

		self._start_waiting_time = None

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if > self._start_waiting_time + self._wait_timeout:
			userdata.person_pose = None
			print 'detect_person_state: did not detect any person'
			return 'not_detected'

		if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
			userdata.person_pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
			print 'detect_person_state: detected a person'
			return 'detected'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		print 'detect_person_state: trying to detect a person'
		self._start_waiting_time =
class TakePictureState(EventState):
	Stores the picture  of the given topic.

	#> Image     Image        The received pointcloud.

	<= done             The picture has been received and stored.


	def __init__(self):
		super(TakePictureState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done'],    output_keys = ['Image'])
		self._topic = '/head_xtion/rgb/image_rect_color'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic:Image})
	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
			userdata.Image = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
		return 'done'
Example #36
class ForceMonitor(EventState):
    Monitors Force (derivative).
    def __init__(self,
        super(ForceMonitor, self).__init__(outcomes=['success'],

        self._threshold = force_threshold
        self._force_topic = force_topic
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._force_topic: Float32})

    def execute(self, d):
        '''Execute this state'''
        force_msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._force_topic)

        if force_msg is None:

        #current_force = np.array([np.clip(force_msg.wrench.force.x, -99, 0), np.clip(force_msg.wrench.force.y, 0, 99), force_msg.wrench.force.z*0.5])
        force_norm =

        current_threshold = self._threshold  # * (0.5+current_acc)

        if d.carrying:
            current_threshold *= 1.5

        #y contains gravity here
        #current_force = force_msg.wrench.force.y
        #force_norm = np.linalg.norm(current_force)
        #Logger.loginfo('time: %r  got force: force_norm %r _threshold %r adapted thresh %r' % (, force_norm, self._threshold, current_threshold))

        if force_norm > current_threshold:
                'got force: force_norm %r _threshold %r adapted thresh %r' %
                (force_norm, self._threshold, current_threshold))
            return 'success'
class DetectPersonState(EventState):
	Detects the nearest person and provides their pose.

	-- wait_timeout	float 			Time (seconds) to wait for a person before giving up.

	#> person_pose 	PoseStamped 	Pose of the nearest person if one is detected, else None.

	<= detected 		Detected a person.
	<= not_detected		No person detected, but time ran out.


	def __init__(self, wait_timeout):
		super(DetectPersonState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['detected', 'not_detected'],
												output_keys = ['person_pose'])

		self._wait_timeout = rospy.Duration(wait_timeout)

		self._topic = '/people_tracker/pose'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: PoseStamped})

		self._start_waiting_time = None

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if > self._start_waiting_time + self._wait_timeout:
			userdata.person_pose = None
			return 'not_detected'

		if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
			userdata.person_pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
			return 'detected'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._start_waiting_time =
class Arm_Control_State_GR(EventState):
        Arm control takes in the trial information from Test control and on a succesful completion starts
        the reset.
        TODO: More complex information and better ways to call things also better description. 

        -- direction  int       TEMPORARY: Determines a succesful (1) or unsuccesful (0) outcome for testing purposes

        ># number_of_trials     Trial information (currently just an int)

        <= continue             All actions completed
        <= failed               Trial control failed to initialize or call something TODO: Proper error checking
        <= completed            All Trials have been succesfully completed, go back to Test control           


        def __init__(self):
            # Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
            super(Arm_Control_State_GR, self).__init__(outcomes = ["continue", "failed"])

            self._pub = ProxyPublisher({"sim2real/reset_status": Int32})
            self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({"sim2real/reset": Int32})
            #rospy.init_node('reset_control', anonymous=True) 

        def execute(self, userdata):
            if self._sub.has_msg("sim2real/reset"):
                msg = self._sub.get_last_msg("sim2real/reset")
                if( == 1):
                    return "continue"            

        def on_enter(self, userdata):
            self._pub.publish("sim2real/reset_status", 1)

class GetPointcloudState(EventState):
	Retrieves the latest pointcloud on the given topic.

	-- topic 		string 			The topic on which to listen for the pointcloud.
	-- timeout 		float 			Optional timeout in seconds of waiting for a pointclod.
									Set to 0 in order to wait forever.

	#> pointcloud 	PointCloud2		The received pointcloud.

	<= done 		Pointcloud has been received and is now available in userdata.
	<= timeout 		No pointcloud has been received, but maximum waiting time has passed.


	def __init__(self, topic, timeout = 0):
		super(GetPointcloudState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'timeout'],
													output_keys = ['pointcloud'])

		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({topic: PointCloud2})

		self._pcl_topic = topic

		self._timeout = timeout
		self._timeout_time = None

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._sub.has_msg(self._pcl_topic):
			userdata.pointcloud = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._pcl_topic)
			return 'done'

		if self._timeout_time <
			return 'timeout'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		self._timeout_time = + rospy.Duration(self._timeout)
class TestSubState(EventState):
    def __init__(self, topic):
              self).__init__(outcomes=['received', 'unavailable'],
        self._topic = topic
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: String})
        self._msg_counter = 0
        self._timeout = + rospy.Duration(1.5)

    def execute(self, userdata):
        if self._msg_counter == 0 and > self._timeout:
            return 'unavailable'

        if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
            userdata.result =
            self._msg_counter += 1

        if self._msg_counter == 3:
            return 'received'
class WaitForDoldButton(EventState):

    Implements a state that returns done if the dold button is pressed.
    def __init__(self, dold_button_topic='/dold_driver/state'):
        super(WaitForDoldButton, self).__init__(outcomes=['done'])

        self._dold_button_topic = dold_button_topic
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached(
            {self._dold_button_topic: DoldStates})

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        Logger.loginfo('waiting for right upper dold button ...')

    def execute(self, d):
        msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._dold_button_topic)

        if (msg != None):
            for event in msg.inputs:
                if event.type == DoldState.BUTTON and event.state == DoldState.PRESSED and == 'B0':
                    Logger.loginfo('detected button press!')
                    return 'done'
class TestSubState(EventState):

	def __init__(self, topic):
		super(TestSubState, self).__init__(outcomes=['received', 'unavailable'],
		self._topic = topic
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: String})
		self._msg_counter = 0
		self._timeout = + rospy.Duration(1.5)

	def execute(self, userdata):
		if self._msg_counter == 0 and > self._timeout:
			return 'unavailable'

		if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):
			msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
			userdata.result =
			self._msg_counter += 1

		if self._msg_counter == 3:
			return 'received'
class EventState(OperatableState):
    A state that allows implementing certain events.

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(EventState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self._entering = True
        self._skipped = False
        self.__execute = self.execute
        self.execute = self._event_execute

        self._paused = False
        self._last_active_container = None

        self._feedback_topic = "flexbe/command_feedback"
        self._repeat_topic = "flexbe/command/repeat"
        self._pause_topic = "flexbe/command/pause"

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()

    def _event_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_msg(self._pause_topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._pause_topic)
                rospy.loginfo("--> Pausing in state %s",
                self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="pause"))
                self._last_active_container = PriorityContainer.active_container
                PriorityContainer.active_container = ""
                self._paused = True

        if self._paused and not PreemptableState.preempt:
            return self._loopback_name

        if self._entering:
            self._entering = False
            self.on_enter(*args, **kwargs)
        if self._skipped:
            self._skipped = False
            self.on_resume(*args, **kwargs)

        execute_outcome = self.__execute(*args, **kwargs)

        repeat = False
        if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_msg(self._repeat_topic):
            rospy.loginfo("--> Repeating state %s",
            self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="repeat"))
            repeat = True

        if execute_outcome != self._loopback_name and not PreemptableState.switching or repeat:
            self._entering = True
            self.on_exit(*args, **kwargs)

        return execute_outcome

    def _notify_skipped(self):
        if not self._skipped:
            self._skipped = True
        if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_msg(self._pause_topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._pause_topic)
            if not
                rospy.loginfo("--> Resuming in state %s",
                self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="resume"))
                PriorityContainer.active_container = self._last_active_container
                self._last_active_container = None
                self._paused = False
        super(EventState, self)._notify_skipped()

    def _enable_ros_control(self):
        super(EventState, self)._enable_ros_control()
        self._pub.createPublisher(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback)
        self._sub.subscribe(self._repeat_topic, Empty)
        self._sub.subscribe(self._pause_topic, Bool)

    def _disable_ros_control(self):
        super(EventState, self)._disable_ros_control()
        self._last_active_container = None
        if self._paused:
            PriorityContainer.active_container = None

    # Events
    # (just implement the ones you need)

    def on_start(self):
        Will be executed once when the behavior starts.

    def on_stop(self):
        Will be executed once when the behavior stops or is preempted.

    def on_pause(self):
        Will be executed each time this state is paused.

    def on_resume(self, userdata):
        Will be executed each time this state is resumed.

    def on_enter(self, userdata):
        Will be executed each time the state is entered from any other state (but not from itself).

    def on_exit(self, userdata):
        Will be executed each time the state will be left to any other state (but not to itself).
class ATLAScheckoutSM(Behavior):
	A behavior meant to be run before high voltage is provided to ATLAS. It guides the robot through BDI's calibration, initial control mode changes, Praying Mantis calibration, and visual calibration check.

	def __init__(self):
		super(ATLAScheckoutSM, self).__init__() = 'ATLAS checkout'

		# parameters of this behavior

		# references to used behaviors
		self.add_behavior(PrayingMantisCalibrationSM, 'Praying Mantis Calibration')

		# Additional initialization code can be added inside the following tags

		self._status_topic = '/flor/controller/robot_status'
		self._sub =  ProxySubscriberCached({self._status_topic: FlorRobotStatus})

		# Behavior comments:

	def create(self):
		# x:1125 y:169, x:430 y:273
		_state_machine = OperatableStateMachine(outcomes=['finished', 'failed'])
		_state_machine.userdata.left = 'left'
		_state_machine.userdata.right = 'right'
		_state_machine.userdata.none = None

		# Additional creation code can be added inside the following tags

		# x:728 y:81, x:318 y:310
		_sm_confirm_calibration_0 = OperatableStateMachine(outcomes=['finished', 'failed'], input_keys=['left', 'right'])

		with _sm_confirm_calibration_0:
			# x:68 y:71
										transitions={'changed': 'Look_Slightly_Down', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'changed': Autonomy.Low, 'failed': Autonomy.Low})

			# x:75 y:301
										MoveitPredefinedPoseState(target_pose=MoveitPredefinedPoseState.CALIBRATE_ARMS, vel_scaling=0.2, ignore_collisions=False, link_paddings={}, is_cartesian=False),
										transitions={'done': 'Bring_Left_Arm_Down', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Full, 'failed': Autonomy.Low},
										remapping={'side': 'left'})

			# x:76 y:394
										MoveitPredefinedPoseState(target_pose=MoveitPredefinedPoseState.SINGLE_ARM_STAND, vel_scaling=0.2, ignore_collisions=False, link_paddings={}, is_cartesian=False),
										transitions={'done': 'Check_Right_Arm', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.High, 'failed': Autonomy.Low},
										remapping={'side': 'left'})

			# x:426 y:393
										MoveitPredefinedPoseState(target_pose=MoveitPredefinedPoseState.CALIBRATE_ARMS, vel_scaling=0.2, ignore_collisions=False, link_paddings={}, is_cartesian=False),
										transitions={'done': 'Bring_Right_Arm_Down', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Full, 'failed': Autonomy.Low},
										remapping={'side': 'right'})

			# x:426 y:301
										MoveitPredefinedPoseState(target_pose=MoveitPredefinedPoseState.SINGLE_ARM_STAND, vel_scaling=0.2, ignore_collisions=False, link_paddings={}, is_cartesian=False),
										transitions={'done': 'Look_Straight', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.High, 'failed': Autonomy.Low},
										remapping={'side': 'right'})

			# x:415 y:75
										transitions={'changed': 'finished', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'changed': Autonomy.Off, 'failed': Autonomy.Low})

			# x:81 y:185
										transitions={'done': 'Check_Left_Arm', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Off, 'failed': Autonomy.Low})

			# x:449 y:178
										transitions={'done': 'Go_to_STAND', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Off, 'failed': Autonomy.Low})

		# x:748 y:57, x:306 y:173
		_sm_checks_and_bdi_calibration_1 = OperatableStateMachine(outcomes=['finished', 'failed'], input_keys=['none'])

		with _sm_checks_and_bdi_calibration_1:
			# x:54 y:28
										transitions={'done': 'Check_Air_Pressure'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Off},
										remapping={'input_value': 'none', 'output_value': 'air_pressure'})

			# x:46 y:411
										OperatorDecisionState(outcomes=['ready', 'again'], hint='Did both hands initialize?', suggestion='ready'),
										transitions={'ready': 'Turn_Pump_ON', 'again': 'Request_Robot_Power'},
										autonomy={'ready': Autonomy.High, 'again': Autonomy.Full})

			# x:267 y:29
										LogState(text='Check the air pressure! Has to be 120 +/- 10 PSI.', severity=Logger.REPORT_WARN),
										transitions={'done': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Full})

			# x:50 y:149
										DecisionState(outcomes=['ok', 'alert'], conditions=lambda p: 'ok' if p > 110.0 and p <= 130.0 else 'alert'),
										transitions={'ok': 'Request_Robot_Power', 'alert': 'Air_Pressure_Warning'},
										autonomy={'ok': Autonomy.Full, 'alert': Autonomy.Low},
										remapping={'input_value': 'air_pressure'})

			# x:500 y:286
										transitions={'done': 'FREEZE_in_Between', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Full, 'failed': Autonomy.Low})

			# x:499 y:52
										transitions={'done': 'finished', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Full, 'failed': Autonomy.Low})

			# x:488 y:167
										transitions={'changed': 'Calibrate_BIASES', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'changed': Autonomy.Off, 'failed': Autonomy.High})

			# x:500 y:412
										transitions={'done': 'Calibrate_ARMS', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Full, 'failed': Autonomy.High})

			# x:47 y:276
										LogState(text='Request robot power from field team.', severity=Logger.REPORT_HINT),
										transitions={'done': 'Check_Hands_Initialized'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Full})

		with _state_machine:
			# x:74 y:88
										transitions={'finished': 'Go_to_STAND_PREP', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'finished': Autonomy.Inherit, 'failed': Autonomy.Inherit},
										remapping={'none': 'none'})

			# x:79 y:264
										transitions={'changed': 'Go_to_STAND', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'changed': Autonomy.Full, 'failed': Autonomy.Low})

			# x:78 y:393
										transitions={'changed': 'Praying Mantis Calibration', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'changed': Autonomy.Full, 'failed': Autonomy.Low})

			# x:611 y:388
			OperatableStateMachine.add('Praying Mantis Calibration',
										self.use_behavior(PrayingMantisCalibrationSM, 'Praying Mantis Calibration'),
										transitions={'finished': 'Decide_Calibration_Check', 'failed': 'Decide_Retry'},
										autonomy={'finished': Autonomy.Inherit, 'failed': Autonomy.Inherit})

			# x:624 y:249
										OperatorDecisionState(outcomes=['check', 'skip'], hint='Do you want to confirm the arm calibration visually?', suggestion='skip'),
										transitions={'check': 'Confirm_Calibration', 'skip': 'Logging_Reminder'},
										autonomy={'check': Autonomy.Full, 'skip': Autonomy.High})

			# x:627 y:93
										transitions={'finished': 'Logging_Reminder', 'failed': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'finished': Autonomy.Inherit, 'failed': Autonomy.Inherit},
										remapping={'left': 'left', 'right': 'right'})

			# x:389 y:340
										OperatorDecisionState(outcomes=['retry', 'fail'], hint='Try running Praying Mantis Calibration again?', suggestion='retry'),
										transitions={'retry': 'Praying Mantis Calibration', 'fail': 'failed'},
										autonomy={'retry': Autonomy.High, 'fail': Autonomy.Full})

			# x:907 y:164
										LogState(text='Start video logging', severity=Logger.REPORT_HINT),
										transitions={'done': 'finished'},
										autonomy={'done': Autonomy.Full})

		return _state_machine

	# Private functions can be added inside the following tags
	def get_air_sump_pressure(self, input):
		'''Returns the current air sump pressure.'''
		robot_status = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._status_topic)

		air_pressure = robot_status.air_sump_pressure
		Logger.loginfo('Air Sump Pressure: %.2f' % air_pressure)

		return air_pressure
class LockableState(ManuallyTransitionableState):
    A state that can be locked.
    When locked, no transition can be done regardless of the resulting outcome.
    However, if any outcome would be triggered, the outcome will be stored
    and the state won't be executed anymore until it is unlocked and the stored outcome is set.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(LockableState, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        self._locked = False
        self._stored_outcome = None
        self.__execute = self.execute
        self.execute = self._lockable_execute

        self._feedback_topic = 'flexbe/command_feedback'
        self._lock_topic = 'flexbe/command/lock'
        self._unlock_topic = 'flexbe/command/unlock'

        self._pub = ProxyPublisher()
        self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached()

    def _lockable_execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_msg(self._lock_topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._lock_topic)

        if self._is_controlled and self._sub.has_msg(self._unlock_topic):
            msg = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._unlock_topic)

        if self._locked:
            if self._stored_outcome is None or self._stored_outcome == 'None':
                self._stored_outcome = self.__execute(*args, **kwargs)
            return None
        if not self._locked and not self._stored_outcome is None and not self._stored_outcome == 'None':
            if self._parent.transition_allowed(, self._stored_outcome):
                outcome = self._stored_outcome
                self._stored_outcome = None
                return outcome
                return None

        outcome = self.__execute(*args, **kwargs)

        if outcome is None or outcome == 'None':
            return None

        if not self._parent is None and not self._parent.transition_allowed(, outcome):
            self._stored_outcome = outcome
            return None

        return outcome

    def _execute_lock(self, target):
        found_target = False
        if target == self._get_path():
            found_target = True
            self._locked = True
            found_target = self._parent.lock(target)

        self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="lock", args=[target, target if found_target else ""]))
        if not found_target:
            rospy.logwarn("--> Wanted to lock %s, but could not find it in current path %s.", target, self._get_path())
            rospy.loginfo("--> Locking in state %s", target)

    def _execute_unlock(self, target):
        found_target = False
        if target == self._get_path():
            found_target = True
            self._locked = False
            found_target = self._parent.unlock(target)

        self._pub.publish(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback(command="unlock", args=[target, target if found_target else ""]))
        if not found_target:
            rospy.logwarn("--> Wanted to unlock %s, but could not find it in current path %s.", target, self._get_path())
            rospy.loginfo("--> Unlocking in state %s", target)

    def _enable_ros_control(self):
        super(LockableState, self)._enable_ros_control()
        self._pub.createPublisher(self._feedback_topic, CommandFeedback)
        self._sub.subscribe(self._lock_topic, String)
        self._sub.subscribe(self._unlock_topic, String)

    def _disable_ros_control(self):
        super(LockableState, self)._disable_ros_control()

    def is_locked(self):
        return self._locked
class MarkPoint(EventState):
	Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
	This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

	-- target_time 	float 	Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started.

	<= continue 			Given time has passed.
	<= failed 				Example for a failure outcome.


	def __init__(self):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(MarkPoint, self).__init__(outcomes = ['succeeded'], output_keys = ['pose'])

		#self._topic = '/move_base/simple_goal'
		#self._pub = ProxyPublisher({self._topic: PoseStamped})

		self._objectTopic = '/robot_pose'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: PoseStamped})


	def execute(self, userdata):
		# This method is called periodically while the state is active.
		# Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome.
		# If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active.

		##if - self._start_time < self._target_time:
		return 'succeeded' # One of the outcomes declared above.

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		# This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken.
		# It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state.

		# The following code is just for illustrating how the behavior logger works.
		# Text logged by the behavior logger is sent to the operator and displayed in the GUI.

		userdata.pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._objectTopic)

	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		# This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active.
		# It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter.

		pass # Nothing to do in this example.

	def on_start(self):
		# This method is called when the behavior is started.
		# If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor
		# because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started.

		# In this example, we use this event to set the correct start time.
		##self._start_time =


	def on_stop(self):
		# This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled.
		# Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources.

		pass # Nothing to do in this example.
class SubscriberState(EventState):
	Gets the latest message on the given topic and stores it to userdata.

	-- topic 		string		The topic on which should be listened.
	-- blocking 	bool 		Blocks until a message is received.
	-- clear 		bool 		Drops last message on this topic on enter
								in order to only handle message received since this state is active.

	#> message		object		Latest message on the given topic of the respective type.

	<= received 				Message has been received and stored in userdata or state is not blocking.
	<= unavailable 				The topic is not available when this state becomes actives.


	def __init__(self, topic, blocking = True, clear = False):
		super(SubscriberState, self).__init__(outcomes=['received', 'unavailable'],
		self._topic = topic
		self._blocking = blocking
		self._clear = clear
		self._connected = False

		(msg_path, msg_topic, fn) = rostopic.get_topic_type(self._topic)

		if msg_topic == self._topic:
			msg_type = self._get_msg_from_path(msg_path)
			self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: msg_type})
			self._connected = True
			Logger.logwarn('Topic %s for state %s not yet available.\nFound: %s\nWill try again when entering the state...' % (self._topic,, str(msg_topic)))
	def execute(self, userdata):
		Execute this state
		if not self._connected:
			return 'unavailable'

		if self._sub.has_msg(self._topic) or not self._blocking:
			userdata.message = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._topic)
			return 'received'
	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		if not self._connected:
			(msg_path, msg_topic, fn) = rostopic.get_topic_type(self._topic)
			if msg_topic == self._topic:
				msg_type = self._get_msg_from_path(msg_path)
				self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._topic: msg_type})
				self._connected = True
				Logger.loginfo('Successfully subscribed to previously unavailable topic %s' % self._topic)
				Logger.logwarn('Topic %s still not available, giving up.' % self._topic)

		if self._connected and self._clear and self._sub.has_msg(self._topic):

	def _get_msg_from_path(self, msg_path):
		msg_import = msg_path.split('/')
		msg_module = '%s.msg' % (msg_import[0])
		package = __import__(msg_module, fromlist=[msg_module])
		clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(package, lambda member: inspect.isclass(member) and member.__module__.endswith(msg_import[1]))
		return clsmembers[0][1]
class AttachObjectState(EventState):
	Requests a grasp for a template from the template server.

	># template_id 		int 		ID of the template to attach.
	># hand_side 		string 		Hand side to which the template
									should be attached {left, right}

	#> template_pose 	PoseStamped Pose of the attached template in the 
									reference frame of the wrist (r/l_hand)

	<= done 						Template has been attached.
	<= failed 						Failed to attach template.


	def __init__(self):
		super(AttachObjectState, self).__init__(outcomes = ['done', 'failed'],
												input_keys = ['template_id', 'hand_side'],
												output_keys = ['template_pose'])

		# Set up service for attaching object template
		self._service_topic = "/stitch_object_template"
		self._srv = ProxyServiceCaller({
						self._service_topic: SetAttachedObjectTemplate})

		# Set up subscribers for listening to the latest wrist poses
		self._wrist_pose_topics = dict()
		self._wrist_pose_topics['left']  = '/flor/l_arm_current_pose'
		self._wrist_pose_topics['right'] = '/flor/r_arm_current_pose'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({
						self._wrist_pose_topics['left']:  PoseStamped,
						self._wrist_pose_topics['right']: PoseStamped})

		self._failed = False

	def execute(self, userdata):

		if self._failed:
			return 'failed'
		return 'done'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):

		self._failed = False

		# The frame ID to which the object template will be attached to
		if userdata.hand_side == 'left':
			frame_id = "l_hand"
		elif userdata.hand_side == 'right':
			frame_id = "r_hand"
			Logger.logwarn('Unexpected value of hand side: %s Expected {left, right}' % str(userdata.hand_side))
			self._failed = True

		# Get the current wrist pose, which is required by the stitching service
			wrist_pose_topic   = self._wrist_pose_topics[userdata.hand_side]
			current_wrist_pose = self._sub.get_last_msg(wrist_pose_topic)
			# Set the PoseStamped message's frame ID to the one
			# that the object template should be attached to:
			current_wrist_pose.header.frame_id = frame_id
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to get the latest hand pose:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True

		# Send the stiching request and write response to userdata
			request = SetAttachedObjectTemplateRequest(template_id = userdata.template_id,
													   pose = current_wrist_pose)
			self._srv_result =, request)
			# The result contains the template's pose, mass, and center of mass
			userdata.template_pose = self._srv_result.template_pose
		except Exception as e:
			Logger.logwarn('Failed to send service call:\n%s' % str(e))
			self._failed = True
class Object_Detection(EventState):
	Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
	This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

	-- target_time 	float 	Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started.

	<= continue 			Given time has passed.
	<= failed 				Example for a failure outcome.


	def __init__(self):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(Object_Detection, self).__init__(outcomes = ['continue', 'found'], input_keys = ['pose'], output_keys = ['pose'])

		self._objectTopic = '/worldmodel/object'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._objectTopic: Object})

	def execute(self, userdata):
		# This method is called periodically while the state is active.
		# Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome.
		# If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active.

		current_obj = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._objectTopic)
		if current_obj:
			if == 'victim' and current_obj.state.state == 2 and != 'victim_0':
				userdata.pose = PoseStamped()
				userdata.pose.pose = current_obj.pose.pose
				userdata.pose.header.stamp =
				userdata.pose.header.frame_id = 'map'
				return 'found'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		# This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken.
		# It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state.

		# The following code is just for illustrating how the behavior logger works.
		# Text logged by the behavior logger is sent to the operator and displayed in the GUI.


	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		# This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active.
		# It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter.

		pass # Nothing to do in this example.

	def on_start(self):
		# This method is called when the behavior is started.
		# If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor
		# because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started.

		# In this example, we use this event to set the correct start time.

	def on_stop(self):
		# This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled.
		# Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources.

		pass # Nothing to do in this example.
class Wait_DriveTo_new(EventState):
	Example for a state to demonstrate which functionality is available for state implementation.
	This example lets the behavior wait until the given target_time has passed since the behavior has been started.

	-- target_time 	float 	Time which needs to have passed since the behavior started.

	<= continue 			Given time has passed.
	<= failed 				Example for a failure outcome.


	def __init__(self):
		# Declare outcomes, input_keys, and output_keys by calling the super constructor with the corresponding arguments.
		super(Wait_DriveTo_new, self).__init__(outcomes=['succeeded', 'aborted', 'waiting'])

		# ???
		self._abortStatus = [GoalStatus.ABORTED, GoalStatus.REJECTED, GoalStatus.PREEMPTED]

		self._resultTopic = '/move_base/result' #if useMoveBase else 'controller/result'
		self._sub = ProxySubscriberCached({self._resultTopic: MoveBaseActionResult})
		# don't define a callback, simply request last message in execute

		self._succeeded = False
		self._aborted = False
		self._waiting = False

		self._result = GoalStatus.PENDING


		# Store state parameter for later use.
		## self._target_time = rospy.Duration(target_time)

		# The constructor is called when building the state machine, not when actually starting the behavior.
		# Thus, we cannot save the starting time now and will do so later.
		## self._start_time = None

	def execute(self, userdata):
		# This method is called periodically while the state is active.
		# Main purpose is to check state conditions and trigger a corresponding outcome.
		# If no outcome is returned, the state will stay active.
		Logger.loginfo(' [hector_behavior] in Drive_to waiting.... ')

        	tmp = self._sub.get_last_msg(self._resultTopic)
        	self._result = GoalStatus.PENDING

        	if tmp is None:
            		Logger.loginfo(' [hector_behavior] drive to waiting because no published result')
			# ???            		
			self_waiting = True
            		return 'waiting'
        	#if userdata.goalId ==
			#self._result = tmp.status.status
        	if self._result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
			self_succeeded = True
            		return 'succeeded'
       		elif self._result in self._abortStatus:
			self_aborted = True
            		return 'aborted'
            		Logger.loginfo(' [hector_behavior] drive to waiting because no matching goal id') 
			self_waiting = True
            		return 'waiting'

	def on_enter(self, userdata):
		# This method is called when the state becomes active, i.e. a transition from another state to this one is taken.
		# It is primarily used to start actions which are associated with this state.


	def on_exit(self, userdata):
		# This method is called when an outcome is returned and another state gets active.
		# It can be used to stop possibly running processes started by on_enter.

		pass # Nothing to do in this example.

	def on_start(self):
		# This method is called when the behavior is started.
		# If possible, it is generally better to initialize used resources in the constructor
		# because if anything failed, the behavior would not even be started.

		# In this example, we use this event to set the correct start time.
		## self._start_time =

	def on_stop(self):
		# This method is called whenever the behavior stops execution, also if it is cancelled.
		# Use this event to clean up things like claimed resources.

		pass # Nothing to do in this example.