Example #1
class UrlRewriteDescargas2020(object):
    """Descargas2020 urlrewriter and search."""

    schema = {'type': 'boolean', 'default': False}

    def __init__(self):
        self._session = None

    def session(self):
        # TODO: This is not used for all requests even ..
        if self._session is None:
            self._session = Session()
                'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'
                TimedLimiter('descargas2020.com', '2 seconds'))
        return self._session

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewritable(self, task, entry):
        url = entry['url']
        return not url.endswith('.torrent') and REWRITABLE_REGEX.match(url)

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewrite(self, task, entry):
        entry['url'] = self.parse_download_page(entry['url'], task)

    def parse_download_page(self, url, task):
        log.verbose('Descargas2020 URL: %s', url)

            page = self.session.get(url)
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            raise UrlRewritingError(e)
            soup = get_soup(page.text)
        except Exception as e:
            raise UrlRewritingError(e)

        torrent_id = None
        url_format = DESCARGAS2020_TORRENT_FORMAT

        torrent_id_prog = re.compile(
        torrent_ids = soup.findAll(text=torrent_id_prog)
        if torrent_ids:
            match = torrent_id_prog.search(torrent_ids[0])
            if match:
                torrent_id = match.group(1)
        if not torrent_id:
            log.debug('torrent ID not found, searching openTorrent script')
            match = re.search(
                r'function openTorrent.*\n.*\{.*(\n.*)+window\.location\.href =\s*\".*\/(\d+.*)\";',
            if match:
                torrent_id = match.group(2).rstrip('/')

        if not torrent_id:
            raise UrlRewritingError('Unable to locate torrent ID from url %s' %

        return url_format.format(torrent_id)

    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        if not config:
            log.debug('Descargas2020 disabled')
            return set()
        log.debug('Search Descargas2020')
        url_search = 'http://descargas2020.com/buscar'
        results = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            query = re.sub(r' \(\d\d\d\d\)$', '', query)
            log.debug('Searching Descargas2020 %s', query)
            query = unicodedata.normalize('NFD',
                                          query).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            data = {'q': query}
                response = task.requests.post(url_search, data=data)
            except requests.RequestException as e:
                log.error('Error searching Descargas2020: %s', e)
                return results
            content = response.content
            soup = get_soup(content)
            soup2 = soup.find('ul', attrs={'class': 'buscar-list'})
            children = soup2.findAll('a', href=True)
            for child in children:
                entry = Entry()
                entry['url'] = child['href']
                entry_title = child.find('h2')
                if entry_title is None:
                    log.debug('Ignore empty entry')
                entry_title = entry_title.text
                if not entry_title:
                    entry_quality_lan = re.search(
                        r'.+ \[([^\]]+)\](\[[^\]]+\])+$', entry_title).group(1)
                except AttributeError:
                    log.debug('Quality not found')
                entry_title = re.sub(r' \[.+]$', '', entry_title)
                entry['title'] = entry_title + ' ' + entry_quality_lan
        log.debug('Finish search Descargas2020 with %d entries', len(results))
        return results
Example #2
class InputWhatCD(object):
    """A plugin that searches what.cd

    == Usage:

    All parameters except `username` and `password` are optional.


        user_agent: (A custom user-agent for the client to report.
                     It is NOT A GOOD IDEA to spoof a browser with
                     this. You are responsible for your account.)

        search: (general search filter)

        artist: (artist name)
        album: (album name)
        year: (album year)

        encoding: (encoding specifics - 192, 320, lossless, etc.)
        format: (MP3, FLAC, AAC, etc.)
        media: (CD, DVD, vinyl, Blu-ray, etc.)
        release_type: (album, soundtrack, EP, etc.)

        log: (log specification - true, false, '100%', or '<100%')
        hascue: (has a cue file - true or false)
        scene: (is a scene release - true or false)
        vanityhouse: (is a vanity house release - true or false)
        leech_type: ('freeleech', 'neutral', 'either', or 'normal')

        tags: (a list of tags to match - drum.and.bass, new.age, blues, etc.)
        tag_type: (match 'any' or 'all' of the items in `tags`)

    # Aliases for config -> api params
    ALIASES = {
        "artist": "artistname",
        "album": "groupname",
        "leech_type": "freetorrent",
        "release_type": "releaseType",
        "tags": "taglist",
        "tag_type": "tags_type",
        "search": "searchstr",
        "log": "haslog",

    # API parameters
    # None means a raw value entry (no validation)
    # A dict means a choice with a mapping for the API
    # A list is just a choice with no mapping
    PARAMS = {
        "searchstr": None,
        "taglist": None,
        "artistname": None,
        "groupname": None,
        "year": None,
        "tags_type": {
            "any": 0,
            "all": 1,
        "encoding": [
            "192", "APS (VBR)", "V2 (VBR)", "V1 (VBR)", "256", "APX (VBR)",
            "V0 (VBR)", "320", "lossless", "24bit lossless", "V8 (VBR)"
        "format": [
            "MP3", "FLAC", "AAC", "AC3", "DTS"
        "media": [
            "CD", "DVD", "vinyl", "soundboard", "SACD", "DAT", "cassette",
            "WEB", "Blu-ray"
        "releaseType": {
            "album": 1,
            "soundtrack": 3,
            "EP": 5,
            "anthology": 6,
            "compilation": 7,
            "DJ mix": 8,
            "single": 9,
            "live album": 11,
            "remix": 13,
            "bootleg": 14,
            "interview": 15,
            "mixtape": 16,
            "unknown": 21,
            "concert recording": 22,
            "demo": 23
        "haslog": {
            "False": 0,
            "True": 1,
            "100%": 100,
            "<100%": -1
        "freetorrent": {
            "freeleech": 1,
            "neutral": 2,
            "either": 3,
            "normal": 0,
        "hascue": {
            "False": 0,
            "True": 1,
        "scene": {
            "False": 0,
            "True": 1,
        "vanityhouse": {
            "False": 0,
            "True": 1,

    def _key(self, key):
        """Gets the API key name from the entered key"""
        if key in self.ALIASES:
            return self.ALIASES[key]
        return key

    def _opts(self, key):
        """Gets the options for the specified key"""
        return self.PARAMS[self._key(key)]

    def _getval(self, key, val):
        """Gets the value for the specified key based on a config option"""

        opts = self._opts(key)
        if isinstance(opts, dict):
            # Translate the input value to the What.CD API value
            # The str cast converts bools to 'True'/'False' for use as keys
            # This allows for options that have True/False/Other values
            return opts[str(val)]
        elif isinstance(val, list):
            # Fix yaml parser making a list out of a string
            return ",".join(val)

        return val

    def __init__(self):
        """Set up the schema"""

        self.schema = {
            'type': 'object',
            'properties': {
                'username': {'type': 'string'},
                'password': {'type': 'string'},
                'user_agent': {'type': 'string'},
                'search': {'type': 'string'},
                'artist': {'type': 'string'},
                'album': {'type': 'string'},
                'year': {'type': ['string', 'integer']},
                'tags': one_or_more({'type': 'string'}),
                'tag_type': {'type': 'string', 'enum': list(self._opts('tag_type').keys())},
                'encoding': {'type': 'string', 'enum': self._opts('encoding')},
                'format': {'type': 'string', 'enum': self._opts('format')},
                'media': {'type': 'string', 'enum': self._opts('media')},
                'release_type': {'type': 'string', 'enum': list(self._opts('release_type').keys())},
                'log': {'oneOf': [{'type': 'string', 'enum': list(self._opts('log').keys())}, {'type': 'boolean'}]},
                'leech_type': {'type': 'string', 'enum': list(self._opts('leech_type').keys())},
                'hascue': {'type': 'boolean'},
                'scene': {'type': 'boolean'},
                'vanityhouse': {'type': 'boolean'},
            'required': ['username', 'password'],
            'additionalProperties': False

    def _login(self, user, passwd):
        Log in and store auth data from the server
        Adapted from https://github.com/isaaczafuta/whatapi

        data = {
            'username': user,
            'password': passwd,
            'keeplogged': 1,

        r = self.session.post("https://ssl.what.cd/login.php", data=data,
        if r.status_code != 302 or r.headers.get('location') != "index.php":
            raise PluginError("Failed to log in to What.cd")

        accountinfo = self._request('index')

        self.authkey = accountinfo['authkey']
        self.passkey = accountinfo['passkey']
        log.info("Logged in to What.cd")

    def _request(self, action, page=None, **kwargs):
        Make an AJAX request to a given action page
        Adapted from https://github.com/isaaczafuta/whatapi

        ajaxpage = "https://ssl.what.cd/ajax.php"

        params = {}

        # Filter params and map config values -> api values
        for k, v in list(kwargs.items()):
            params[self._key(k)] = self._getval(k, v)

        # Params other than the searching ones
        params['action'] = action
        if page:
            params['page'] = page

        r = self.session.get(ajaxpage, params=params, allow_redirects=False)
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise PluginError("What.cd returned a non-200 status code")

            json_response = r.json()
            if json_response['status'] != "success":

                # Try to deal with errors returned by the API
                error = json_response.get('error', json_response.get('status'))
                if not error or error == "failure":
                    error = json_response.get('response', str(json_response))

                raise PluginError("What.cd gave a failure response: "
            return json_response['response']
        except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError) as e:
            raise PluginError("What.cd returned an invalid response")

    def _search_results(self, config):
        """Generator that yields search results"""
        page = 1
        pages = None
        while True:
            if pages and page >= pages:

            log.debug("Attempting to get page {} of search results".format(page))
            result = self._request('browse', page=page, **config)
            if not result['results']:
            for x in result['results']:
                yield x

            pages = result.get('pages', pages)
            page += 1

    def _get_entries(self, search_results):
        """Genertor that yields Entry objects from search results"""
        for result in search_results:
            # Get basic information on the release
            info = dict((k, result[k]) for k in ('artist', 'groupName', 'groupYear'))

            # Releases can have multiple download options
            for tor in result['torrents']:
                temp = info.copy()
                temp.update(dict((k, tor[k]) for k in ('media', 'encoding', 'format', 'torrentId')))

                yield Entry(
                    title="{artist} - {groupName} - {groupYear} "
                          "({media} - {format} - {encoding})-{torrentId}.torrent".format(**temp),
                        "id={}&authkey={}&torrent_pass={}".format(temp['torrentId'], self.authkey, self.passkey),
                    # Size is returned in bytes, convert to MB for compat with the content_size plugin
                    content_size=math.floor(tor['size'] / (1024**2))

    def on_task_input(self, task, config):
        """Search on What.cd"""

        self.session = Session()

        # From the API docs: "Refrain from making more than five (5) requests every ten (10) seconds"
        self.session.add_domain_limiter(TokenBucketLimiter('ssl.what.cd', 2, '2 seconds'))

        # Custom user agent
        user_agent = config.pop('user_agent', None)
        if user_agent:
            self.session.headers.update({"User-Agent": user_agent})

        # Login
        self._login(config.pop('username'), config.pop('password'))

        # Logged in successfully, it's ok if nothing matches
        task.no_entries_ok = True

        # NOTE: Any values still in config at this point MUST be valid search parameters

        # Perform the search and parse the needed information out of the response
        results = self._search_results(config)
        return list(self._get_entries(results))
Example #3
from future.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse

import re
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugins.plugin_urlrewriting import UrlRewritingError
from flexget.utils.requests import Session, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup

log = logging.getLogger('google')

requests = Session()
requests.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'})
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('imdb.com', '2 seconds'))

class UrlRewriteGoogleCse(object):
    """Google custom query urlrewriter."""

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewritable(self, task, entry):
        if entry['url'].startswith('http://www.google.com/cse?'):
            return True
        if entry['url'].startswith('http://www.google.com/custom?'):
            return True
        return False

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewrite(self, task, entry):
Example #4
class UrlRewriteDescargas2020(object):
    """Descargas2020 urlrewriter and search."""

    schema = {'type': 'boolean', 'default': False}

    def __init__(self):
        self._session = None

    def session(self):
        # TODO: This is not used for all requests even ..
        if self._session is None:
            self._session = Session()
                {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'}
            self._session.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('descargas2020.com', '2 seconds'))
        return self._session

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewritable(self, task, entry):
        url = entry['url']
        return REWRITABLE_REGEX.match(url) and not NONREWRITABLE_REGEX.match(url)

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewrite(self, task, entry):
        entry['url'] = self.parse_download_page(entry['url'], task)

    def parse_download_page(self, url, task):
        log.verbose('Descargas2020 URL: %s', url)

            page = self.session.get(url)
        except requests.RequestException as e:
            raise UrlRewritingError(e)
            soup = get_soup(page.text)
        except Exception as e:
            raise UrlRewritingError(e)

        torrent_id = None
        url_format = DESCARGAS2020_TORRENT_FORMAT

        torrent_id_prog = re.compile(
        torrent_ids = soup.findAll(text=torrent_id_prog)
        if torrent_ids:
            match = torrent_id_prog.search(torrent_ids[0])
            if match:
                torrent_id = match.group(1)
        if not torrent_id:
            log.debug('torrent ID not found, searching openTorrent script')
            match = re.search(
                r'function openTorrent.*\n.*\{.*(\n.*)+window\.location\.href =\s*\".*\/(\d+.*)\";',
            if match:
                torrent_id = match.group(2).rstrip('/')

        if not torrent_id:
            raise UrlRewritingError('Unable to locate torrent ID from url %s' % url)

        return url_format.format(torrent_id)

    def search(self, task, entry, config=None):
        if not config:
            log.debug('Descargas2020 disabled')
            return set()
        log.debug('Search Descargas2020')
        url_search = 'http://descargas2020.com/buscar'
        results = set()
        for search_string in entry.get('search_strings', [entry['title']]):
            query = normalize_unicode(search_string)
            query = re.sub(r' \(\d\d\d\d\)$', '', query)
            log.debug('Searching Descargas2020 %s', query)
            query = unicodedata.normalize('NFD', query).encode('ascii', 'ignore')
            data = {'q': query}
                response = task.requests.post(url_search, data=data)
            except requests.RequestException as e:
                log.error('Error searching Descargas2020: %s', e)
                return results
            content = response.content
            soup = get_soup(content)
            soup2 = soup.find('ul', attrs={'class': 'buscar-list'})
            children = soup2.findAll('a', href=True)
            for child in children:
                entry = Entry()
                entry['url'] = child['href']
                entry_title = child.find('h2')
                if entry_title is None:
                    log.debug('Ignore empty entry')
                entry_title = entry_title.text
                if not entry_title:
                    entry_quality_lan = re.search(
                        r'.+ \[([^\]]+)\](\[[^\]]+\])+$', entry_title
                except AttributeError:
                    log.debug('Quality not found')
                entry_title = re.sub(r' \[.+]$', '', entry_title)
                entry['title'] = entry_title + ' ' + entry_quality_lan
        log.debug('Finish search Descargas2020 with %d entries', len(results))
        return results
Example #5
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter

plugin_name = 'prowl'
log = logging.getLogger(plugin_name)

PROWL_URL = 'https://api.prowlapp.com/publicapi/add'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('prowlapp.com', '5 seconds'))

class ProwlNotifier:
    Send prowl notifications


            - prowl:
                api_key: xxxxxxx
                [application: application name, default FlexGet]
                [event: event title, default New Release]
Example #6
from future.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse

import re
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugins.plugin_urlrewriting import UrlRewritingError
from flexget.utils.requests import Session, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup

log = logging.getLogger('google')

requests = Session()
requests.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'})
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('imdb.com', '2 seconds'))

class UrlRewriteGoogleCse(object):
    """Google custom query urlrewriter."""

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewritable(self, task, entry):
        if entry['url'].startswith('http://www.google.com/cse?'):
            return True
        if entry['url'].startswith('http://www.google.com/custom?'):
            return True
        return False

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewrite(self, task, entry):
Example #7

import logging
from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession

log = logging.getLogger('brokenstones_lookup')
requests = RequestSession()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('brokenstones.club', '10 seconds'))

def login(username, password):
    log.info('Logging in to BrokenStones...')
    data = {'username': username, 'password': password, 'keeplogged': '1'}
        login_url = 'https://brokenstones.club/login.php'
        r = requests.post(login_url, data=data)
        if r.url == login_url:
            raise plugin.PluginError('Failed to log in to BrokenStones')
    except RequestException as e:
        raise plugin.PluginError(
            'Error logging in to BrokenStones: {}'.format(e))

Example #8
from loguru import logger
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter

plugin_name = 'join'
logger = logger.bind(name=plugin_name)

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('appspot.com', '5 seconds'))

JOIN_URL = 'https://joinjoaomgcd.appspot.com/_ah/api/messaging/v1/sendPush'

class JoinNotifier:

            - join:
                [api_key: <API_KEY> (your join api key. Only required for 'group' notifications)]
                [group: <GROUP_NAME> (name of group of join devices to notify. 'all', 'android', etc.)
                [device: <DEVICE_ID> (can also be a list of device ids)]
                [url: <NOTIFICATION_URL>]
Example #9
from loguru import logger

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

plugin_name = 'sms_free_fr'
logger = logger.bind(name=plugin_name)

SMS_SEND_URL = 'https://smsapi.free-mobile.fr/sendmsg'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('smsapi.free-mobile.fr', '5 seconds'))

class SMSFreeFrNotifier(object):
    Sends SMS notification through smsapi.free-mobile.fr




        user: your login (accepted format example: '12345678')
        password: <PASSWORD>
Example #10
from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugins.internal.urlrewriting import UrlRewritingError
from flexget.utils.requests import Session, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup

from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.utils.search import normalize_unicode

from bs4.element import Tag

log = logging.getLogger('newpct')

requests = Session()
requests.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'})
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('newpct1.com', '2 seconds'))
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('newpct.com', '2 seconds'))

NEWPCT_TORRENT_FORMAT = 'http://www.newpct.com/torrents/{:0>6}.torrent'
NEWPCT1_TORRENT_FORMAT = 'http://www.newpct1.com/download/{:0>6}.torrent'

class UrlRewriteNewPCT(object):
    """NewPCT urlrewriter and search."""

    schema = {
        'type': 'boolean',
        'default': False

    # urlrewriter API
Example #11
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from slugify import slugify

from .anidb_cache import cached_anidb, ANIDB_CACHE

PLUGIN_ID = 'fadbs.util.anidb'

CLIENT_STR = 'fadbs'

log = logging.getLogger(PLUGIN_ID)

requests = Session()
requests.headers.update({'User-Agent': 'Python-urllib/2.6'})

requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('api.anidb.net', '2 seconds'))

class AnidbSearch(object):
    """ Search for an anime's id """

    anidb_xml_url = 'http://api.anidb.net:9001/httpapi?request=anime'
    prelook_url = 'http://anisearch.outrance.pl?task=search'
    cdata_regex = re.compile(r'.+CDATA\[(.+)\]\].+')
    particle_words = {
        'x-jat': {'no', 'wo', 'o', 'na', 'ja', 'ni', 'to', 'ga', 'wa'}

    def __init__(self):
        self.debug = False
Example #12
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

__name__ = "pushalot"
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PUSHALOT_URL = "https://pushalot.com/api/sendmessage"

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter("pushalot.com", "5 seconds"))

class PushalotNotifier(object):

        token: <string> Authorization token (can also be a list of tokens) - Required
        title: <string> (default: task name)
        body: <string> (default: '{{series_name}} {{series_id}}' )
        link: <string> (default: '{{imdb_url}}')
        linktitle: <string> (default: (none))
        important: <boolean> (default is False)
        silent: <boolean< (default is False)
        image: <string> (default: (none))
Example #13
class ImdbEntrySet(MutableSet):
    schema = {
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
            'login': {'type': 'string'},
            'password': {'type': 'string'},
            'list': {'type': 'string'},
            'force_language': {'type': 'string', 'default': 'en-us'}
        'additionalProperties': False,
        'required': ['login', 'password', 'list']

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self._session = RequestSession()
        self._session.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('imdb.com', '5 seconds'))
        self._session.headers.update({'Accept-Language': config.get('force_language', 'en-us')})
        self.user_id = None
        self.list_id = None
        self.cookies = None
        self.hidden_value = None
        self._items = None
        self._authenticated = False

    def session(self):
        if not self._authenticated:
        return self._session

    def get_user_id_and_hidden_value(self, cookies=None):
            if cookies:
                self._session.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(cookies)
            # We need to allow for redirects here as it performs 1-2 redirects before reaching the real profile url
            response = self._session.get('https://www.imdb.com/profile', allow_redirects=True)
        except RequestException as e:
            raise PluginError(str(e))

        user_id_match = re.search('ur\d+(?!\d)', response.url)
        if user_id_match:
            # extract the hidden form value that we need to do post requests later on
                soup = get_soup(response.text)
                self.hidden_value = soup.find('input', attrs={'id': '49e6c'})['value']
            except Exception as e:
                log.warning('Unable to locate the hidden form value ''49e6c''. Without it, you might not be able to '
                            'add or remove items. %s', e)
        return user_id_match.group() if user_id_match else None

    def authenticate(self):
        """Authenticates a session with IMDB, and grabs any IDs needed for getting/modifying list."""
        cached_credentials = False
        with Session() as session:
            user = session.query(IMDBListUser).filter(IMDBListUser.user_name == self.config.get('login')).one_or_none()
            if user and user.cookies and user.user_id:
                log.debug('login credentials found in cache, testing')
                self.user_id = user.user_id
                if not self.get_user_id_and_hidden_value(cookies=user.cookies):
                    log.debug('cache credentials expired')
                    user.cookies = None
                    self.cookies = user.cookies
                    cached_credentials = True
            if not cached_credentials:
                log.debug('user credentials not found in cache or outdated, fetching from IMDB')
                url_credentials = (
                    # we need to get some cookies first
                    r = self._session.get(url_credentials)
                except RequestException as e:
                    raise PluginError(e.args[0])
                soup = get_soup(r.content)
                form = soup.find('form', attrs={'name': 'signIn'})
                inputs = form.select('input')
                data = dict((i['name'], i.get('value')) for i in inputs if i.get('name'))
                data['email'] = self.config['login']
                data['password'] = self.config['password']
                action = form.get('action')
                log.debug('email=%s, password=%s', data['email'], data['password'])
                self._session.headers.update({'Referer': url_credentials})
                self._session.post(action, data=data)
                self._session.headers.update({'Referer': 'https://www.imdb.com/'})

                self.user_id = self.get_user_id_and_hidden_value()
                if not self.user_id:
                    raise plugin.PluginError('Login to IMDB failed. Check your credentials.')
                self.cookies = self._session.cookies.get_dict(domain='.imdb.com')
                # Get list ID
            if user:
                for list in user.lists:
                    if self.config['list'] == list.list_name:
                        log.debug('found list ID %s matching list name %s in cache', list.list_id, list.list_name)
                        self.list_id = list.list_id
            if not self.list_id:
                log.debug('could not find list ID in cache, fetching from IMDB')
                if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
                    data = {'consts[]': 'tt0133093', 'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'}
                    wl_data = self._session.post('https://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/watchlist_has', data=data,
                        self.list_id = wl_data['list_id']
                    except KeyError:
                        raise PluginError('No list ID could be received. Please initialize list by '
                                          'manually adding an item to it and try again')
                elif self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS or self.config['list'].startswith('ls'):
                    self.list_id = self.config['list']
                    data = {'tconst': 'tt0133093'}
                    list_data = self._session.post('https://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/wlb_dropdown', data=data,
                    for li in list_data['items']:
                        if li['wlb_text'] == self.config['list']:
                            self.list_id = li['data_list_id']
                        raise plugin.PluginError('Could not find list %s' % self.config['list'])

            user = IMDBListUser(self.config['login'], self.user_id, self.cookies)
            list = IMDBListList(self.list_id, self.config['list'], self.user_id)

        self._authenticated = True

    def invalidate_cache(self):
        self._items = None

    def items(self):
        if self._items is None:
            log.debug('fetching items from IMDB')
                r = self.session.get('https://www.imdb.com/list/export?list_id=%s&author_id=%s' %
                                     (self.list_id, self.user_id), cookies=self.cookies)
                lines = list(r.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True))
            except RequestException as e:
                raise PluginError(e.args[0])
            # Normalize headers to lowercase
            lines[0] = lines[0].lower()
            self._items = []
            for row in csv_dictreader(lines):
                log.debug('parsing line from csv: %s', row)

                    item_type = row['title type'].lower()
                    name = row['title']
                    year = int(row['year']) if row['year'] != '????' else None
                    created = datetime.strptime(row['created'], '%Y-%m-%d') if row.get('created') else None
                    modified = datetime.strptime(row['modified'], '%Y-%m-%d') if row.get('modified') else None
                    entry = Entry({
                        'title': '%s (%s)' % (name, year) if year != '????' else name,
                        'url': row['url'],
                        'imdb_id': row['const'],
                        'imdb_url': row['url'],
                        'imdb_list_position': int(row['position']) if 'position' in row else None,
                        'imdb_list_created': created,
                        'imdb_list_modified': modified,
                        'imdb_list_description': row.get('description'),
                        'imdb_name': name,
                        'imdb_year': year,
                        'imdb_user_score': float(row['imdb rating']) if row['imdb rating'] else None,
                        'imdb_votes': int(row['num votes']) if row['num votes'] else None,
                        'imdb_genres': [genre.strip() for genre in row['genres'].split(',')]

                except ValueError as e:
                    log.debug('no movie row detected, skipping. %s. Exception: %s', row, e)

                if item_type in MOVIE_TYPES:
                    entry['movie_name'] = name
                    entry['movie_year'] = year
                elif item_type in SERIES_TYPES:
                    entry['series_name'] = name
                    entry['series_year'] = year
                elif item_type in OTHER_TYPES:
                    entry['title'] = name
                    log.verbose('Unknown IMDB type entry received: %s. Skipping', item_type)
        return self._items

    def immutable(self):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            return '%s list is not modifiable' % self.config['list']

    def _from_iterable(cls, it):
        # TODO: is this the right answer? the returned object won't have our custom __contains__ logic
        return set(it)

    def __contains__(self, entry):
        return self.get(entry) is not None

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.items)

    def discard(self, entry):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' % ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
            log.warning('Cannot remove %s from imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id', entry['title'])
        # Get the list item id
        item_ids = None
        urls = []
        if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
            method = 'delete'
            data = {'consts[]': entry['imdb_id'], 'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'}
            status = self.session.post('https://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/watchlist_has', data=data,
            item_ids = status.get('has', {}).get(entry['imdb_id'])
            urls = ['https://www.imdb.com/watchlist/%s' % entry['imdb_id']]
            method = 'post'
            data = {'tconst': entry['imdb_id']}
            status = self.session.post('https://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/wlb_dropdown', data=data,
            for a_list in status['items']:
                if a_list['data_list_id'] == self.list_id:
                    item_ids = a_list['data_list_item_ids']

            for item_id in item_ids:
                urls.append('https://www.imdb.com/list/%s/li%s/delete' % (self.list_id, item_id))
        if not item_ids:
            log.warning('%s is not in list %s, cannot be removed', entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)

        for url in urls:
            log.debug('found movie %s with ID %s in list %s, removing', entry['title'], entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
            self.session.request(method, url, data={'49e6c': self.hidden_value}, cookies=self.cookies)
            # We don't need to invalidate our cache if we remove the item
            self._items = [i for i in self._items if i['imdb_id'] != entry['imdb_id']] if self._items else None

    def _add(self, entry):
        """Submit a new movie to imdb. (does not update cache)"""
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' % ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
            log.warning('Cannot add %s to imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id', entry['title'])
        # Manually calling authenticate to fetch list_id and cookies and hidden form value
        if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
            method = 'put'
            url = 'https://www.imdb.com/watchlist/%s' % entry['imdb_id']
            method = 'post'
            url = 'https://www.imdb.com/list/%s/%s/add' % (self.list_id, entry['imdb_id'])

        log.debug('adding title %s with ID %s to imdb %s', entry['title'], entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
        self.session.request(method, url, cookies=self.cookies, data={'49e6c': self.hidden_value})

    def add(self, entry):
        # Invalidate the cache so that we get the canonical entry from the imdb list

    def __ior__(self, entries):
        for entry in entries:
        return self

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

    def online(self):
        """ Set the online status of the plugin, online plugin should be treated differently in certain situations,
        like test mode"""
        return True

    def get(self, entry):
        if not entry.get('imdb_id'):
            log.debug('entry %s does not have imdb_id, cannot compare to imdb list items', entry)
            return None
        log.debug('finding %s in imdb list', entry['imdb_id'])
        for e in self.items:
            if e['imdb_id'] == entry['imdb_id']:
                return e
        log.debug('could not find %s in imdb list items', entry['imdb_id'])
        return None
Example #14
from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, RequestException

from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta

import unicodedata
import re

log = logging.getLogger('search_npo')

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('npostart.nl', '8 seconds'))

class NPOWatchlist(object):
        Produces entries for every episode on the user's npostart.nl watchlist (Dutch public television).
        Entries can be downloaded using http://arp242.net/code/download-npo

        If 'remove_accepted' is set to 'yes', the plugin will delete accepted entries from the watchlist after download
            is complete.
        If 'max_episode_age_days' is set (and not 0), entries will only be generated for episodes broadcast in the last
            x days.  This only applies to episodes related to series the user is following.

        For example:
              email: [email protected]
Example #15
import datetime

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

plugin_name = 'pushbullet'
log = logging.getLogger(plugin_name)

PUSHBULLET_URL = 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('pushbullet.com', '5 seconds'))

class PushbulletNotifier(object):

            apikey: <API_KEY>
            [device: <DEVICE_IDEN> (can also be a list of device ids, or don't specify any ids to send to all devices)]
            [email: <EMAIL_ADDRESS> (can also be a list of user email addresses)]
            [channel: <CHANNEL_TAG> (you can only specify device / email or channel tag, cannot use both)]
Example #16
import hashlib

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

__name__ = 'sms_ru'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SMS_SEND_URL = 'http://sms.ru/sms/send'
SMS_TOKEN_URL = 'http://sms.ru/auth/get_token'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('sms.ru', '5 seconds'))

class SMSRuNotifier(object):
    Sends SMS notification through sms.ru http api sms/send.
    Phone number is a login assigned to sms.ru account.


        phone_number: <PHONE_NUMBER> (accepted format example: '79997776655')
        password: <PASSWORD>

    schema = {
Example #17
from datetime import datetime

from dateutil.parser import ParserError, isoparse
from loguru import logger

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import RequestException, Session, TimedLimiter

plugin_name = 'discord'

logger = logger.bind(name=plugin_name)
session = Session()
session.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('discord.com', '3 seconds'))

class DiscordNotifier:

            - discord:
                web_hook_url: <string>
                [username: <string>] (override the default username of the webhook)
                [avatar_url: <string>] (override the default avatar of the webhook)
                [embeds: <arrays>[<object>]] (override embeds)
Example #18
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

__name__ = 'rapidpush'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RAPIDPUSH_URL = 'https://rapidpush.net/api'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('rapidpush.net', '5 seconds'))

class RapidpushNotifier(object):

        apikey: xxxxxxx (can also be a list of api keys)
        [category: category, default FlexGet]
        [group: device group, default no group]
        [channel: the broadcast notification channel, if provided it will be send to the channel subscribers instead of
            your devices, default no channel]
        [priority: 0 - 6 (6 = highest), default 2 (normal)]
    schema = {
Example #19
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

__name__ = 'pushover'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PUSHOVER_URL = 'https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('pushover.net', '5 seconds'))

class PushoverNotifier(object):

        user_key: <USER_KEY> (can also be a list of userkeys)
        token: <TOKEN>
        [device: <DEVICE_STRING>]
        [title: <MESSAGE_TITLE>]
        [message: <MESSAGE_BODY>]
        [priority: <PRIORITY>]
        [url: <URL>]
        [url_title: <URL_TITLE>]
Example #20
from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, RequestException

from datetime import date, timedelta

import unicodedata
import re

log = logging.getLogger('search_npo')

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('npo.nl', '5 seconds'))

fragment_regex = re.compile('[A-Z][^/]+/')
date_regex = re.compile('([1-3]?[0-9]) ([a-z]{3})(?: ([0-9]{4})|\W)')
days_ago_regex = re.compile('([0-9]+) dagen geleden')
months = ['jan', 'feb', 'mrt', 'apr', 'mei', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'okt', 'nov', 'dec']

class NPOWatchlist(object):
        Produces entries for every episode on the user's npo.nl watchlist (Dutch public television).
        Entries can be downloaded using http://arp242.net/code/download-npo

        If 'remove_accepted' is set to 'yes', the plugin will delete accepted entries from the watchlist after download
            is complete.
        If 'max_episode_age_days' is set (and not 0), entries will only be generated for episodes broadcast in the last
Example #21
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

__name__ = 'rapidpush'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RAPIDPUSH_URL = 'https://rapidpush.net/api'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('rapidpush.net', '5 seconds'))

class RapidpushNotifier(object):

        apikey: xxxxxxx (can also be a list of api keys)
        [category: category, default FlexGet]
        [group: device group, default no group]
        [channel: the broadcast notification channel, if provided it will be send to the channel subscribers instead of
            your devices, default no channel]
        [priority: 0 - 6 (6 = highest), default 2 (normal)]
    schema = {
Example #22
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateutil_parse

from flexget import plugin, db_schema
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.manager import Session
from flexget.utils.database import json_synonym
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.utils.tools import parse_filesize

log = logging.getLogger('passthepopcorn')
Base = db_schema.versioned_base('passthepopcorn', 1)

requests = RequestSession()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('passthepopcorn.me', '5 seconds'))

TAGS = [
    'action', 'adventure', 'animation', 'arthouse', 'asian', 'biography',
    'camp', 'comedy', 'crime', 'cult', 'documentary', 'drama', 'experimental',
    'exploitation', 'family', 'fantasy', 'film.noir', 'history', 'horror',
    'martial.arts', 'musical', 'mystery', 'performance', 'philosophy',
    'politics', 'romance', 'sci.fi', 'short', 'silent', 'sport', 'thriller',
    'video.art', 'war', 'western'

    'Relevance': 'relevance',
    'Time added': 'timeadded',
    'Time w/o reseed': 'timenoreseed',
    'First time added': 'creationtime',
Example #23
class ImdbEntrySet(MutableSet):
    schema = {
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
            'login': {'type': 'string'},
            'password': {'type': 'string'},
            'list': {'type': 'string'},
            'force_language': {'type': 'string', 'default': 'en-us'}
        'additionalProperties': False,
        'required': ['login', 'password', 'list']

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self._session = RequestSession()
        self._session.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('imdb.com', '5 seconds'))
        self._session.headers.update({'Accept-Language': config.get('force_language', 'en-us')})
        self.user_id = None
        self.list_id = None
        self.cookies = None
        self._items = None
        self._authenticated = False

    def session(self):
        if not self._authenticated:
        return self._session

    def authenticate(self):
        """Authenticates a session with IMDB, and grabs any IDs needed for getting/modifying list."""
        cached_credentials = False
        with Session() as session:
            user = session.query(IMDBListUser).filter(IMDBListUser.user_name == self.config.get('login')).one_or_none()
            if user and user.cookies and user.user_id:
                log.debug('login credentials found in cache, testing')
                self.cookies = user.cookies
                self.user_id = user.user_id
                r = self._session.head('http://www.imdb.com/profile', allow_redirects=False, cookies=self.cookies)
                if not r.headers.get('location') or 'login' in r.headers['location']:
                    log.debug('cache credentials expired')
                    cached_credentials = True
            if not cached_credentials:
                log.debug('user credentials not found in cache or outdated, fetching from IMDB')
                url_credentials = (
                    r = self._session.get(url_credentials)
                except RequestException as e:
                    raise PluginError(e.args[0])
                soup = get_soup(r.content)
                inputs = soup.select('form#ap_signin_form input')
                data = dict((i['name'], i.get('value')) for i in inputs if i.get('name'))
                data['email'] = self.config['login']
                data['password'] = self.config['password']
                action = soup.find('form', id='ap_signin_form').get('action')
                log.debug('email=%s, password=%s', data['email'], data['password'])
                self._session.headers.update({'Referer': url_credentials})
                d = self._session.post(action, data=data)
                self._session.headers.update({'Referer': 'http://www.imdb.com/'})
                # Get user id by extracting from redirect url
                r = self._session.head('http://www.imdb.com/profile', allow_redirects=False)
                if not r.headers.get('location') or 'login' in r.headers['location']:
                    raise plugin.PluginError('Login to IMDB failed. Check your credentials.')
                self.user_id = re.search('ur\d+(?!\d)', r.headers['location']).group()
                self.cookies = dict(d.cookies)
                # Get list ID
            if user:
                for list in user.lists:
                    if self.config['list'] == list.list_name:
                        log.debug('found list ID %s matching list name %s in cache', list.list_id, list.list_name)
                        self.list_id = list.list_id
            if not self.list_id:
                log.debug('could not find list ID in cache, fetching from IMDB')
                if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
                    data = {'consts[]': 'tt0133093', 'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'}
                    wl_data = self._session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/watchlist_has', data=data,
                        self.list_id = wl_data['list_id']
                    except KeyError:
                        raise PluginError('No list ID could be received. Please initialize list by '
                                          'manually adding an item to it and try again')
                elif self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS or self.config['list'].startswith('ls'):
                    self.list_id = self.config['list']
                    data = {'tconst': 'tt0133093'}
                    list_data = self._session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/wlb_dropdown', data=data,
                    for li in list_data['items']:
                        if li['wlb_text'] == self.config['list']:
                            self.list_id = li['data_list_id']
                        raise plugin.PluginError('Could not find list %s' % self.config['list'])

            user = IMDBListUser(self.config['login'], self.user_id, self.cookies)
            list = IMDBListList(self.list_id, self.config['list'], self.user_id)

        self._authenticated = True

    def invalidate_cache(self):
        self._items = None

    def items(self):
        if self._items is None:
            log.debug('fetching items from IMDB')
                r = self.session.get('http://www.imdb.com/list/export?list_id=%s&author_id=%s' %
                                     (self.list_id, self.user_id), cookies=self.cookies)

            except RequestException as e:
                raise PluginError(e.args[0])
            lines = r.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True)
            # Throw away first line with headers
            self._items = []
            for row in csv_reader(lines):
                log.debug('parsing line from csv: %s', ', '.join(row))
                if not len(row) == 16:
                    log.debug('no movie row detected, skipping. %s', ', '.join(row))
                entry = Entry({
                    'title': '%s (%s)' % (row[5], row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else '%s' % row[5],
                    'url': row[15],
                    'imdb_id': row[1],
                    'imdb_url': row[15],
                    'imdb_list_position': int(row[0]),
                    'imdb_list_created': datetime.strptime(row[2], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') if row[2] else None,
                    'imdb_list_modified': datetime.strptime(row[3], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') if row[3] else None,
                    'imdb_list_description': row[4],
                    'imdb_name': row[5],
                    'imdb_year': int(row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else None,
                    'imdb_score': float(row[9]) if row[9] else None,
                    'imdb_user_score': float(row[8]) if row[8] else None,
                    'imdb_votes': int(row[13]) if row[13] else None,
                    'imdb_genres': [genre.strip() for genre in row[12].split(',')]
                item_type = row[6].lower()
                name = row[5]
                year = int(row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else None
                if item_type in MOVIE_TYPES:
                    entry['movie_name'] = name
                    entry['movie_year'] = year
                elif item_type in SERIES_TYPES:
                    entry['series_name'] = name
                    entry['series_year'] = year
                elif item_type in OTHER_TYPES:
                    entry['title'] = name
                    log.verbose('Unknown IMDB type entry received: %s. Skipping', item_type)
        return self._items

    def immutable(self):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            return '%s list is not modifiable' % self.config['list']

    def _from_iterable(cls, it):
        # TODO: is this the right answer? the returned object won't have our custom __contains__ logic
        return set(it)

    def _find_movie(self, entry):
        log.debug('trying to match %s to existing list items', entry['imdb_id'])
        for e in self.items:
            if e['imdb_id'] == entry['imdb_id']:
                return e
        log.debug('could not match %s to existing list items', entry['imdb_id'])

    def __contains__(self, entry):
        if not entry.get('imdb_id'):
            log.debug('entry %s does not have imdb_id, skipping', entry)
            return False
        return self._find_movie(entry) is not None

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.items)

    def discard(self, entry):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' % ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
            log.warning('Cannot remove %s from imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id', entry['title'])
        # Get the list item id
        item_ids = None
        if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
            data = {'consts[]': entry['imdb_id'], 'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'}
            status = self.session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/watchlist_has', data=data,
            item_ids = status.get('has', {}).get(entry['imdb_id'])
            data = {'tconst': entry['imdb_id']}
            status = self.session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/wlb_dropdown', data=data,
            for a_list in status['items']:
                if a_list['data_list_id'] == self.list_id:
                    item_ids = a_list['data_list_item_ids']
        if not item_ids:
            log.warning('%s is not in list %s, cannot be removed', entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
        data = {
            'action': 'delete',
            'list_id': self.list_id,
            'ref_tag': 'title'
        for item_id in item_ids:
            log.debug('found movie %s with ID %s in list %s, removing', entry['title'], entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
            self.session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/edit', data=dict(data, list_item_id=item_id),
            # We don't need to invalidate our cache if we remove the item
            self._items = [i for i in self._items if i['imdb_id'] != entry['imdb_id']] if self._items else None

    def _add(self, entry):
        """Submit a new movie to imdb. (does not update cache)"""
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' % ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
            log.warning('Cannot add %s to imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id', entry['title'])
        # Manually calling authenticate to fetch list_id and cookies
        data = {
            'const': entry['imdb_id'],
            'list_id': self.list_id,
            'ref_tag': 'title'
        log.debug('adding title %s with ID %s to imdb %s', entry['title'], entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
        self.session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/edit', data=data, cookies=self.cookies)

    def add(self, entry):
        # Invalidate the cache so that we get the canonical entry from the imdb list

    def __ior__(self, entries):
        for entry in entries:
        return self

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

    def online(self):
        """ Set the online status of the plugin, online plugin should be treated differently in certain situations,
        like test mode"""
        return True

    def get(self, entry):
        return self._find_movie(entry)
Example #24
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugins.internal.urlrewriting import UrlRewritingError
from flexget.utils.requests import Session, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup

from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.utils.search import normalize_unicode

import unicodedata

log = logging.getLogger('newpct')

requests = Session()
    {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)'})
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('newpct1.com', '2 seconds'))
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('newpct.com', '2 seconds'))

NEWPCT_TORRENT_FORMAT = 'http://www.newpct.com/torrents/{:0>6}.torrent'
NEWPCT1_TORRENT_FORMAT = 'http://www.newpct1.com/download/{}.torrent'

class UrlRewriteNewPCT(object):
    """NewPCT urlrewriter and search."""

    schema = {'type': 'boolean', 'default': False}

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewritable(self, task, entry):
        url = entry['url']
        rewritable_regex = '^http:\/\/(www.)?newpct1?.com\/.*'
Example #25
from flexget import plugin, db_schema
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.manager import Session
from flexget.utils.database import json_synonym
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.utils.tools import parse_filesize

log = logging.getLogger('alpharatio')
Base = db_schema.versioned_base('alpharatio', 0)

requests = RequestSession()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('alpharatio.cc', '5 seconds'))
# ElementZero confirmed with AlphaRato sysop 'jasonmaster' that they do want a 5 second limiter

    'tvsd': 'filter_cat[1]',
    'tvhd': 'filter_cat[2]',
    'tvdvdrip': 'filter_cat[3]',
    'tvpacksd': 'filter_cat[4]',
    'tvpackhd': 'filter_cat[5]',
    'moviesd': 'filter_cat[6]',
    'moviehd': 'filter_cat[7]',
    'moviepacksd': 'filter_cat[8]',
    'moviepackhd': 'filter_cat[9]',
    'moviexxx': 'filter_cat[10]',
    'mvid': 'filter_cat[11]',
    'gamespc': 'filter_cat[12]',
Example #26
import hashlib

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

__name__ = 'sms_ru'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SMS_SEND_URL = 'http://sms.ru/sms/send'
SMS_TOKEN_URL = 'http://sms.ru/auth/get_token'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('sms.ru', '5 seconds'))

class SMSRuNotifier(object):
    Sends SMS notification through sms.ru http api sms/send.
    Phone number is a login assigned to sms.ru account.


        phone_number: <PHONE_NUMBER> (accepted format example: '79997776655')
        password: <PASSWORD>

    schema = {
Example #27
class ImdbEntrySet(MutableSet):
    schema = {
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
            'login': {
                'type': 'string'
            'password': {
                'type': 'string'
            'list': {
                'type': 'string'
            'force_language': {
                'type': 'string',
                'default': 'en-us'
        'additionalProperties': False,
        'required': ['login', 'password', 'list']

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self._session = RequestSession()
        self._session.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('imdb.com', '5 seconds'))
            {'Accept-Language': config.get('force_language', 'en-us')})
        self.user_id = None
        self.list_id = None
        self.cookies = None
        self._items = None
        self._authenticated = False

    def session(self):
        if not self._authenticated:
        return self._session

    def authenticate(self):
        """Authenticates a session with IMDB, and grabs any IDs needed for getting/modifying list."""
        cached_credentials = False
        with Session() as session:
            user = session.query(IMDBListUser).filter(
                IMDBListUser.user_name == self.config.get(
            if user and user.cookies and user.user_id:
                log.debug('login credentials found in cache, testing')
                self.cookies = user.cookies
                self.user_id = user.user_id
                r = self._session.head('http://www.imdb.com/profile',
                if not r.headers.get(
                        'location') or 'login' in r.headers['location']:
                    log.debug('cache credentials expired')
                    cached_credentials = True
            if not cached_credentials:
                    'user credentials not found in cache or outdated, fetching from IMDB'
                url_credentials = (
                    r = self._session.get(url_credentials)
                except RequestException as e:
                    raise PluginError(e.args[0])
                soup = get_soup(r.content)
                inputs = soup.select('form#ap_signin_form input')
                data = dict((i['name'], i.get('value')) for i in inputs
                            if i.get('name'))
                data['email'] = self.config['login']
                data['password'] = self.config['password']
                action = soup.find('form', id='ap_signin_form').get('action')
                log.debug('email=%s, password=%s', data['email'],
                self._session.headers.update({'Referer': url_credentials})
                d = self._session.post(action, data=data)
                    {'Referer': 'http://www.imdb.com/'})
                # Get user id by extracting from redirect url
                r = self._session.head('http://www.imdb.com/profile',
                if not r.headers.get(
                        'location') or 'login' in r.headers['location']:
                    raise plugin.PluginError(
                        'Login to IMDB failed. Check your credentials.')
                self.user_id = re.search('ur\d+(?!\d)',
                self.cookies = dict(d.cookies)
                # Get list ID
            if user:
                for list in user.lists:
                    if self.config['list'] == list.list_name:
                            'found list ID %s matching list name %s in cache',
                            list.list_id, list.list_name)
                        self.list_id = list.list_id
            if not self.list_id:
                    'could not find list ID in cache, fetching from IMDB')
                if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
                    data = {
                        'consts[]': 'tt0133093',
                        'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'
                    wl_data = self._session.post(
                        self.list_id = wl_data['list_id']
                    except KeyError:
                        raise PluginError(
                            'No list ID could be received. Please initialize list by '
                            'manually adding an item to it and try again')
                elif self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS or self.config[
                    self.list_id = self.config['list']
                    data = {'tconst': 'tt0133093'}
                    list_data = self._session.post(
                    for li in list_data['items']:
                        if li['wlb_text'] == self.config['list']:
                            self.list_id = li['data_list_id']
                        raise plugin.PluginError('Could not find list %s' %

            user = IMDBListUser(self.config['login'], self.user_id,
            list = IMDBListList(self.list_id, self.config['list'],

        self._authenticated = True

    def invalidate_cache(self):
        self._items = None

    def items(self):
        if self._items is None:
            log.debug('fetching items from IMDB')
                r = self.session.get(
                    'http://www.imdb.com/list/export?list_id=%s&author_id=%s' %
                    (self.list_id, self.user_id),

            except RequestException as e:
                raise PluginError(e.args[0])
            lines = r.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True)
            # Throw away first line with headers
            self._items = []
            for row in csv_reader(lines):
                log.debug('parsing line from csv: %s', ', '.join(row))
                if not len(row) == 16:
                    log.debug('no movie row detected, skipping. %s',
                              ', '.join(row))
                entry = Entry({
                    '%s (%s)' %
                    (row[5], row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else '%s' % row[5],
                    datetime.strptime(row[2], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                    if row[2] else None,
                    datetime.strptime(row[3], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y')
                    if row[3] else None,
                    int(row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else None,
                    float(row[9]) if row[9] else None,
                    float(row[8]) if row[8] else None,
                    int(row[13]) if row[13] else None,
                    [genre.strip() for genre in row[12].split(',')]
                item_type = row[6].lower()
                name = row[5]
                year = int(row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else None
                if item_type in MOVIE_TYPES:
                    entry['movie_name'] = name
                    entry['movie_year'] = year
                elif item_type in SERIES_TYPES:
                    entry['series_name'] = name
                    entry['series_year'] = year
                elif item_type in OTHER_TYPES:
                    entry['title'] = name
                        'Unknown IMDB type entry received: %s. Skipping',
        return self._items

    def immutable(self):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            return '%s list is not modifiable' % self.config['list']

    def _from_iterable(cls, it):
        # TODO: is this the right answer? the returned object won't have our custom __contains__ logic
        return set(it)

    def _find_movie(self, entry):
        log.debug('trying to match %s to existing list items',
        for e in self.items:
            if e['imdb_id'] == entry['imdb_id']:
                return e
        log.debug('could not match %s to existing list items',

    def __contains__(self, entry):
        if not entry.get('imdb_id'):
            log.debug('entry %s does not have imdb_id, skipping', entry)
            return False
        return self._find_movie(entry) is not None

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.items)

    def discard(self, entry):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' %
                                     ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
                'Cannot remove %s from imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id',
        # Get the list item id
        item_ids = None
        if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
            data = {
                'consts[]': entry['imdb_id'],
                'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'
            status = self.session.post(
            item_ids = status.get('has', {}).get(entry['imdb_id'])
            data = {'tconst': entry['imdb_id']}
            status = self.session.post(
            for a_list in status['items']:
                if a_list['data_list_id'] == self.list_id:
                    item_ids = a_list['data_list_item_ids']
        if not item_ids:
            log.warning('%s is not in list %s, cannot be removed',
                        entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
        data = {
            'action': 'delete',
            'list_id': self.list_id,
            'ref_tag': 'title'
        for item_id in item_ids:
            log.debug('found movie %s with ID %s in list %s, removing',
                      entry['title'], entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
                              data=dict(data, list_item_id=item_id),
            # We don't need to invalidate our cache if we remove the item
            self._items = [
                i for i in self._items if i['imdb_id'] != entry['imdb_id']
            ] if self._items else None

    def _add(self, entry):
        """Submit a new movie to imdb. (does not update cache)"""
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' %
                                     ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
                'Cannot add %s to imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id',
        # Manually calling authenticate to fetch list_id and cookies
        data = {
            'const': entry['imdb_id'],
            'list_id': self.list_id,
            'ref_tag': 'title'
        log.debug('adding title %s with ID %s to imdb %s', entry['title'],
                  entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)

    def add(self, entry):
        # Invalidate the cache so that we get the canonical entry from the imdb list

    def __ior__(self, entries):
        for entry in entries:
        return self

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

    def online(self):
        """ Set the online status of the plugin, online plugin should be treated differently in certain situations,
        like test mode"""
        return True

    def get(self, entry):
        return self._find_movie(entry)
Example #28
from flexget import plugin, db_schema
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.manager import Session
from flexget.utils.database import json_synonym
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from flexget.utils.tools import parse_filesize

log = logging.getLogger('filelist')
Base = db_schema.versioned_base('filelist', 0)

requests = RequestSession()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('filelist.ro', '2 seconds'))

BASE_URL = 'https://filelist.ro/'

    'all': 0,
    'anime': 24,
    'audio': 11,
    'cartoons': 15,
    'docs': 16,
    'games console': 10,
    'games pc': 9,
    'linux': 17,
    'misc': 18,
    'mobile': 22,
    'movies 3d': 25,
Example #29
from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, RequestException

from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta

import unicodedata
import re

log = logging.getLogger('search_npo')

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('npo.nl', '5 seconds'))

class NPOWatchlist(object):
        Produces entries for every episode on the user's npo.nl watchlist (Dutch public television).
        Entries can be downloaded using http://arp242.net/code/download-npo

        If 'remove_accepted' is set to 'yes', the plugin will delete accepted entries from the watchlist after download
            is complete.
        If 'max_episode_age_days' is set (and not 0), entries will only be generated for episodes broadcast in the last
            x days.  This only applies to episodes related to series the user is following.

        For example:
              email: [email protected]
Example #30
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter

plugin_name = 'pushsafer'
log = logging.getLogger(plugin_name)

PUSHSAFER_URL = 'https://www.pushsafer.com/api'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('pushsafer.com', '5 seconds'))

class PushsaferNotifier:

            - pushsafer:
                private_key: <string> your private key (can also be a alias key) - Required
                url: <string> (default: '{{imdb_url}}')
                url_title: <string> (default: (none))
                device: <string> ypur device or device group id (default: (none))
                icon: <integer> (default is 1)
Example #31
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import
from builtins import *  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import, redefined-builtin

import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.cached_input import cached
from flexget.utils.requests import RequestException, Session, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup

log = logging.getLogger("letterboxd")

requests = Session(max_retries=5)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter("letterboxd.com", "1 seconds"))
base_url = "http://letterboxd.com"

    "default": {"p_slug": "/%(user)s/list/%(list)s/", "f_slug": "data-film-slug"},
    "diary": {"p_slug": "/%(user)s/films/diary/", "f_slug": "data-film-slug"},
    "likes": {"p_slug": "/%(user)s/likes/films/", "f_slug": "data-film-link"},
    "rated": {"p_slug": "/%(user)s/films/ratings/", "f_slug": "data-film-slug"},
    "watched": {"p_slug": "/%(user)s/films/", "f_slug": "data-film-slug"},
    "watchlist": {"p_slug": "/%(user)s/watchlist/", "f_slug": "data-film-slug"},

    "default": "",
    "added": "by/added/",
    "length-ascending": "by/shortest/",
Example #32
from builtins import *  # pylint: disable=unused-import, redefined-builtin

import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

plugin_name = 'join'
log = logging.getLogger(plugin_name)

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('appspot.com', '5 seconds'))

JOIN_URL = 'https://joinjoaomgcd.appspot.com/_ah/api/messaging/v1/sendPush'

class JoinNotifier(object):

            - join:
                [api_key: <API_KEY> (your join api key. Only required for 'group' notifications)]
                [group: <GROUP_NAME> (name of group of join devices to notify. 'all', 'android', etc.)
                [device: <DEVICE_ID> (can also be a list of device ids)]
Example #33
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

plugin_name = 'pushover'
log = logging.getLogger(plugin_name)

PUSHOVER_URL = 'https://api.pushover.net/1/messages.json'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('pushover.net', '5 seconds'))

class PushoverNotifier(object):

            - pushover:
                user_key: <USER_KEY> (can also be a list of userkeys)
                token: <TOKEN>
                [device: <DEVICE_STRING>]
                [priority: <PRIORITY>]
                [url: <URL>]
Example #34
from flexget import plugin, db_schema
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.manager import Session
from flexget.utils.database import json_synonym
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.utils.tools import parse_filesize

log = logging.getLogger('morethantv')
Base = db_schema.versioned_base('morethantv', 0)

requests = RequestSession()
    'morethan.tv', '5 seconds'))  # TODO find out if they want a delay

    'Movies': 'filter_cat[1]',
    'TV': 'filter_cat[2]',
    'Other': 'filter_cat[3]'

TAGS = [
    'action', 'adventure', 'animation', 'anime', 'art', 'asian', 'biography',
    'celebrities', 'comedy', 'cooking', 'crime', 'cult', 'documentary',
    'drama', 'educational', 'elclasico', 'family', 'fantasy', 'film.noir',
    'filmromanesc', 'food', 'football', 'formula.e', 'formula1', 'gameshow',
    'highlights', 'history', 'horror', 'investigation', 'lifestyle', 'liga1',
    'ligabbva', 'ligue1', 'martial.arts', 'morethan.tv', 'motogp', 'musical',
    'mystery', 'nba', 'news', 'other', 'performance', 'philosophy', 'politics',
Example #35
class InputWhatCD(object):
    """A plugin that searches what.cd

    == Usage:

    All parameters except `username` and `password` are optional.


        user_agent: (A custom user-agent for the client to report.
                     It is NOT A GOOD IDEA to spoof a browser with
                     this. You are responsible for your account.)

        search: (general search filter)

        artist: (artist name)
        album: (album name)
        year: (album year)

        encoding: (encoding specifics - 192, 320, lossless, etc.)
        format: (MP3, FLAC, AAC, etc.)
        media: (CD, DVD, vinyl, Blu-ray, etc.)
        release_type: (album, soundtrack, EP, etc.)

        log: (log specification - true, false, '100%', or '<100%')
        hascue: (has a cue file - true or false)
        scene: (is a scene release - true or false)
        vanityhouse: (is a vanity house release - true or false)
        leech_type: ('freeleech', 'neutral', 'either', or 'normal')

        tags: (a list of tags to match - drum.and.bass, new.age, blues, etc.)
        tag_type: (match 'any' or 'all' of the items in `tags`)

    # Aliases for config -> api params
    ALIASES = {
        "artist": "artistname",
        "album": "groupname",
        "leech_type": "freetorrent",
        "release_type": "releaseType",
        "tags": "taglist",
        "tag_type": "tags_type",
        "search": "searchstr",
        "log": "haslog",

    # API parameters
    # None means a raw value entry (no validation)
    # A dict means a choice with a mapping for the API
    # A list is just a choice with no mapping
    PARAMS = {
        "tags_type": {
            "any": 0,
            "all": 1,
        "encoding": [
            "192", "APS (VBR)", "V2 (VBR)", "V1 (VBR)", "256", "APX (VBR)",
            "V0 (VBR)", "320", "lossless", "24bit lossless", "V8 (VBR)"
        "format": ["MP3", "FLAC", "AAC", "AC3", "DTS"],
        "media": [
            "CD", "DVD", "vinyl", "soundboard", "SACD", "DAT", "cassette",
            "WEB", "Blu-ray"
        "releaseType": {
            "album": 1,
            "soundtrack": 3,
            "EP": 5,
            "anthology": 6,
            "compilation": 7,
            "DJ mix": 8,
            "single": 9,
            "live album": 11,
            "remix": 13,
            "bootleg": 14,
            "interview": 15,
            "mixtape": 16,
            "unknown": 21,
            "concert recording": 22,
            "demo": 23
        "haslog": {
            "False": 0,
            "True": 1,
            "100%": 100,
            "<100%": -1
        "freetorrent": {
            "freeleech": 1,
            "neutral": 2,
            "either": 3,
            "normal": 0,
        "hascue": {
            "False": 0,
            "True": 1,
        "scene": {
            "False": 0,
            "True": 1,
        "vanityhouse": {
            "False": 0,
            "True": 1,

    def _key(self, key):
        """Gets the API key name from the entered key"""
        if key in self.ALIASES:
            return self.ALIASES[key]
        return key

    def _opts(self, key):
        """Gets the options for the specified key"""
        return self.PARAMS[self._key(key)]

    def _getval(self, key, val):
        """Gets the value for the specified key based on a config option"""

        opts = self._opts(key)
        if isinstance(opts, dict):
            # Translate the input value to the What.CD API value
            # The str cast converts bools to 'True'/'False' for use as keys
            # This allows for options that have True/False/Other values
            return opts[str(val)]
        elif isinstance(val, list):
            # Fix yaml parser making a list out of a string
            return ",".join(val)

        return val

    def __init__(self):
        """Set up the schema"""

        self.schema = {
            'type': 'object',
            'properties': {
                'username': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'password': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'user_agent': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'search': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'artist': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'album': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'year': {
                    'type': ['string', 'integer']
                'tags': one_or_more({'type': 'string'}),
                'tag_type': {
                    'type': 'string',
                    'enum': list(self._opts('tag_type').keys())
                'encoding': {
                    'type': 'string',
                    'enum': self._opts('encoding')
                'format': {
                    'type': 'string',
                    'enum': self._opts('format')
                'media': {
                    'type': 'string',
                    'enum': self._opts('media')
                'release_type': {
                    'type': 'string',
                    'enum': list(self._opts('release_type').keys())
                'log': {
                    'oneOf': [{
                        'type': 'string',
                        'enum': list(self._opts('log').keys())
                    }, {
                        'type': 'boolean'
                'leech_type': {
                    'type': 'string',
                    'enum': list(self._opts('leech_type').keys())
                'hascue': {
                    'type': 'boolean'
                'scene': {
                    'type': 'boolean'
                'vanityhouse': {
                    'type': 'boolean'
            'required': ['username', 'password'],
            'additionalProperties': False

    def _login(self, user, passwd):
        Log in and store auth data from the server
        Adapted from https://github.com/isaaczafuta/whatapi

        data = {
            'username': user,
            'password': passwd,
            'keeplogged': 1,

        r = self.session.post("https://ssl.what.cd/login.php",
        if r.status_code != 302 or r.headers.get('location') != "index.php":
            raise PluginError("Failed to log in to What.cd")

        accountinfo = self._request('index')

        self.authkey = accountinfo['authkey']
        self.passkey = accountinfo['passkey']
        log.info("Logged in to What.cd")

    def _request(self, action, page=None, **kwargs):
        Make an AJAX request to a given action page
        Adapted from https://github.com/isaaczafuta/whatapi

        ajaxpage = "https://ssl.what.cd/ajax.php"

        params = {}

        # Filter params and map config values -> api values
        for k, v in list(kwargs.items()):
            params[self._key(k)] = self._getval(k, v)

        # Params other than the searching ones
        params['action'] = action
        if page:
            params['page'] = page

        r = self.session.get(ajaxpage, params=params, allow_redirects=False)
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise PluginError("What.cd returned a non-200 status code")

            json_response = r.json()
            if json_response['status'] != "success":

                # Try to deal with errors returned by the API
                error = json_response.get('error', json_response.get('status'))
                if not error or error == "failure":
                    error = json_response.get('response', str(json_response))

                raise PluginError("What.cd gave a failure response: "
            return json_response['response']
        except (ValueError, TypeError, KeyError) as e:
            raise PluginError("What.cd returned an invalid response")

    def _search_results(self, config):
        """Generator that yields search results"""
        page = 1
        pages = None
        while True:
            if pages and page >= pages:

                "Attempting to get page {} of search results".format(page))
            result = self._request('browse', page=page, **config)
            if not result['results']:
            for x in result['results']:
                yield x

            pages = result.get('pages', pages)
            page += 1

    def _get_entries(self, search_results):
        """Genertor that yields Entry objects from search results"""
        for result in search_results:
            # Get basic information on the release
            info = dict(
                (k, result[k]) for k in ('artist', 'groupName', 'groupYear'))

            # Releases can have multiple download options
            for tor in result['torrents']:
                temp = info.copy()
                        (k, tor[k])
                        for k in ('media', 'encoding', 'format', 'torrentId')))

                yield Entry(
                    title="{artist} - {groupName} - {groupYear} "
                    "({media} - {format} - {encoding})-{torrentId}.torrent".
                        temp['torrentId'], self.authkey, self.passkey),
                    # Size is returned in bytes, convert to MB for compat with the content_size plugin
                    content_size=math.floor(tor['size'] / (1024**2)))

    def on_task_input(self, task, config):
        """Search on What.cd"""

        self.session = Session()

        # From the API docs: "Refrain from making more than five (5) requests every ten (10) seconds"
            TokenBucketLimiter('ssl.what.cd', 2, '2 seconds'))

        # Custom user agent
        user_agent = config.pop('user_agent', None)
        if user_agent:
            self.session.headers.update({"User-Agent": user_agent})

        # Login
        self._login(config.pop('username'), config.pop('password'))

        # Logged in successfully, it's ok if nothing matches
        task.no_entries_ok = True

        # NOTE: Any values still in config at this point MUST be valid search parameters

        # Perform the search and parse the needed information out of the response
        results = self._search_results(config)
        return list(self._get_entries(results))
Example #36
from dateutil.parser import parse as dateutil_parse

from flexget import plugin, db_schema
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.manager import Session
from flexget.utils.database import json_synonym
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.utils.tools import parse_filesize

log = logging.getLogger('passthepopcorn')
Base = db_schema.versioned_base('passthepopcorn', 1)

requests = RequestSession()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('passthepopcorn.me', '5 seconds'))

TAGS = [
Example #37
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.utils.requests import Session, TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.components.sites.utils import normalize_scene
from flexget.plugin import PluginError

log = logging.getLogger('rarbg')

requests = Session()
    TimedLimiter('torrentapi.org', '3 seconds')
)  # they only allow 1 request per 2 seconds

    'all': 0,
    # Movies
    'x264': 17,
    'x264 720p': 45,
    'x264 1080p': 44,
    'x264 3D': 47,
    'XviD': 14,
    'XviD 720p': 48,
    'Full BD': 42,
    # TV
    'HDTV': 41,
    'SDTV': 18,
Example #38
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.cached_input import cached
from flexget.utils.requests import RequestException, Session, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup

log = logging.getLogger('letterboxd')

requests = Session(max_retries=5)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('letterboxd.com', '1 seconds'))
base_url = 'http://letterboxd.com'

    'default': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/list/%(list)s/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},
    'diary': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/films/diary/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},
    'likes': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/likes/films/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-link'},
    'rated': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/films/ratings/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},
    'watched': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/films/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},
    'watchlist': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/watchlist/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},

    'default': '',
    'added': 'by/added/',
    'length-ascending': 'by/shortest/',
    'length-descending': 'by/longest/',
    'name': 'by/name/',
    'popularity': 'by/popular/',
Example #39
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.manager import Session
from flexget.utils.database import json_synonym
from flexget.utils.requests import RequestException
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from flexget.utils.tools import parse_filesize

logger = logger.bind(name='alpharatio')
Base = db_schema.versioned_base('alpharatio', 0)

requests = RequestSession()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('alpharatio.cc', '5 seconds'))
# ElementZero confirmed with AlphaRato sysop 'jasonmaster' that they do want a 5 second limiter

    'tvsd': 'filter_cat[1]',
    'tvhd': 'filter_cat[2]',
    'tvuhd': 'filter_cat[3]',
    'tvdvdrip': 'filter_cat[4]',
    'tvpacksd': 'filter_cat[5]',
    'tvpackhd': 'filter_cat[6]',
    'tvpackuhd': 'filter_cat[7]',
    'moviesd': 'filter_cat[8]',
    'moviehd': 'filter_cat[9]',
    'movieuhd': 'filter_cat[10]',
    'moviepacksd': 'filter_cat[11]',
    'moviepackhd': 'filter_cat[12]',
Example #40
import datetime

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

__name__ = 'pushbullet'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

PUSHBULLET_URL = 'https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('pushbullet.com', '5 seconds'))

class PushbulletNotifier(object):

        apikey: <API_KEY>
        [device: <DEVICE_IDEN> (can also be a list of device idens, or don't specify any idens to send to all devices)]
        [email: <EMAIL_ADDRESS> (can also be a list of user email addresses)]
        [channel: <CHANNEL_TAG> (you can only specify device / email or channel tag. cannot use both.)]
        [title: <MESSAGE_TITLE>] (default: "{{task}} - Download started" -- accepts Jinja2)
        [body: <MESSAGE_BODY>] (default: "{{series_name}} {{series_id}}" -- accepts Jinja2)

    Configuration parameters are also supported from entries (eg. through set).
Example #41
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

plugin_name = 'pushsafer'
log = logging.getLogger(plugin_name)

PUSHSAFER_URL = 'https://www.pushsafer.com/api'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('pushsafer.com', '5 seconds'))

class PushsaferNotifier(object):

        private_key: <string> your private key (can also be a alias key) - Required
        title: <string> (default: task name)
        body: <string> (default: '{{series_name}} {{series_id}}' )
        url: <string> (default: '{{imdb_url}}')
        url_title: <string> (default: (none))
        device: <string> ypur device or device group id (default: (none))
        icon: <integer> (default is 1)
        sound: <integer> (default is (none))
Example #42
from flexget import plugin, db_schema
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.manager import Session
from flexget.utils.database import json_synonym
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.utils.tools import parse_filesize

log = logging.getLogger('morethantv')
Base = db_schema.versioned_base('morethantv', 0)

requests = RequestSession()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('morethan.tv', '5 seconds'))  # TODO find out if they want a delay

    'Movies': 'filter_cat[1]',
    'TV': 'filter_cat[2]',
    'Other': 'filter_cat[3]'

TAGS = [
Example #43
from builtins import *  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import, redefined-builtin

import logging
import re

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugins.internal.urlrewriting import UrlRewritingError
from flexget.utils.requests import Session, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup

log = logging.getLogger("newpct")

requests = Session()
requests.headers.update({"User-Agent": "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT)"})
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter("imdb.com", "2 seconds"))

class UrlRewriteNewPCT(object):
    """NewPCT urlrewriter."""

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewritable(self, task, entry):
        url = entry["url"]
        rewritable_regex = "^http:\/\/(www.)?newpct1?.com\/.*"
        return re.match(rewritable_regex, url) and not url.endswith(".torrent")

    # urlrewriter API
    def url_rewrite(self, task, entry):
        entry["url"] = self.parse_download_page(entry["url"])
Example #44
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

plugin_name = 'prowl'
log = logging.getLogger(plugin_name)

PROWL_URL = 'https://api.prowlapp.com/publicapi/add'

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('prowlapp.com', '5 seconds'))

class ProwlNotifier(object):
    Send prowl notifications


            - prowl:
                api_key: xxxxxxx
                [application: application name, default FlexGet]
                [event: event title, default New Release]
Example #45
from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import
from builtins import *  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import, redefined-builtin

import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.cached_input import cached
from flexget.utils.requests import RequestException, Session, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup

log = logging.getLogger('letterboxd')

requests = Session(max_retries=5)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('letterboxd.com', '1 seconds'))
base_url = 'http://letterboxd.com'

    'default': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/list/%(list)s/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},
    'diary': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/films/diary/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},
    'likes': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/likes/films/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-link'},
    'rated': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/films/ratings/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},
    'watched': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/films/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},
    'watchlist': {'p_slug': '/%(user)s/watchlist/', 'f_slug': 'data-film-slug'},

    'default': '',
    'added': 'by/added/',
    'length-ascending': 'by/shortest/',
Example #46
class ImdbEntrySet(MutableSet):
    schema = {
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
            'login': {
                'type': 'string'
            'password': {
                'type': 'string'
            'list': {
                'type': 'string'
            'force_language': {
                'type': 'string',
                'default': 'en-us'
        'additionalProperties': False,
        'required': ['login', 'password', 'list'],

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self._session = RequestSession()
        self._session.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('imdb.com', '5 seconds'))
            {'Accept-Language': config.get('force_language', 'en-us')})
        self.user_id = None
        self.list_id = None
        self.cookies = None
        self.hidden_value = None
        self._items = None
        self._authenticated = False

    def session(self):
        if not self._authenticated:
        return self._session

    def get_user_id_and_hidden_value(self, cookies=None):
            if cookies:
                self._session.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(cookies)
            # We need to allow for redirects here as it performs 1-2 redirects before reaching the real profile url
            response = self._session.get('https://www.imdb.com/profile',
        except RequestException as e:
            raise PluginError(str(e))

        user_id_match = re.search(r'ur\d+(?!\d)', response.url)
        if user_id_match:
            # extract the hidden form value that we need to do post requests later on
                soup = get_soup(response.text)
                self.hidden_value = soup.find('input',
                                              attrs={'id': '49e6c'})['value']
            except Exception as e:
                    'Unable to locate the hidden form value '
                    '. Without it, you might not be able to '
                    'add or remove items. %s',
        return user_id_match.group() if user_id_match else None

    def authenticate(self):
        """Authenticates a session with IMDB, and grabs any IDs needed for getting/modifying list."""
        cached_credentials = False
        with Session() as session:
            user = (session.query(IMDBListUser).filter(
                IMDBListUser.user_name == self.config.get(
            if user and user.cookies and user.user_id:
                log.debug('login credentials found in cache, testing')
                self.user_id = user.user_id
                if not self.get_user_id_and_hidden_value(cookies=user.cookies):
                    log.debug('cache credentials expired')
                    user.cookies = None
                    self.cookies = user.cookies
                    cached_credentials = True
            if not cached_credentials:
                    'user credentials not found in cache or outdated, fetching from IMDB'
                url_credentials = (
                    # we need to get some cookies first
                    r = self._session.get(url_credentials)
                except RequestException as e:
                    raise PluginError(e.args[0])
                soup = get_soup(r.content)
                form = soup.find('form', attrs={'name': 'signIn'})
                inputs = form.select('input')
                data = dict((i['name'], i.get('value')) for i in inputs
                            if i.get('name'))
                data['email'] = self.config['login']
                data['password'] = self.config['password']
                action = form.get('action')
                log.debug('email=%s, password=%s', data['email'],
                self._session.headers.update({'Referer': url_credentials})
                self._session.post(action, data=data)
                    {'Referer': 'https://www.imdb.com/'})

                self.user_id = self.get_user_id_and_hidden_value()
                if not self.user_id:
                    raise plugin.PluginError(
                        'Login to IMDB failed. Check your credentials.')
                self.cookies = self._session.cookies.get_dict(
                # Get list ID
            if user:
                for list in user.lists:
                    if self.config['list'] == list.list_name:
                            'found list ID %s matching list name %s in cache',
                        self.list_id = list.list_id
            if not self.list_id:
                    'could not find list ID in cache, fetching from IMDB')
                if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
                    data = {
                        'consts[]': 'tt0133093',
                        'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'
                    wl_data = self._session.post(
                        self.list_id = wl_data['list_id']
                    except KeyError:
                        raise PluginError(
                            'No list ID could be received. Please initialize list by '
                            'manually adding an item to it and try again')
                elif self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS or self.config[
                    self.list_id = self.config['list']
                    data = {'tconst': 'tt0133093'}
                    list_data = self._session.post(
                    for li in list_data['items']:
                        if li['wlb_text'] == self.config['list']:
                            self.list_id = li['data_list_id']
                        raise plugin.PluginError('Could not find list %s' %

            user = IMDBListUser(self.config['login'], self.user_id,
            list = IMDBListList(self.list_id, self.config['list'],

        self._authenticated = True

    def invalidate_cache(self):
        self._items = None

    def items(self):
        if self._items is None:
            log.debug('fetching items from IMDB')
                r = self.session.get(
                    % (self.list_id, self.user_id),
                lines = list(r.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True))
            except RequestException as e:
                raise PluginError(e.args[0])
            # Normalize headers to lowercase
            lines[0] = lines[0].lower()
            self._items = []
            for row in csv.DictReader(lines):
                log.debug('parsing line from csv: %s', row)

                    item_type = row['title type'].lower()
                    name = row['title']
                    year = int(row['year']) if row['year'] != '????' else None
                    created = (datetime.strptime(row['created'], '%Y-%m-%d')
                               if row.get('created') else None)
                    modified = (datetime.strptime(row['modified'], '%Y-%m-%d')
                                if row.get('modified') else None)
                    entry = Entry({
                        '%s (%s)' % (name, year) if year != '????' else name,
                        int(row['position']) if 'position' in row else None,
                        float(row['imdb rating'])
                        if row['imdb rating'] else None,
                        int(row['num votes']) if row['num votes'] else None,
                        [genre.strip() for genre in row['genres'].split(',')],

                except ValueError as e:
                        'no movie row detected, skipping. %s. Exception: %s',
                        row, e)

                if item_type in MOVIE_TYPES:
                    entry['movie_name'] = name
                    entry['movie_year'] = year
                elif item_type in SERIES_TYPES:
                    entry['series_name'] = name
                    entry['series_year'] = year
                elif item_type in OTHER_TYPES:
                    entry['title'] = name
                        'Unknown IMDB type entry received: %s. Skipping',
        return self._items

    def immutable(self):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            return '%s list is not modifiable' % self.config['list']

    def _from_iterable(cls, it):
        # TODO: is this the right answer? the returned object won't have our custom __contains__ logic
        return set(it)

    def __contains__(self, entry):
        return self.get(entry) is not None

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.items)

    def discard(self, entry):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' %
                                     ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
                'Cannot remove %s from imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id',
        # Get the list item id
        item_ids = None
        urls = []
        if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
            method = 'delete'
            data = {
                'consts[]': entry['imdb_id'],
                'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'
            status = self.session.post(
            item_ids = status.get('has', {}).get(entry['imdb_id'])
            urls = ['https://www.imdb.com/watchlist/%s' % entry['imdb_id']]
            method = 'post'
            data = {'tconst': entry['imdb_id']}
            status = self.session.post(
            for a_list in status['items']:
                if a_list['data_list_id'] == self.list_id:
                    item_ids = a_list['data_list_item_ids']

            for item_id in item_ids:
                urls.append('https://www.imdb.com/list/%s/li%s/delete' %
                            (self.list_id, item_id))
        if not item_ids:
            log.warning('%s is not in list %s, cannot be removed',
                        entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)

        for url in urls:
                'found movie %s with ID %s in list %s, removing',
                                 data={'49e6c': self.hidden_value},
            # We don't need to invalidate our cache if we remove the item
            self._items = (
                [i for i in self._items
                 if i['imdb_id'] != entry['imdb_id']] if self._items else None)

    def _add(self, entry):
        """Submit a new movie to imdb. (does not update cache)"""
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' %
                                     ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
                'Cannot add %s to imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id',
        # Manually calling authenticate to fetch list_id and cookies and hidden form value
        if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
            method = 'put'
            url = 'https://www.imdb.com/watchlist/%s' % entry['imdb_id']
            method = 'post'
            url = 'https://www.imdb.com/list/%s/%s/add' % (self.list_id,

        log.debug('adding title %s with ID %s to imdb %s', entry['title'],
                  entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
                             data={'49e6c': self.hidden_value})

    def add(self, entry):
        # Invalidate the cache so that we get the canonical entry from the imdb list

    def __ior__(self, entries):
        for entry in entries:
        return self

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

    def online(self):
        """ Set the online status of the plugin, online plugin should be treated differently in certain situations,
        like test mode"""
        return True

    def get(self, entry):
        if not entry.get('imdb_id'):
                'entry %s does not have imdb_id, cannot compare to imdb list items',
            return None
        log.debug('finding %s in imdb list', entry['imdb_id'])
        for e in self.items:
            if e['imdb_id'] == entry['imdb_id']:
                return e
        log.debug('could not find %s in imdb list items', entry['imdb_id'])
        return None
Example #47
class ImdbEntrySet(MutableSet):
    schema = {
        'type': 'object',
        'properties': {
            'login': {'type': 'string'},
            'password': {'type': 'string'},
            'list': {'type': 'string'},
            'force_language': {'type': 'string', 'default': 'en-us'}
        'additionalProperties': False,
        'required': ['login', 'password', 'list']

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self._session = Session()
        self._session.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('imdb.com', '5 seconds'))
        self._session.headers = {'Accept-Language': config.get('force_language', 'en-us')}
        self.user_id = None
        self.list_id = None
        self._items = None
        self._authenticated = False

    def session(self):
        if not self._authenticated:
        return self._session

    def authenticate(self):
        """Authenticates a session with imdb, and grabs any IDs needed for getting/modifying list."""
            r = self._session.get(
        except ConnectionError as e:
            raise PluginError(e.args[0])
        soup = get_soup(r.content)
        inputs = soup.select('form#ap_signin_form input')
        data = dict((i['name'], i.get('value')) for i in inputs if i.get('name'))
        data['email'] = self.config['login']
        data['password'] = self.config['password']
        d = self._session.post('https://www.imdb.com/ap/signin', data=data)
        # Get user id by extracting from redirect url
        r = self._session.head('http://www.imdb.com/profile', allow_redirects=False)
        if not r.headers.get('location') or 'login' in r.headers['location']:
            raise plugin.PluginError('Login to imdb failed. Check your credentials.')
        self.user_id = re.search('ur\d+(?!\d)', r.headers['location']).group()
        # Get list ID
        if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
            data = {'consts[]': 'tt0133093', 'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'}
            wl_data = self._session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/watchlist_has', data=data).json()
                self.list_id = wl_data['list_id']
            except KeyError:
                raise PluginError('No list ID could be received. Please initialize list by '
                                  'manually adding an item to it and try again')
        elif self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS or self.config['list'].startswith('ls'):
            self.list_id = self.config['list']
            data = {'tconst': 'tt0133093'}
            list_data = self._session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/wlb_dropdown', data=data).json()
            for li in list_data['items']:
                if li['wlb_text'] == self.config['list']:
                    self.list_id = li['data_list_id']
                raise plugin.PluginError('Could not find list %s' % self.config['list'])

        self._authenticated = True

    def invalidate_cache(self):
        self._items = None

    def items(self):
        if self._items is None:
                r = self.session.get('http://www.imdb.com/list/export?list_id=%s&author_id=%s' %
                                 (self.list_id, self.user_id))
            except HTTPError as e:
                raise PluginError(e.args[0])
            lines = r.iter_lines()
            # Throw away first line with headers
            self._items = []
            for row in csv.reader(lines):
                row = [unicode(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]
                log.debug('parsing line from csv: %s', ', '.join(row))
                if not len(row) == 16:
                    log.debug('no movie row detected, skipping. %s', ', '.join(row))
                entry = Entry({
                    'title': '%s (%s)' % (row[5], row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else '%s' % row[5],
                    'url': row[15],
                    'imdb_id': row[1],
                    'imdb_url': row[15],
                    'imdb_list_position': int(row[0]),
                    'imdb_list_created': datetime.strptime(row[2], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') if row[2] else None,
                    'imdb_list_modified': datetime.strptime(row[3], '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y') if row[3] else None,
                    'imdb_list_description': row[4],
                    'imdb_name': row[5],
                    'movie_name': row[5],
                    'imdb_year': int(row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else None,
                    'movie_year': int(row[11]) if row[11] != '????' else None,
                    'imdb_score': float(row[9]) if row[9] else None,
                    'imdb_user_score': float(row[8]) if row[8] else None,
                    'imdb_votes': int(row[13]) if row[13] else None,
                    'imdb_genres': [genre.strip() for genre in row[12].split(',')]
        return self._items

    def immutable(self):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            return '%s list is not modifiable' % self.config['list']

    def _from_iterable(cls, it):
        # TODO: is this the right answer? the returned object won't have our custom __contains__ logic
        return set(it)

    def __contains__(self, entry):
        if not entry.get('imdb_id'):
            log.debug('entry %s does not have imdb_id, skipping', entry)
            return False
        return any(e['imdb_id'] == entry['imdb_id'] for e in self.items)

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.items)

    def discard(self, entry):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' % ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
            log.warning('Cannot remove %s from imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id', entry['title'])
        # Get the list item id
        item_ids = None
        if self.config['list'] == 'watchlist':
            data = {'consts[]': entry['imdb_id'], 'tracking_tag': 'watchlistRibbon'}
            status = self.session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/watchlist_has', data=data).json()
            item_ids = status.get('has', {}).get(entry['imdb_id'])
            data = {'tconst': entry['imdb_id']}
            status = self.session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/wlb_dropdown', data=data).json()
            for a_list in status['items']:
                if a_list['data_list_id'] == self.list_id:
                    item_ids = a_list['data_list_item_ids']
        if not item_ids:
            log.warning('%s is not in list %s, cannot be removed', entry['imdb_id'], self.list_id)
        data = {
            'action': 'delete',
            'list_id': self.list_id,
            'ref_tag': 'title'
        for item_id in item_ids:
            self.session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/edit', data=dict(data, list_item_id=item_id))
        # We don't need to invalidate our cache if we remove the item
        self._items = [i for i in self._items if i['imdb_id'] != entry['imdb_id']] if self._items else None

    def add(self, entry):
        if self.config['list'] in IMMUTABLE_LISTS:
            raise plugin.PluginError('%s lists are not modifiable' % ' and '.join(IMMUTABLE_LISTS))
        if 'imdb_id' not in entry:
            log.warning('Cannot add %s to imdb_list because it does not have an imdb_id', entry['title'])
        data = {
            'const': entry['imdb_id'],
            'list_id': self.list_id,
            'ref_tag': 'title'
        self.session.post('http://www.imdb.com/list/_ajax/edit', data=data)
        # Invalidate cache so that new movie info will be grabbed

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.items)

    def online(self):
        """ Set the online status of the plugin, online plugin should be treated differently in certain situations,
        like test mode"""
        return True
Example #48
from flexget import plugin, db_schema
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.manager import Session
from flexget.utils.database import json_synonym
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from flexget.utils.tools import parse_filesize

log = logging.getLogger('filelist')
Base = db_schema.versioned_base('filelist', 0)

requests = RequestSession()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('filelist.ro', '2 seconds'))

BASE_URL = 'https://filelist.ro/'

    'all': 0,
    'anime': 24,
    'audio': 11,
    'cartoons': 15,
    'docs': 16,
    'games console': 10,
    'games pc': 9,
    'linux': 17,
    'misc': 18,
    'mobile': 22,
    'movies 3d': 25,
Example #49
from builtins import *  # noqa pylint: disable=unused-import, redefined-builtin

import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.utils.requests import Session, TimedLimiter, RequestException
from flexget.utils.search import normalize_scene
from flexget.plugin import PluginError

log = logging.getLogger('rarbg')

requests = Session()
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('torrentapi.org', '3 seconds'))  # they only allow 1 request per 2 seconds

    'all': 0,

    # Movies
    'x264': 17,
    'x264 720p': 45,
    'x264 1080p': 44,
    'x264 3D': 47,
    'XviD': 14,
    'XviD 720p': 48,
    'Full BD': 42,

    # TV
    'HDTV': 41,
Example #50
from flexget import plugin
from flexget.entry import Entry
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from flexget.utils.soup import get_soup
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, RequestException

from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta

import unicodedata
import re

log = logging.getLogger('search_npo')

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter('npostart.nl', '8 seconds'))

class NPOWatchlist(object):
        Produces entries for every episode on the user's npostart.nl watchlist (Dutch public television).
        Entries can be downloaded using http://arp242.net/code/download-npo

        If 'remove_accepted' is set to 'yes', the plugin will delete accepted entries from the watchlist after download
            is complete.
        If 'max_episode_age_days' is set (and not 0), entries will only be generated for episodes broadcast in the last
            x days.  This only applies to episodes related to series the user is following.

        For example:
              email: [email protected]
Example #51
import logging

from flexget import plugin
from flexget.event import event
from flexget.config_schema import one_or_more
from flexget.plugin import PluginWarning
from flexget.utils.requests import Session as RequestSession, TimedLimiter
from requests.exceptions import RequestException

__name__ = "rapidpush"
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

RAPIDPUSH_URL = "https://rapidpush.net/api"

requests = RequestSession(max_retries=3)
requests.add_domain_limiter(TimedLimiter("rapidpush.net", "5 seconds"))

class RapidpushNotifier(object):

        apikey: xxxxxxx (can also be a list of api keys)
        [category: category, default FlexGet]
        [title: title, default New release]
        [group: device group, default no group]
        [message: the message, default {{title}}]
        [channel: the broadcast notification channel, if provided it will be send to the channel subscribers instead of
            your devices, default no channel]
        [priority: 0 - 6 (6 = highest), default 2 (normal)]