Example #1
def register_astra_geometry(proj_fix, proj_mov, geom_fix, geom_mov, subsamp=1):
    Compute a rigid transformation that makes sure that two reconstruction volumes are alligned.
        proj_fix : projection data of the fixed volume
        proj_mov : projection data of the fixed volume
        geom_fix : projection data of the fixed volume
        geom_mov : projection data of the fixed volume
        geom : geometry for the second reconstruction volume

    print('Computing a rigid tranformation between two datasets.')

    # Find maximum vol size:
    sz = numpy.array([proj_fix.shape, proj_mov.shape]).max(0)
    sz += 10  # for safety...

    vol1 = numpy.zeros(sz, dtype='float32')
    vol2 = numpy.zeros(sz, dtype='float32')

    projector.settings.bounds = [0, 10]
    projector.settings.subsets = 10
    projector.settings['mode'] = 'sequential'

    projector.FDK(proj_fix, vol1, geom_fix)
    projector.SIRT(proj_fix, vol1, geom_fix, iterations=5)

    projector.FDK(proj_mov, vol2, geom_mov)
    projector.SIRT(proj_mov, vol2, geom_mov, iterations=5)

    display.slice(vol1, title='Fixed volume preview')
    display.slice(vol1, title='Moving volume preview')

    # Find transformation between two volumes:
    R, T = register_volumes(vol1,

    return R, T
Example #2
flat = data.read_stack(path, 'io00', sample=binn)
proj = data.read_stack(path, 'scan_', sample=binn, skip=binn)

geom = data.read_flexraylog(path, sample=binn)

#%% Prepro:

flat = (flat - dark).mean(1)
proj = (proj - dark) / flat[:, None, :]
proj = -numpy.log(proj).astype('float32')

display.slice(proj, dim=1, title='Projection')

#%% FDK Recon

vol = projector.init_volume(proj)
projector.FDK(proj, vol, geom)

display.slice(vol, bounds=[], title='FDK')

#%% SIRT with additional options

vol = projector.init_volume(proj)

projector.settings.bounds = [0, 10]
projector.settings.subsets = 10
projector.settings.sorting = 'equidistant'

projector.SIRT(proj, vol, geom, iterations=5)

display.slice(vol, title='SIRT')
Example #3
projector.backproject(proj, vol_rec, geom)
display.slice(vol_rec, title = 'Backprojection')

#%% Filtered back-project

# Make volume:
vol_rec = numpy.zeros_like(vol)

# Use FDK:
projector.FDK(proj, vol_rec, geom)
display.slice(vol_rec, title = 'FDK')

#%% Simple SIRT:

vol_rec = numpy.zeros_like(vol)
projector.SIRT(proj, vol_rec, geom, iterations = 20)
display.slice(vol_rec, title = 'SIRT')

#%% SIRT with subsets and non-negativity:

# Settings:
projector.settings.update_residual = True
projector.settings.bounds = [0, 2]
projector.settings.subsets = 10
projector.settings.sorting = 'equidistant'

# Reonstruction:
vol_rec = numpy.zeros_like(vol)
projector.SIRT(proj, vol_rec, geom, iterations = 20)
display.slice(vol_rec, title = 'SIRT')
Example #4
proj_a = numpy.zeros([128, 32, 128], dtype = 'float32')
proj_b = numpy.zeros([128, 32, 128], dtype = 'float32')

# Define a simple projection geometry:
geom_a = geometry.circular(src2obj = 100, det2obj = 100, det_pixel = 0.01, ang_range = [0, 360])
geom_b = geom_a.copy()
geom_b['axs_roll'] = 90

# Create phantom and project into proj:
vol = phantom.random_spheroids([128, 128, 128], geom_a, number = 10)
display.slice(vol, title = 'Phantom')

# Forward project:
projector.forwardproject(proj_a, vol, geom_a)
projector.forwardproject(proj_b, vol, geom_b)

display.slice(proj_a, dim = 1, title = 'Proj A')
display.slice(proj_b, dim = 1, title = 'Proj B')

#%% Single-dataset SIRT:

vol_rec = numpy.zeros_like(vol)
projector.SIRT(proj_a, vol_rec, geom_a, iterations = 20)
display.slice(vol_rec, bounds = [0, 1], title = 'SIRT')

#%% Multi-dataset SIRT:

vol_rec = numpy.zeros_like(vol)
projector.SIRT([proj_a, proj_b], vol_rec, [geom_a, geom_b], iterations = 20)
display.slice(vol_rec, bounds = [0, 1], title = 'Multi-data SIRT')