def _make_transition(Q, i: PLInterpretation):
        actions_set = i.true_propositions
        new_macrostate = set()

        for q in Q:
            # delta function applied to every formula in the macro state Q
            delta_formulas = [ for f in q]

            # find the list of atoms, which are "true" atoms (i.e. propositional atoms) or LDLf formulas
            atomics = [s for subf in delta_formulas for s in find_atomics(subf)]

            atom2id = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(atomics)}
            id2atom = {v: k for k, v in atom2id.items()}

            # "freeze" the found atoms as symbols and build a mapping from symbols to formulas
            symbol2formula = {atom2id[f] for f in atomics if f != PLTrue() and f != PLFalse()}

            # build a map from formula to a "freezed" propositional Atomic Formula
            formula2atomic_formulas = {
                f: PLAtomic(atom2id[f])
                if f != PLTrue() and f != PLFalse()  # and not isinstance(f, PLAtomic)
                else f for f in atomics

            # the final list of Propositional Atomic Formulas, one for each formula in the original macro state Q
            transformed_delta_formulas = [_transform_delta(f, formula2atomic_formulas) for f in delta_formulas]

            # the empy conjunction stands for true
            if len(transformed_delta_formulas) == 0:
                conjunctions = PLTrue()
            elif len(transformed_delta_formulas) == 1:
                conjunctions = transformed_delta_formulas[0]
                conjunctions = PLAnd(transformed_delta_formulas)

            # the model in this case is the smallest set of symbols s.t. the conjunction of "freezed" atomic formula
            # is true.
            models = frozenset(conjunctions.minimal_models(Alphabet(symbol2formula)))

            for min_model in models:
                q_prime = frozenset({id2atom[s] for s in min_model.true_propositions})


        return frozenset(new_macrostate)
def to_automaton_(f, labels:Set[Symbol]=None):
    From a LDLfFormula, build the automaton.
    :param f:               a LDLfFormula;
    :param labels:          a set of Symbol, the fluents of our domain. If None, retrieve them from the formula;
    :param determinize:     True if you need to determinize the NFA, obtaining a DFA;
    :param minimize:        True if you need to minimize the DFA (if determinize is False this flag has no effect.)
    :return:                a NFA or a DFA which accepts the same traces that makes the formula True.

    nnf = f.to_nnf()

    if labels is None:
        # if the labels of the formula are not specified in input,
        # retrieve them from the formula
        labels = nnf.find_labels()

    # the alphabet is the powerset of the set of fluents
    alphabet = powerset(labels)
    initial_state = MacroState({nnf})
    final_states = {MacroState()}
    delta = set()

    d =, epsilon=True)
    if d.truth(d):

    states = {MacroState(), initial_state}

    states_changed, delta_changed = True, True

    while states_changed or delta_changed:

        states_changed, delta_changed = False, False
        for actions_set in alphabet:
            states_list = list(states)
            for q in states_list:

                # delta function applied to every formula in the macro state Q
                delta_formulas = [ for f in q]

                # find the list of atoms, which are "true" atoms (i.e. propositional atoms) or LDLf formulas
                atomics = [s for subf in delta_formulas for s in find_atomics(subf)]

                # "freeze" the found atoms as symbols and build a mapping from symbols to formulas
                symbol2formula = {Symbol(str(f)): f for f in atomics if f != PLTrue() and f != PLFalse()}

                # build a map from formula to a "freezed" propositional Atomic Formula
                formula2atomic_formulas = {
                    f: PLAtomic(Symbol(str(f)))
                    if f != PLTrue() and f != PLFalse()# and not isinstance(f, PLAtomic)
                    else f for f in atomics

                # the final list of Propositional Atomic Formulas, one for each formula in the original macro state Q
                transformed_delta_formulas = [_transform_delta(f, formula2atomic_formulas) for f in delta_formulas]

                # the empty conjunction stands for true
                if len(transformed_delta_formulas) == 0:
                    conjunctions = PLTrue()
                elif len(transformed_delta_formulas) == 1:
                    conjunctions = transformed_delta_formulas[0]
                    conjunctions = PLAnd(transformed_delta_formulas)

                # the model in this case is the smallest set of symbols s.t. the conjunction of "freezed" atomic formula
                # is true.
                models = frozenset(conjunctions.minimal_models(Alphabet(symbol2formula)))

                if len(models) == 0:
                for min_model in models:
                    q_prime = MacroState(
                        {symbol2formula[s] for s in min_model.true_propositions})

                    len_before = len(states)
                    if len(states) == len_before + 1:
                        states_changed = True

                    len_before = len(delta)
                    delta.add((q, actions_set, q_prime))
                    if len(delta) == len_before + 1:
                        delta_changed = True

                    # check if q_prime should be added as final state
                    if len(q_prime) == 0:
                        subf_deltas = [, epsilon=True) for subf in q_prime]
                        if len(subf_deltas)==1:
                            q_prime_delta_conjunction = subf_deltas[0]
                            q_prime_delta_conjunction = PLAnd(subf_deltas)

                        if q_prime_delta_conjunction.truth(PLFalseInterpretation()):

    alphabet = PythomataAlphabet({PLInterpretation(set(sym)) for sym in alphabet})
    delta = frozenset((i, PLInterpretation(set(a)), o) for i, a, o in delta)

    nfa = NFA.fromTransitions(

    return nfa