def standardrecon(base, pos, bias, R): #base = base.astype(np.float32) #pos = pos.astype(base.dtype) smwts = tf.exp(tf.multiply(-kmesh**2, R**2)) basek = utils.r2c3d(base, norm=nc**3) basek = tf.multiply(basek, tf.cast(smwts, tf.complex64)) basesm = utils.c2r3d(basek, norm=nc**3) grid = bs/nc*np.indices((nc, nc, nc)).reshape(3, -1).T.astype(np.float32) grid = tf.constant(np.expand_dims(grid, 0)) grid = grid *nc/bs pos = pos *nc/bs mesh = basesm #tf.constant(basesm.astype(np.float32)) meshk = utils.r2c3d(mesh, norm=nc**3) DX = tfpm.lpt1(meshk, pos, kvec=kvec) DX = tf.multiply(DX, -1/bias) pos = tf.add(pos, DX) displaced = tf.zeros_like(mesh) displaced = utils.cic_paint(displaced, pos, name='displaced') DXrandom = tfpm.lpt1(meshk, grid, kvec) DXrandom = tf.multiply(DXrandom, -1/bias) posrandom = tf.add(grid, DXrandom) random = tf.zeros_like(mesh) random = utils.cic_paint(random, posrandom, name='random') return displaced, random
def test_lpt1(): """ Checking lpt1, this also checks the laplace and gradient kernels """ pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=bs, Nmesh=[nc, nc, nc], dtype='f4') grid = pm.generate_uniform_particle_grid(shift=0).astype(np.float32) whitec = pm.generate_whitenoise(100, mode='complex', unitary=False) lineark = whitec.apply(lambda k, v: Planck15.get_pklin( sum(ki**2 for ki in k)**0.5, 0)**0.5 * v /**0.5) # Compute lpt1 from fastpm with matching kernel order lpt = fpmops.lpt1(lineark, grid) # Same thing from tensorflow tfread = tfpm.lpt1( pmutils.r2c3d(tf.expand_dims(np.array(lineark.c2r()), axis=0)), grid.reshape((1, -1, 3)) * nc / bs).numpy() assert_allclose(lpt, tfread[0] * bs / nc, atol=1e-5)
def test_lpt1_64(): """ Checking lpt1, this also checks the laplace and gradient kernels This variant of the test checks that it works for cubes of size 64 """ nc = 64 pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=bs, Nmesh=[nc, nc, nc], dtype='f4') grid = pm.generate_uniform_particle_grid(shift=0).astype(np.float32) whitec = pm.generate_whitenoise(100, mode='complex', unitary=False) lineark = whitec.apply(lambda k, v: Planck15.get_pklin( sum(ki**2 for ki in k)**0.5, 0)**0.5 * v /**0.5) # Compute lpt1 from fastpm with matching kernel order lpt = fpmops.lpt1(lineark, grid) # Same thing from tensorflow with tf.Session() as sess: state = tfpm.lpt1( pmutils.r2c3d(tf.expand_dims(tf.constant(lineark.c2r()), axis=0)), grid.reshape((1, -1, 3)) * nc / bs) tfread = assert_allclose(lpt, tfread[0] * bs / nc, atol=5e-5)