def test_fs_volume_path_expression(): """Test getting a path object for a file that is relative to the base directory of the storage volume. """ volume = FileSystemStorage(basedir=BENCHMARK_DIR) path = volume.path('helloworld', 'code', '') assert path.is_file()
def test_engine_volume_manager(tmpdir): """Test creating the volume manager for a workflow run from the engine configuration and the default run store. """ runstore = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir, identifier=DEFAULT_STORE) # Minimal arguments. volumes = volume_manager(specs=[], runstore=runstore, runfiles=[]) assert len(volumes._storespecs) == 1 assert len(volumes.files) == 0 # Only runstore given. volumes = volume_manager(specs=[], runstore=runstore, runfiles=['a', 'b']) assert len(volumes._storespecs) == 1 assert volumes.files['a'] == [DEFAULT_STORE] assert volumes.files['b'] == [DEFAULT_STORE] # Multiple stores with files. doc_ignore = runstore.to_dict() doc_ignore['files'] = ['c', 'd'] doc_fs = FStore(basedir=tmpdir, identifier='s0') doc_fs['files'] = ['a', 'c'] volumes = volume_manager( specs=[doc_ignore, doc_fs, FStore(basedir=tmpdir, identifier='s1')], runstore=runstore, runfiles=['a', 'b']) assert len(volumes._storespecs) == 3 assert volumes.files['a'] == [DEFAULT_STORE, 's0'] assert volumes.files['b'] == [DEFAULT_STORE] assert volumes.files['c'] == ['s0'] assert volumes.files.get('d') is None
def test_multi_success_runs(database, tmpdir): """Test rankings for workflows where each group has multiple successful runs. """ # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Create database with two workflows and four grous each. Each group has # three active runs. Then set all runs for the first workflow into success # state. Increase a counter for the avg_len value as we update runs. workflows = init(database, tmpdir) fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) workflow_id, groups = workflows[0] count = 0 asc_order = list() count_order = list() desc_order = list() with database.session() as session: for group_id, runs in groups: for i, run_id in enumerate(runs): tmprundir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'runs', run_id) run_success(run_manager=RunManager(session=session, fs=fs), run_id=run_id, store=fs.get_store_for_folder(key=tmprundir), values={ 'count': count, 'avg': 1.0, 'name': run_id }) count += 1 if i == 0: asc_order.append(run_id) count_order.append(run_id) desc_order.append(run_id) # -- Test get ranking with one result per group --------------------------- with database.session() as session: wfrepo = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) rankings = RankingManager(session=session) wf = wfrepo.get_workflow(workflow_id) ranking = rankings.get_ranking(wf) rank_order = [e.run_id for e in ranking] assert rank_order == desc_order[::-1] ranking = rankings.get_ranking( wf, order_by=[SortColumn(column_id='count', sort_desc=False)]) rank_order = [e.run_id for e in ranking] assert rank_order == asc_order # Run execution time assert type(ranking[0].exectime()) == timedelta # -- Test get ranking with all results per group -------------------------- with database.session() as session: wfrepo = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) rankings = RankingManager(session=session) wf = wfrepo.get_workflow(workflow_id) ranking = rankings.get_ranking(wf, include_all=True) rank_order = [e.run_id for e in ranking] assert rank_order == count_order[::-1] ranking = rankings.get_ranking( wf, order_by=[SortColumn(column_id='count', sort_desc=False)], include_all=True) rank_order = [e.run_id for e in ranking] assert rank_order == count_order
def test_fs_volume_serialization(): """Test serialization for a file system storage volume object.""" doc = FileSystemStorage(basedir='.', identifier='0000').to_dict() assert doc == {'type': FS_STORE, 'id': '0000', 'args': [{'key': 'basedir', 'value': '.'}]} fs = FileSystemStorage.from_dict(doc) assert isinstance(fs, FileSystemStorage) assert fs.identifier == '0000' assert fs.basedir == '.'
def test_fs_volume_load_file(basedir, data_e): """Test loading a file from a file system storage volume.""" store = FileSystemStorage(basedir=basedir) with store.load(key='examples/data/data.json').open() as f: doc = json.load(f) assert doc == data_e # -- Error case for unknown file. with pytest.raises(err.UnknownFileError): store.load(key='examples/data/unknown.json')
def test_fixed_variables(tmpdir): """Test proper behavior for setting fixed variables in the worker environment.""" step = ContainerStep(identifier='test', image='test', commands=['${python} $run $me']) arguments = {'run': '', 'me': 1} engine = ContainerTestEngine(variables=dict()) engine.exec(step=step, context=arguments, store=FileSystemStorage(tmpdir)) assert engine.commands == ['python 1'] engine = ContainerTestEngine(variables={'run': ''}) engine.exec(step=step, context=arguments, store=FileSystemStorage(tmpdir)) assert engine.commands == ['python 1']
def test_remote_volume_copy_all(mock_ssh, basedir, emptydir, filenames_all, data_a): """Test copying the full directory of a storage volume.""" source = FileSystemStorage(basedir=basedir) with ssh.ssh_client('test', sep=os.sep) as client: target = RemoteStorage(remotedir=emptydir, client=client) source.copy(src=None, dst=None, store=target) files = {key: file for key, file in target.walk(src='')} assert set(files.keys()) == filenames_all with files['A.json'].open() as f: assert json.load(f) == data_a
def test_remote_volume_copy_file(mock_ssh, basedir, emptydir, data_e): """Test copying a file from a storage volume.""" source = FileSystemStorage(basedir=basedir) with ssh.ssh_client('test', sep=os.sep) as client: target = RemoteStorage(remotedir=emptydir, client=client) source.copy(src='examples/data/data.json', dst='static/examples/data/data.json', store=target) files = {key: file for key, file in target.walk(src='static')} assert set(files.keys()) == {'static/examples/data/data.json'} with files['static/examples/data/data.json'].open() as f: assert json.load(f) == data_e
def test_fs_volume_init(basedir): """Test initializing the file system storage volume.""" store = FileSystemStorage(basedir=basedir) assert store.identifier is not None assert basedir in store.describe() store.close() store = FileSystemStorage(basedir=basedir, identifier='0000') assert store.identifier == '0000' store.close()
def test_upload_file(database, tmpdir): """Test uploading files.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create a database with two groups for a single workflow. Upload one file # for each group. fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: user_1 = model.create_user(session, active=True) workflow_id = model.create_workflow(session) group_1 = model.create_group(session, workflow_id, users=[user_1]) # -- Test upload file ----------------------------------------------------- data = {'A': 1} with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) fh = manager.upload_file(group_id=group_1, file=io_file(data={'A': 1}), name='A.json') assert == 'A.json' assert fh.mime_type == 'application/json' fh = manager.get_uploaded_file(group_id=group_1, file_id=fh.file_id) assert json.load( == data # -- Test error case ------------------------------------------------------ data = {'A': 1} with database.session() as session: with pytest.raises(err.ConstraintViolationError): manager.upload_file(group_id=group_1, file=io_file(data={'A': 1}), name=' ') with pytest.raises(err.UnknownWorkflowGroupError): manager.upload_file(group_id='UNKNOWN', file=io_file(data={'A': 1}), name=' ')
def test_list_runs(database, tmpdir): """Test retrieving a list of run descriptors.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create two runs: one in running state and one in error state. fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: user_id = model.create_user(session, active=True) workflow_id = model.create_workflow(session) group_id = model.create_group(session, workflow_id, users=[user_id]) groups = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) group = groups.get_group(group_id) # Run 1 in running state r = runs.create_run(group=group) run_1 = r.run_id runs.update_run(run_id=run_1, state=r.state().start()) r = runs.create_run(group=group) run_2 = r.run_id runs.update_run(run_id=run_2, state=r.state().error()) # -- Test get listing ----------------------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) run_index = dict() for run in runs.list_runs(group_id): run_index[run.run_id] = run assert len(run_index) == 2 assert run_index[run_1].state().is_running() assert run_index[run_2].state().is_error() # -- Test polling runs ---------------------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) assert len(runs.list_runs(group_id)) == 2 assert len(runs.list_runs(group_id, state=st.STATE_ERROR)) == 1 assert len(runs.list_runs(group_id, state=st.STATE_SUCCESS)) == 0
def test_workflow_leaderboard_serialization(database, tmpdir): """Test serialization of a workflow leaderboard.""" schema = validator('WorkflowLeaderboard') view = WorkflowSerializer() with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir)) workflow = manager.create_workflow(source=BENCHMARK_DIR, name='Test', specfile=SPEC_FILE) ts = util.utc_now() ranking = [ RunResult(run_id='0', group_id='1', group_name='A', created_at=ts, started_at=ts, finished_at=ts, values={ 'len': 1, 'count': 10 }) ] doc = view.workflow_leaderboard(workflow, ranking=ranking) schema.validate(doc)
def test_obsolete_runs(database, tmpdir): """Test deleting runs that were created before a given date.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) # Create two runs (one SUCCESS and one ERROR) before a timestamp t1 _, _, run_1, _ = success_run(database, fs, tmpdir) _, _, run_2 = error_run(database, fs, ['There were errors']) time.sleep(1) t1 = util.utc_now() # Create another SUCCESS run after timestamp t1 _, _, run_3, _ = success_run(database, fs, tmpdir) # -- Test delete run with state filter ------------------------------------ with database.session() as session: runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) assert runs.delete_obsolete_runs(date=t1, state=st.STATE_ERROR) == 1 # After deleting the error run the two success runs still exist. runs.get_run(run_id=run_1) with pytest.raises(err.UnknownRunError): runs.get_run(run_id=run_2) runs.get_run(run_id=run_3) # -- Test delete all runs prior to a given date --------------------------- with database.session() as session: runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) assert runs.delete_obsolete_runs(date=t1) == 1 # After deleting the run the only one success runs still exist. with pytest.raises(err.UnknownRunError): runs.get_run(run_id=run_1) runs.get_run(run_id=run_3)
def test_list_files(database, tmpdir): """Test listing uploaded files.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create a database with two groups for a single workflow. The first group # has one uploaded file and the second group has one file. fn = 'data.json' fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: user_1 = model.create_user(session, active=True) workflow_id = model.create_workflow(session) group_1 = model.create_group(session, workflow_id, users=[user_1]) group_2 = model.create_group(session, workflow_id, users=[user_1]) manager = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) manager.upload_file(group_id=group_1, file=io_file(data={'A': 1}), name=fn) manager.upload_file(group_id=group_1, file=io_file(data={'A': 2}), name=fn) manager.upload_file(group_id=group_2, file=io_file(data={'A': 3}), name=fn) # -- Test list files for groups ------------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) files = manager.list_uploaded_files(group_id=group_1) assert len(files) == 2 files = manager.list_uploaded_files(group_id=group_2) assert len(files) == 1
def test_run_parameters(database, tmpdir): """Test creating run with template arguments.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: user_id = model.create_user(session, active=True) workflow_id = model.create_workflow(session) group_id = model.create_group(session, workflow_id, users=[user_id]) # Prepare run arguments filename = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), 'results.json') util.write_object(filename=filename, obj={'A': 1}) arguments = [{'id': 'A', 'value': 10}, {'id': 'B', 'value': True}] # -- Test create run with arguments --------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: groups = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) run = runs.create_run( group=groups.get_group(group_id), arguments=arguments ) run_id = run.run_id with database.session() as session: runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) run = runs.get_run(run_id) assert run.arguments == arguments
def test_workflow_postproc_client(local_service, hello_world, tmpdir): """Test preparing and accessing post-processing results.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create four groups for the 'Hello World' workflow with one successful # run each. with local_service() as api: user_1 = create_user(api) workflow_id = hello_world(api).workflow_id with local_service(user_id=user_1) as api: create_ranking(api, workflow_id, 4) # -- Get ranking in decreasing order of avg_count. ------------------------ with local_service(user_id=user_1) as api: workflow = api.workflows().workflow_repo.get_workflow(workflow_id) ranking = api.workflows().ranking_manager.get_ranking(workflow) # Prepare data for the post-processing workflow. prepare_postproc_data( input_files=['results/analytics.json'], ranking=ranking, run_manager=api.runs().run_manager, store=FileSystemStorage( basedir=os.path.join(tmpdir, 'postproc_run'))) # Test the post-processing client that accesses the prepared data. runs = Runs(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'postproc_run')) assert len(runs) == 4 assert [r.run_id for r in ranking] == [r.run_id for r in runs] for i in range(len(runs)): run = runs.get_run(runs.at_rank(i).run_id) assert run.get_file(name='results/analytics.json') is not None assert os.path.isfile(run.get_file(name='results/analytics.json')) assert run.get_file(name='results/greeting.txt') is None
def test_cancel_run(database, tmpdir): """Test setting run state to canceled.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: user_id = model.create_user(session, active=True) workflow_id = model.create_workflow(session) group_id = model.create_group(session, workflow_id, users=[user_id]) # -- Test set run to error state ------------------------------------------ with database.session() as session: groups = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) run = runs.create_run(group=groups.get_group(group_id)) run_id = run.run_id state = run.state() runs.update_run(run_id=run_id, state=state.cancel()) with database.session() as session: runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) run = runs.get_run(run_id) state = run.state() assert not state.is_active() assert not state.is_pending() assert not state.is_running() assert state.is_canceled() assert not state.is_error() assert not state.is_success() assert len(state.messages) == 1
def test_invalid_state_transitions(database, tmpdir): """Test error cases for invalid state transitions.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: user_id = model.create_user(session, active=True) workflow_id = model.create_workflow(session) group_id = model.create_group(session, workflow_id, users=[user_id]) # -- Test set active run to pending --------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: groups = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) run = runs.create_run(group=groups.get_group(group_id)) run_id = run.run_id state = run.state() runs.update_run(run_id=run_id, state=state.start()) with pytest.raises(err.ConstraintViolationError): runs.update_run(run_id=run_id, state=st.StatePending()) # Cancel run with database.session() as session: runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) runs.update_run(run_id=run_id, state=state.cancel()) # -- Test cannot set run to any of the inactive states -------------------- with database.session() as session: groups = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) runs = RunManager(session=session, fs=fs) assert runs.update_run(run_id=run_id, state=state.cancel()) is None with pytest.raises(err.ConstraintViolationError): runs.update_run(run_id=run_id, state=state.error()) with pytest.raises(err.ConstraintViolationError): runs.update_run(run_id=run_id, state=state.success())
def test_get_workflow(database, tmpdir): """Test retrieving workflows from the repository.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create two workflows. fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.create_workflow(name='A', source=BENCHMARK_DIR) workflow_1 = wf.workflow_id wf = manager.create_workflow(name='B', description='Workflow B', source=BENCHMARK_DIR, instructions=INSTRUCTION_FILE, specfile=TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_SCHEMA) workflow_2 = wf.workflow_id # -- Test getting workflow handles ---------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.get_workflow(workflow_1) assert == 'A' assert wf.description == 'Hello World Demo' assert wf.instructions is not None template = wf.get_template() assert template.result_schema is not None wf = manager.get_workflow(workflow_2) assert == 'B' assert wf.description == 'Workflow B' assert wf.instructions == '# Hello World' template = wf.get_template() assert template.result_schema is None
def test_create_workflow_with_alt_spec(database, tmpdir): """Test creating workflows with alternative specification files.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) # -- Template without schema ---------------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.create_workflow(source=BENCHMARK_DIR, specfile=TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_SCHEMA) workflow_id = wf.workflow_id assert == 'Hello World' template = wf.get_template() assert template.result_schema is None with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.get_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id) assert == 'Hello World' template = wf.get_template() assert template.result_schema is None # -- Template with post-processing step ----------------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.create_workflow(name='Top Tagger', source=BENCHMARK_DIR, specfile=TEMPLATE_TOPTAGGER) workflow_id = wf.workflow_id assert wf.get_template().postproc_spec is not None with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.get_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_id) assert wf.get_template().postproc_spec is not None
def test_update_workflow_name(database, tmpdir): """Test updating workflow names.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create two workflow templates. Workflow 1 does not have a description # and instructions while workflow 2 has. fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) # Initialize the repository wf = manager.create_workflow(name='A', source=BENCHMARK_DIR) workflow_1 = wf.workflow_id wf = manager.create_workflow(name='My benchmark', description='desc', instructions=INSTRUCTION_FILE, source=BENCHMARK_DIR) workflow_2 = wf.workflow_id # -- Test update workflow name -------------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.update_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_1, name='B') assert == 'B' # It is possible to change the name to an existing name only if it is # the same workflow. wf = manager.update_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_2, name='My benchmark') assert == 'My benchmark' # -- Error cases ---------------------------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) # Cannot change name to existing name. with pytest.raises(err.ConstraintViolationError): manager.update_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_2, name='B')
def test_delete_group(database, tmpdir): """Test creating and deleting workflow groups.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create a database with two groups for a single workflow. fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: user_id = model.create_user(session, active=True) wf_id = model.create_workflow(session) manager = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) group_1 = manager.create_group(workflow_id=wf_id, name='A', user_id=user_id, parameters=ParameterIndex(), workflow_spec=dict()).group_id group_2 = manager.create_group(workflow_id=wf_id, name='B', user_id=user_id, parameters=ParameterIndex(), workflow_spec=dict()).group_id # -- Delete group --------------------------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: # Ensure that group directores are deleted. manager = WorkflowGroupManager(session=session, fs=fs) manager.delete_group(group_1) # Access to group 1 raises error while group 2 is still accessible. with pytest.raises(err.UnknownWorkflowGroupError): manager.get_group(group_1) assert manager.get_group(group_2) is not None
def test_delete_workflow(database, tmpdir): """Test deleting a workflows from the repository.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Create two workflows. fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.create_workflow(name='A', source=BENCHMARK_DIR) workflow_1 = wf.workflow_id wf = manager.create_workflow(name='B', source=BENCHMARK_DIR) workflow_2 = wf.workflow_id # -- Test delete first workflow ------------------------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) manager.delete_workflow(workflow_1) with database.session() as session: # The second workflow still exists. manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) manager.get_workflow(workflow_2) is not None # -- Deleting the same repository multiple times raises an error ---------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) with pytest.raises(err.UnknownWorkflowError): manager.delete_workflow(workflow_id=workflow_1)
def Volume(doc: Dict) -> StorageVolume: """Factory pattern to create storage volume instances for the service API. Expects a serialization object that contains at least the volume type ``type``. Parameters ---------- doc: dict Serialization dictionary that provides access to storage volume type and the implementation-specific volume parameters. Returns ------- flowserv.volume.base.StorageVolume """ volume_type = doc.get('type', FS_STORE) if volume_type == FS_STORE: return FileSystemStorage.from_dict(doc) elif volume_type == GC_STORE: return GCVolume.from_dict(doc) elif volume_type == S3_STORE: return S3Volume.from_dict(doc) elif volume_type == SFTP_STORE: return RemoteStorage.from_dict(doc) raise err.InvalidConfigurationError('storage volume type', volume_type)
def test_parameter_value_dir(tmpdir): """Test directories as input parameter values.""" basedir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 's1') os.makedirs(basedir) f1 = os.path.join(basedir, 'file.txt') Path(f1).touch() f2 = os.path.join(basedir, 'data.json') Path(f2).touch() dir = InputDirectory(store=FileSystemStorage(basedir=basedir), source=None, target='runs') assert str(dir) == 'runs' target = FileSystemStorage(basedir=os.path.join(tmpdir, 's2')) assert set(dir.copy(target=target)) == {'runs/file.txt', 'runs/data.json'} assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, 's2', 'runs', 'file.txt')) assert os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmpdir, 's2', 'runs', 'data.json'))
def test_manager_prepare(basedir, filenames_all, data_a, tmpdir): """Test the volume manager prepare method.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- s1_dir = os.path.join(tmpdir, 's1') s0 = FileSystemStorage(basedir=basedir, identifier=DEFAULT_STORE) s1 = FileSystemStorage(basedir=s1_dir, identifier='s1') volumes = VolumeManager( stores=[s0.to_dict(), s1.to_dict()], files={f: [DEFAULT_STORE] for f in filenames_all} ) # Case 1: Empty arguments. volumes.prepare(store=s0, inputs=[], outputs=[]) # Case 2: No file copy. volumes.prepare(store=s0, inputs=['examples/'], outputs=['examples/']) assert len(os.listdir(basedir)) == 3 assert len(os.listdir(s1_dir)) == 0 for f in filenames_all: assert volumes.files[f] == [DEFAULT_STORE] # Case 3: Copy file between stores. volumes.prepare(store=s1, inputs=['A.json', 'docs/'], outputs=['results/A.json', 'docs/']) assert len(os.listdir(basedir)) == 3 assert len(os.listdir(s1_dir)) == 3 filename = os.path.join(s1_dir, 'A.json') assert os.path.isfile(filename) with s1.load('A.json').open() as f: assert json.load(f) == data_a assert volumes.files == { 'docs/D.json': [DEFAULT_STORE, 's1'], 'examples/data/data.json': [DEFAULT_STORE], 'examples/C.json': [DEFAULT_STORE], 'A.json': [DEFAULT_STORE, 's1'], 'examples/B.json': [DEFAULT_STORE] }
def test_error_exec(tmpdir): """Test error when running a code step.""" step = CodeStep(identifier='test', func=write_and_add, arg='a') r = CodeWorker().exec(step=step, context={'a': -1}, store=FileSystemStorage(tmpdir)) assert r.returncode == 1 assert r.stdout == ['-1 written', '\n'] assert r.stderr != [] assert r.exception is not None
def test_fs_volume_copy_all(basedir, emptydir, filenames_all, data_a): """Test copying the full directory of a storage volume.""" source = FileSystemStorage(basedir=basedir) target = FileSystemStorage(basedir=emptydir) source.copy(src=None, dst=None, store=target) files = {key: file for key, file in target.walk(src='')} assert set(files.keys()) == filenames_all with files['A.json'].open() as f: assert json.load(f) == data_a
def test_create_workflow(database, tmpdir): """Test creating workflows with different levels of detail.""" # -- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------- fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) # -- Add workflow with minimal information -------------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.create_workflow(source=BENCHMARK_DIR, identifier='WF001') assert wf.workflow_id == 'WF001' assert == 'Hello World' assert wf.description == 'Hello World Demo' assert wf.instructions is not None template = wf.get_template() assert template.result_schema is not None # Ensure that the static files where copied to the workflow folder. staticfs = fs.get_store_for_folder( dirs.workflow_staticdir(workflow_id='WF001')) files = {key for key, _ in staticfs.walk(src=None)} assert files == { '', 'data/names.txt', 'code/', 'code/', 'code/', 'notebooks/HelloWorld.ipynb' } # -- Add workflow with user-provided metadata ----------------------------- with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.create_workflow( name='My benchmark', description='My description', instructions=INSTRUCTION_FILE, source=BENCHMARK_DIR, engine_config={'workers': { 'test': { 'worker': 'docker' } }}) assert == 'My benchmark' assert wf.description == 'My description' assert wf.instructions == '# Hello World' wf.engine_config == {'workers': {'test': {'worker': 'docker'}}} template = wf.get_template() assert template.result_schema is not None
def test_create_workflow_with_alt_manifest(database, tmpdir): """Test creating 'Hello World' workflow with a different manifest file.""" fs = FileSystemStorage(basedir=tmpdir) with database.session() as session: manager = WorkflowManager(session=session, fs=fs) wf = manager.create_workflow(source=BENCHMARK_DIR, manifestfile=ALT_MANIFEST) assert == 'Hello World' assert wf.description is None assert wf.instructions is None template = wf.get_template() assert template.result_schema is not None