Example #1
    def get_context_data(self, parent_context, *tag_args, **tag_kwargs):
        # Get page objects
        request = _get_request(parent_context)
        user = request.user
            current_page = _get_current_page(parent_context)
        except UrlNode.DoesNotExist:
            current_page = None

        if 'parent' in tag_kwargs:
            # if we've been provided a parent kwarg then we want to filter
            parent_value = tag_kwargs['parent']

            if isinstance(parent_value, basestring):
                # if we've been provided a string then we lookup based on the
                # path/url
                    parent = UrlNode.objects.filter(
                except UrlNode.DoesNotExist:
                    return {'menu_items': []}
                # Can't do parent___cached_key due to polymorphic queryset code.
                top_pages = parent.children.in_navigation().filter(
            elif isinstance(parent_value, (int, long)):
                # If we've been provided an int then we lookup based on the id
                # of the page
                top_pages = UrlNode.objects.in_navigation().filter(
                    pk__in=backend.pages_for_user(user), parent_id=parent_value)
            elif isinstance(parent_value, UrlNode):
                # If we've been given a Page or UrlNode then there's no lookup
                # necessary
                top_pages = parent_value.children.in_navigation().filter(
                raise TemplateSyntaxError("The 'render_menu' tag only allows an URL path, page id or page object for the 'parent' keyword")
            # otherwise get the top level nav for the current page
            top_pages = UrlNode.objects.toplevel_navigation(

        # Construct a PageNavigationNode for every page, that allows simple iteration of the tree.
        node_kwargs = get_node_kwargs(tag_kwargs)
        return {
            'parent': parent_context,
            'request': request,
            'menu_items': [
                PageNavigationNode(page, current_page=current_page, user=user, **node_kwargs) for page in top_pages
    def get_context_data(self, parent_context, *tag_args, **tag_kwargs):
        # Get page objects
        request = _get_request(parent_context)
        user = request.user
            current_page = _get_current_page(parent_context)
        except UrlNode.DoesNotExist:
            current_page = None

        if "parent" in tag_kwargs:
            # if we've been provided a parent kwarg then we want to filter
            parent_value = tag_kwargs["parent"]

            if isinstance(parent_value, basestring):
                # if we've been provided a string then we lookup based on the
                # path/url
                    parent = UrlNode.objects.filter(pk__in=backend.pages_for_user(user)).get_for_path(parent_value)
                except UrlNode.DoesNotExist:
                    return {"menu_items": []}
                # Can't do parent___cached_key due to polymorphic queryset code.
                top_pages = parent.children.in_navigation().filter(pk__in=backend.pages_for_user(user))
            elif isinstance(parent_value, (int, long)):
                # If we've been provided an int then we lookup based on the id
                # of the page
                top_pages = UrlNode.objects.in_navigation().filter(
                    pk__in=backend.pages_for_user(user), parent_id=parent_value
            elif isinstance(parent_value, UrlNode):
                # If we've been given a Page or UrlNode then there's no lookup
                # necessary
                top_pages = parent_value.children.in_navigation().filter(pk__in=backend.pages_for_user(user))
                raise TemplateSyntaxError(
                    "The 'render_menu' tag only allows an URL path, page id or page object for the 'parent' keyword"
            # otherwise get the top level nav for the current page
            top_pages = UrlNode.objects.toplevel_navigation(current_page=current_page).filter(

        # Construct a PageNavigationNode for every page, that allows simple iteration of the tree.
        node_kwargs = get_node_kwargs(tag_kwargs)
        return {
            "parent": parent_context,
            "request": request,
            "menu_items": [
                PageNavigationNode(page, current_page=current_page, user=user, **node_kwargs) for page in top_pages
 def get_queryset(self):
     Return the QuerySet used to find the pages.
     # This can be limited or expanded in the future
     user = self.request.user
     return self.model.objects.filter(pk__in=backend.pages_for_user(user))
 def get_queryset(self):
     Return the QuerySet used to find the pages.
     # This can be limited or expanded in the future
     user = self.request.user
     return self.model.objects.filter(pk__in=backend.pages_for_user(user))
 def _read_children(self):
     if not self._children and (self._page.get_level() + 1) < self._max_depth:  # level 0 = toplevel.
         #children = self._page.get_children()  # Via MPTT
         children = self._page.children.in_navigation()
         children = children._mark_current(self._current_page)
         if self._user is not None:
             children = children.filter(pk__in=backend.pages_for_user(self._user))
         self._children = children
 def _read_children(self):
     if not self._children and (self._page.get_level() +
                                1) < self._max_depth:  # level 0 = toplevel.
         #children = self._page.get_children()  # Via MPTT
         children = self._page.children.in_navigation()
         children = children._mark_current(self._current_page)
         if self._user is not None:
             children = children.filter(
         self._children = children