Example #1
def index(request):
        # If there is a page at the path /, render it
        return CmsPageDispatcher.as_view()(request, path='')
    except Http404:
            # If there is a page with slug 'home', render it,
            return CmsPageDispatcher.as_view()(request, path='home/')
        except Http404:
            # otherwise render a getting started page
            context = {
                'has_pages': Page.objects.count(),
            return TemplateResponse(request, 'fluent_pages/intro_page.html',
Example #2
The URLs to serve the CMS.

They can be included using:

    urlpatterns += patterns('',
        url(r'', include('fluent_pages.urls'))

The following named URLs are defined:
  - fluent-page-admin-redirect   - An redirect to the admin.
  - fluent-page                  - Display of a page.

By Appending @admin to an URL, the request will be redirected to the admin URL of the page.
from fluent_pages.views import CmsPageDispatcher, CmsPageAdminRedirect
from fluent_pages.utils.compat import url, patterns

# This urlpatterns acts as a catch-all, as there is no terminating slash in the pattern.
# This allows the pages to have any name, including file names such as /robots.txt
# Sadly, that circumvents the CommonMiddleware check whether a slash needs to be appended to a path.
# The APPEND_SLASH behavior is implemented in the CmsPageDispatcher so the standard behavior still works as expected.
urlpatterns = patterns('fluent_pages.views',
    url(r'^(?P<path>.*)@admin$', CmsPageAdminRedirect.as_view(), name='fluent-page-admin-redirect'),
    url(r'^(?P<path>.*)$', CmsPageDispatcher.as_view(), name='fluent-page-url'),
    url(r'^$', CmsPageDispatcher.as_view(), name='fluent-page'),
Example #3
The URLs to serve the CMS.

They can be included using:

    urlpatterns += patterns('',
        url(r'', include('fluent_pages.urls'))

The following named URLs are defined:
  - fluent-page-admin-redirect   - An redirect to the admin.
  - fluent-page                  - Display of a page.

By Appending @admin to an URL, the request will be redirected to the admin URL of the page.
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from fluent_pages.views import CmsPageDispatcher, CmsPageAdminRedirect

# The URLs of the cmspage are forced to end with a slash,
# so django will redirect /admin will redirect to /admin/.
# The same trick also needs to be used in the main site
# which includes this file. Otherwise a rule matched after all.
urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^$|^(?P<path>.*)$', CmsPageDispatcher.as_view(), name='fluent-page'))