def compare(self, indices=(0, 1), suffix=None, hist=False): if not suffix: suffix = "." + self.params.saving.postfix pathbase = self.params.series.path + "/" names = self.series.get_name_all_arrays() im0 = imread(pathbase + names[indices[0]]) im1 = imread(pathbase + names[indices[1]]) im0p = imread(pathbase[:-1] + suffix + "/" + names[indices[0]]) im1p = imread(pathbase[:-1] + suffix + "/" + names[indices[1]]) return DisplayPreProc(im0, im1, im0p, im1p, hist=hist)
def __init__( self, point0, point1, distance, aspect_ratio_pixel=1.0, shape_image=None, path_image=None, point_origin=(0, 0), orig_phys=(0.0, 0.0), ): self.point0 = np.array(point0) self.point1 = np.array(point1) self.distance = distance delta_point = self.point1 - self.point0 self.aspect_ratio_pixel = aspect_ratio_pixel self.xphys1pixel = distance / np.sqrt(delta_point[0]**2 + (aspect_ratio_pixel * delta_point[1])**2) self.yphys1pixel = aspect_ratio_pixel * self.xphys1pixel if shape_image is None: arr = imread(path_image) shape_image = arr.shape self.shape_image = shape_image self.ix_origin = point_origin[1] self.iy_origin = point_origin[0] self.xphys_origin = orig_phys[1] self.yphys_origin = orig_phys[0]
def setUpClass(cls): path_in = path_image_samples / / "Images" cls._work_dir = Path("test_topo_preproc_" + / "Images" cls._work_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) paths = path_in.glob("*") for path in paths: name = im = imread(path) im = im[::6, ::6] imsave(str(cls._work_dir / name), im, as_int=True)
def setUpClass(cls): path_in = str(path_image_samples / / "Images") cls._work_dir = os.path.join( "test_fluidimage_topo_preproc_" +, "Images") if not os.path.exists(cls._work_dir): os.makedirs(cls._work_dir) paths = glob(path_in + "/*") for path in paths: name = os.path.split(path)[-1] im = imread(path) im = im[::6, ::6] imsave(os.path.join(cls._work_dir, name), im, as_int=True)
def loadim(self, ifile, im=None): _print_debug("loadim", ifile, im) if im is None: im = imread(self.path_files[ifile]) _print_debug(self.path_files[ifile]) _print_debug(im) self.mappable = im, interpolation="nearest", cmap=self.cmap, origin="upper", extent=[0, im.shape[1], im.shape[0], 0], vmin=self.clim[0], vmax=self.clim[1], ) self.maps[ifile] = self.mappable
def load(k): log("load") return (k, imread(k))
for i0, i1 in center_indices: ni1 = np.zeros_like(di_range) ni2 = np.zeros_like(di_range) for i, di in enumerate(di_range): di2 = di // 2 slice0 = slice(i0 - di2, i0 + di2) slice1 = slice(i1 - di2, i1 + di2) ni1[i] = particle_count(img1[slice0, slice1]) ni2[i] = particle_count(img2[slice0, slice1]) fio = ni2.astype(float) / ni1 ax.plot(di_range, fio, label="centre: {},{}".format(i0, i1)) ax.legend() if __name__ == "__main__": import sys from import imread img1 = imread(sys.argv[1]) img2 = imread(sys.argv[2]) argv = map(int, sys.argv[3:]) center_indices = list(zip(argv[0::2], argv[1::2])) print(sys.argv) print(center_indices) particle_density(img1, center_indices) particle_motion_factor(img1, img2, center_indices)
def __init__(self, args): if str_error_import_textbox: raise ImportError(str_error_import_textbox) path_in = args.path if os.path.isdir(path_in): self.path_files = glob(os.path.join(path_in, "*")) self.path_files = [ path for path in self.path_files if check_image(path) ] self.path_files.sort() ifile = 0 else: path_file = glob(path_in)[0] self.path_files = glob(os.path.join(os.path.split(path_file)[0], "*")) self.path_files = [ path for path in self.path_files if check_image(path) ] self.path_files.sort() ifile = self.path_files.index(path_file) if len(self.path_files) == 0: raise ValueError("No image files detected.") if len(self.path_files) == 1 and self.path_files[0].endswith(".cine"): serie = SerieOfArraysFromFiles(self.path_files[0]) self.path_files = serie.get_path_arrays() path_dir = os.path.split(self.path_files[0])[0] self.nb_images = len(self.path_files) print("Will use {} images in the dir {}".format(self.nb_images, path_dir)) self._buttons = {} self._textboxes = {} fig = self.fig = plt.figure() fig.canvas.set_window_title( path_dir + " (" + time_as_str()[-8:].replace("-", ":") + ")" ) = fig.add_axes([0.07, 0.15, 0.7, 0.78]) self.maps = {} try: self.cmap = except AttributeError: self.cmap = self.ifile = ifile self._last_was_increase = False im = imread(self.path_files[ifile]) self.clim = [0, 0.99 * im.max()] self._updating_clim = False self.loadim(ifile, im) name_file = self.get_namefile() self._image_changing = False function_buttons = [None] * len(name_buttons) function_buttons[0] = self._decrease_ifile_n function_buttons[1] = self._decrease_ifile function_buttons[2] = self._increase_ifile function_buttons[3] = self._increase_ifile_n y = size_button / 3.0 for i, x in enumerate(x_buttons): name = name_buttons[i] func = function_buttons[i] self._create_button(fig, [x, y, size_button, size_button], name, func) self._n = 1 self._create_text( fig, [0.1, y, 2 * size_button, size_button], "n = ", self._submit_n, "1", ) self._create_text( fig, [0.87, 0.92, 1.5 * size_button, size_button], "cmax = ", self._change_cmax, "{:.2f}".format(self.clim[1]), ) self._create_text( fig, [0.87, 0.1, 1.5 * size_button, size_button], "cmin = ", self._change_cmin, "{:.2f}".format(self.clim[0]), ) self._create_button( fig, [0.65, 0.945, 1.2 * size_button, 0.045], "reload", self.reloadim ) self._create_button( fig, [0.85, y, size_button, size_button], "auto", self.set_autoclim ) cax = fig.add_axes([0.83, 0.2, 0.07, 0.7]) self.cbar = fig.colorbar(self.mappable, cax=cax) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", self.onclick) print("press alt+h for help")
def set_autoclim(self, event): _print_debug("set_autoclim") im = imread(self.path_files[self.ifile]) self.clim = [im.min(), 0.99 * im.max()] self._update_clim()