Example #1
def ReadMsh(filename):
  Read a Gmsh msh file

    fileHandle = open(filename, "rb")

    basename = filename.split(".")[0]
    hasHalo = filehandling.FileExists(basename + ".halo")

    # Read the MeshFormat section

    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert (line == "$MeshFormat")

    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    lineSplit = line.split()
    assert (len(lineSplit) == 3)
    version = lineSplit[0]
    fileType = int(lineSplit[1])
    dataSize = int(lineSplit[2])

    if version[0] == "4" and version < "4.1":
        raise Exception("gmshtools doesn't handle msh4 with minor version 0")

    if fileType == 1:
        # Binary format
        if version[0] == "4":
            mesh = ReadBinaryMshV4(fileHandle, dataSize)
        elif version[0] == "2":
            mesh = ReadBinaryMshV2(fileHandle, dataSize)
            raise Exception("Unknown gmsh major version")
    elif fileType == 0:
        # ASCII format
        if version[0] == "4":
            mesh = ReadAsciiMshV4(fileHandle)
        elif version[0] == "2":
            mesh = ReadAsciiMshV2(fileHandle)
            raise Exception("Unknown gmsh major version")
        raise Exception("File type " + str(fileType) + " not recognised")


    if hasHalo:
        # Read the .halo file
        debug.dprint("Reading .halo file")

        if mesh_halos.HaloIOSupport():
            halos = mesh_halos.ReadHalos(basename + ".halo")
            debug.deprint("Warning: No .halo I/O support")

    return mesh
Example #2
def ReadTriangle(baseName):
  Read triangle files with the given base name, and return it as a mesh
  def StripComment(line):
    if "#" in line:
      return line.split("#")[0]
      return line
  def ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle):
    line = fileHandle.readline()
    while len(line) > 0:
      line = StripComment(line).strip()
      if len(line) > 0:
        return line
      line = fileHandle.readline()
    return line
  # Determine which files exist
  assert(filehandling.FileExists(baseName + ".node"))
  hasBound = filehandling.FileExists(baseName + ".bound")
  hasEdge = filehandling.FileExists(baseName + ".edge")
  hasFace = filehandling.FileExists(baseName + ".face")
  hasEle = filehandling.FileExists(baseName + ".ele")
  hasHalo = filehandling.FileExists(baseName + ".halo")
  # Read the .node file
  nodeHandle = open(baseName + ".node", "r")
  # Extract the meta data
  line = ReadNonCommentLine(nodeHandle)
  lineSplit = line.split()
  assert(len(lineSplit) == 4)
  nNodes = int(lineSplit[0])
  assert(nNodes >= 0)
  dim = int(lineSplit[1])
  assert(dim >= 0)
  nNodeAttrs = int(lineSplit[2])
  assert(nNodeAttrs >= 0)
  nNodeIds = int(lineSplit[3])
  assert(nNodeIds >= 0)
  mesh = meshes.Mesh(dim)
  # Read the nodes
  debug.dprint("Reading .node file")
  for line in nodeHandle.readlines():
    line = StripComment(line)
    if len(line.strip()) == 0:
    lineSplit = line.split()
    assert(len(lineSplit) == 1 + dim + nNodeAttrs + nNodeIds)
    mesh.AddNodeCoord([float(coord) for coord in lineSplit[1:dim + 1]])
  assert(mesh.NodeCoordsCount() == nNodes)
  if hasBound and dim == 1:
    # Read the .bound file
    debug.dprint("Reading .bound file")
    boundHandle = open(baseName + ".bound", "r")
    # Extract the meta data
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(boundHandle)
    lineSplit = line.split()
    assert(len(lineSplit) == 2)
    nBounds = int(lineSplit[0])
    assert(nBounds >= 0)
    nBoundIds = int(lineSplit[1])
    assert(nBoundIds >= 0)
    # Read the bounds
    for line in boundHandle.readlines():
      line = StripComment(line)
      if len(line.strip()) == 0:
      lineSplit = line.split()
      assert(len(lineSplit) == 2 + nBoundIds)
      element = elements.Element()
      for node in lineSplit[1:2]:
        element.AddNode(int(node) - 1)
      element.SetIds([int(boundId) for boundId in lineSplit[2:]])
    assert(mesh.SurfaceElementCount() == nBounds)
  if hasEdge and dim == 2:
    # Read the .edge file
    debug.dprint("Reading .edge file")
    edgeHandle = open(baseName + ".edge", "r")
    # Extract the meta data
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(edgeHandle)
    lineSplit = line.split()
    assert(len(lineSplit) == 2)
    nEdges = int(lineSplit[0])
    assert(nEdges >= 0)
    nEdgeIds = int(lineSplit[1])
    assert(nEdgeIds >= 0)
    # Read the edges
    for line in edgeHandle.readlines():
      line = StripComment(line)
      if len(line.strip()) == 0:
      lineSplit = line.split()
      assert(len(lineSplit) == 3 + nEdgeIds)
      element = elements.Element()
      for node in lineSplit[1:3]:
        element.AddNode(int(node) - 1)
      element.SetIds([int(edgeId) for edgeId in lineSplit[3:]])
    assert(mesh.SurfaceElementCount() == nEdges)
  if hasFace and dim > 2:
    # Read the .face file
    debug.dprint("Reading .face file")
    faceHandle = open(baseName + ".face", "r")
    # Extract the meta data
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(faceHandle)
    lineSplit = line.split()
    assert(len(lineSplit) == 2)
    nFaces = int(lineSplit[0])
    assert(nFaces >= 0)
    nFaceIds = int(lineSplit[1])
    assert(nFaceIds >= 0)
    # Read the faces
    for line in faceHandle.readlines():
      line = StripComment(line)
      if len(line.strip()) == 0:
      lineSplit = line.split()
      assert(len(lineSplit) >= 4 + nFaceIds)
      element = elements.Element()
      for node in lineSplit[1:len(lineSplit) - nFaceIds]:
        element.AddNode(int(node) - 1)
      element.SetIds([int(faceId) for faceId in lineSplit[len(lineSplit) - nFaceIds:]])
    assert(mesh.SurfaceElementCount() == nFaces)
  if hasEle:
    # Read the .ele file
    debug.dprint("Reading .ele file")
    eleHandle = open(baseName + ".ele", "r")
    # Extract the meta data
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(eleHandle)
    lineSplit = line.split()
    assert(len(lineSplit) == 3)
    nEles = int(lineSplit[0])
    assert(nEles >= 0)
    nNodesPerEle = int(lineSplit[1])
    assert(nNodesPerEle >= 0)
    nEleIds = int(lineSplit[2])
    assert(nEleIds >= 0)
    # Read the eles
    for line in eleHandle.readlines():
      line = StripComment(line)
      if len(line.strip()) == 0:
      lineSplit = line.split()
      assert(len(lineSplit) == 1 + nNodesPerEle + nEleIds)
      element = elements.Element()
      for node in lineSplit[1:len(lineSplit) - nEleIds]:
        element.AddNode(int(node) - 1)
      element.SetIds([int(eleId) for eleId in lineSplit[len(lineSplit) - nEleIds:]])
    assert(mesh.VolumeElementCount() == nEles)
  if hasHalo:
    # Read the .halo file
    debug.dprint("Reading .halo file")
    if mesh_halos.HaloIOSupport():
      halos = mesh_halos.ReadHalos(baseName + ".halo")
      debug.deprint("Warning: No .halo I/O support")
  return mesh
Example #3
def ReadMsh(filename):
  Read a Gmsh msh file
  def ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle):
    line = fileHandle.readline()
    while len(line) > 0:
      line = line.strip()
      if len(line) > 0:
        return line
      line = fileHandle.readline()
    return line
  fileHandle = open(filename, "r")

  basename = filename.split(".")[0]
  hasHalo = filehandling.FileExists(basename + ".halo")
  # Read the MeshFormat section
  line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
  assert(line == "$MeshFormat")
  line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
  lineSplit = line.split()
  assert(len(lineSplit) == 3)
  version = float(lineSplit[0])
  fileType = int(lineSplit[1])
  dataSize = int(lineSplit[2])  
  if fileType == 1:
    # Binary format
    if dataSize == 4:
      realFormat = "f"
    elif dataSize == 8:
      realFormat = "d"
      raise Exception("Unrecognised real size " + str(dataSize))
    iArr = array.array("i")    
    iArr.fromfile(fileHandle, 1)
    if iArr[0] == 1:
      swap = False
      if iArr[0] == 1:
        swap = True
        raise Exception("Invalid one byte")
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$EndMeshFormat")
    # Read the Nodes section
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$Nodes")    
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    nNodes = int(line)
    # Assume dense node IDs, but not necessarily ordered
    seenNode = [False for i in range(nNodes)]
    nodeIds = []
    nodes = []
    lbound = [calc.Inf() for i in range(3)]
    ubound = [-calc.Inf() for i in range(3)]
    for i in range(nNodes):
      iArr = array.array("i")
      rArr = array.array(realFormat)
      iArr.fromfile(fileHandle, 1)
      rArr.fromfile(fileHandle, 3)
      if swap:
      nodeId = iArr[0]
      coord = rArr
      assert(nodeId > 0)
      assert(not seenNode[nodeId - 1])
      seenNode[nodeId - 1] = True
      for j in range(3):
        lbound[j] = min(lbound[j], coord[j])
        ubound[j] = max(ubound[j], coord[j])
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$EndNodes")
    nodes = utils.KeyedSort(nodeIds, nodes)
    bound = bounds.BoundingBox(lbound, ubound)
    indices = bound.UsedDimIndices()
    dim = len(indices)
    if dim < 3:
      nodes = [[coord[index] for index in indices] for coord in nodes]
    mesh = meshes.Mesh(dim)
    # Read the Elements section
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$Elements")  
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    nEles = int(line)
    i = 0
    while i < nEles:
      iArr = array.array("i")
      iArr.fromfile(fileHandle, 3)
      if swap:
      typeId = iArr[0]
      nSubEles = iArr[1]
      nIds = iArr[2]
      type = GmshElementType(gmshElementTypeId = typeId)
      for j in range(nSubEles):
        iArr = array.array("i")
        iArr.fromfile(fileHandle, 1 + nIds + type.GetNodeCount())
        if swap:
        eleId = iArr[0]
        assert(eleId > 0)
        ids = iArr[1:1 + nIds]
        nodes = FromGmshNodeOrder(utils.OffsetList(iArr[-type.GetNodeCount():], -1), type)
        element = elements.Element(nodes, ids)
        if type.GetDim() == dim - 1:
        elif type.GetDim() == dim:
          debug.deprint("Warning: Element of type " + str(type) + " encountered in " + str(dim) + " dimensions")
      i += nSubEles
    assert(i == nEles)
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$EndElements")
  elif fileType == 0:
    # ASCII format
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$EndMeshFormat")
    # Read the Nodes section
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$Nodes")
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    nNodes = int(line)
    # Assume dense node IDs, but not necessarily ordered
    seenNode = [False for i in range(nNodes)]
    nodeIds = []
    nodes = []
    lbound = [calc.Inf() for i in range(3)]
    ubound = [-calc.Inf() for i in range(3)]
    for i in range(nNodes):
      line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
      lineSplit = line.split()
      assert(len(lineSplit) == 4)
      nodeId = int(lineSplit[0])
      coord = [float(comp) for comp in lineSplit[1:]]
      assert(nodeId > 0)
      assert(not seenNode[nodeId - 1])
      seenNode[nodeId - 1] = True
      for j in range(3):
        lbound[j] = min(lbound[j], coord[j])
        ubound[j] = max(ubound[j], coord[j])
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$EndNodes")
    nodes = utils.KeyedSort(nodeIds, nodes)
    bound = bounds.BoundingBox(lbound, ubound)
    indices = bound.UsedDimIndices()
    dim = len(indices)
    if dim < 3:
      nodes = [[coord[index] for index in indices] for coord in nodes]
    mesh = meshes.Mesh(dim)
    # Read the Elements section
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$Elements")  
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    nEles = int(line)
    for i in range(nEles):
      line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
      lineSplit = line.split()
      assert(len(lineSplit) > 3)
      eleId = int(lineSplit[0])
      assert(eleId > 0)
      typeId = int(lineSplit[1])
      nIds = int(lineSplit[2])
      type = GmshElementType(gmshElementTypeId = typeId)
      ids = [int(id) for id in lineSplit[3:3 + nIds]]
      nodes = FromGmshNodeOrder([int(node) - 1 for node in lineSplit[-type.GetNodeCount():]], type)
      element = elements.Element(nodes, ids)
      if type.GetDim() == dim - 1:
      elif type.GetDim() == dim:
        debug.deprint("Warning: Element of type " + str(type) + " encountered in " + str(dim) + " dimensions")
    line = ReadNonCommentLine(fileHandle)
    assert(line == "$EndElements")
    # Ignore all remaining sections
    raise Exception("File type " + str(fileType) + " not recognised")

  if hasHalo:
    # Read the .halo file
    debug.dprint("Reading .halo file")

    if mesh_halos.HaloIOSupport():
      halos = mesh_halos.ReadHalos(basename + ".halo")
      debug.deprint("Warning: No .halo I/O support")
  return mesh