Example #1
async def defaulttime(ctx, time):
    This command sets the delay of when the bot should post. It will only get 25 posts max, but some reddits are slow
    TIMES MUST BE: 5m/10m/15m/30m/45m/1h
    I have an upper limit of an hour because if it gets more than 25 posts, that would take a very long time.
    Usage: r/default delay 10m
    Permissions required: Administrator
    :param ctx:
    :param time:
    sid = ctx.message.server.id
    if time == '5m':
        data[sid]['delay'] = 300
        await bot.say(f'The delay has changed to {time}.')
    elif time == '10m':
        data[sid]['delay'] = 600
        await bot.say(f'The delay has changed to {time}.')
    elif time == '15m':
        data[sid]['delay'] = 900
        await bot.say(f'The delay has changed to {time}.')
    elif time == '30m':
        data[sid]['delay'] = 1800
        await bot.say(f'The delay has changed to {time}.')
    elif time == '45m':
        data[sid]['delay'] = 2700
        await bot.say(f'The delay has changed to {time}.')
    elif time == '1h':
        data[sid]['delay'] = 3600
        await bot.say(f'The delay has changed to {time}.')
        await bot.say('Sorry time must be 5m/10m/15m/30m/45m/1h')

    fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)
Example #2
async def unsub(ctx, *subreddit):
    This command will 'unsubscribe' from a reddit and will no longer make posts.
    Usage: r/unsub <subreddit>
    Ex. r/unsub news funny husky
    Permissions required: Administrator
    :param ctx:
    :param subreddit:
    sid = ctx.message.server.id
    subs = data[sid]['watching']
    removed = []
    for reddit in subreddit:
        if reddit in subs:
            await bot.say(
                f'Subreddit: {reddit} not found. Please make sure you are spelling'
                f' it correctly.')
    if removed:
        data[sid]['watching'] = subs
        await bot.say(f"Subreddit(s): {', '.join(removed)} removed!\n"
                      f"You will notice this change when I scour reddit again."
        fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)

Example #3
async def offjoin(servers):
    This is for if the bot is offline and joins a server.
    :param servers:
    for server in servers:
        if not server.id in data.keys():
                server.id: {
                    'default_channel': server.owner.id,
                    'NSFW_channel': '',
                    'id': server.id,
                    'watching': [],
                    'NSFW_filter': 1,
                    'create_channel': 0,
                    'delay': 300
            fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)

            await bot.send_message(
                'Thanks for adding me to the server! There are a few things I need '
                'from you or your admins to get running though.\n'
                'In the discord server(NOT HERE),Please set the default channel for me to '
                'post in, or turn on the option for me to create a channel for each '
                'subreddit. `r/default channel general` or `r/default create`\n'
                'Right now I have the default channel set to PM you, so *I would '
                'suggest changing this*. After that, you or your admins '
                'can run `r/sub funny` and let the posts flow in!')
Example #4
async def on_server_remove(server):
    When a bot leaves/gets kicked, remove the server from the .json file.
    :param server:
    data.pop(server.id, None)
    fmtjson.edit_json("options", data)
Example #5
async def removeall(ctx):
    This command will "unsubscribe" from all reddits.
    Usage: r/removeall
    Permissions required: Administrator
    :param ctx:
    sid = ctx.message.server.id
    data[sid]['watching'] = []
    fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)
    await bot.say(
        'You are no longer subbed to any subreddits! Please don\'t get rid of me. :['
Example #6
async def defaultall(ctx):
    This command sets all options to their default.
    Usage: r/default all
    Permissions required: Administrator
    :param ctx:
    sid = ctx.message.server.id
    data[sid]['default_channel'] = ctx.message.server.owner.id
    data[sid]['NSFW_channel'] = ''
    data[sid]['delay'] = 300
    data[sid]['NSFW_filter'] = 1
    data[sid]['create_channel'] = 0
    data[sid]['watching'] = []
    fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)
    await bot.say(
        'All options have been set to their default. Default channel is the server owner, so please use'
        '`r/default channel <channel name>` EX.`r/default channel general`')
Example #7
async def offremove(servers):
    This is for if the bot gets kicked while offline
    :param servers:
    serverlist = []
    removed = []
    for server in servers:

    for key in data:
        if not key in serverlist:

    if removed:
        for server in removed:
            data.pop(server, None)
        fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)
Example #8
async def on_server_join(server):
    When the bot joins a server, it will set defaults in the json file and pull all info it needs.
        default channel == 'server owner'
        nsfw channel == ''
        id == server id
        delay == 300 (5 minutes)
        nsfw filter == 1
        create channel == 0
        watching == []
    :param server:

        server.id: {
            'default_channel': server.owner.id,
            'NSFW_channel': '',
            'id': server.id,
            'delay': 300,
            'NSFW_filter': 1,
            'create_channel': 0,
            'watching': []
    fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)

    # message owner about bot usage.
    await bot.send_message(
        'Thanks for adding me to the server! There are a few things I need '
        'from you or your admins to get running though.\n'
        'In the discord server(NOT HERE),Please set the default channel for me to '
        'post in, or turn on the option for me to create a channel for each '
        'subreddit. `r/default channel general` or `r/default create`\n'
        'Right now I have the default channel set to PM you, so *I would '
        'suggest changing this*. After that, you or your admins '
        'can run `r/sub funny` and let the posts flow in!')

    # create new task for the server
Example #9
async def createChannels(ctx):
    Toggles the create channels option. DEFAULT: OFF
    Usage: r/default create
    Permissions required: Administrator
    :param ctx:
    sid = ctx.message.server.id
    if data[sid]['create_channel'] == 1:
        data[sid]['create_channel'] = 0
        await bot.say(
            "Creating channels has been TURNED OFF. I will now make all of my posts in "
            "your default channel.")
        data[sid]['create_channel'] = 1
        await bot.say(
            "Creating channels has been TURNED ON. I can now create channels for each reddit "
            "that you are watching.")
    fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)

Example #10
async def subscribe(ctx, *subreddit):
    This command will 'subscribe' to a reddit and will make posts from it.
    Usage: r/sub <subreddit>
    Ex. r/sub news funny husky
    Permissions required: Administrator
    :param ctx:
    :param subreddit:
    sid = ctx.message.server.id
    subs = data[sid]['watching']
    added = []
    for reddit in subreddit:
        url = f"https://www.reddit.com/r/{reddit}/new/.json"
        posts = await respcheck(url)

        if posts:
            if reddit.lower() in subs:
                await bot.say(f'{reddit} is already in your list!')
            await bot.say(
                f'Sorry, I can\'t reach {reddit}. '
                f'Check your spelling or make sure that the reddit actually exists.'
    if added:
        data[sid]['watching'] = subs
        await bot.say(f"Subreddit(s): {', '.join(added)} added!\n"
                      f"You will notice this change when I scour reddit again."

        fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)

Example #11
async def nsfwFilter(ctx):
    Toggles the NSFW filter. DEFAULT: ON
    Usage: r/default nsfw
    Permissions required: Administrator
    :param ctx:
    sid = ctx.message.server.id
    if data[sid]['NSFW_filter'] == 1:
        data[sid]['NSFW_filter'] = 0
        await bot.say(
            "NSFW filter has been TURNED OFF. Enjoy your sinful images, loser. Also be sure"
            "to label your default channel or the NSFW reddit channels as NSFW channels."
        data[sid]['NSFW_filter'] = 1
        await bot.say(
            "NSFW filter has been TURNED ON. I really don't like looking for those "
    fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)

Example #12
async def defaultChannel(ctx, channel):
    Set the Default nsfwchannel for the bot to post in.
    Usage: r/default nsfwchannel <channel>
    Permissions required: Administrator
    :param ctx:
    :param channel:
    newchannel = discord.utils.get(bot.get_all_channels(),

    if not newchannel:
        raise commands.CommandInvokeError

    sid = ctx.message.server.id
    data[sid]['NSFW_channel'] = newchannel.id
    await bot.say(f"NSFW default channel changed to {newchannel.mention}\n"
                  f"You will notice this change when I scour reddit again.")
    fmtjson.edit_json('options', data)
