Example #1
    def _evaluate(self,*args):
        """ SFs = f(args) """
        bin_vals  = {argname:args[self._dim_args[argname]] for argname in self._dim_order}
        eval_vals = {argname:args[self._eval_args[argname]] for argname in self._eval_vars}
        #lookup the bins that we care about
        dim1_name = self._dim_order[0]
        dim1_indices = np.clip(np.searchsorted(self._bins[dim1_name],
        bin_indices = [dim1_indices]
        for binname in self._dim_order[1:]:
        bin_tuple = tuple(bin_indices)
        #get clamp values and clip the inputs
        eval_values = []
        for eval_name in self._eval_vars:
            clamp_mins = self._eval_clamp_mins[eval_name][bin_tuple]
            clamp_maxs = self._eval_clamp_maxs[eval_name][bin_tuple]

        #get parameter values
        parm_values = self._parms[bin_tuple]
        return parm_values
Example #2
    def _evaluate(self, *args):
        """ uncertainties = f(args) """
        bin_vals = {
            argname: args[self._dim_args[argname]]
            for argname in self._dim_order
        eval_vals = {
            argname: args[self._eval_args[argname]]
            for argname in self._eval_vars

        #lookup the bins that we care about
        dim1_name = self._dim_order[0]
        dim1_indices = np.clip(
                self._bins[dim1_name], bin_vals[dim1_name], side='right') - 1,
            0, self._bins[dim1_name].size - 2)

        #get clamp values and clip the inputs
        outs = np.ones(shape=(args[0].size, 2), dtype=np.float)
        for i in np.unique(dim1_indices):
            mask = np.where(dim1_indices == i)
            vals = np.clip(eval_vals[self._eval_vars[0]][mask],
                           self._eval_knots[0], self._eval_knots[-1])
            outs[:, 0][mask] += self._eval_ups[i](vals)
            outs[:, 1][mask] -= self._eval_downs[i](vals)

        return outs
def VJetsQQ_kFactor2017(sampleName, lookup, genVPt):
    kfactor = genVPt.ones_like()
    if 'ZJetsToQQ_' in sampleName:
        kfactor._content = lookup['ZJetsNLO'](np.clip(genVPt.content, 250.,
    elif 'WJetsToQQ_' in sampleName:
        kfactor._content = lookup['WJetsNLO'](np.clip(genVPt.content, 250.,
    return kfactor
Example #4
 def _evaluate(self, *args):
     indices = []
     for arg in args:
         if type(arg) == awkward.JaggedArray:
             raise Exception('JaggedArray in inputs')
     if self._dimension == 1:
         indices.append(np.clip(np.searchsorted(self._axes, args[0], side='right') - 1, 0, self._values.shape[0] - 1))
         for dim in range(self._dimension):
             indices.append(np.clip(np.searchsorted(self._axes[dim], args[dim], side='right') - 1, 0, self._values.shape[dim] - 1))
     return self._values[tuple(indices)]
Example #5
    def _evaluate(self, *args):
        """ jec/jer = f(args) """
        bin_vals = {argname: args[self._dim_args[argname]] for argname in self._dim_order}
        eval_vals = {argname: args[self._eval_args[argname]] for argname in self._eval_vars}

        # lookup the bins that we care about
        dim1_name = self._dim_order[0]
        dim1_indices = np.clip(np.searchsorted(self._bins[dim1_name],
                                               side='right') - 1,
                               0, self._bins[dim1_name].size - 2)
        bin_indices = [dim1_indices]
        for binname in self._dim_order[1:]:

        bin_tuple = tuple(bin_indices)

        # get clamp values and clip the inputs
        eval_values = []
        for eval_name in self._eval_vars:
            clamp_mins = None
            if self._eval_clamp_mins[eval_name].content.size == 1:
                clamp_mins = self._eval_clamp_mins[eval_name].content[0]
                idxs = flatten_idxs(bin_tuple, self._eval_clamp_mins[eval_name])
                clamp_mins = self._eval_clamp_mins[eval_name].content[idxs]
                if isinstance(clamp_mins, awkward.JaggedArray):
                    if clamp_mins.content.size == 1:
                        clamp_mins = clamp_mins.content[0]
                        clamp_mins = clamp_mins.flatten()
            clamp_maxs = None
            if self._eval_clamp_maxs[eval_name].content.size == 1:
                clamp_maxs = self._eval_clamp_maxs[eval_name].content[0]
                idxs = flatten_idxs(bin_tuple, self._eval_clamp_maxs[eval_name])
                clamp_maxs = self._eval_clamp_maxs[eval_name].content[idxs]
                if isinstance(clamp_maxs, awkward.JaggedArray):
                    if clamp_maxs.content.size == 1:
                        clamp_maxs = clamp_maxs.content[0]
                        clamp_maxs = clamp_maxs.flatten()
            eval_values.append(np.clip(eval_vals[eval_name], clamp_mins, clamp_maxs))

        # get parameter values
        parm_values = []
        if len(self._parms) > 0:
            idxs = flatten_idxs(bin_tuple, self._parms[0])
            parm_values = [parm.content[idxs] for parm in self._parms]

        return self._formula(*tuple(parm_values + eval_values))
def calculateNLOKFactorAndSysts(sampleName, lookup, genVPt):
    central = genVPt.ones_like()
    pdf_up, pdf_down = genVPt.ones_like(), genVPt.ones_like()
    ren_up, ren_down = genVPt.ones_like(), genVPt.ones_like()
    fac_up, fac_down = genVPt.ones_like(), genVPt.ones_like()

    clipped = np.clip(genVPt.content, 100., 700.)

    if ('ZJets' in sampleName or 'DYJets' in sampleName
            or 'ZPrime' in sampleName or 'VectorDiJet' in sampleName):
        central._content = lookup["ZJets_012j_NLO/nominal"](clipped)
        pdf_raw = lookup["ZJets_012j_NLO/PDF"](clipped)
        pdf_up._content = pdf_up._content + pdf_raw
        pdf_down._content = pdf_down._content - pdf_raw
        ren_up._content = lookup["ZJets_012j_NLO/ren_up"](clipped)
        ren_down._content = lookup["ZJets_012j_NLO/ren_down"](clipped)
        fac_up._content = lookup["ZJets_012j_NLO/fact_up"](clipped)
        fac_down._content = lookup["ZJets_012j_NLO/fact_down"](clipped)
    if 'WJets' in sampleName:
        central._content = lookup["WJets_012j_NLO/nominal"](clipped)
        pdf_raw = lookup["WJets_012j_NLO/PDF"](clipped)
        pdf_up._content = pdf_up._content + pdf_raw
        pdf_down._content = pdf_down._content - pdf_raw
        ren_up._content = lookup["WJets_012j_NLO/ren_up"](clipped)
        ren_down._content = lookup["WJets_012j_NLO/ren_down"](clipped)
        fac_up._content = lookup["WJets_012j_NLO/fact_up"](clipped)
        fac_down._content = lookup["WJets_012j_NLO/fact_down"](clipped)

    return (central, {
        'PDF': (pdf_up, pdf_down),
        'ren': (ren_up, ren_down),
        'fact': (fac_up, fac_down)
def masked_bin_eval(dim1_indices, dimN_bins, dimN_vals):
    dimN_indices = np.empty_like(dim1_indices)
    for i in np.unique(dim1_indices):
        idx = np.where(dim1_indices == i)
        dimN_indices[idx] = np.clip(
            np.searchsorted(dimN_bins[i], dimN_vals[idx], side='right') - 1, 0,
            len(dimN_bins[i]) - 2)
    return dimN_indices
def corrGEN(pt):
    #self.corrGEN = ROOT.TF1("corrGEN", "[0]+[1]*pow(x*[2],-[3])", 200, 3500)
    #self.corrGEN.SetParameter(0, 1.00626)
    #self.corrGEN.SetParameter(1, -1.06161)
    #self.corrGEN.SetParameter(2, 0.0799900)
    #self.corrGEN.SetParameter(3, 1.20454)
    x = np.clip(pt,200,3500)
    return 1.00626 - 1.06161*pow(x*0.0799900,-1.20454)
Example #9
def VtrigSF(evaluator, ak8msd, ak8pt):
    msd = ak8msd
    pt = ak8pt
    if isinstance(ak8msd, awkward.JaggedArray):
        assert (ak8msd.offsets == ak8pt.offsets).all()
        msd = ak8msd.flatten()
        pt = ak8pt.flatten()
        assert ak8msd.size == ak8pt.size
    msd = np.clip(msd, 0, 300)
    pt = np.clip(pt, 200, 1000)
    eff = evaluator['data_obs_muCR4_eff'](msd, pt)
    lo = evaluator['data_obs_muCR4_eff_down'](msd, pt)
    hi = evaluator['data_obs_muCR4_eff_up'](msd, pt)
    if isinstance(ak8msd, awkward.JaggedArray):
        eff = awkward.JaggedArray.fromoffsets(ak8pt.offsets, eff)
        lo = awkward.JaggedArray.fromoffsets(ak8pt.offsets, lo)
        hi = awkward.JaggedArray.fromoffsets(ak8pt.offsets, hi)
    return eff, hi, lo
Example #10
 def index(self, identifier):
     if (isinstance(identifier, np.ndarray)
             and len(identifier.shape) == 1) or isinstance(
                 identifier, numbers.Number):
         if self._uniform:
             idx = np.clip(
                 np.floor((identifier - self._lo) * self._bins /
                          (self._hi - self._lo)) + 1, 0, self._bins + 1)
             if isinstance(idx, np.ndarray):
                 idx[np.isnan(idx)] = self.size - 1
                 idx = idx.astype(int)
             elif np.isnan(idx):
                 idx = self.size - 1
                 idx = int(idx)
             return idx
             return np.searchsorted(self._bins, identifier, side='right')
     elif isinstance(identifier, Interval):
         if identifier.nan():
             return self.size - 1
         return self.index(identifier._lo)
     raise TypeError(
         "Request bin indices with a identifier or 1-D array only")
Example #11
 def _ireduce(self, the_slice):
     if isinstance(the_slice, numbers.Number):
         the_slice = slice(the_slice, the_slice)
     elif isinstance(the_slice, Interval):
         if the_slice.nan():
             return slice(-1, None)
         lo = the_slice._lo if the_slice._lo > -np.inf else None
         hi = the_slice._hi if the_slice._hi < np.inf else None
         the_slice = slice(lo, hi)
     if isinstance(the_slice, slice):
         blo, bhi = None, None
         if the_slice.start is not None:
             if the_slice.start < self._lo:
                 raise ValueError(
                     "Reducing along axis %r: requested start %r exceeds bin boundaries (use open slicing, e.g. x[:stop])"
                     % (self, the_slice.start))
             if self._uniform:
                 blo_real = (the_slice.start - self._lo) * self._bins / (
                     self._hi - self._lo) + 1
                 blo = np.clip(
                     np.round(blo_real).astype(int), 0, self._bins + 1)
                 if abs(blo - blo_real) > 1.e-14:
                         "Reducing along axis %r: requested start %r between bin boundaries, no interpolation is performed"
                         % (self, the_slice.start), RuntimeWarning)
                 if the_slice.start not in self._bins:
                         "Reducing along axis %r: requested start %r between bin boundaries, no interpolation is performed"
                         % (self, the_slice.start), RuntimeWarning)
                 blo = self.index(the_slice.start)
         if the_slice.stop is not None:
             if the_slice.stop > self._hi:
                 raise ValueError(
                     "Reducing along axis %r: requested stop %r exceeds bin boundaries (use open slicing, e.g. x[start:])"
                     % (self, the_slice.stop))
             if self._uniform:
                 bhi_real = (the_slice.stop - self._lo) * self._bins / (
                     self._hi - self._lo) + 1
                 bhi = np.clip(
                     np.round(bhi_real).astype(int), 0, self._bins + 1)
                 if abs(bhi - bhi_real) > 1.e-14:
                         "Reducing along axis %r: requested stop %r between bin boundaries, no interpolation is performed"
                         % (self, the_slice.stop), RuntimeWarning)
                 if the_slice.stop not in self._bins:
                         "Reducing along axis %r: requested stop %r between bin boundaries, no interpolation is performed"
                         % (self, the_slice.stop), RuntimeWarning)
                 bhi = self.index(the_slice.stop)
             # Assume null ranges (start==stop) mean we want the bin containing the value
             if blo is not None and blo == bhi:
                 bhi += 1
         if the_slice.step is not None:
             raise NotImplementedError(
                 "Step slicing can be interpreted as a rebin factor")
         return slice(blo, bhi, the_slice.step)
     elif isinstance(the_slice, list) and all(
             isinstance(v, Interval) for v in the_slice):
         raise NotImplementedError("Slice histogram from list of intervals")
     raise IndexError("Cannot understand slice %r on axis %r" %
                      (the_slice, self))
Example #12
def corrRECO_for(pt):
    x = np.clip(pt,200,3500)
    return 1.27212 + x*(-0.000571640+x*(8.37289e-07+x*(-5.20433e-10+x*(1.45375e-13+ x*(-1.50389e-17)))))
Example #13
def corrRECO_cen(pt):
    x = np.clip(pt,200,3500)
    return 1.09302 + x*(-0.000150068+x*(3.44866e-07+x*(-2.68100e-10+x*(8.67440e-14+ x*(-1.00114e-17)))))