def test_to_mininet(self): t = fnss.Topology() t.add_path([1, 2, 3, 4]) for n in (1, 4): t.node[n]['type'] = 'host' for n in (2, 3): t.node[n]['type'] = 'switch' fnss.set_capacities_constant(t, 10, 'Mbps') fnss.set_delays_constant(t, 10, 'ms') mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(t, relabel_nodes=False) self.assertIsNotNone(mn_topo) hosts = mn_topo.hosts() switches = mn_topo.switches() for h in '1', '4': self.assertIn(h, hosts) for s in '2', '3': self.assertIn(s, switches) mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(t, relabel_nodes=True) # Relabeling should be: # 1 -> h1 # 2 -> s1 # 3 -> s2 # 4 -> h2 self.assertIsNotNone(mn_topo) hosts = mn_topo.hosts() switches = mn_topo.switches() for h in 'h1', 'h2': self.assertIn(h, hosts) for s in 's1', 's2': self.assertIn(s, switches)
def test_to_mininet(self): t = fnss.Topology() t.add_path([1, 2, 3, 4]) for n in (1, 4): t.node[n]['type'] = 'host' for n in (2, 3): t.node[n]['type'] = 'switch' fnss.set_capacities_constant(t, 10, 'Mbps') fnss.set_delays_constant(t, 10, 'ms') mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(t) self.assertIsNotNone(mn_topo) hosts = mn_topo.hosts() switches = mn_topo.switches() for h in '1', '4': self.assertIn(h, hosts) for s in '2', '3': self.assertIn(s, switches)
def main(): G = nx.Graph() G = nx.read_gpickle("mendocino.gpickle") fnss_topo = from_autonetkit(G) node_types = nx.get_node_attributes(fnss_topo, 'type') hosts = [] switches = [] for node in fnss_topo.nodes(): nodetype = G.node[node]['type'] if nodetype == 'cpe': hosts.append(node) else: switches.append(node) mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(fnss_topo, switches=switches, hosts=hosts, relabel_nodes=True) net = Mininet(topo=mn_topo, link=TCLink, controller=None) c0 = net.addController(name='c0', controller=RemoteController, ip='', protocol='tcp', port=6653) net.start() # Dump host connections dumpNodeConnections(net.hosts) # Test network connectivity #net.pingAll() # Test bandwidth between nodes #h1, h8 = net.get('h1', 'h8') #net.iperf((h1, h8)) # Stop Mininet CLI(net) net.stop()
def main(n): # generate_topo(n) topo = fnss.read_topology('topo_'+'ft'+'.xml') # return fnss.Topology # plot_topo(topo,'ft') # addition_for_pl(topo) mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(topo,relabel_nodes=True) # add_hosts_for_pl(topo,mn_topo) net = Mininet(topo=mn_topo, link=TCLink, switch=CustomSwitch, controller=None, cleanup=True) net.addController( controller=RemoteController, ip=CONTROLLER_IP, port=CONTROLLER_PORT) net.start() CLI(net) net.stop()
def topology(): fnss_topology = fnss.parse_topology_zoo('AttMpls.gml') #fnss.two_tier_topology(1, 2, 2) "Create a network with some docker containers acting as hosts." # Set link attributes # #fnss.set_capacities_constant(fnss_topology, 10, 'Mbps') #fnss.set_delays_constant(fnss_topology, 2, 'ms') #fnss.set_buffer_sizes_constant(fnss_topology, 50, 'packets') fnss.set_delays_geo_distance(fnss_topology, specific_delay=fnss.PROPAGATION_DELAY_FIBER) mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(fnss_topology, relabel_nodes=True) for node in mn_topo.hosts(): mn_topo.setNodeInfo( node, { "dcmd": ["/bin/bash", "/"], "dimage": "ndnrepo_ndn:latest", "privileged": True, "cls": Docker }) #mn_topo.setNodeInfo(node, "privileged", True ) #mn_topo.setNodeInfo(node, "dimage", "ndnrepo_ndn:latest" ) #node.dcmd=["/bin/bash", "/"] # = Docker('{0}'.format(node), ip='10.0.0.{0}'.format(node), , privileged=True, dimage="ndnrepo_ndn:latest") #node.type='host' #print node #nodes.append(node) net = NDNContainernet(topo=mn_topo, link=TCLink, controller=Controller) dumpNodeConnections(net.hosts) dumpNodeConnections(net.switches) fnss_topology.edges() info('*** Starting network\n') net.start() embed() #TODO Add NDN Links for all #fnss_topology.edges() #[(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6)] #addNDNRoute(d1, d2) #net = Containernet(controller=Controller) info('*** Adding controller\n') #net.addController('c0') info('*** Adding docker containers\n') #d1 = net.addDocker('d1', ip='', dcmd=["/bin/bash", "/"], privileged=True, dimage="ndnrepo_ndn:latest") #d2 = net.addDocker('d2', ip='', dcmd=["/bin/bash", "/"], privileged=True, dimage="ndnrepo_ndn:latest") #s1 = net.addSwitch('s1') info('*** Creating links\n') #net.addLink(d1, s1) #net.addLink(s1, d2) time.sleep(5) print addNDNRoute(d1, d2) #TODO create file when inserting is done while not (checkRepoNGInitDone(d1) and checkRepoNGInitDone(d2)): time.sleep(5) print listFilesInRepo(d1) print listFilesInRepo(d2) info('*** Running CLI\n') dumpNodeConnections(net.hosts) CLI(net) info('*** Stopping network') net.stop()
def get_fattree_topo(k): fnss_topo = fnss.fat_tree_topology(k) return fnss.to_mininet(fnss_topo)
from mininet.cli import CLI from mininet.node import RemoteController from mininet.node import OVSController # Create FNSS topology -- FatTree with k = 4 fnss_topo = fnss.fat_tree_topology(k=4) # Set link attributes 10Mbps bandwidth fnss.set_capacities_constant(fnss_topo, 10, "Mbps") # Set link delay to be 2ms fnss.set_delays_constant(fnss_topo, 2, "ms") # Set switch buffer to be 50 packets size fnss.set_buffer_sizes_constant(fnss_topo, 50, "packets") # Convert FNSS topology to Mininet mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(fnss_topo, relabel_nodes=True) # Create a remote controller object in local host RemoteCon = RemoteController("RemoteCon1", ip="") # Create a Mininet instance and start it # Use TCLink to implement links enables Linux Traffic Container (TC) for rate # limitation net = Mininet(topo=mn_topo, link=TCLink, controller=RemoteCon) net.start() # Dump host connections dumpNodeConnections(net.hosts) # Start CommandLine Interface CLI(net) # Test network connectivity # net.pingAll() # Test bandwidth between nodes
from import TCLink from mininet.util import dumpNodeConnections from mininet.log import setLogLevel from mininet.cli import CLI # Create FNSS topology. Let's create a simple datacenter topology fnss_topo = fnss.two_tier_topology(n_core=2, n_edge=2, n_hosts=2) # Set link attributes fnss.set_capacities_constant(fnss_topo, 10, 'Mbps') fnss.set_delays_constant(fnss_topo, 2, 'ms') fnss.set_buffer_sizes_constant(fnss_topo, 50, 'packets') # Convert FNSS topology to Mininet mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(fnss_topo) # Create a Mininet instance and start it # Using TCLink to implement links enables Linux Traffic Container (TC) for rate # limitation net = Mininet(topo=mn_topo, link=TCLink) net.start() # Dumping host connections dumpNodeConnections(net.hosts) # Test network connectivity net.pingAll() # Test bandwidth between nodes" # h1, h4 = net.get('1', '4')
# Set nodes on bells to be hosts and nodes on bottleneck path to be switches. # Differently from datacenter topologies, which already provide annotation of # what nodes are hosts and switches, we need to explicitly tell which nodes # are switches and which are hosts to deploy the topology in Mininet hosts = left_nodes + right_nodes switches = core_nodes # Convert FNSS topology to Mininet # If argument relabel_nodes is set to False, node labels are not changed when # converting an FNSS topology to a Mininet one, except converting the type to # string (e.g. 1 -> '1'). If relabel_nodes is set to True (default option) # then nodes are label according to Mininet conventions, e.g. hosts are # prepended an h (e.g. 1 -> 'h1') and switches are prepended an s # (e.g. 2 -> 's2') mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(fnss_topo, switches=switches, hosts=hosts, relabel_nodes=True) # Create a Mininet instance and start it # Use TCLink to implement links enables Linux Traffic Container (TC) for rate # limitation net = Mininet(topo=mn_topo, link=TCLink, controller=OVSController) net.start() # Dump host connections dumpNodeConnections(net.hosts) # Test network connectivity net.pingAll() # Test bandwidth between nodes
def build_topology(): # We use fat tree topology for datacenters kval = 0 edgeLinkCapacity = [10, 'Mbps'] aggrLinkCapacity = [100,'Mbps'] coreLinkCapacity = [1, 'Gbps'] linkDelay = [10, 'ns'] # Get the value from the network.config file lines = open('./network.config', 'r').readlines() for line in lines: val = line.split() if val[0] == "K_VALUE": kval = int(val[1]) elif val[0] == "EDGE_LINK_SPEED": edgeLinkCapacity[0] = val[1] edgeLinkCapacity[1] = val[2] elif val[0] == "AGGR_LINK_SPEED": aggrLinkCapacity[0] = val[1] aggrLinkCapacity[1] = val[2] elif val[0] == "CORE_LINK_SPEED": coreLinkCapacity[0] = val[1] coreLinkCapacity[1] = val[2] elif val[0] == "LINK_DELAY": linkDelay[0] = val[1] linkDelay[1] = val[2] if kval == 0: print "ERROR: Wrong value of K for a fat tree topo, exiting" sys.exit(0) # Build the topology using fnss topology = fnss.fat_tree_topology(kval) # Get link types link_types = nx.get_edge_attributes(topology, 'type') edge_leaf_links = [link for link in link_types if link_types[link] == 'edge_leaf'] aggregation_edge_links = [link for link in link_types if link_types[link] == 'aggregation_edge'] core_edge_links = [link for link in link_types if link_types[link] == 'core_edge'] # Set the link speeds fnss.set_capacities_constant(topology, edgeLinkCapacity[0], edgeLinkCapacity[1], edge_leaf_links) fnss.set_capacities_constant(topology, aggrLinkCapacity[0], aggrLinkCapacity[1], aggregation_edge_links) fnss.set_capacities_constant(topology, coreLinkCapacity[0], coreLinkCapacity[1], core_edge_links) # Set default weight of 1 to all links fnss.set_weights_constant(topology, 1) # Set link delay to be 10 ns fnss.set_delays_constant(topology, linkDelay[0], linkDelay[1]) # Generate the topology.xml file fnss.write_topology(topology, 'topology.xml') # Create mininet topology from fnss with renaming to mininet format mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(topology, relabel_nodes=True) net = Mininet(topo=mn_topo, link=TCLink, controller=None) net.addController('floodlight', controller=RemoteController, ip="", port=6653) net.start() # Dump host connections dumpNodeConnections(net.hosts) # Test network connectivity net.pingAll()
# fnss_topo = fnss.two_tier_topology(n_core=1, n_edge=2, n_hosts=2) # Set link attributes fnss.set_capacities_constant(fnss_topo, 10, 'Mbps') fnss.set_delays_constant(fnss_topo, 2, 'ms') fnss.set_buffer_sizes_constant(fnss_topo, 50, 'packets') # Convert FNSS topology to Mininet # If argument relabel_nodes is set to False, node labels are not changed when # converting an FNSS topology to a Mininet one, except converting the type to # string (e.g. 1 -> '1'). If relabel_nodes is set to True (default option) # then nodes are label according to Mininet conventions, e.g. hosts are # prepended an h (e.g. 1 -> 'h1') and switches are prepended an s # (e.g. 2 -> 's2') mn_topo = fnss.to_mininet(fnss_topo, relabel_nodes=True) # Create a Mininet instance and start it # Use TCLink to implement links enables Linux Traffic Container (TC) for rate # limitation net = Mininet(topo=mn_topo, link=TCLink, controller=RemoteController) c1 = net.addController('c1', controller=RemoteController, ip='', port=6633) net.start() # Dump host connections dumpNodeConnections(net.hosts) # Test network connectivity