Example #1
def get_starting_species_pool():
    Empire species pool generator, return random empire species and ensure somewhat even distribution
    # fill the initial pool with two sets of all playable species
    # this way we have somewhat, but not absolutely strict even distribution of starting species at least when there
    # is only a few number of players (some species can occur twice at max while others not at all)
    pool = fo.get_playable_species() * 2

    # check all players setup data for players that have their starting species already set, and remove one instance
    # of that species from our initial pool to preserve correct distribution (as it has already been picked once)
    for psd_entry in fo.get_player_setup_data():
        species = psd_entry.data().starting_species
        if species in pool:

    # randomize order in initial pool so we don't get the same species all the time
    # generator loop
    while True:
        # if our pool is exhausted (because we have more players than species instances in our initial pool)
        # refill the pool with one set of all playable species
        if not pool:
            pool = fo.get_playable_species()
            # again, randomize order in refilled pool so we don't get the same species all the time
        # pick and return next species, and remove it from our pool
        yield pool.pop()
Example #2
def create_universe():
    Main universe generation function invoked from C++ code.
    print "Python Universe Generator"

    # fetch universe and player setup data
    gsd = fo.get_galaxy_setup_data()
    psd_list = fo.get_player_setup_data()
    total_players = len(psd_list)

    # initialize RNG
    seed_pool = [random.random() for _ in range(100)]

    # make sure there are enough systems for the given number of players
    print "Universe creation requested with %d systems for %d players" % (gsd.size, total_players)
    size = max(gsd.size, (total_players * 3))
    if size > gsd.size:
        # gsd.size = size
        print "Too few systems for the requested number of players, number of systems adjusted accordingly"
    print "Creating universe with %d systems for %d players" % (size, total_players)

    # calculate star system positions
    system_positions = calc_star_system_positions(gsd.shape, size)
    size = len(system_positions)
    print gsd.shape, "Star system positions calculated, final number of systems:", size

    # generate and populate systems
    systems = generate_systems(system_positions, gsd)
    print len(systems), "systems generated and populated"

    # generate Starlanes
    print "Starlanes generated"

    print "Compile list of home systems..."
    home_systems = compile_home_system_list(total_players, systems)
    if not home_systems:
        err_msg = "Python create_universe: couldn't get any home systems, ABORTING!"
        raise Exception(err_msg)
    print "Home systems:", home_systems

    # set up empires for each player
    for psd_entry, home_system in zip(psd_list, home_systems):
        empire = psd_entry.key()
        psd = psd_entry.data()
        if not setup_empire(empire, psd.empire_name, home_system, psd.starting_species, psd.player_name):
            report_error("Python create_universe: couldn't set up empire for player %s" % psd.player_name)

    # assign names to all star systems and their planets
    # this needs to be done after all systems have been generated and empire home systems have been set, as
    # only after all that is finished star types as well as planet sizes and types are fixed, and the naming
    # process depends on that
    print "Assign star system names"
    print "Set planet names"
    for system in systems:

    print "Generating Natives"
    generate_natives(gsd.nativeFrequency, systems, home_systems)

    print "Generating Space Monsters"
    generate_monsters(gsd.monsterFrequency, systems)

    print "Distributing Starting Specials"
    distribute_specials(gsd.specialsFrequency, fo.get_all_objects())

    # finally, write some statistics to the log file
    print "############################################################"
    print "##             Universe generation statistics             ##"
    print "############################################################"
    print "############################################################"
    print "############################################################"
    print "############################################################"
    print "############################################################"
    print "############################################################"

    if error_list:
        print "Python Universe Generator completed with errors"
        return False
        print "Python Universe Generator completed successfully"
        return True