def run_foa(sample, gt):

    # Import image
    test_image = foai.ImageObject(sample, rgb=False)
    test_image.ground_truth = gt

    # Generate Gaussian Blur Prior - Time ~0.0020006
    foveation_prior = foac.matlab_style_gauss2D(test_image.modified.shape, 300)

    # Generate Gamma Kernel
    k = np.array([1, 9], dtype=float)
    mu = np.array([0.2, 0.5], dtype=float)
    kernel = foac.gamma_kernel(mask_size=(14, 14), k=k, mu=mu)
    # plt.imshow(kernel)

    # Generate Saliency Map
    foac.convolution(test_image, kernel, foveation_prior)

    # Bound and Rank the most Salient Regions of Saliency Map
    foas.salience_scan(test_image, rank_count=3, bbox_size=(28, 28))


    return test_image
Example #2
    def __init__(self, cnn_layers=None, fc_layers=None):
        super(Model, self).__init__()

        # Network layer initialization
        self.cnn_layers = cnn_layers
        self.fc_layers = fc_layers

        # Generate Gaussian Blur Prior - Time ~0.0020006
        self.prior = foac.matlab_style_gauss2D((60, 60), 300)

        # Generate Gamma Kernel
        k = np.array([1, 9], dtype=float)
        mu = np.array([0.2, 0.5], dtype=float)
        self.kernel = foac.gamma_kernel(mask_size=(14, 14), k=k, mu=mu)
def run_foa_svhn(input=SVHNImage, tf=int, gt=None, k=None, mu=None):
    assert (input.image is not None)
    img = np.array(input.image)
    x_dim = img.shape[0]
    y_dim = img.shape[1]

    # Load Image Object
    img = foai.ImageObject(img)
    img.ground_truth = gt

    # Generate Gaussian Blur Prior - Time ~0.0020006
    foveation_prior = foac.matlab_style_gauss2D(img.modified.shape, 300)

    # Generate Gamma Kernel
    # k = np.array([1, 26, 1, 25, 1, 19], dtype=float)
    # mu = np.array([2, 2, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5], dtype=float)
    k = np.array([1, 5, 1, 9, 1, 13], dtype=float)
    mu = np.array([0.8, 0.7, 0.3, 0.5, 0.1, 0.3], dtype=float)
    kernel = foac.gamma_kernel(img, mask_size=(32, 32), k=k, mu=mu)

    # Generate Saliency Map
    start = time.time()
    foac.convolution(img, kernel, foveation_prior)
    stop = time.time()
    print(f"Salience Map Generation: {stop - start} seconds")

    # Bound and Rank the most Salient Regions of Saliency Map
    foas.salience_scan(img, rank_count=4, bbox_size=(y_dim // 4, y_dim // 4))
    bbt = 2
    if (x_dim < 100 and y_dim < 100):
        bbt = 1


    # Threshold
    img.salience_map = np.where(img.salience_map > tf, img.salience_map, 0)

Example #4
    # Open test images as 8-bit RGB values - Time ~0.0778813
    file = "./SMW_Test_Image.png"
    mario = foai.imageObject(file)
    file = "./AIM/eyetrackingdata/original_images/22.jpg"
    banana = foai.imageObject(file)
    file = "./AIM/eyetrackingdata/original_images/120.jpg"
    corner = foai.imageObject(file)

    # Test Image
    testIMG = mario

    # %% Generate Saliency Map

    # Generate Gaussian Blur Prior - Time ~0.0020006
    foveation_prior = foac.matlab_style_gauss2D(testIMG.modified.shape, 300)

    # Generate Gamma Kernel
    kernel = foac.gamma_kernel(testIMG)

    # Generate Saliency Map
    start = time.time()
    foac.foa_convolution(testIMG, kernel, foveation_prior)
    stop = time.time()
    print("Salience Map Generation: ", stop - start, " seconds")

    # Bound and Rank the most Salient Regions of Saliency Map
    foas.salience_scan(testIMG, rankCount=5)

    # %% Plot Results
    output_patch = file + '_patch_' + '.mp4'

    # Create temporary image directory
    os.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)

    # Read first frame
    success, image =
    print("FIRST READ SUCCESS: ", success)

    # Get image dimensions: Mario - 224x256x3
    height, width, channels = image.shape
    print("H: ", height, "W: ", width, "C: ", channels)
    start = time.time()

    # Generate Gaussian Blur Prior - Time ~0.0020006
    prior = foac.matlab_style_gauss2D(image.shape, 300)

    # Generate Gamma Kernel
    image_curr = foai.ImageObject(image, fc=frame)
    image_prev = image_curr
    image_prev.salience_map = np.zeros(image_prev.original.shape[:-1])
    kernel = foac.gamma_kernel(image_curr)

    # Step through each movie frame
    while success:
        frame += 1
        image_name = str(frame) + ext
        image_curr = foai.ImageObject(image, fc=frame)

        # Generate Saliency Map with Gamma Filter
        foac.convolution(image_curr, kernel, prior)
Example #6
def salience_scan(image=ImageObject, rank_count=4, bbox_size=(32, 32)):
    """ Saliency Map Scan

    Scan through the saliency map with a square region to find the
    most salient pieces of the image. Done by picking the maximally intense
    picture and bounding the area around it

    image - ImageObject being scanned
    rankCount - Number of objects to acquire before stopping
    boundLength - Length and width of the square saliency region """

    # Copy salience map for processing
    smap = np.copy(image.salience_map)
    image.patched_sequence = np.empty((0, smap.shape[0], smap.shape[1]))

    # Create an inverse Gaussian kernel for removing salient regions
    inverse_gauss = matlab_style_gauss2D(bbox_size, sigma=28, inverse=True)

    # Pick out the top 'rankCount' maximally intense regions
    for i in range(rank_count):

        # # Copy and Reshape saliency map
        temp_smap = np.copy(smap)
        temp_smap = np.reshape(temp_smap, (1, smap.shape[0], smap.shape[1]))

        # Append modified saliency map
        image.patched_sequence = np.vstack((image.patched_sequence, temp_smap))

        # Grab Maximally Intense Pixel Coordinates (Object Center)
        indices = np.where(smap == smap.max())
            R = indices[0][0]  # Row
            C = indices[1][0]  # Column
        except IndexError:
            if (i == 1):
                print("Image has no variation, might just be black")
            R = bbox_size[0]
            C = bbox_size[1]

        # Get bounding box coordinates for object
        coords = build_bounding_box([R, C], temp_smap, bbox_size)
        # print(f"Coords {i}: {coords}")

        # Add coordinates to member list on the image object

        # "Zero" the maximally intense region to avoid selecting it again
        R1 = coords["top_left"][0]
        C1 = coords["top_left"][1]
        R2 = coords["bottom_right"][0]
        C2 = coords["bottom_right"][1]

        # Sum up and find the average intensity of the region
        pixel_intensity_sum = 0

        # Traverse through identified region
        for j in range(R1, R2):
            for k in range(C1, C2):
                x_dim = image.original.shape[0]
                y_dim = image.original.shape[1]
                if ((j < x_dim) and (k < y_dim)):
                    pixel_intensity_sum += image.salience_map[j][k]
                    # smap[j][k] = 0  # Zero out pixel
                    smap[j][k] *= inverse_gauss[R2 - j - 1][C2 - k - 1]