Example #1
    def create_map(self, path='map.html', plugin_data_out=True, template=None):
        '''Write Map output to HTML and data output to JSON if available

        path: string, default 'map.html'
            Path for HTML output for map
        plugin_data_out: boolean, default True
            If using plugins such as awesome markers, write all plugin
            data such as JS/CSS/images to path
        template: string, default None
            Custom template to render

        self.map_path = path

        with codecs.open(path, 'w', 'utf8') as f:

        if self.json_data:
            for path, data in iteritems(self.json_data):
                with open(path, 'w') as g:
                    json.dump(data, g)

        if self.plugins and plugin_data_out:
            for name, plugin in iteritems(self.plugins):
                with open(name, 'w') as f:
                    if isinstance(plugin, binary_type):
                        plugin = text_type(plugin, 'utf8')
Example #2
    def create_map(self, path='map.html', plugin_data_out=True, template=None):
        """Write Map output to HTML and data output to JSON if available.

        path: string, default 'map.html'
            Path for HTML output for map
        plugin_data_out: boolean, default True
            If using plugins such as awesome markers, write all plugin
            data such as JS/CSS/images to path
        template: string, default None
            Custom template to render

        self.map_path = path

        with codecs.open(path, 'w', 'utf8') as f:

        if self.json_data:
            for path, data in iteritems(self.json_data):
                with open(path, 'w') as g:
                    json.dump(data, g)

        if self.plugins and plugin_data_out:
            for name, plugin in iteritems(self.plugins):
                with open(name, 'w') as f:
                    if isinstance(plugin, binary_type):
                        plugin = text_type(plugin, 'utf8')
Example #3
    def __init__(self, location=None, width=960, height=500,
                 tiles='OpenStreetMap', API_key=None, max_zoom=18, min_zoom=1,
                 zoom_start=10, attr=None, min_lat=-90, max_lat=90,
                 min_lon=-180, max_lon=180):
        '''Create a Map with Folium and Leaflet.js

        Generate a base map of given width and height with either default
        tilesets or a custom tileset URL. The following tilesets are built-in
        to Folium. Pass any of the following to the "tiles" keyword:
            -"MapQuest Open"
            -"MapQuest Open Aerial"
            -"Mapbox Bright" (Limited levels of zoom for free tiles)
            -"Mapbox Control Room" (Limited levels of zoom for free tiles)
            -"Stamen Terrain"
            -"Stamen Toner"
            -"Cloudmade" (Must pass API key)
            -"Mapbox" (Must pass API key)
        You can pass a custom tileset to Folium by passing a Leaflet-style
        URL to the tiles parameter:

        location: tuple or list, default None
            Latitude and Longitude of Map (Northing, Easting).
        width: int, default 960
            Width of the map.
        height: int, default 500
            Height of the map.
        tiles: str, default 'OpenStreetMap'
            Map tileset to use. Can use defaults or pass a custom URL.
        API_key: str, default None
            API key for Cloudmade or Mapbox tiles.
        max_zoom: int, default 18
            Maximum zoom depth for the map.
        zoom_start: int, default 10
            Initial zoom level for the map.
        attr: string, default None
            Map tile attribution; only required if passing custom tile URL.

        Folium Map Object

        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675], width=750, height=500)
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675],
                            tiles='Mapbox Control Room')
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=(45.523, -122.675), max_zoom=20,
                            tiles='Cloudmade', API_key='YourKey')
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675], zoom_start=2,
                            attr='Mapbox attribution')


        self.map_path = None
        self.render_iframe = False
        self.map_type = 'base'
        self.map_id = '_'.join(['folium', uuid4().hex])

        #Mark counter, JSON, Plugins
        self.mark_cnt = {}
        self.json_data = {}
        self.plugins = {}

        if not location:
            raise ValueError('You must pass a Lat/Lon location to initialize'
                             ' your map')
        self.location = location

        #Map Size Parameters
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.map_size = {'width': width, 'height': height}
        self._size = ('style="width: {0}px; height: {1}px"'
                      .format(width, height))

        self.env = ENV
        self.template_vars = dict(lat=location[0],

        self.tiles = ''.join(tiles.lower().strip().split())
        if self.tiles in ('cloudmade', 'mapbox') and not API_key:
            raise ValueError('You must pass an API key if using Cloudmade'
                             ' or non-default Mapbox tiles.')

        self.default_tiles = ['openstreetmap', 'mapboxcontrolroom',
                              'mapquestopen', 'mapquestopenaerial',
                              'mapboxbright', 'mapbox', 'cloudmade',
                              'stamenterrain', 'stamentoner']
        self.tile_types = {}
        for tile in self.default_tiles:
            tile_path = 'tiles/%s' % tile
            self.tile_types[tile] = {
                'templ': self.env.get_template('%s/%s' % (tile_path,
                'attr': self.env.get_template('%s/%s' % (tile_path,

        if self.tiles in self.tile_types:
            self.template_vars['Tiles'] = (self.tile_types[self.tiles]['templ']
            self.template_vars['attr'] = (self.tile_types[self.tiles]['attr']
            self.template_vars['Tiles'] = tiles
            if not attr:
                raise ValueError('Custom tiles must'
                                 ' also be passed an attribution')
            if isinstance(attr, binary_type):
                attr = text_type(attr, 'utf8')
            self.template_vars['attr'] = attr
            self.tile_types.update({'Custom': {'template': tiles,
                                               'attr': attr}})

        self.added_layers = []
        self.template_vars.setdefault('wms_layers', [])
        self.template_vars.setdefault('tile_layers', [])
Example #4
    def __init__(self, location=None, width='100%', height='100%',
                 tiles='OpenStreetMap', API_key=None, max_zoom=18, min_zoom=1,
                 zoom_start=10, attr=None, min_lat=-90, max_lat=90,
                 min_lon=-180, max_lon=180):
        """Create a Map with Folium and Leaflet.js

        Generate a base map of given width and height with either default
        tilesets or a custom tileset URL. The following tilesets are built-in
        to Folium. Pass any of the following to the "tiles" keyword:
            - "OpenStreetMap"
            - "MapQuest Open"
            - "MapQuest Open Aerial"
            - "Mapbox Bright" (Limited levels of zoom for free tiles)
            - "Mapbox Control Room" (Limited levels of zoom for free tiles)
            - "Stamen" (Terrain, Toner, and Watercolor)
            - "Cloudmade" (Must pass API key)
            - "Mapbox" (Must pass API key)
            - "CartoDB" (positron and dark_matter)
        You can pass a custom tileset to Folium by passing a Leaflet-style
        URL to the tiles parameter:

        location: tuple or list, default None
            Latitude and Longitude of Map (Northing, Easting).
        width: pixel int or percentage string (default: '100%')
            Width of the map.
        height: pixel int or percentage string (default: '100%')
            Height of the map.
        tiles: str, default 'OpenStreetMap'
            Map tileset to use. Can use defaults or pass a custom URL.
        API_key: str, default None
            API key for Cloudmade or Mapbox tiles.
        max_zoom: int, default 18
            Maximum zoom depth for the map.
        zoom_start: int, default 10
            Initial zoom level for the map.
        attr: string, default None
            Map tile attribution; only required if passing custom tile URL.

        Folium Map Object

        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675], width=750, height=500)
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675],
                            tiles='Mapbox Control Room')
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=(45.523, -122.675), max_zoom=20,
                            tiles='Cloudmade', API_key='YourKey')
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675], zoom_start=2,
                            attr='Mapbox attribution')


        # Inits.
        self.map_path = None
        self.render_iframe = False
        self.map_type = 'base'
        self.map_id = '_'.join(['folium', uuid4().hex])

        # Mark counter, JSON, Plugins.
        self.mark_cnt = {}
        self.json_data = {}
        self.plugins = {}

        # No location means we will use automatic bounds and ignore zoom
        self.location = location

        # If location is not passed, we center the map at 0,0
        if not location:
            location = [0, 0]
            zoom_start = min_zoom

        # Map Size Parameters.
            if isinstance(width, int):
                width_type = 'px'
                assert width > 0
                width_type = '%'
                width = int(width.strip('%'))
                assert 0 <= width <= 100
            msg = "Cannot parse width {!r} as {!r}".format
            raise ValueError(msg(width, width_type))
        self.width = width

            if isinstance(height, int):
                height_type = 'px'
                assert height > 0
                height_type = '%'
                height = int(height.strip('%'))
                assert 0 <= height <= 100
            msg = "Cannot parse height {!r} as {!r}".format
            raise ValueError(msg(height, height_type))
        self.height = height

        self.map_size = {'width': width, 'height': height}
        self._size = ('style="width: {0}{1}; height: {2}{3}"'
                      .format(width, width_type, height, height_type))
        # Templates.
        self.env = ENV
        self.template_vars = dict(lat=location[0],

        # Tiles.
        self.tiles = ''.join(tiles.lower().strip().split())
        if self.tiles in ('cloudmade', 'mapbox') and not API_key:
            raise ValueError('You must pass an API key if using Cloudmade'
                             ' or non-default Mapbox tiles.')

        self.default_tiles = ['openstreetmap', 'mapboxcontrolroom',
                              'mapquestopen', 'mapquestopenaerial',
                              'mapboxbright', 'mapbox', 'cloudmade',
                              'stamenterrain', 'stamentoner',
                              'cartodbpositron', 'cartodbdark_matter']

        self.tile_types = {}
        for tile in self.default_tiles:
            tile_path = 'tiles/%s' % tile
            self.tile_types[tile] = {
                'templ': self.env.get_template('%s/%s' % (tile_path,
                'attr': self.env.get_template('%s/%s' % (tile_path,

        if self.tiles in self.tile_types:
            self.template_vars['Tiles'] = (self.tile_types[self.tiles]['templ']
            self.template_vars['attr'] = (self.tile_types[self.tiles]['attr']
            self.template_vars['Tiles'] = tiles
            if not attr:
                raise ValueError('Custom tiles must'
                                 ' also be passed an attribution')
            if isinstance(attr, binary_type):
                attr = text_type(attr, 'utf8')
            self.template_vars['attr'] = attr
            self.tile_types.update({'Custom': {'template': tiles,
                                               'attr': attr}})

        self.added_layers = []
        self.template_vars.setdefault('wms_layers', [])
        self.template_vars.setdefault('tile_layers', [])
        self.template_vars.setdefault('image_layers', [])
Example #5
    def __init__(self, location=None, width=960, height=500,
                 tiles='OpenStreetMap', API_key=None, max_zoom=18,
                 zoom_start=10, attr=None):
        '''Create a Map with Folium and Leaflet.js

        Generate a base map of given width and height with either default
        tilesets or a custom tileset URL. The following tilesets are built-in
        to Folium. Pass any of the following to the "tiles" keyword:
            -"MapQuest Open"
            -"MapQuest Open Aerial"
            -"Mapbox Bright" (Limited levels of zoom for free tiles)
            -"Mapbox Control Room" (Limited levels of zoom for free tiles)
            -"Stamen Terrain"
            -"Stamen Toner"
            -"Cloudmade" (Must pass API key)
            -"Mapbox" (Must pass API key)
        You can pass a custom tileset to Folium by passing a Leaflet-style
        URL to the tiles parameter:

        location: tuple or list, default None
            Latitude and Longitude of Map (Northing, Easting).
        width: int, default 960
            Width of the map.
        height: int, default 500
            Height of the map.
        tiles: str, default 'OpenStreetMap'
            Map tileset to use. Can use defaults or pass a custom URL.
        API_key: str, default None
            API key for Cloudmade or Mapbox tiles.
        max_zoom: int, default 18
            Maximum zoom depth for the map.
        zoom_start: int, default 10
            Initial zoom level for the map.
        attr: string, default None
            Map tile attribution; only required if passing custom tile URL.

        Folium Map Object

        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675], width=750, height=500)
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675],
                            tiles='Mapbox Control Room')
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=(45.523, -122.675), max_zoom=20,
                            tiles='Cloudmade', API_key='YourKey')
        >>>map = folium.Map(location=[45.523, -122.675], zoom_start=2,
                            attr='Mapbox attribution')


        self.map_path = None
        self.render_iframe = False
        self.map_type = 'base'
        self.map_id = '_'.join(['folium', uuid4().hex])

        #Mark counter, JSON, Plugins
        self.mark_cnt = {}
        self.json_data = {}
        self.plugins = {}

        if not location:
            raise ValueError('You must pass a Lat/Lon location to initialize'
                             ' your map')
        self.location = location

        #Map Size Parameters
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.map_size = {'width': width, 'height': height}
        self._size = ('style="width: {0}px; height: {1}px"'
                      .format(width, height))

        self.env = ENV
        self.template_vars = {'lat': location[0], 'lon': location[1],
                              'size': self._size, 'max_zoom': max_zoom,
                              'zoom_level': zoom_start,
                              'map_id': self.map_id}

        self.tiles = ''.join(tiles.lower().strip().split())
        if self.tiles in ('cloudmade', 'mapbox') and not API_key:
            raise ValueError('You must pass an API key if using Cloudmade'
                             ' or non-default Mapbox tiles.')

        self.default_tiles = ['openstreetmap', 'mapboxcontrolroom',
                              'mapquestopen', 'mapquestopenaerial',
                              'mapboxbright', 'mapbox', 'cloudmade',
                              'stamenterrain', 'stamentoner']
        self.tile_types = {}
        for tile in self.default_tiles:
            join_tile_path = functools.partial(os.path.join, 'tiles', tile)
            self.tile_types[tile] = {
                'templ': self.env.get_template(join_tile_path('tiles.txt')),
                'attr': self.env.get_template(join_tile_path('attr.txt')),

        if self.tiles in self.tile_types:
            self.template_vars['Tiles'] = (self.tile_types[self.tiles]['templ']
            self.template_vars['attr'] = (self.tile_types[self.tiles]['attr']
            self.template_vars['Tiles'] = tiles
            if not attr:
                raise ValueError('Custom tiles must'
                                 ' also be passed an attribution')
            if isinstance(attr, binary_type):
                attr = text_type(attr, 'utf8')
            self.template_vars['attr'] = attr
            self.tile_types.update({'Custom': {'template': tiles,
                                               'attr': attr}})

        self.added_layers = []
        self.template_vars.setdefault('wms_layers', [])
        self.template_vars.setdefault('tile_layers', [])