def test_mulyipolyline(): m = Map() locations = [[[45.51, -122.68], [37.77, -122.43], [34.04, -118.2]], [[40.78, -73.91], [41.83, -87.62], [32.76, -96.72]]] multipolyline = PolyLine(locations=locations, popup='MultiPolyLine') multipolyline.add_to(m) expected_options = { 'smoothFactor': 1.0, 'noClip': False, 'bubblingMouseEvents': True, 'color': '#3388ff', 'dashArray': None, 'dashOffset': None, 'fill': False, 'fillColor': '#3388ff', 'fillOpacity': 0.2, 'fillRule': 'evenodd', 'lineCap': 'round', 'lineJoin': 'round', 'opacity': 1.0, 'stroke': True, 'weight': 3, } m._repr_html_() expected_rendered = """ var {name} = L.polyline( {locations}, {{ "bubblingMouseEvents": true, "color": "#3388ff", "dashArray": null, "dashOffset": null, "fill": false, "fillColor": "#3388ff", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "fillRule": "evenodd", "lineCap": "round", "lineJoin": "round", "noClip": false, "opacity": 1.0, "smoothFactor": 1.0, "stroke": true, "weight": 3 }} ) .addTo({map}); """.format(locations=locations, name=multipolyline.get_name(), map=m.get_name()) rendered = multipolyline._template.module.script(multipolyline) assert normalize(rendered) == normalize(expected_rendered) assert multipolyline.get_bounds() == get_bounds(locations) assert json.dumps(multipolyline.to_dict()) == multipolyline.to_json() assert multipolyline.options == expected_options
def test_polyline(): m = Map() locations = [[40, -80], [45, -80]] polyline = PolyLine(locations=locations, popup='I am PolyLine') polyline.add_to(m) expected_options = { 'smoothFactor': 1.0, 'noClip': False, 'bubblingMouseEvents': True, 'color': '#3388ff', 'dashArray': None, 'dashOffset': None, 'fill': False, 'fillColor': '#3388ff', 'fillOpacity': 0.2, 'fillRule': 'evenodd', 'lineCap': 'round', 'lineJoin': 'round', 'opacity': 1.0, 'stroke': True, 'weight': 3, } m._repr_html_() expected_rendered = """ var {name} = L.polyline( {locations}, {{ "bubblingMouseEvents": true, "color": "#3388ff", "dashArray": null, "dashOffset": null, "fill": false, "fillColor": "#3388ff", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "fillRule": "evenodd", "lineCap": "round", "lineJoin": "round", "noClip": false, "opacity": 1.0, "smoothFactor": 1.0, "stroke": true, "weight": 3 }} ) .addTo({map}); """.format(locations=locations, name=polyline.get_name(), map=m.get_name()) rendered = polyline._template.module.script(polyline) assert _normalize(rendered) == _normalize(expected_rendered) assert polyline.get_bounds() == get_bounds(locations) assert json.dumps(polyline.to_dict()) == polyline.to_json() assert polyline.options == json.dumps(expected_options, sort_keys=True, indent=2) # noqa
def test_polyline(): m = Map() locations = [[40.0, -80.0], [45.0, -80.0]] polyline = PolyLine(locations=locations, popup='I am PolyLine') polyline.add_to(m) expected_options = { 'smoothFactor': 1.0, 'noClip': False, 'bubblingMouseEvents': True, 'color': '#3388ff', 'dashArray': None, 'dashOffset': None, 'fill': False, 'fillColor': '#3388ff', 'fillOpacity': 0.2, 'fillRule': 'evenodd', 'lineCap': 'round', 'lineJoin': 'round', 'opacity': 1.0, 'stroke': True, 'weight': 3, } m._repr_html_() expected_rendered = """ var {name} = L.polyline( {locations}, {{ "bubblingMouseEvents": true, "color": "#3388ff", "dashArray": null, "dashOffset": null, "fill": false, "fillColor": "#3388ff", "fillOpacity": 0.2, "fillRule": "evenodd", "lineCap": "round", "lineJoin": "round", "noClip": false, "opacity": 1.0, "smoothFactor": 1.0, "stroke": true, "weight": 3 }} ) .addTo({map}); """.format(locations=locations, name=polyline.get_name(), map=m.get_name()) rendered = polyline._template.module.script(polyline) assert normalize(rendered) == normalize(expected_rendered) assert polyline.get_bounds() == get_bounds(locations) assert json.dumps(polyline.to_dict()) == polyline.to_json() assert polyline.options == expected_options
def __init__(self, positions, colors, colormap=None, nb_steps=12, weight=None, opacity=None, **kwargs): super(ColorLine, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._name = 'ColorLine' if colormap is None: cm = LinearColormap( ['green', 'yellow', 'red'], vmin=min(colors), vmax=max(colors), ).to_step(nb_steps) elif isinstance(colormap, LinearColormap): cm = colormap.to_step(nb_steps) elif isinstance(colormap, list) or isinstance(colormap, tuple): cm = LinearColormap( colormap, vmin=min(colors), vmax=max(colors), ).to_step(nb_steps) else: cm = colormap out = {} for (lat1, lng1), (lat2, lng2), color in zip(positions[:-1], positions[1:], colors): # noqa out.setdefault(cm(color), []).append([[lat1, lng1], [lat2, lng2]]) for key, val in out.items(): self.add_child( PolyLine(val, color=key, weight=weight, opacity=opacity)) # noqa
roads = roads.to_crs(epsg=4326) # reproject to WGS84 RoadsLayer = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Roads") RoadsLayer.add_child(folium.GeoJson(roads, style_function=lambda feature:{ 'fillColor': 'blue', 'fillOpacity': 0.6, 'weight': 4, 'color': 'darkblue' })) wageningenMap.add_child(RoadsLayer) # Create layer, add polyline and add layer to map RouteLayer = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Route from campus to shopping center") polylineLocations = [[51.987384, 5.666505], [51.986899, 5.666848], [51.985501, 5.661650], [51.981741, 5.664579], [51.979521, 5.664321], [51.979455, 5.663795], [51.979078, 5.663753], [51.978761, 5.663023]] RouteLayer.add_child(PolyLine(locations=polylineLocations, popup="Path from Gaia to Shopping Center", color="red", weight=2.5, opacity=1)) wageningenMap.add_child(RouteLayer) # Overlay raster on top of map orthophotoLayer = folium.FeatureGroup(name="Infrared Orthophoto of Wageningen") orthophotoLayer.add_child(ImageOverlay(imageFilename, [[min_lat, min_lon], [max_lat, max_lon]], opacity=0.6)) wageningenMap.add_child(orthophotoLayer) # Add measurement control and layer control wageningenMap.add_child(MeasureControl()) wageningenMap.add_child(folium.LayerControl()) # Visualize map wageningenMap # Jupyter Notebook allows interactive visualization in the Notebook'output/wageningenMap.html') # The folium map can be stored as an HTML file and viewed by opening the HTML file