def main(BP): klt_node = 'i' #The node, where the KLT should be dropped klt = False #Determine the shortest route through Dijkstra shortestWay1 = Dijkstra.dijkstra('a', klt_node) shortestWay2 = Dijkstra.dijkstra(klt_node, 'o') shortestWay2.pop(0) shortestWay = shortestWay1 + ["klt"] + shortestWay2 print('My route: ' + str(shortestWay)) shortestWay.pop(0) #Move the robot to the startnode ################ stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 400, 7, 0.01, [5]) if stop == "Red": #functions.driveforward_mm(BP, functions.marker_offset) print("Startkoten erreicht") #Build a loop which leads the robot through the network by using the route calculated above by Dijkstra ################ #Your code here# ################ while len(shortestWay) != 0: find_new_path(BP, shortestWay, klt_node) print("Naechster Node") stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 400, 7, 0.01, [5])
def main(BP): beladen = False barcode = "" while not barcode: barcode = functions.barcodescanner() print("Barcode:",barcode) stop = follower.line_follower(BP,400,7,0.01,[2]) while True: if stop == "Blue" and not beladen: print("Blau gefunden") functions.driveforward_mm(BP, functions.marker_offset) functions.turn(BP, 90) if barcode == functions.barcodescanner(): print("Ladevorgang") functions.lift_klt(BP) beladen = True functions.turn(BP, -90) stop = follower.line_follower(BP,400,7,0.01,[5]) continue print("Falscher KLT") functions.turn(BP, -90) stop = follower.line_follower(BP,400,7,0.01,[2]) if stop == "Red": print("Fertig") break
def main(BP): dist_x = 1060 dist_y = 1000 x = math.sqrt(dist_x**2 + dist_y**2) alpha = math.atan(dist_x / dist_y) / math.pi * 180 * 0.97 follower.line_follower(BP, 250, 7, 0.01, [2]) functions.driveforward_mm(BP, 120) functions.turn(BP, -alpha) time.sleep(1) fahren_bis(BP, x)
def main(BP): #Set Start- and endpoint start = [] end = [] stop = follower.line_follower(BP,120,1,0.001,[2]) #Follow the calculated, imaginary line #Calculate the starting angle angle = atan((end[1]-start[1])/(end[0]-start[0])) angle_deg = angle*180/pi print('Starting Angle: ' + str(angle_deg)) #Calculate the distance to the endpoint distance = sqrt((end[1]-start[1])**2 + (end[0]-start[0])**2) print('Distance: ' + str(distance)) #Turn into the right direction functions.turn(BP,-angle_deg) #Set encoder and startposition enc_right_prev = BP.get_motor_encoder(BP.PORT_A) enc_left_prev = BP.get_motor_encoder(BP.PORT_D) x = start[0] y = start[1] #While the endpoint is not reached -> Drive endpoint = False BP.set_motor_dps(BP.PORT_A, 300) BP.set_motor_dps(BP.PORT_D, 300) while endpoint is False: time.sleep(0.1) try: # ... your code for recognize obstacle... except brickpi3.SensorError as error: print (error) #ODOMETRY# #Read encoders #Calculate the distance #Odometry for straight movement #Set variables for the next iteration #Check, if endpoint is reached #Error of 5mm is allowed print('Made it! Coordinates: ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y))
def main(BP, target_form): beladen = True stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 400, 7, 0.01, [2]) while True: if stop == "Blue" and beladen: print("Blau gefunden") functions.driveforward_mm(BP, functions.marker_offset) functions.turn(BP, 90) if functions.shape_detection(target_form): print("Ladevorgang") functions.drop_klt(BP) beladen = False functions.turn(BP, -90) stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 250, 7, 0.01, [5]) continue print("Falscher Abladeort") functions.turn(BP, -90) stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 400, 7, 0.01, [2]) if stop == "Red": print("Fertig") break
def main(BP): while True: stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 300, 7, 0.01, [5]) if stop == "Obstacle": print("Warte 5 sek") time.sleep(5) if BP.get_sensor(BP.PORT_1) <= 15: print("Umfahre Hindernis") avoid_obst(BP) continue else: print("Fahre weiter") else: break
def main(BP): BROKER = "" TOPIC = "raspi5" stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 300, 7, 0.01, [2]) functions.mqtt_pub("Angekommen", BROKER, TOPIC) print("Angekommen published") #BP.set_motor_position_relative(BP.PORT_B, 900) time.sleep(0.5) found = False forms = ["Circle", "Rectangle", "Triangle", "Ellipse", "Tentagon"] while not found: msg = functions.read_mqtt(BROKER, TOPIC) print("Msg gelesen:", msg) for i in forms: if msg in i: found = True print("Nachricht ist enthalten") break else: print("Form nicht enthalten") print("Weiter") stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 150, 7, 0.01, [5]) return msg
# INITS BP = brickpi3.BrickPi3() BP.set_motor_limits(BP.PORT_A, dps=300) BP.set_motor_limits(BP.PORT_D, dps=300) BP.set_motor_limits(BP.PORT_B, dps=400) BP.set_sensor_type(BP.PORT_1, BP.SENSOR_TYPE.EV3_ULTRASONIC_CM) BP.set_sensor_type(BP.PORT_2, BP.SENSOR_TYPE.EV3_ULTRASONIC_CM) BP.set_sensor_type(BP.PORT_3, BP.SENSOR_TYPE.EV3_COLOR_REFLECTED) BP.set_sensor_type(BP.PORT_4, BP.SENSOR_TYPE.EV3_COLOR_COLOR) time.sleep(3) target_form = 'Circle' #Init for Task7 # Main loop - start from anywhere! try: while True: stop = follower.line_follower(BP, 150, 7, 0.01, [5]) # Follow the line to the next red marker if stop == 'Red': task_number = 0 functions.turn(BP, -90) print('searching for task number') # Checking task number while task_number == 0: task_number = int(functions.barcodescanner()) time.sleep(0.01) print("recognized task: " + str(task_number)) functions.turn(BP, 90) #Ensures that only for valid tasks marker is passed for i in range(1, 8, 1):