async def test_quote_unquote(tmp_path): dr = directory_resource(path=tmp_path, value_type=bytes, extension=".bin", writeable=True) key = "resource%identifier" value = b"body" await dr[key].put(value) await dr[key].get() == value await dr[key].delete()
async def test_decode_error(tmp_path): dir = str(tmp_path) dr = directory_resource(path=dir, value_type=int, extension=".int", writeable=True) await dr["1"].put(1) with open(f"{dir}/", "w") as f: f.write("a") with pytest.raises(InternalServerError): await dr["1"].get()
async def test_read_package_dir(): import tests path = importlib.resources.files(tests) / "test_file" dr = directory_resource(path=path, value_type=str, extension=".txt") files = [f async for f in paginate(dr.get)] assert files == ["f1", "f2"] assert await dr["f1"].get() == "file1" assert await dr["f2"].get() == "file2"
async def test_compression(tmp_path): DC = make_dataclass("DC", (("key", str), ("foo", str), ("bar", int))) for algorithm in (None, bz2, gzip, lzma, zlib): path = tmp_path / (algorithm.__name__ if algorithm else "None") path.mkdir() dr = directory_resource(path=path, value_type=DC, compress=algorithm, writeable=True) r1 = DC(key="id1", foo="hello", bar=1) await dr["id1"].put(r1) r2 = await dr["id1"].get() assert r2 == r1
async def test_crud_bytes(tmp_path): dr = directory_resource(path=tmp_path, value_type=bytes, extension=".bin", writeable=True) key = "binary" value = b"\x00\x0e\x01\x01\x00" await dr[key].put(value) assert (await dr.get()).items == [key] assert await dr[key].get() == value value = bytes((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) await dr[key].put(value) assert await dr[key].get() == value await dr[key].delete() assert (await dr.get()).items == []
async def test_crud_str(tmp_path): dr = directory_resource(path=tmp_path, value_type=str, writeable=True) key = "hello_world" value = "你好,世界!" await dr[key].put(value) assert (await dr.get()).items == [key] assert await dr[key].get() == value value = "さようなら世界!" await dr[key].put(value) assert await dr[key].get() == value await dr[key].delete() assert (await dr.get()).items == []
async def test_pagination(tmp_path): dir = str(tmp_path) count = 1000 for n in range(0, count): with open(f"{dir}/{n:04d}.txt", "w") as file: file.write(f"{n:04d}") dr = directory_resource(path=dir, value_type=str, extension=".txt", writeable=True) page = await dr.get(limit=100) assert len(page.items) == 100 assert page.remaining == count - 100 page = await dr.get(limit=100, cursor=page.cursor) assert len(page.items) == 100 assert page.remaining == count - 200 assert len([v async for v in paginate(dr.get)]) == count
async def test_invalid_directory(): with TemporaryDirectory() as dir: dr = directory_resource(path=dir, value_type=bytes, extension=".bin", writeable=True) # directory should now be deleted underneath the resource key = "resource%identifier" value = b"body" with pytest.raises(InternalServerError): await dr[key].put(value) with pytest.raises(NotFoundError): await dr[key].get() with pytest.raises(NotFoundError): await dr[key].delete() with pytest.raises(InternalServerError): await dr.get()
async def test_crud_dict(tmp_path): DC = make_dataclass("DC", (("key", str), ("foo", str), ("bar", int))) dr = directory_resource(path=tmp_path, value_type=DC, writeable=True) key = "id1" r1 = DC(key=key, foo="hello", bar=1) await dr[key].put(r1) assert (await dr.get()).items == [r1.key] r2 = await dr[key].get() assert r1 == r2 = 2 await dr[key].put(r1) r2 = await dr[key].get() assert r1 == r2 await dr[key].delete() assert (await dr.get()).items == []
async def test_crud_uuid_key(tmp_path): dir = str(tmp_path) dr = directory_resource( path=dir, key_type=uuid.UUID, value_type=bytes, extension=".bin", writeable=True ) key = uuid.UUID("74e47a84-183c-43d3-b934-3568504a7459") value = b"\x00\x0e\x01\x01\x00" await dr[key].put(value) with open(f"{dir}/{str(key)}.bin", "rb") as file: assert == value assert (await dr.get()).items == [key] assert await dr[key].get() == value value = bytes((1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) await dr[key].put(value) assert await dr[key].get() == value await dr[key].delete() assert (await dr.get()).items == []
async def test_traversal_attack(tmp_path): main_path = tmp_path / "main" main_path.mkdir() subdir_path = main_path / "subdir" subdir_path.mkdir() with (tmp_path / "forbidden.txt").open("w") as file: file.write("forbidden") with (subdir_path / "forbidden.txt").open("w") as file: file.write("forbidden") with (main_path / "permitted.txt").open("w") as file: file.write("permitted") dr = directory_resource(path=main_path, value_type=str) with pytest.raises(NotFoundError): await dr["subdir/forbidden.txt"].get() with pytest.raises(NotFoundError): await dr["../forbidden.txt"].get() assert await dr["permitted.txt"].get() == "permitted"
async def test_crud_stream(tmp_path): dr = directory_resource(path=tmp_path, writeable=True) key = "hello_world.txt" value = b"\x01\x02\x03" await dr[key].put(BytesStream(value)) result = await dr[key].get() assert result.content_type == "text/plain" # from .txt extension assert b"".join([b async for b in result]) == value value = b"\x04\x05\x06" await dr[key].put(BytesStream(value)) assert b"".join([b async for b in await dr[key].get()]) == value await dr[key].delete() assert (await dr.get()).items == [] key = "foo.json" value = b'{"a": 123}' await dr[key].put(BytesStream(value)) result = await dr[key].get() assert result.content_type == "application/json" # from .json extension assert b"".join([b async for b in result]) == value
async def test_crud_missing_dir(tmp_path): with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError): dr = directory_resource(tmp_path / "missing")
async def test_quotable(tmp_path): dr = directory_resource(path=tmp_path, value_type=str, writeable=True) key = "1%2F2" value = "Value" await dr[key].put(value) assert await dr[key].get() == value