Example #1
    def getOrCreateNameRecord(self, nameId, val):
        logger.error('NAMEID {}: "{}"'.format(nameId, val))

        result_namerec = None
        for k, p in [[1, 0], [3, 1]]:
            result_namerec = self.font['name'].getName(nameId, k, p)
            if result_namerec:
                result_namerec.string = (val or '').encode(

        if result_namerec:
            return result_namerec

        ot_namerecord = NameRecord()
        ot_namerecord.nameID = nameId
        ot_namerecord.platformID = 3
        ot_namerecord.langID = 0x409
        # When building a Unicode font for Windows, the platform ID
        # should be 3 and the encoding ID should be 1
        ot_namerecord.platEncID = 1
        ot_namerecord.string = (val or '').encode(ot_namerecord.getEncoding())

        return ot_namerecord
Example #2
    def getOrCreateNameRecord(self, nameId, val):
        logger.error('NAMEID {}: "{}"'.format(nameId, val))

        result_namerec = None
        for k, p in [[1, 0], [3, 1]]:
            result_namerec = self.font['name'].getName(nameId, k, p)
            if result_namerec:
                result_namerec.string = (val or '').encode(

        if result_namerec:
            return result_namerec

        ot_namerecord = NameRecord()
        ot_namerecord.nameID = nameId
        ot_namerecord.platformID = 3
        ot_namerecord.langID = 0x409
        # When building a Unicode font for Windows, the platform ID
        # should be 3 and the encoding ID should be 1
        ot_namerecord.platEncID = 1
        ot_namerecord.string = (val or '').encode(ot_namerecord.getEncoding())

        return ot_namerecord
def setValidNameRecord(font, nameId, val):
    result_namerec = None
    for k, p in [[1, 0], [3, 1]]:
        result_namerec = font['name'].getName(nameId, k, p)
        if result_namerec:
            result_namerec.string = (val or '').encode(result_namerec.getEncoding())
    if result_namerec:

    ot_namerecord = NameRecord()
    ot_namerecord.nameID = nameId
    ot_namerecord.platformID = 3
    ot_namerecord.langID = 0x409
    # When building a Unicode font for Windows, the platform ID
    # should be 3 and the encoding ID should be 1
    ot_namerecord.platEncID = 1
    ot_namerecord.string = (val or '').encode(ot_namerecord.getEncoding())

    def setupTable_name(self):
        Make the name table.

        **This should not be called externally.** Subclasses
        may override or supplement this method to handle the
        table creation in a different way if desired.

        font = self.ufo

        familyName = getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "styleMapFamilyName")
        styleName = getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "styleMapStyleName").title()

        # If name ID 2 is "Regular", it can be omitted from name ID 4
        fullName = familyName
        if styleName != "Regular":
            fullName += " %s" % styleName

        nameVals = {
            "0": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "copyright"),
            "1": familyName,
            "2": styleName,
            "3": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameUniqueID"),
            "4": fullName,
            "5": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameVersion"),
            "6": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "postscriptFontName"),
            "7": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "trademark"),
            "8": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameManufacturer"),
            "9": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameDesigner"),
            "10": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameDescription"),
            "11": getAttrWithFallback(font.info,
            "12": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameDesignerURL"),
            "13": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameLicense"),
            "14": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameLicenseURL")

        # don't add typographic names if they are the same as the legacy ones
        typographicFamilyName = getAttrWithFallback(
            font.info, "openTypeNamePreferredFamilyName")
        typographicSubfamilyName = getAttrWithFallback(
            font.info, "openTypeNamePreferredSubfamilyName")
        if nameVals["1"] != typographicFamilyName:
            nameVals["16"] = typographicFamilyName
        if nameVals["2"] != typographicSubfamilyName:
            nameVals["17"] = typographicSubfamilyName

        self.otf["name"] = name = newTable("name")
        name.names = []
        for nameId in sorted(nameVals.keys()):
            nameVal = nameVals[nameId]
            if not nameVal:
            nameIdVal = int(nameId)
            if nameIdVal == 6:
                # postscript font name
                nameVal = normalizeStringForPostscript(nameVal)
            rec = NameRecord()
            rec.platformID = 3
            rec.platEncID = 10 if _isNonBMP(nameVal) else 1
            rec.langID = 0x409
            rec.nameID = nameIdVal
            rec.string = nameVal.encode(rec.getEncoding())
Example #5
    def setupTable_name(self):
        Make the name table.

        **This should not be called externally.** Subclasses
        may override or supplement this method to handle the
        table creation in a different way if desired.

        font = self.ufo

        familyName = getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "styleMapFamilyName")
        styleName = getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "styleMapStyleName").title()

        # If name ID 2 is "Regular", it can be omitted from name ID 4
        fullName = familyName
        if styleName != "Regular":
            fullName += " %s" % styleName

        nameVals = {
            "0": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "copyright"),
            "1": familyName,
            "2": styleName,
            "3": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameUniqueID"),
            "4": fullName,
            "5": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameVersion"),
            "6": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "postscriptFontName"),
            "7": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "trademark"),
            "8": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameManufacturer"),
            "9": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameDesigner"),
            "11": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameManufacturerURL"),
            "12": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameDesignerURL"),
            "13": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameLicense"),
            "14": getAttrWithFallback(font.info, "openTypeNameLicenseURL")}

        # don't add typographic names if they are the same as the legacy ones
        typographicFamilyName = getAttrWithFallback(font.info,
        typographicSubfamilyName = getAttrWithFallback(font.info,
        if nameVals["1"] != typographicFamilyName:
            nameVals["16"] = typographicFamilyName
        if nameVals["2"] != typographicSubfamilyName:
            nameVals["17"] = typographicSubfamilyName

        self.otf["name"] = name = newTable("name")
        name.names = []
        for nameId in sorted(nameVals.keys()):
            nameVal = nameVals[nameId]
            if not nameVal:
            nameIdVal = int(nameId)
            if nameIdVal == 6:
                # postscript font name
                nameVal = normalizeStringForPostscript(nameVal)
            rec = NameRecord()
            rec.platformID = 3
            rec.platEncID = 10 if _isNonBMP(nameVal) else 1
            rec.langID = 0x409
            rec.nameID = nameIdVal
            rec.string = nameVal.encode(rec.getEncoding())
Example #6
def main(configfilepath):
	cfg = Config(configfilepath)
	f = cfg.toBitmapFont()
	otf = ttLib.TTFont()
	otf.importXML(cfg.templateTTXpath, quiet=True)

	dw, dh = cfg.outlineCfg["dotsize_x"], cfg.outlineCfg["dotsize_y"]

	glyphOrder = []

	cff = otf["CFF "].cff
	cffTopDict = cff.topDictIndex[0]
	cffCharStrings = cffTopDict.CharStrings.charStrings = {}
	cffSubrs = cffTopDict.Private.Subrs
	cffSubrs.items = []

	counts = Counter(g.bitmap.advanceWidth for g in f.glyphs).most_common(2)
	defaultWidthX = cffTopDict.Private.defaultWidthX = counts[0][0] * dw
	nominalWidthX = cffTopDict.Private.nominalWidthX = counts[-1][0] * dw

	hmtxTable = otf["hmtx"]
	hmtxTable.metrics = {}
	if "vmtx" in otf:
		vmtxTable = otf["vmtx"]
		vmtxTable.metrics = {}
		vmtxTable = None
	if "VORG" in otf:
		vorgTable = otf["VORG"]
		vorgTable.VOriginRecords = {}
		counts = Counter(g.bitmap.voriginy for g in f.glyphs).most_common(1)
		vorgTable.defaultVertOriginY = int(counts[0][0] * dh)
		vorgTable = None

	vertBearingX = -int(cfg.fontinfo.settings["vertdescent"])

	INFINITY = float("inf")

	bitmap = cfg.generateBitmap
	if bitmap:
		bst = otf["EBLC"].strikes[0].bitmapSizeTable
		eblcIndexSubTables = otf["EBLC"].strikes[0].indexSubTables = []
		ebdtGlyphDict = otf["EBDT"].strikeData[0] = {}

		bst.hori.minOriginSB  = +INFINITY
		bst.hori.minAdvanceSB = +INFINITY
		bst.hori.maxBeforeBL  = -INFINITY
		bst.hori.minAfterBL   = +INFINITY

		bst.vert.minOriginSB  = +INFINITY
		bst.vert.minAdvanceSB = +INFINITY
		bst.vert.maxBeforeBL  = -INFINITY
		bst.vert.minAfterBL   = +INFINITY
		if "EBLC" in otf:
			del otf["EBLC"]
		if "EBDT" in otf:
			del otf["EBDT"]

	cmap = otf["cmap"]

	maxAW = maxAH = 0
	minRSB = minTSB = minBSB = +INFINITY
	maxYExtent = -INFINITY

	shape = cfg.shape()

	subrs = shape.getSubroutines(dw, dh)
	subrl = len(subrs)
	if subrl < 1240:
		bias = 107
	elif subrl < 33900:
		bias = 1131
		bias = 32768

	subrns = range(-bias, subrl - bias)

	for subr in subrs:
		charstring = T2CharString()
		charstring.fromXML("CharString", {}, subr + " return")

	curIndexSubTable = None

	for i, g in enumerate(f.glyphs):
		if g.codepoint != -1:
			addcmap(cmap, g.codepoint, g.name, i)

		aw = g.bitmap.advanceWidth * dw
		ah = g.bitmap.advanceHeight * dh
		if aw != defaultWidthX:
			w = "{} ".format(_intorfloat(aw - nominalWidthX))
			w = ""
		charstring = T2CharString()
		charstring.fromXML("CharString", {}, w + shape.bitmap2charstring(g.bitmap, dw, dh, subrns) + " endchar")
		cffCharStrings[g.name] = charstring

		bbx = shape.getGlyphBBX(g.bitmap, dw, dh)
		hmtxTable[g.name] = (int(aw), int(bbx[0]))
		vorgy = g.bitmap.voriginy * dh
		if vmtxTable is not None:
			vmtxTable[g.name] = (int(ah), int(vorgy - bbx[3]))
		if vorgTable is not None:
			vorgTable[g.name] = int(vorgy)
		fontBBX = [
			min(fontBBX[0], bbx[0]),
			min(fontBBX[1], bbx[1]),
			max(fontBBX[2], bbx[2]),
			max(fontBBX[3], bbx[3])
		maxAW = max(maxAW, aw)
		maxAH = max(maxAH, ah)
		minRSB = min(minRSB, aw - bbx[2])
		minTSB = min(minTSB, vorgy - bbx[3])
		minBSB = min(minBSB, bbx[1] - vorgy + ah)
		maxYExtent = max(maxYExtent, vorgy - bbx[1])

		if bitmap:
			if i + 1 < len(f.glyphs) and g.bitmap.hasSameMetrics(f.glyphs[i + 1].bitmap):
				if curIndexSubTable is not None and curIndexSubTable.indexFormat == 2:
					nextIndexSubTable = curIndexSubTable
					curIndexSubTable = eblc_sub_table_classes[2](None, otf)
					curIndexSubTable.indexFormat = 2
					curIndexSubTable.imageFormat = 5
					curIndexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = i
					curIndexSubTable.names = []

					curIndexSubTable.imageSize = g.bitmap.getImageDataSize()
					curIndexSubTable.metrics = getBitmapMetrics(g.bitmap, vertBearingX)
					updatesbitLineMetrics(curIndexSubTable.metrics, bst)

					nextIndexSubTable = curIndexSubTable
				if curIndexSubTable is None:
					curIndexSubTable = eblc_sub_table_classes[1](None, otf)
					curIndexSubTable.indexFormat = 1
					curIndexSubTable.imageFormat = 7
					curIndexSubTable.firstGlyphIndex = i
					curIndexSubTable.names = []

					nextIndexSubTable = curIndexSubTable
				elif curIndexSubTable.indexFormat == 1:
					nextIndexSubTable = curIndexSubTable
					nextIndexSubTable = None

			curIndexSubTable.lastGlyphIndex = i

			if curIndexSubTable.indexFormat == 2:
				ebdtBitmap = ebdt_bitmap_classes[5](None, otf)
				ebdtBitmap = ebdt_bitmap_classes[7](None, otf)
				ebdtBitmap.metrics = getBitmapMetrics(g.bitmap, vertBearingX)
				updatesbitLineMetrics(ebdtBitmap.metrics, bst)

			ebdtBitmap.imageData = g.bitmap.toImageData()

			ebdtGlyphDict[g.name] = ebdtBitmap

			curIndexSubTable = nextIndexSubTable

	if fontBBX[0] == +INFINITY:
		fontBBX = [0, 0, 0, 0]
		maxAW = 0
		maxAH = 0
		minRSB = 0
		minTSB = 0
		minBSB = 0
		maxYExtent = 0

	ascent = cfg.fontinfo.settings["ascent"]
	descent = cfg.fontinfo.settings["descent"]

	headTable = otf["head"]
	headTable.unitsPerEm = int((ascent + descent) * dh)
	headTable.created = headTable.modified = timestampNow()
	headTable.xMin, headTable.yMin, headTable.xMax, headTable.yMax = [int(v) for v in fontBBX]
	headTable.lowestRecPPEM = int(ascent + descent)

	os_2Table = otf["OS/2"]
	os_2Table.xAvgCharWidth = f.getXAvgCharWidth(dw=dw)
	os_2Table.ulUnicodeRange1, os_2Table.ulUnicodeRange2, os_2Table.ulUnicodeRange3, os_2Table.ulUnicodeRange4 = f.getOS2ulUnicodeRanges()
	os_2Table.sTypoAscender  = int(ascent * dh)
	os_2Table.sTypoDescender = -int(descent * dh)
	os_2Table.usWinAscent  = max(os_2Table.usWinAscent,  int(fontBBX[3]))
	os_2Table.usWinDescent = max(os_2Table.usWinDescent, int(-fontBBX[1]))
	# TODO(kurgm)  OS/2.ulCodePageRange1,2
	os_2Table.sxHeight = int(cfg.fontinfo.settings["x-height"] * dh)
	os_2Table.sCapHeight = int(ascent * dh)

	if cfg.fontinfo.settings["bold"]:
		headTable.macStyle |=  0b1
		os_2Table.usWeightClass = 700
		os_2Table.fsSelection |=   0b100000
		os_2Table.fsSelection &= ~0b1000000

	if cfg.fontinfo.settings["italic"]:
		headTable.macStyle |= 0b10
		os_2Table.fsSelection |=        0b1
		os_2Table.fsSelection &= ~0b1000000

	hheaTable = otf["hhea"]
	hheaTable.ascent = int(fontBBX[3])
	hheaTable.descent = -int(fontBBX[1])
	hheaTable.advanceWidthMax = int(maxAW)
	hheaTable.minLeftSideBearing = int(fontBBX[0])
	hheaTable.minRightSideBearing = int(minRSB)
	hheaTable.xMaxExtent = int(fontBBX[2])
	hheaTable.numberOfHMetrics = len(f.glyphs)

	nameTable = otf["name"]
	for namerecords in cfg.fontinfo.names:
		for platformID, platEncID, langID in zip(namerecords.platformID, namerecords.platEncID, namerecords.langID):
			for nameID, string in namerecords.records.items():
				nameRecord = nameTable.getName(nameID, platformID, platEncID, langID)
				if nameRecord is None:
					nameRecord = NameRecord()
					nameRecord.nameID = nameID
					nameRecord.platformID = platformID
					nameRecord.platEncID = platEncID
					nameRecord.langID = langID
				nameRecord.string = string.encode(nameRecord.getEncoding())

	cffNames = f.fontinfo.getCFFNames()
	cff.fontNames[0] = cffNames[6]  # 6 = PostScript name
	if 5 in cffNames:  # 5 = Version
		cffTopDict.version = cffNames[5]
	if 0 in cffNames:  # 0 = Copyright
		cffTopDict.Copyright = cffNames[0]
	if 4 in cffNames:  # 4 = Full name
		cffTopDict.FullName = cffNames[4]
	if 1 in cffNames:  # 1 = Font Family
		cffTopDict.FamilyName = cffNames[1]

	otf["post"].isFixedPitch = cffTopDict.isFixedPitch = f.isFixedPitch()
	mtxValue = 1.0 / ((ascent + descent) * dh)
	cffTopDict.FontMatrix = [mtxValue, 0, 0, mtxValue, 0, 0]
	cffTopDict.FontBBox = fontBBX

	if "vhea" in otf:
		vheaTable = otf["vhea"]
		vheaTable.ascent = int(cfg.fontinfo.settings["vertascent"] * dw)
		vheaTable.descent = -int(cfg.fontinfo.settings["vertdescent"] * dw)
		vheaTable.advanceHeightMax = int(maxAH)
		vheaTable.minTopSideBearing = int(minTSB)
		vheaTable.minBottomSideBearing = int(minBSB)
		vheaTable.yMaxExtent = int(maxYExtent)
		vheaTable.numberOfVMetrics = len(f.glyphs)

	if bitmap:
		bst.hori.ascender = int(ascent)
		bst.hori.descender = -int(descent)
		bst.hori.widthMax = int(maxAW / dw)
		if bst.hori.minOriginSB == +INFINITY:
			bst.hori.minOriginSB  = 0
			bst.hori.minAdvanceSB = 0
			bst.hori.maxBeforeBL  = 0
			bst.hori.minAfterBL   = 0

		bst.vert.ascender  =  int(cfg.fontinfo.settings["vertascent"])
		bst.vert.descender = -int(cfg.fontinfo.settings["vertdescent"])
		bst.vert.widthMax = int(maxAH / dh)
		if bst.vert.minOriginSB == +INFINITY:
			bst.vert.minOriginSB  = 0
			bst.vert.minAdvanceSB = 0
			bst.vert.maxBeforeBL  = 0
			bst.vert.minAfterBL   = 0

		bst.startGlyphIndex = 0
		bst.endGlyphIndex = len(f.glyphs) - 1
		bst.ppemY = int(ascent + descent)
		bst.ppemX = int((ascent + descent) * dh / dw)

	for path in cfg.templateTTX2:
		otf.importXML(path, quiet=True)
