Example #1
	def reorder_blend_args(self, commands, get_delta_func, round_func):
		We first re-order the master coordinate values.
		For a moveto to lineto, the args are now arranged as:
			[ [master_0 x,y], [master_1 x,y], [master_2 x,y] ]
		We re-arrange this to
		[	[master_0 x, master_1 x, master_2 x],
			[master_0 y, master_1 y, master_2 y]
		If the master values are all the same, we collapse the list to
		as single value instead of a list.

		We then convert this to:
		[ [master_0 x] + [x delta tuple] + [numBlends=1]
		  [master_0 y] + [y delta tuple] + [numBlends=1]
		for cmd in commands:
			# arg[i] is the set of arguments for this operator from master i.
			args = cmd[1]
			m_args = zip(*args)
			# m_args[n] is now all num_master args for the i'th argument
			# for this operation.
			cmd[1] = list(m_args)
		lastOp = None
		for cmd in commands:
			op = cmd[0]
			# masks are represented by two cmd's: first has only op names,
			# second has only args.
			if lastOp in ['hintmask', 'cntrmask']:
				coord = list(cmd[1])
				assert allEqual(coord), (
					"hintmask values cannot differ between source fonts.")
				cmd[1] = [coord[0][0]]
				coords = cmd[1]
				new_coords = []
				for coord in coords:
					if allEqual(coord):
						# convert to deltas
						deltas = get_delta_func(coord)[1:]
						if round_func:
							deltas = [round_func(delta) for delta in deltas]
						coord = [coord[0]] + deltas
				cmd[1] = new_coords
			lastOp = op
		return commands
Example #2
def _PairPosFormat2_merge(self, lst, merger):
	assert allEqual([l.ValueFormat2 == 0 for l in lst if l.Class1Record]), "Report bug against fonttools."

	merger.mergeObjects(self, lst,
				     'ClassDef1', 'Class1Count',
				     'ClassDef2', 'Class2Count',
				     'ValueFormat1', 'ValueFormat2'))

	# Align coverages
	glyphs, _ = _merge_GlyphOrders(merger.font,
				       [v.Coverage.glyphs for v in lst])
	self.Coverage.glyphs = glyphs

	# Currently, if the coverage of PairPosFormat2 subtables are different,
	# we do NOT bother walking down the subtable list when filling in new
	# rows for alignment.  As such, this is only correct if current subtable
	# is the last subtable in the lookup.  Ensure that.
	# Note that our canonicalization process merges trailing PairPosFormat2's,
	# so in reality this is rare.
	for l,subtables in zip(lst,merger.lookup_subtables):
		if l.Coverage.glyphs != glyphs:
			assert l == subtables[-1]

	matrices = _PairPosFormat2_align_matrices(self, lst, merger.font)

	self.Class1Record = list(matrices[0]) # TODO move merger to be selfless
	merger.mergeLists(self.Class1Record, matrices)
Example #3
def _Lookup_PairPosFormat2_subtables_flatten(lst, font):
	assert allEqual([l.ValueFormat2 == 0 for l in lst if l.Class1Record]), "Report bug against fonttools."

	self = ot.PairPos()
	self.Format = 2
	self.Coverage = ot.Coverage()
	self.Coverage.Format = 1
	self.ValueFormat1 = reduce(int.__or__, [l.ValueFormat1 for l in lst], 0)
	self.ValueFormat2 = reduce(int.__or__, [l.ValueFormat2 for l in lst], 0)

	# Align them
	glyphs, _ = _merge_GlyphOrders(font,
				       [v.Coverage.glyphs for v in lst])
	self.Coverage.glyphs = glyphs

	matrices = _PairPosFormat2_align_matrices(self, lst, font, transparent=True)

	matrix = self.Class1Record = []
	for rows in zip(*matrices):
		row = ot.Class1Record()
		row.Class2Record = []
		row = row.Class2Record
		for cols in zip(*list(r.Class2Record for r in rows)):
			col = next(iter(c for c in cols if c is not None))

	return self
Example #4
def _PairPosFormat1_merge(self, lst, merger):
	assert allEqual([l.ValueFormat2 == 0 for l in lst if l.PairSet]), "Report bug against fonttools."

	# Merge everything else; makes sure Format is the same.
	merger.mergeObjects(self, lst,
				     'PairSet', 'PairSetCount',
				     'ValueFormat1', 'ValueFormat2'))

	empty = ot.PairSet()
	empty.PairValueRecord = []
	empty.PairValueCount = 0

	# Align them
	glyphs, padded = _merge_GlyphOrders(merger.font,
					    [v.Coverage.glyphs for v in lst],
					    [v.PairSet for v in lst],

	self.Coverage.glyphs = glyphs
	self.PairSet = [ot.PairSet() for g in glyphs]
	self.PairSetCount = len(self.PairSet)
	for glyph, ps in zip(glyphs, self.PairSet):
		ps._firstGlyph = glyph

	merger.mergeLists(self.PairSet, padded)
Example #5
def merge(merger, self, lst):
	subtables = merger.lookup_subtables = [l.SubTable for l in lst]

	# Remove Extension subtables
	for l,sts in list(zip(lst,subtables))+[(self,self.SubTable)]:
		if not sts:
		if sts[0].__class__.__name__.startswith('Extension'):
			assert allEqual([st.__class__ for st in sts])
			assert allEqual([st.ExtensionLookupType for st in sts])
			l.LookupType = sts[0].ExtensionLookupType
			new_sts = [st.ExtSubTable for st in sts]
			del sts[:]

	isPairPos = self.SubTable and isinstance(self.SubTable[0], ot.PairPos)

	if isPairPos:

		# AFDKO and feaLib sometimes generate two Format1 subtables instead of one.
		# Merge those before continuing.
		# https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/719
		self.SubTable = _Lookup_PairPos_subtables_canonicalize(self.SubTable, merger.font)
		subtables = merger.lookup_subtables = [_Lookup_PairPos_subtables_canonicalize(st, merger.font) for st in subtables]

	merger.mergeLists(self.SubTable, subtables)
	self.SubTableCount = len(self.SubTable)

	if isPairPos:
		# If format-1 subtable created during canonicalization is empty, remove it.
		assert len(self.SubTable) >= 1 and self.SubTable[0].Format == 1
		if not self.SubTable[0].Coverage.glyphs:
			self.SubTableCount -= 1

		# If format-2 subtable created during canonicalization is empty, remove it.
		assert len(self.SubTable) >= 1 and self.SubTable[-1].Format == 2
		if not self.SubTable[-1].Coverage.glyphs:
			self.SubTableCount -= 1

	merger.mergeObjects(self, lst, exclude=['SubTable', 'SubTableCount'])

	del merger.lookup_subtables
Example #6
def merge(merger, self, lst):
	if self is None:
		assert allNone(lst), (lst)

	self.classDefs = {}
	# We only care about the .classDefs
	self = self.classDefs
	lst = [l.classDefs for l in lst]

	allKeys = set()
	allKeys.update(*[l.keys() for l in lst])
	for k in allKeys:
		allValues = nonNone(l.get(k) for l in lst)
		assert allEqual(allValues), allValues
		if not allValues:
			self[k] = None
			self[k] = allValues[0]
Example #7
	def reorder_blend_args(self, commands):
		We first re-order the master coordinate values.
		For a moveto to lineto, the args are now arranged as:
			[ [master_0 x,y], [master_1 x,y], [master_2 x,y] ]
		We re-arrange this to
		[	[master_0 x, master_1 x, master_2 x],
			[master_0 y, master_1 y, master_2 y]
		We also make the value relative.
		If the master values are all the same, we collapse the list to
		as single value instead of a list.
		for cmd in commands:
			# arg[i] is the set of arguments for this operator from master i.
			args = cmd[1]
			m_args = zip(*args)
			# m_args[n] is now all num_master args for the i'th argument
			# for this operation.
			cmd[1] = m_args

		# Now convert from absolute to relative
		x0 = [0]*self.num_masters
		y0 = [0]*self.num_masters
		for cmd in self._commands:
			is_x = True
			coords = cmd[1]
			rel_coords = []
			for coord in coords:
				prev_coord = x0 if is_x else y0
				rel_coord = [pt[0] - pt[1] for pt in zip(coord, prev_coord)]

				if allEqual(rel_coord):
					rel_coord = rel_coord[0]
				if is_x:
					x0 = coord
					y0 = coord
				is_x = not is_x
			cmd[1] = rel_coords
		return commands
Example #8
def _Lookup_PairPosFormat1_subtables_flatten(lst, font):
	assert allEqual([l.ValueFormat2 == 0 for l in lst if l.PairSet]), "Report bug against fonttools."

	self = ot.PairPos()
	self.Format = 1
	self.Coverage = ot.Coverage()
	self.Coverage.Format = 1
	self.ValueFormat1 = reduce(int.__or__, [l.ValueFormat1 for l in lst], 0)
	self.ValueFormat2 = reduce(int.__or__, [l.ValueFormat2 for l in lst], 0)

	# Align them
	glyphs, padded = _merge_GlyphOrders(font,
					    [v.Coverage.glyphs for v in lst],
					    [v.PairSet for v in lst])

	self.Coverage.glyphs = glyphs
	self.PairSet = [_PairSet_flatten([v for v in values if v is not None], font)
		        for values in zip(*padded)]
	self.PairSetCount = len(self.PairSet)
	return self
Example #9
def _add_gvar(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5, optimize=True):

    assert tolerance >= 0

    log.info("Generating gvar")
    assert "gvar" not in font
    gvar = font["gvar"] = newTable('gvar')
    gvar.version = 1
    gvar.reserved = 0
    gvar.variations = {}

    for glyph in font.getGlyphOrder():

        allData = [_GetCoordinates(m, glyph) for m in master_ttfs]
        model, allData = masterModel.getSubModel(allData)

        allCoords = [d[0] for d in allData]
        allControls = [d[1] for d in allData]
        control = allControls[0]
        if not models.allEqual(allControls):
            log.warning("glyph %s has incompatible masters; skipping" % glyph)
        del allControls

        # Update gvar
        gvar.variations[glyph] = []
        deltas = model.getDeltas(allCoords)
        supports = model.supports
        assert len(deltas) == len(supports)

        # Prepare for IUP optimization
        origCoords = deltas[0]
        endPts = control[1] if control[0] >= 1 else list(range(len(

        for i, (delta, support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])):
            if all(abs(v) <= tolerance for v in delta.array):
            var = TupleVariation(support, delta)
            if optimize:
                delta_opt = iup_delta_optimize(delta,

                if None in delta_opt:
                    # Use "optimized" version only if smaller...
                    var_opt = TupleVariation(support, delta_opt)

                    axis_tags = sorted(support.keys(
                    ))  # Shouldn't matter that this is different from fvar...?
                    tupleData, auxData, _ = var.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
                    unoptimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)
                    tupleData, auxData, _ = var_opt.compile(
                        axis_tags, [], None)
                    optimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)

                    if optimized_len < unoptimized_len:
                        var = var_opt

Example #10
def _add_HVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags):

    log.info("Generating HVAR")

    glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()

    hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports = {}
    metricses = [m["hmtx"].metrics for m in master_ttfs]
    for glyph in glyphOrder:
        hAdvances = [
            metrics[glyph][0] if glyph in metrics else None
            for metrics in metricses
        hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(

    singleModel = models.allEqual(
        id(v[1]) for v in hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values())

    directStore = None
    if singleModel:
        # Build direct mapping

        supports = next(iter(hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values()))[1][1:]
        varTupleList = builder.buildVarRegionList(supports, axisTags)
        varTupleIndexes = list(range(len(supports)))
        varData = builder.buildVarData(varTupleIndexes, [], optimize=False)
        for glyphName in glyphOrder:
        directStore = builder.buildVarStore(varTupleList, [varData])

    # Build optimized indirect mapping
    storeBuilder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)
    mapping = {}
    for glyphName in glyphOrder:
        deltas, supports = hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyphName]
        mapping[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas)
    indirectStore = storeBuilder.finish()
    mapping2 = indirectStore.optimize()
    mapping = [mapping2[mapping[g]] for g in glyphOrder]
    advanceMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(mapping, glyphOrder)

    use_direct = False
    if directStore:
        # Compile both, see which is more compact

        writer = OTTableWriter()
        directStore.compile(writer, font)
        directSize = len(writer.getAllData())

        writer = OTTableWriter()
        indirectStore.compile(writer, font)
        advanceMapping.compile(writer, font)
        indirectSize = len(writer.getAllData())

        use_direct = directSize < indirectSize

    # Done; put it all together.
    assert "HVAR" not in font
    HVAR = font["HVAR"] = newTable('HVAR')
    hvar = HVAR.table = ot.HVAR()
    hvar.Version = 0x00010000
    hvar.LsbMap = hvar.RsbMap = None
    if use_direct:
        hvar.VarStore = directStore
        hvar.AdvWidthMap = None
        hvar.VarStore = indirectStore
        hvar.AdvWidthMap = advanceMapping
Example #11
def _MarkBasePosFormat1_merge(self, lst, merger, Mark='Mark', Base='Base'):
	self.ClassCount = max(l.ClassCount for l in lst)

	MarkCoverageGlyphs, MarkRecords = \
				   [getattr(l, Mark+'Coverage').glyphs for l in lst],
				   [getattr(l, Mark+'Array').MarkRecord for l in lst])
	getattr(self, Mark+'Coverage').glyphs = MarkCoverageGlyphs

	BaseCoverageGlyphs, BaseRecords = \
				   [getattr(l, Base+'Coverage').glyphs for l in lst],
				   [getattr(getattr(l, Base+'Array'), Base+'Record') for l in lst])
	getattr(self, Base+'Coverage').glyphs = BaseCoverageGlyphs

	# MarkArray
	records = []
	for g,glyphRecords in zip(MarkCoverageGlyphs, zip(*MarkRecords)):
		allClasses = [r.Class for r in glyphRecords if r is not None]

		# TODO Right now we require that all marks have same class in
		# all masters that cover them.  This is not required.
		# We can relax that by just requiring that all marks that have
		# the same class in a master, have the same class in every other
		# master.  Indeed, if, say, a sparse master only covers one mark,
		# that mark probably will get class 0, which would possibly be
		# different from its class in other masters.
		# We can even go further and reclassify marks to support any
		# input.  But, since, it's unlikely that two marks being both,
		# say, "top" in one master, and one being "top" and other being
		# "top-right" in another master, we shouldn't do that, as any
		# failures in that case will probably signify mistakes in the
		# input masters.

		assert allEqual(allClasses), allClasses
		if not allClasses:
			rec = None
			rec = ot.MarkRecord()
			rec.Class = allClasses[0]
			allAnchors = [None if r is None else r.MarkAnchor for r in glyphRecords]
			if allNone(allAnchors):
				anchor = None
				anchor = ot.Anchor()
				anchor.Format = 1
				merger.mergeThings(anchor, allAnchors)
			rec.MarkAnchor = anchor
	array = ot.MarkArray()
	array.MarkRecord = records
	array.MarkCount = len(records)
	setattr(self, Mark+"Array", array)

	# BaseArray
	records = []
	for g,glyphRecords in zip(BaseCoverageGlyphs, zip(*BaseRecords)):
		if allNone(glyphRecords):
			rec = None
			rec = getattr(ot, Base+'Record')()
			anchors = []
			setattr(rec, Base+'Anchor', anchors)
			glyphAnchors = [[] if r is None else getattr(r, Base+'Anchor')
					for r in glyphRecords]
			for l in glyphAnchors:
				l.extend([None] * (self.ClassCount - len(l)))
			for allAnchors in zip(*glyphAnchors):
				if allNone(allAnchors):
					anchor = None
					anchor = ot.Anchor()
					anchor.Format = 1
					merger.mergeThings(anchor, allAnchors)
	array = getattr(ot, Base+'Array')()
	setattr(array, Base+'Record', records)
	setattr(array, Base+'Count', len(records))
	setattr(self, Base+'Array', array)
Example #12
def buildVarDevTable(store_builder, master_values):
    if allEqual(master_values):
        return master_values[0], None
    base, varIdx = store_builder.storeMasters(master_values)
    return base, builder.buildVarDevTable(varIdx)
Example #13
def _add_gvar(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5, optimize=True):

	assert tolerance >= 0

	log.info("Generating gvar")
	assert "gvar" not in font
	gvar = font["gvar"] = newTable('gvar')
	gvar.version = 1
	gvar.reserved = 0
	gvar.variations = {}

	glyf = font['glyf']

	for glyph in font.getGlyphOrder():

		isComposite = glyf[glyph].isComposite()

		allData = [_GetCoordinates(m, glyph) for m in master_ttfs]
		model, allData = masterModel.getSubModel(allData)

		allCoords = [d[0] for d in allData]
		allControls = [d[1] for d in allData]
		control = allControls[0]
		if not models.allEqual(allControls):
			log.warning("glyph %s has incompatible masters; skipping" % glyph)
		del allControls

		# Update gvar
		gvar.variations[glyph] = []
		deltas = model.getDeltas(allCoords)
		supports = model.supports
		assert len(deltas) == len(supports)

		# Prepare for IUP optimization
		origCoords = deltas[0]
		endPts = control[1] if control[0] >= 1 else list(range(len(control[1])))

		for i,(delta,support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])):
			if all(abs(v) <= tolerance for v in delta.array) and not isComposite:
			var = TupleVariation(support, delta)
			if optimize:
				delta_opt = iup_delta_optimize(delta, origCoords, endPts, tolerance=tolerance)

				if None in delta_opt:
					"""In composite glyphs, there should be one 0 entry
					to make sure the gvar entry is written to the font.

					This is to work around an issue with macOS 10.14 and can be
					removed once the behaviour of macOS is changed.

					if all(d is None for d in delta_opt):
						delta_opt = [(0, 0)] + [None] * (len(delta_opt) - 1)
					# Use "optimized" version only if smaller...
					var_opt = TupleVariation(support, delta_opt)

					axis_tags = sorted(support.keys()) # Shouldn't matter that this is different from fvar...?
					tupleData, auxData, _ = var.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
					unoptimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)
					tupleData, auxData, _ = var_opt.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
					optimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)

					if optimized_len < unoptimized_len:
						var = var_opt

Example #14
def merge_PrivateDicts(topDict, region_top_dicts, num_masters, var_model):
	if hasattr(region_top_dicts[0], 'FDArray'):
		regionFDArrays = [fdTopDict.FDArray for fdTopDict in region_top_dicts]
		regionFDArrays = [[fdTopDict] for fdTopDict in region_top_dicts]
	for fd_index, font_dict in enumerate(topDict.FDArray):
		private_dict = font_dict.Private
		pds = [private_dict] + [
			regionFDArray[fd_index].Private for regionFDArray in regionFDArrays
		for key, value in private_dict.rawDict.items():
			if key not in pd_blend_fields:
			if isinstance(value, list):
					values = [pd.rawDict[key] for pd in pds]
				except KeyError:
					del private_dict.rawDict[key]
						b"Warning: {key} in default font Private dict is "
						b"missing from another font, and was "
					values = zip(*values)
				except IndexError:
					raise MergeDictError(key, value, values)
				Row 0 contains the first  value from each master.
				Convert each row from absolute values to relative
				values from the previous row.
				e.g for three masters,	a list of values was:
				master 0 OtherBlues = [-217,-205]
				master 1 OtherBlues = [-234,-222]
				master 1 OtherBlues = [-188,-176]
				The call to zip() converts this to:
				[(-217, -234, -188), (-205, -222, -176)]
				and is converted finally to:
				OtherBlues = [[-217, 17.0, 46.0], [-205, 0.0, 0.0]]
				dataList = []
				prev_val_list = [0] * num_masters
				any_points_differ = False
				for val_list in values:
					rel_list = [(val - prev_val_list[i]) for (
							i, val) in enumerate(val_list)]
					if (not any_points_differ) and not allEqual(rel_list):
						any_points_differ = True
					prev_val_list = val_list
					deltas = var_model.getDeltas(rel_list)
					# Convert numbers with no decimal part to an int.
					deltas = [conv_to_int(delta) for delta in deltas]
					# For PrivateDict BlueValues, the default font
					# values are absolute, not relative to the prior value.
					deltas[0] = val_list[0]
				# If there are no blend values,then
				# we can collapse the blend lists.
				if not any_points_differ:
					dataList = [data[0] for data in dataList]
				values = [pd.rawDict[key] for pd in pds]
				if not allEqual(values):
					dataList = var_model.getDeltas(values)
					dataList = values[0]
			private_dict.rawDict[key] = dataList
Example #15
def _add_HVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags):

	log.info("Generating HVAR")

	glyphOrder = font.getGlyphOrder()

	hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports = {}
	metricses = [m["hmtx"].metrics for m in master_ttfs]
	for glyph in glyphOrder:
		hAdvances = [metrics[glyph][0] if glyph in metrics else None for metrics in metricses]
		hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(hAdvances)

	singleModel = models.allEqual(id(v[1]) for v in hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values())

	directStore = None
	if singleModel:
		# Build direct mapping

		supports = next(iter(hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values()))[1][1:]
		varTupleList = builder.buildVarRegionList(supports, axisTags)
		varTupleIndexes = list(range(len(supports)))
		varData = builder.buildVarData(varTupleIndexes, [], optimize=False)
		for glyphName in glyphOrder:
		directStore = builder.buildVarStore(varTupleList, [varData])

	# Build optimized indirect mapping
	storeBuilder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)
	mapping = {}
	for glyphName in glyphOrder:
		deltas,supports = hAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyphName]
		mapping[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas)
	indirectStore = storeBuilder.finish()
	mapping2 = indirectStore.optimize()
	mapping = [mapping2[mapping[g]] for g in glyphOrder]
	advanceMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(mapping, glyphOrder)

	use_direct = False
	if directStore:
		# Compile both, see which is more compact

		writer = OTTableWriter()
		directStore.compile(writer, font)
		directSize = len(writer.getAllData())

		writer = OTTableWriter()
		indirectStore.compile(writer, font)
		advanceMapping.compile(writer, font)
		indirectSize = len(writer.getAllData())

		use_direct = directSize < indirectSize

	# Done; put it all together.
	assert "HVAR" not in font
	HVAR = font["HVAR"] = newTable('HVAR')
	hvar = HVAR.table = ot.HVAR()
	hvar.Version = 0x00010000
	hvar.LsbMap = hvar.RsbMap = None
	if use_direct:
		hvar.VarStore = directStore
		hvar.AdvWidthMap = None
		hvar.VarStore = indirectStore
		hvar.AdvWidthMap = advanceMapping
Example #16
def merge_PrivateDicts(top_dicts, vsindex_dict, var_model, fd_map):
	I step through the FontDicts in the FDArray of the varfont TopDict.
	For each varfont FontDict:
		step through each key in FontDict.Private.
		For each key, step through each relevant source font Private dict, and
		build a list of values to blend.
	The 'relevant' source fonts are selected by first getting the right
	submodel using model_keys[vsindex]. The indices of the
	subModel.locations are mapped to source font list indices by
	assuming the latter order is the same as the order of the
	var_model.locations. I can then get the index of each subModel
	location in the list of var_model.locations.

	topDict = top_dicts[0]
	region_top_dicts = top_dicts[1:]
	if hasattr(region_top_dicts[0], 'FDArray'):
		regionFDArrays = [fdTopDict.FDArray for fdTopDict in region_top_dicts]
		regionFDArrays = [[fdTopDict] for fdTopDict in region_top_dicts]
	for fd_index, font_dict in enumerate(topDict.FDArray):
		private_dict = font_dict.Private
		vsindex = getattr(private_dict, 'vsindex', 0)
		# At the moment, no PrivateDict has a vsindex key, but let's support
		# how it should work. See comment at end of
		# merge_charstrings() - still need to optimize use of vsindex.
		sub_model, model_keys = vsindex_dict[vsindex]
		master_indices = []
		for loc in sub_model.locations[1:]:
			i = var_model.locations.index(loc) - 1
		pds = [private_dict]
		last_pd = private_dict
		for ri in master_indices:
			pd = get_private(regionFDArrays, fd_index, ri, fd_map)
			# If the region font doesn't have this FontDict, just reference
			# the last one used.
			if pd is None:
				pd = last_pd
				last_pd = pd
		num_masters = len(pds)
		for key, value in private_dict.rawDict.items():
			if key not in pd_blend_fields:
			if isinstance(value, list):
					values = [pd.rawDict[key] for pd in pds]
				except KeyError:
					del private_dict.rawDict[key]
						b"Warning: {key} in default font Private dict is "
						b"missing from another font, and was "
					values = zip(*values)
				except IndexError:
					raise MergeDictError(key, value, values)
				Row 0 contains the first  value from each master.
				Convert each row from absolute values to relative
				values from the previous row.
				e.g for three masters,	a list of values was:
				master 0 OtherBlues = [-217,-205]
				master 1 OtherBlues = [-234,-222]
				master 1 OtherBlues = [-188,-176]
				The call to zip() converts this to:
				[(-217, -234, -188), (-205, -222, -176)]
				and is converted finally to:
				OtherBlues = [[-217, 17.0, 46.0], [-205, 0.0, 0.0]]
				dataList = []
				prev_val_list = [0] * num_masters
				any_points_differ = False
				for val_list in values:
					rel_list = [(val - prev_val_list[i]) for (
							i, val) in enumerate(val_list)]
					if (not any_points_differ) and not allEqual(rel_list):
						any_points_differ = True
					prev_val_list = val_list
					deltas = sub_model.getDeltas(rel_list)
					# Convert numbers with no decimal part to an int.
					deltas = [conv_to_int(delta) for delta in deltas]
					# For PrivateDict BlueValues, the default font
					# values are absolute, not relative to the prior value.
					deltas[0] = val_list[0]
				# If there are no blend values,then
				# we can collapse the blend lists.
				if not any_points_differ:
					dataList = [data[0] for data in dataList]
				values = [pd.rawDict[key] for pd in pds]
				if not allEqual(values):
					dataList = sub_model.getDeltas(values)
					dataList = values[0]
			private_dict.rawDict[key] = dataList
Example #17
def _add_MVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags):

	log.info("Generating MVAR")

	store_builder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)

	records = []
	lastTableTag = None
	fontTable = None
	tables = None
	# HACK: we need to special-case post.underlineThickness and .underlinePosition
	# and unilaterally/arbitrarily define a sentinel value to distinguish the case
	# when a post table is present in a given master simply because that's where
	# the glyph names in TrueType must be stored, but the underline values are not
	# meant to be used for building MVAR's deltas. The value of -0x8000 (-36768)
	# the minimum FWord (int16) value, was chosen for its unlikelyhood to appear
	# in real-world underline position/thickness values.
	specialTags = {"unds": -0x8000, "undo": -0x8000}

	for tag, (tableTag, itemName) in sorted(MVAR_ENTRIES.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]):
		# For each tag, fetch the associated table from all fonts (or not when we are
		# still looking at a tag from the same tables) and set up the variation model
		# for them.
		if tableTag != lastTableTag:
			tables = fontTable = None
			if tableTag in font:
				fontTable = font[tableTag]
				tables = []
				for master in master_ttfs:
					if tableTag not in master or (
						tag in specialTags
						and getattr(master[tableTag], itemName) == specialTags[tag]
				model, tables = masterModel.getSubModel(tables)
			lastTableTag = tableTag

		if tables is None:  # Tag not applicable to the master font.

		# TODO support gasp entries

		master_values = [getattr(table, itemName) for table in tables]
		if models.allEqual(master_values):
			base, varIdx = master_values[0], None
			base, varIdx = store_builder.storeMasters(master_values)
		setattr(fontTable, itemName, base)

		if varIdx is None:
		log.info('	%s: %s.%s	%s', tag, tableTag, itemName, master_values)
		rec = ot.MetricsValueRecord()
		rec.ValueTag = tag
		rec.VarIdx = varIdx

	assert "MVAR" not in font
	if records:
		store = store_builder.finish()
		# Optimize
		mapping = store.optimize()
		for rec in records:
			rec.VarIdx = mapping[rec.VarIdx]

		MVAR = font["MVAR"] = newTable('MVAR')
		mvar = MVAR.table = ot.MVAR()
		mvar.Version = 0x00010000
		mvar.Reserved = 0
		mvar.VarStore = store
		# XXX these should not be hard-coded but computed automatically
		mvar.ValueRecordSize = 8
		mvar.ValueRecordCount = len(records)
		mvar.ValueRecord = sorted(records, key=lambda r: r.ValueTag)
Example #18
def _get_advance_metrics(font, masterModel, master_ttfs,
		axisTags, glyphOrder, advMetricses, vOrigMetricses=None):

	vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports = {}
	vOrigDeltasAndSupports = {}
	for glyph in glyphOrder:
		vhAdvances = [metrics[glyph][0] if glyph in metrics else None for metrics in advMetricses]
		vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(vhAdvances)

	singleModel = models.allEqual(id(v[1]) for v in vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values())

	if vOrigMetricses:
		singleModel = False
		for glyph in glyphOrder:
			# We need to supply a vOrigs tuple with non-None default values
			# for each glyph. vOrigMetricses contains values only for those
			# glyphs which have a non-default vOrig.
			vOrigs = [metrics[glyph] if glyph in metrics else defaultVOrig
				for metrics, defaultVOrig in vOrigMetricses]
			vOrigDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(vOrigs)

	directStore = None
	if singleModel:
		# Build direct mapping
		supports = next(iter(vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values()))[1][1:]
		varTupleList = builder.buildVarRegionList(supports, axisTags)
		varTupleIndexes = list(range(len(supports)))
		varData = builder.buildVarData(varTupleIndexes, [], optimize=False)
		for glyphName in glyphOrder:
		directStore = builder.buildVarStore(varTupleList, [varData])

	# Build optimized indirect mapping
	storeBuilder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)
	advMapping = {}
	for glyphName in glyphOrder:
		deltas, supports = vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyphName]
		advMapping[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas)

	if vOrigMetricses:
		vOrigMap = {}
		for glyphName in glyphOrder:
			deltas, supports = vOrigDeltasAndSupports[glyphName]
			vOrigMap[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas)

	indirectStore = storeBuilder.finish()
	mapping2 = indirectStore.optimize()
	advMapping = [mapping2[advMapping[g]] for g in glyphOrder]
	advanceMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(advMapping, glyphOrder)

	if vOrigMetricses:
		vOrigMap = [mapping2[vOrigMap[g]] for g in glyphOrder]

	useDirect = False
	vOrigMapping = None
	if directStore:
		# Compile both, see which is more compact

		writer = OTTableWriter()
		directStore.compile(writer, font)
		directSize = len(writer.getAllData())

		writer = OTTableWriter()
		indirectStore.compile(writer, font)
		advanceMapping.compile(writer, font)
		indirectSize = len(writer.getAllData())

		useDirect = directSize < indirectSize

	if useDirect:
		metricsStore = directStore
		advanceMapping = None
		metricsStore = indirectStore
		if vOrigMetricses:
			vOrigMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(vOrigMap, glyphOrder)

	return metricsStore, advanceMapping, vOrigMapping
Example #19
def _merge_TTHinting(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5):

	log.info("Merging TT hinting")
	assert "cvar" not in font

	# Check that the existing hinting is compatible

	# fpgm and prep table

	for tag in ("fpgm", "prep"):
		all_pgms = [m[tag].program for m in master_ttfs if tag in m]
		if len(all_pgms) == 0:
		if tag in font:
			font_pgm = font[tag].program
			font_pgm = Program()
		if any(pgm != font_pgm for pgm in all_pgms):
			log.warning("Masters have incompatible %s tables, hinting is discarded." % tag)

	# glyf table

	for name, glyph in font["glyf"].glyphs.items():
		all_pgms = [
			for m in master_ttfs
			if name in m['glyf'] and hasattr(m["glyf"][name], "program")
		if not any(all_pgms):
		if hasattr(glyph, "program"):
			font_pgm = glyph.program
			font_pgm = Program()
		if any(pgm != font_pgm for pgm in all_pgms if pgm):
			log.warning("Masters have incompatible glyph programs in glyph '%s', hinting is discarded." % name)
			# TODO Only drop hinting from this glyph.

	# cvt table

	all_cvs = [Vector(m["cvt "].values) if 'cvt ' in m else None
		   for m in master_ttfs]

	nonNone_cvs = models.nonNone(all_cvs)
	if not nonNone_cvs:
		# There is no cvt table to make a cvar table from, we're done here.

	if not models.allEqual(len(c) for c in nonNone_cvs):
		log.warning("Masters have incompatible cvt tables, hinting is discarded.")

	# We can build the cvar table now.

	cvar = font["cvar"] = newTable('cvar')
	cvar.version = 1
	cvar.variations = []

	deltas, supports = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(all_cvs)
	for i,(delta,support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])):
		delta = [otRound(d) for d in delta]
		if all(abs(v) <= tolerance for v in delta):
		var = TupleVariation(support, delta)
Example #20
def _add_gvar(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5, optimize=True):

	assert tolerance >= 0

	log.info("Generating gvar")
	assert "gvar" not in font
	gvar = font["gvar"] = newTable('gvar')
	gvar.version = 1
	gvar.reserved = 0
	gvar.variations = {}

	glyf = font['glyf']

	# use hhea.ascent of base master as default vertical origin when vmtx is missing
	baseAscent = font['hhea'].ascent
	for glyph in font.getGlyphOrder():

		isComposite = glyf[glyph].isComposite()

		allData = [
			m["glyf"].getCoordinatesAndControls(glyph, m, defaultVerticalOrigin=baseAscent)
			for m in master_ttfs
		model, allData = masterModel.getSubModel(allData)

		allCoords = [d[0] for d in allData]
		allControls = [d[1] for d in allData]
		control = allControls[0]
		if not models.allEqual(allControls):
			log.warning("glyph %s has incompatible masters; skipping" % glyph)
		del allControls

		# Update gvar
		gvar.variations[glyph] = []
		deltas = model.getDeltas(allCoords)
		supports = model.supports
		assert len(deltas) == len(supports)

		# Prepare for IUP optimization
		origCoords = deltas[0]
		endPts = control.endPts

		for i,(delta,support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])):
			if all(abs(v) <= tolerance for v in delta.array) and not isComposite:
			var = TupleVariation(support, delta)
			if optimize:
				delta_opt = iup_delta_optimize(delta, origCoords, endPts, tolerance=tolerance)

				if None in delta_opt:
					"""In composite glyphs, there should be one 0 entry
					to make sure the gvar entry is written to the font.

					This is to work around an issue with macOS 10.14 and can be
					removed once the behaviour of macOS is changed.

					if all(d is None for d in delta_opt):
						delta_opt = [(0, 0)] + [None] * (len(delta_opt) - 1)
					# Use "optimized" version only if smaller...
					var_opt = TupleVariation(support, delta_opt)

					axis_tags = sorted(support.keys()) # Shouldn't matter that this is different from fvar...?
					tupleData, auxData, _ = var.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
					unoptimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)
					tupleData, auxData, _ = var_opt.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
					optimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)

					if optimized_len < unoptimized_len:
						var = var_opt

Example #21
def _MarkBasePosFormat1_merge(self, lst, merger, Mark='Mark', Base='Base'):
    self.ClassCount = max(l.ClassCount for l in lst)

    MarkCoverageGlyphs, MarkRecords = \
          [getattr(l, Mark+'Coverage').glyphs for l in lst],
          [getattr(l, Mark+'Array').MarkRecord for l in lst])
    getattr(self, Mark + 'Coverage').glyphs = MarkCoverageGlyphs

    BaseCoverageGlyphs, BaseRecords = \
          [getattr(l, Base+'Coverage').glyphs for l in lst],
          [getattr(getattr(l, Base+'Array'), Base+'Record') for l in lst])
    getattr(self, Base + 'Coverage').glyphs = BaseCoverageGlyphs

    # MarkArray
    records = []
    for g, glyphRecords in zip(MarkCoverageGlyphs, zip(*MarkRecords)):
        allClasses = [r.Class for r in glyphRecords if r is not None]

        # TODO Right now we require that all marks have same class in
        # all masters that cover them.  This is not required.
        # We can relax that by just requiring that all marks that have
        # the same class in a master, have the same class in every other
        # master.  Indeed, if, say, a sparse master only covers one mark,
        # that mark probably will get class 0, which would possibly be
        # different from its class in other masters.
        # We can even go further and reclassify marks to support any
        # input.  But, since, it's unlikely that two marks being both,
        # say, "top" in one master, and one being "top" and other being
        # "top-right" in another master, we shouldn't do that, as any
        # failures in that case will probably signify mistakes in the
        # input masters.

        assert allEqual(allClasses), allClasses
        if not allClasses:
            rec = None
            rec = ot.MarkRecord()
            rec.Class = allClasses[0]
            allAnchors = [
                None if r is None else r.MarkAnchor for r in glyphRecords
            if allNone(allAnchors):
                anchor = None
                anchor = ot.Anchor()
                anchor.Format = 1
                merger.mergeThings(anchor, allAnchors)
            rec.MarkAnchor = anchor
    array = ot.MarkArray()
    array.MarkRecord = records
    array.MarkCount = len(records)
    setattr(self, Mark + "Array", array)

    # BaseArray
    records = []
    for g, glyphRecords in zip(BaseCoverageGlyphs, zip(*BaseRecords)):
        if allNone(glyphRecords):
            rec = None
            rec = getattr(ot, Base + 'Record')()
            anchors = []
            setattr(rec, Base + 'Anchor', anchors)
            glyphAnchors = [[] if r is None else getattr(r, Base + 'Anchor')
                            for r in glyphRecords]
            for l in glyphAnchors:
                l.extend([None] * (self.ClassCount - len(l)))
            for allAnchors in zip(*glyphAnchors):
                if allNone(allAnchors):
                    anchor = None
                    anchor = ot.Anchor()
                    anchor.Format = 1
                    merger.mergeThings(anchor, allAnchors)
    array = getattr(ot, Base + 'Array')()
    setattr(array, Base + 'Record', records)
    setattr(array, Base + 'Count', len(records))
    setattr(self, Base + 'Array', array)
Example #22
def buildVarDevTable(store_builder, master_values):
	if allEqual(master_values):
		return master_values[0], None
	base, varIdx = store_builder.storeMasters(master_values)
	return base, builder.buildVarDevTable(varIdx)
Example #23
def _get_advance_metrics(font, masterModel, master_ttfs,
		axisTags, glyphOrder, advMetricses, vOrigMetricses=None):

	vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports = {}
	vOrigDeltasAndSupports = {}
	for glyph in glyphOrder:
		vhAdvances = [metrics[glyph][0] if glyph in metrics else None for metrics in advMetricses]
		vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(vhAdvances)

	singleModel = models.allEqual(id(v[1]) for v in vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values())

	if vOrigMetricses:
		singleModel = False
		for glyph in glyphOrder:
			# We need to supply a vOrigs tuple with non-None default values
			# for each glyph. vOrigMetricses contains values only for those
			# glyphs which have a non-default vOrig.
			vOrigs = [metrics[glyph] if glyph in metrics else defaultVOrig
				for metrics, defaultVOrig in vOrigMetricses]
			vOrigDeltasAndSupports[glyph] = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(vOrigs)

	directStore = None
	if singleModel:
		# Build direct mapping
		supports = next(iter(vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports.values()))[1][1:]
		varTupleList = builder.buildVarRegionList(supports, axisTags)
		varTupleIndexes = list(range(len(supports)))
		varData = builder.buildVarData(varTupleIndexes, [], optimize=False)
		for glyphName in glyphOrder:
		directStore = builder.buildVarStore(varTupleList, [varData])

	# Build optimized indirect mapping
	storeBuilder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)
	advMapping = {}
	for glyphName in glyphOrder:
		deltas, supports = vhAdvanceDeltasAndSupports[glyphName]
		advMapping[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas)

	if vOrigMetricses:
		vOrigMap = {}
		for glyphName in glyphOrder:
			deltas, supports = vOrigDeltasAndSupports[glyphName]
			vOrigMap[glyphName] = storeBuilder.storeDeltas(deltas)

	indirectStore = storeBuilder.finish()
	mapping2 = indirectStore.optimize()
	advMapping = [mapping2[advMapping[g]] for g in glyphOrder]
	advanceMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(advMapping, glyphOrder)

	if vOrigMetricses:
		vOrigMap = [mapping2[vOrigMap[g]] for g in glyphOrder]

	useDirect = False
	vOrigMapping = None
	if directStore:
		# Compile both, see which is more compact

		writer = OTTableWriter()
		directStore.compile(writer, font)
		directSize = len(writer.getAllData())

		writer = OTTableWriter()
		indirectStore.compile(writer, font)
		advanceMapping.compile(writer, font)
		indirectSize = len(writer.getAllData())

		useDirect = directSize < indirectSize

	if useDirect:
		metricsStore = directStore
		advanceMapping = None
		metricsStore = indirectStore
		if vOrigMetricses:
			vOrigMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(vOrigMap, glyphOrder)

	return metricsStore, advanceMapping, vOrigMapping
Example #24
def merge_PrivateDicts(topDict, region_top_dicts, num_masters, var_model):
	if hasattr(region_top_dicts[0], 'FDArray'):
		regionFDArrays = [fdTopDict.FDArray for fdTopDict in region_top_dicts]
		regionFDArrays = [[fdTopDict] for fdTopDict in region_top_dicts]
	for fd_index, font_dict in enumerate(topDict.FDArray):
		private_dict = font_dict.Private
		pds = [private_dict] + [
			regionFDArray[fd_index].Private for regionFDArray in regionFDArrays
		for key, value in private_dict.rawDict.items():
			if key not in pd_blend_fields:
			if isinstance(value, list):
					values = [pd.rawDict[key] for pd in pds]
				except KeyError:
					del private_dict.rawDict[key]
						b"Warning: {key} in default font Private dict is "
						b"missing from another font, and was "
					values = zip(*values)
				except IndexError:
					raise MergeDictError(key, value, values)
				Row 0 contains the first  value from each master.
				Convert each row from absolute values to relative
				values from the previous row.
				e.g for three masters,	a list of values was:
				master 0 OtherBlues = [-217,-205]
				master 1 OtherBlues = [-234,-222]
				master 1 OtherBlues = [-188,-176]
				The call to zip() converts this to:
				[(-217, -234, -188), (-205, -222, -176)]
				and is converted finally to:
				OtherBlues = [[-217, 17.0, 46.0], [-205, 0.0, 0.0]]
				dataList = []
				prev_val_list = [0] * num_masters
				any_points_differ = False
				for val_list in values:
					rel_list = [(val - prev_val_list[i]) for (
							i, val) in enumerate(val_list)]
					if (not any_points_differ) and not allEqual(rel_list):
						any_points_differ = True
					prev_val_list = val_list
					deltas = var_model.getDeltas(rel_list)
					# Convert numbers with no decimal part to an int.
					deltas = [conv_to_int(delta) for delta in deltas]
					# For PrivateDict BlueValues, the default font
					# values are absolute, not relative to the prior value.
					deltas[0] = val_list[0]
				# If there are no blend values,then
				# we can collapse the blend lists.
				if not any_points_differ:
					dataList = [data[0] for data in dataList]
				values = [pd.rawDict[key] for pd in pds]
				if not allEqual(values):
					dataList = var_model.getDeltas(values)
					dataList = values[0]
			private_dict.rawDict[key] = dataList
Example #25
def prepareVariableComponentData(vcFont,
    storeBuilder = OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)

    vcData = {}
    for glyphName in sorted(vcFont.keys()):
        glyph = vcFont[glyphName]
        axisTags = {
            for v in glyph.variations for axisTag in v.location
        if neutralOnly and not axisTags - globalAxisNames:
            masters = [glyph]
            masters = [glyph] + glyph.variations

        if not glyph.outline.isEmpty() and glyph.components:
            # This glyph mixes outlines and classic components, it will have been
            # flattened upon TTF compilation

        locations = [m.location for m in masters]
        components = []
        for i in range(len(glyph.components)):
            assert allEqual([m.components[i].name for m in masters])
            baseName = masters[0].components[i].name

            coords = [dict(m.components[i].coord) for m in masters]
            sanitizeCoords(coords, vcFont[baseName])
            transforms = [m.components[i].transform for m in masters]
            for t in transforms[1:]:
                assert t.keys() == transforms[0].keys()

            coordMasterValues = {
                k: [coord[k] for coord in coords]
                for k in coords[0].keys()
            transformMasterValues = {
                k: [transform[k] for transform in transforms]
                for k in transforms[0].keys()

            coord = compileMasterValuesDict(storeBuilder, coordMasterValues,
                                            14)  # 2.14
            transform = compileMasterValuesDict(storeBuilder,
                                                16)  # 16.16

            components.append((baseName, coord, transform))
        if components:
            vcData[glyphName] = components

    varStore = storeBuilder.finish()
    mapping = varStore.optimize()
    assert 0xFFFFFFFF not in mapping
    mapping[0xFFFFFFFF] = 0xFFFFFFFF
    for glyphName, components in vcData.items():
        for baseName, coord, transform in components:
            remapValuesDict(coord, mapping)
            remapValuesDict(transform, mapping)

    return vcData, varStore
Example #26
def _add_MVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags):

    log.info("Generating MVAR")

    store_builder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)

    records = []
    lastTableTag = None
    fontTable = None
    tables = None
    for tag, (tableTag, itemName) in sorted(MVAR_ENTRIES.items(),
                                            key=lambda kv: kv[1]):
        if tableTag != lastTableTag:
            tables = fontTable = None
            if tableTag in font:
                fontTable = font[tableTag]
                tables = [
                    master[tableTag] if tableTag in master else None
                    for master in master_ttfs
            lastTableTag = tableTag
        if tables is None:

        # TODO support gasp entries

        model, tables = masterModel.getSubModel(tables)

        master_values = [getattr(table, itemName) for table in tables]
        if models.allEqual(master_values):
            base, varIdx = master_values[0], None
            base, varIdx = store_builder.storeMasters(master_values)
        setattr(fontTable, itemName, base)

        if varIdx is None:
        log.info('	%s: %s.%s	%s', tag, tableTag, itemName, master_values)
        rec = ot.MetricsValueRecord()
        rec.ValueTag = tag
        rec.VarIdx = varIdx

    assert "MVAR" not in font
    if records:
        store = store_builder.finish()
        # Optimize
        mapping = store.optimize()
        for rec in records:
            rec.VarIdx = mapping[rec.VarIdx]

        MVAR = font["MVAR"] = newTable('MVAR')
        mvar = MVAR.table = ot.MVAR()
        mvar.Version = 0x00010000
        mvar.Reserved = 0
        mvar.VarStore = store
        # XXX these should not be hard-coded but computed automatically
        mvar.ValueRecordSize = 8
        mvar.ValueRecordCount = len(records)
        mvar.ValueRecord = sorted(records, key=lambda r: r.ValueTag)
Example #27
def _merge_TTHinting(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5):

	log.info("Merging TT hinting")
	assert "cvar" not in font

	# Check that the existing hinting is compatible

	# fpgm and prep table

	for tag in ("fpgm", "prep"):
		all_pgms = [m[tag].program for m in master_ttfs if tag in m]
		if len(all_pgms) == 0:
		if tag in font:
			font_pgm = font[tag].program
			font_pgm = Program()
		if any(pgm != font_pgm for pgm in all_pgms):
			log.warning("Masters have incompatible %s tables, hinting is discarded." % tag)

	# glyf table

	for name, glyph in font["glyf"].glyphs.items():
		all_pgms = [
			for m in master_ttfs
			if name in m['glyf'] and hasattr(m["glyf"][name], "program")
		if not any(all_pgms):
		if hasattr(glyph, "program"):
			font_pgm = glyph.program
			font_pgm = Program()
		if any(pgm != font_pgm for pgm in all_pgms if pgm):
			log.warning("Masters have incompatible glyph programs in glyph '%s', hinting is discarded." % name)
			# TODO Only drop hinting from this glyph.

	# cvt table

	all_cvs = [Vector(m["cvt "].values) if 'cvt ' in m else None
		   for m in master_ttfs]

	nonNone_cvs = models.nonNone(all_cvs)
	if not nonNone_cvs:
		# There is no cvt table to make a cvar table from, we're done here.

	if not models.allEqual(len(c) for c in nonNone_cvs):
		log.warning("Masters have incompatible cvt tables, hinting is discarded.")

	# We can build the cvar table now.

	cvar = font["cvar"] = newTable('cvar')
	cvar.version = 1
	cvar.variations = []

	deltas, supports = masterModel.getDeltasAndSupports(all_cvs)
	for i,(delta,support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])):
		delta = [otRound(d) for d in delta]
		if all(abs(v) <= tolerance for v in delta):
		var = TupleVariation(support, delta)
Example #28
def merge_PrivateDicts(top_dicts, vsindex_dict, var_model, fd_map):
	I step through the FontDicts in the FDArray of the varfont TopDict.
	For each varfont FontDict:
		step through each key in FontDict.Private.
		For each key, step through each relevant source font Private dict, and
		build a list of values to blend.
	The 'relevant' source fonts are selected by first getting the right
	submodel using vsindex_dict[vsindex]. The indices of the
	subModel.locations are mapped to source font list indices by
	assuming the latter order is the same as the order of the
	var_model.locations. I can then get the index of each subModel
	location in the list of var_model.locations.

    topDict = top_dicts[0]
    region_top_dicts = top_dicts[1:]
    if hasattr(region_top_dicts[0], 'FDArray'):
        regionFDArrays = [fdTopDict.FDArray for fdTopDict in region_top_dicts]
        regionFDArrays = [[fdTopDict] for fdTopDict in region_top_dicts]
    for fd_index, font_dict in enumerate(topDict.FDArray):
        private_dict = font_dict.Private
        vsindex = getattr(private_dict, 'vsindex', 0)
        # At the moment, no PrivateDict has a vsindex key, but let's support
        # how it should work. See comment at end of
        # merge_charstrings() - still need to optimize use of vsindex.
        sub_model, _ = vsindex_dict[vsindex]
        master_indices = []
        for loc in sub_model.locations[1:]:
            i = var_model.locations.index(loc) - 1
        pds = [private_dict]
        last_pd = private_dict
        for ri in master_indices:
            pd = get_private(regionFDArrays, fd_index, ri, fd_map)
            # If the region font doesn't have this FontDict, just reference
            # the last one used.
            if pd is None:
                pd = last_pd
                last_pd = pd
        num_masters = len(pds)
        for key, value in private_dict.rawDict.items():
            dataList = []
            if key not in pd_blend_fields:
            if isinstance(value, list):
                    values = [pd.rawDict[key] for pd in pds]
                except KeyError:
                    print("Warning: {key} in default font Private dict is "
                          "missing from another font, and was "
                    values = zip(*values)
                except IndexError:
                    raise VarLibCFFDictMergeError(key, value, values)
				Row 0 contains the first  value from each master.
				Convert each row from absolute values to relative
				values from the previous row.
				e.g for three masters,	a list of values was:
				master 0 OtherBlues = [-217,-205]
				master 1 OtherBlues = [-234,-222]
				master 1 OtherBlues = [-188,-176]
				The call to zip() converts this to:
				[(-217, -234, -188), (-205, -222, -176)]
				and is converted finally to:
				OtherBlues = [[-217, 17.0, 46.0], [-205, 0.0, 0.0]]
                prev_val_list = [0] * num_masters
                any_points_differ = False
                for val_list in values:
                    rel_list = [(val - prev_val_list[i])
                                for (i, val) in enumerate(val_list)]
                    if (not any_points_differ) and not allEqual(rel_list):
                        any_points_differ = True
                    prev_val_list = val_list
                    deltas = sub_model.getDeltas(rel_list)
                    # For PrivateDict BlueValues, the default font
                    # values are absolute, not relative to the prior value.
                    deltas[0] = val_list[0]
                # If there are no blend values,then
                # we can collapse the blend lists.
                if not any_points_differ:
                    dataList = [data[0] for data in dataList]
                values = [pd.rawDict[key] for pd in pds]
                if not allEqual(values):
                    dataList = sub_model.getDeltas(values)
                    dataList = values[0]

            # Convert numbers with no decimal part to an int
            if isinstance(dataList, list):
                for i, item in enumerate(dataList):
                    if isinstance(item, list):
                        for j, jtem in enumerate(item):
                            dataList[i][j] = conv_to_int(jtem)
                        dataList[i] = conv_to_int(item)
                dataList = conv_to_int(dataList)

            private_dict.rawDict[key] = dataList
Example #29
def _add_MVAR(font, masterModel, master_ttfs, axisTags):

	log.info("Generating MVAR")

	store_builder = varStore.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)

	records = []
	lastTableTag = None
	fontTable = None
	tables = None
	# HACK: we need to special-case post.underlineThickness and .underlinePosition
	# and unilaterally/arbitrarily define a sentinel value to distinguish the case
	# when a post table is present in a given master simply because that's where
	# the glyph names in TrueType must be stored, but the underline values are not
	# meant to be used for building MVAR's deltas. The value of -0x8000 (-36768)
	# the minimum FWord (int16) value, was chosen for its unlikelyhood to appear
	# in real-world underline position/thickness values.
	specialTags = {"unds": -0x8000, "undo": -0x8000}

	for tag, (tableTag, itemName) in sorted(MVAR_ENTRIES.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]):
		# For each tag, fetch the associated table from all fonts (or not when we are
		# still looking at a tag from the same tables) and set up the variation model
		# for them.
		if tableTag != lastTableTag:
			tables = fontTable = None
			if tableTag in font:
				fontTable = font[tableTag]
				tables = []
				for master in master_ttfs:
					if tableTag not in master or (
						tag in specialTags
						and getattr(master[tableTag], itemName) == specialTags[tag]
				model, tables = masterModel.getSubModel(tables)
			lastTableTag = tableTag

		if tables is None:  # Tag not applicable to the master font.

		# TODO support gasp entries

		master_values = [getattr(table, itemName) for table in tables]
		if models.allEqual(master_values):
			base, varIdx = master_values[0], None
			base, varIdx = store_builder.storeMasters(master_values)
		setattr(fontTable, itemName, base)

		if varIdx is None:
		log.info('	%s: %s.%s	%s', tag, tableTag, itemName, master_values)
		rec = ot.MetricsValueRecord()
		rec.ValueTag = tag
		rec.VarIdx = varIdx

	assert "MVAR" not in font
	if records:
		store = store_builder.finish()
		# Optimize
		mapping = store.optimize()
		for rec in records:
			rec.VarIdx = mapping[rec.VarIdx]

		MVAR = font["MVAR"] = newTable('MVAR')
		mvar = MVAR.table = ot.MVAR()
		mvar.Version = 0x00010000
		mvar.Reserved = 0
		mvar.VarStore = store
		# XXX these should not be hard-coded but computed automatically
		mvar.ValueRecordSize = 8
		mvar.ValueRecordCount = len(records)
		mvar.ValueRecord = sorted(records, key=lambda r: r.ValueTag)
Example #30
def merge(merger, self, lst):
    subtables = merger.lookup_subtables = [l.SubTable for l in lst]

    # Remove Extension subtables
    for l, sts in list(zip(lst, subtables)) + [(self, self.SubTable)]:
        if not sts:
        if sts[0].__class__.__name__.startswith('Extension'):
            if not allEqual([st.__class__ for st in sts]):
                raise InconsistentExtensions(
                    got=[st.__class__.__name__ for st in sts])
            if not allEqual([st.ExtensionLookupType for st in sts]):
                raise InconsistentExtensions(merger)
            l.LookupType = sts[0].ExtensionLookupType
            new_sts = [st.ExtSubTable for st in sts]
            del sts[:]

    isPairPos = self.SubTable and isinstance(self.SubTable[0], ot.PairPos)

    if isPairPos:
        # AFDKO and feaLib sometimes generate two Format1 subtables instead of one.
        # Merge those before continuing.
        # https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/719
        self.SubTable = _Lookup_PairPos_subtables_canonicalize(
            self.SubTable, merger.font)
        subtables = merger.lookup_subtables = [
            _Lookup_PairPos_subtables_canonicalize(st, merger.font)
            for st in subtables
        isSinglePos = self.SubTable and isinstance(self.SubTable[0],
        if isSinglePos:
            numSubtables = [len(st) for st in subtables]
            if not all([nums == numSubtables[0] for nums in numSubtables]):
                # Flatten list of SinglePos subtables to single Format 2 subtable,
                # with all value records set to the rec format type.
                # We use buildSinglePos() to optimize the lookup after merging.
                valueFormatList = [
                    t.ValueFormat for st in subtables for t in st
                # Find the minimum value record that can accomodate all the singlePos subtables.
                mirf = reduce(ior, valueFormatList)
                self.SubTable = _Lookup_SinglePos_subtables_flatten(
                    self.SubTable, merger.font, mirf)
                subtables = merger.lookup_subtables = [
                    _Lookup_SinglePos_subtables_flatten(st, merger.font, mirf)
                    for st in subtables
                flattened = True
                flattened = False

    merger.mergeLists(self.SubTable, subtables)
    self.SubTableCount = len(self.SubTable)

    if isPairPos:
        # If format-1 subtable created during canonicalization is empty, remove it.
        assert len(self.SubTable) >= 1 and self.SubTable[0].Format == 1
        if not self.SubTable[0].Coverage.glyphs:
            self.SubTableCount -= 1

        # If format-2 subtable created during canonicalization is empty, remove it.
        assert len(self.SubTable) >= 1 and self.SubTable[-1].Format == 2
        if not self.SubTable[-1].Coverage.glyphs:
            self.SubTableCount -= 1

    elif isSinglePos and flattened:
        singlePosTable = self.SubTable[0]
        glyphs = singlePosTable.Coverage.glyphs
        # We know that singlePosTable is Format 2, as this is set
        # in _Lookup_SinglePos_subtables_flatten.
        singlePosMapping = {
            gname: valRecord
            for gname, valRecord in zip(glyphs, singlePosTable.Value)
        self.SubTable = buildSinglePos(singlePosMapping,
    merger.mergeObjects(self, lst, exclude=['SubTable', 'SubTableCount'])

    del merger.lookup_subtables