Example #1
 def checkTCPEndpoint(self, hint, expected_host, expected_port):
     with mock.patch("foolscap.connections.tcp.HostnameEndpoint",
         d = get_endpoint(hint, {"tcp": tcp.default()}, ConnectionInfo())
     (ep, host) = self.successResultOf(d)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(ep, FakeHostnameEndpoint), ep)
     self.assertIs(ep.reactor, reactor)
     self.assertEqual(ep.host, expected_host)
     self.assertEqual(ep.port, expected_port)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, parent, tubref, connectionPlugins):
        self._logparent = log.msg(format="TubConnector created from "
                                  "%(fromtubid)s to %(totubid)s",
        self.tub = parent
        self.target = tubref
        self.connectionPlugins = connectionPlugins
        self._connectionInfo = ConnectionInfo()
        self.remainingLocations = list(self.target.getLocations())
        # attemptedLocations keeps track of where we've already tried to
        # connect, so we don't try them twice, even if they appear in the
        # hints multiple times. this isn't too clever: slight variations of
        # the same hint will fool it, but it should be enough to avoid
        # infinite redirection loops.
        self.attemptedLocations = []

        # validHints tracks which hints were successfully turned into
        # endpoints. If we don't recognize any hint type in a FURL,
        # validHints will be empty when we're done, and we'll signal
        # NoLocationHintsError
        self.validHints = []

        # pendingConnections contains a Deferred for each endpoint.connect()
        # that has started (but not yet established) a connection. We keep
        # track of these so we can shut them down (using d.cancel()) when we
        # stop connecting (either because one of the other connections
        # succeeded, or because someone told us to give up).
        self.pendingConnections = set()

        # self.pendingNegotiations maps Negotiation instances (connected but
        # not finished negotiation) to the hint that got us the connection.
        # We track these so we can abandon the negotiation.
        self.pendingNegotiations = {}
Example #3
 def checkUnknownEndpoint(self, hint):
     d = get_endpoint(hint, {"tcp": tcp.default()}, ConnectionInfo())
     self.failureResultOf(d, ipb.InvalidHintError)
Example #4
class TubConnector(object):
    """I am used to make an outbound connection. I am given a target TubID
    and a list of locationHints, and I try all of them until I establish a
    Broker connected to the target. I will consider redirections returned
    along the way. The first hint that yields a connected Broker will stop
    the search.

    This is a single-use object. The connection attempt begins as soon as my
    connect() method is called.

    I live until all but one of the TCP connections I initiated have finished
    closing down. This means that connection establishment attempts in
    progress are cancelled, and established connections (the ones which did
    *not* complete negotiation before the winning connection) have called
    their connectionLost() methods.

    failureReason = None
    timer = None

    def __init__(self, parent, tubref, connectionPlugins):
        self._logparent = log.msg(format="TubConnector created from "
                                  "%(fromtubid)s to %(totubid)s",
        self.tub = parent
        self.target = tubref
        self.connectionPlugins = connectionPlugins
        self._connectionInfo = ConnectionInfo()
        self.remainingLocations = list(self.target.getLocations())
        # attemptedLocations keeps track of where we've already tried to
        # connect, so we don't try them twice, even if they appear in the
        # hints multiple times. this isn't too clever: slight variations of
        # the same hint will fool it, but it should be enough to avoid
        # infinite redirection loops.
        self.attemptedLocations = []

        # validHints tracks which hints were successfully turned into
        # endpoints. If we don't recognize any hint type in a FURL,
        # validHints will be empty when we're done, and we'll signal
        # NoLocationHintsError
        self.validHints = []

        # pendingConnections contains a Deferred for each endpoint.connect()
        # that has started (but not yet established) a connection. We keep
        # track of these so we can shut them down (using d.cancel()) when we
        # stop connecting (either because one of the other connections
        # succeeded, or because someone told us to give up).
        self.pendingConnections = set()

        # self.pendingNegotiations maps Negotiation instances (connected but
        # not finished negotiation) to the hint that got us the connection.
        # We track these so we can abandon the negotiation.
        self.pendingNegotiations = {}

    def __repr__(self):
        s = object.__repr__(self)
        s = s[:-1]
        s += " from %s to %s>" % (self.tub.tubID, self.target.getTubID())
        return s

    def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['parent'] = kwargs.get('parent') or self._logparent
        kwargs['facility'] = kwargs.get('facility') or "foolscap.connection"
        return log.msg(*args, **kwargs)

    def getConnectionInfo(self):
        return self._connectionInfo

    def connect(self):
        """Begin the connection process. This should only be called once.
        This will either result in the successful Negotiation object invoking
        the parent Tub's brokerAttached() method, or us calling the Tub's
        connectionFailed() method."""
        timeout = self.tub._test_options.get('connect_timeout',
        self.timer = reactor.callLater(timeout, self.connectionTimedOut)
        self.active = True

    def stopConnectionTimer(self):
        if self.timer:
            del self.timer

    def shutdown(self):
        self.active = False
        self.remainingLocations = []

    def cancelRemainingConnections(self):
        for d in list(self.pendingConnections):
            # this will trigger self._connectionFailed(), via the errback,
            # with a ConnectingCancelledError
        for n in self.pendingNegotiations.keys():
            # triggers n.connectionLost(), then self.connectorNegotiationFailed()

    def connectToAll(self):
        while self.remainingLocations:
            location = self.remainingLocations.pop()
            if location in self.attemptedLocations:
            lp = self.log("considering hint: %s" % (location,))
            d = get_endpoint(location, self.connectionPlugins,
            # no handler for this hint?: InvalidHintError thrown here
            def _good_hint(res, location=location):
                (ep, host) = res
                self.log("connecting to hint: %s" % (location,),
                         parent=lp, umid="9iX0eg")
                return ep.connect(TubConnectorFactory(self, host, location, lp))
            def _remove(res, d=d):
                return res
            d.addCallback(self._connectionSuccess, location, lp)
            d.addErrback(self._connectionFailed, location, lp)
            if self.tub._test_options.get("debug_stall_second_connection"):
                # for unit tests, hold off on making the second connection
                # for a moment. This allows the first connection to get to a
                # known state.
                reactor.callLater(0.1, self.connectToAll)

    def connectionTimedOut(self):
        # this timer is for the overall connection attempt, not each
        # individual endpoint/TCP connector
        self.timer = None
        why = "no connection established within client timeout"
        self.failureReason = Failure(NegotiationError(why))

    def _connectionFailed(self, reason, hint, lp):
        # this is called if some individual TCP connection cannot be
        # established
        if reason.check(error.ConnectionRefusedError):
            description = "connection refused"
            self.log("connection refused for %s" % hint, level=OPERATIONAL,
                     parent=lp, umid="rSrUxQ")
        elif reason.check(error.ConnectingCancelledError, defer.CancelledError):
            description = "abandoned"
            self.log("abandoned attempt to %s" % hint, level=OPERATIONAL,
                     parent=lp, umid="CC8vwg")
        elif reason.check(InvalidHintError):
            description = "bad hint: %s" % str(reason.value)
            self.log("unable to use hint: %s: %s" % (hint, reason.value),
                     level=UNUSUAL, parent=lp, umid="z62ctA")
            # some errors, like txsocksx.errors.ServerFailure, extend
            # Exception without defining a __str__, so when one is
            # constructed without arguments, their str() is empty, which is
            # not very useful. Their repr() at least includes the exception
            # name. In general, str() is better than repr(), since it lets
            # the exception designer build a human-meaningful string, so
            # we'll prefer str() unless it's empty.
            why = str(reason.value) or repr(reason.value)
            description = "failed to connect: %s" % why
            log.err(reason, "failed to connect to %s" % hint, level=CURIOUS,
                    parent=lp, facility="foolscap.connection",
        suffix = getattr(reason.value,
        if suffix:
            description += suffix
        self._connectionInfo._set_connection_status(hint, description)
        if not self.failureReason:
            self.failureReason = reason

    def _connectionSuccess(self, p, hint, lp):
        # fires with the Negotiation protocol instance, after
        # p.makeConnection(transport) returns, which is after
        # p.connectionMade() returns
        self.log("connected to %s, beginning negotiation" % hint,
                 level=OPERATIONAL, parent=lp, umid="VN0XGQ")
        self.pendingNegotiations[p] = hint
        self._connectionInfo._set_connection_status(hint, "negotiating")

    def redirectReceived(self, newLocation):
        # the redirected connection will disconnect soon, which will trigger
        # connectorNegotiationFailed(), so we don't have to do a

    def connectorNegotiationFailed(self, n, location, reason):
        assert isinstance(n, self.tub.negotiationClass)
        # this is called if protocol negotiation cannot be established, or if
        # the connection is closed for any reason prior to switching to the
        # Banana protocol

        # abandoned connections will not have hit _connectionSuccess, so they
        # won't have been added to pendingNegotiations
        self.pendingNegotiations.pop(n, None)
        description = "negotiation failed: %s" % str(reason.value)
        self._connectionInfo._set_connection_status(location, description)
        assert isinstance(reason, Failure), \
               "Hey, %s isn't a Failure" % (reason,)
        if (not self.failureReason or
            isinstance(reason, NegotiationError)):
            # don't let mundane things like ConnectionFailed override the
            # actually significant ones like NegotiationError
            self.failureReason = reason

    def connectorNegotiationComplete(self, n, location):
        assert isinstance(n, self.tub.negotiationClass)
        # 'factory' has just completed negotiation, so abandon all the other
        # connection attempts
        self.log("connectorNegotiationComplete, %s won" % n)
        self.pendingNegotiations.pop(n, None) # this one succeeded
        self._connectionInfo._set_connection_status(location, "successful")
        self.active = False
        if self.timer:
            self.timer = None
        self.cancelRemainingConnections() # abandon the others

    def checkForFailure(self):
        if not self.active:
        if (self.remainingLocations or
            self.pendingConnections or self.pendingNegotiations):
        if not self.validHints:
            self.failureReason = Failure(NoLocationHintsError())
        # we have no more options, so the connection attempt will fail. The
        # getBrokerForTubRef may have succeeded, however, if the other side
        # tried to connect to us at exactly the same time, they were the
        # master, they established their connection first (but the final
        # decision is still in flight), and they hung up on our connection
        # because they felt it was a duplicate. So, if self.failureReason
        # indicates a duplicate connection, do not signal a failure here. We
        # leave the connection timer in place in case they lied about having
        # a duplicate connection ready to go.
        if (self.failureReason.check(RemoteNegotiationError) and
                        "Duplicate connection")):
            self.log("TubConnector.checkForFailure: connection attempt "
                     "failed because the other end decided ours was a "
                     "duplicate connection, so we won't signal the "
                     "failure here")

    def failed(self):
        self.active = False
        if self.failureReason:
            self.failureReason._connectionInfo = self._connectionInfo
        self.tub.connectionFailed(self.target, self.failureReason)

    def checkForIdle(self):
        # When one connection finishes negotiation, the others are cancelled
        # to hurry them along their way towards disconnection. The last one
        # to resolve finally causes us to notify our parent Tub.
        if (self.remainingLocations or
            self.pendingConnections or self.pendingNegotiations):
        # we have no more outstanding connections (either in progress or in
        # negotiation), so this connector is finished.
        self.log("connectorFinished (%s)" % self)