Example #1
def test_interpolate_spectrum():

    # Test with single buffer exclusion zone
    freqs, powers = gen_power_spectrum(\
        [1, 75], [1, 1], [[10, 0.5, 1.0], [60, 2, 0.1]])

    exclude = [58, 62]

    freqs_out, powers_out = interpolate_spectrum(freqs, powers, exclude)

    assert np.array_equal(freqs, freqs_out)
    assert np.all(powers)
    assert powers.shape == powers_out.shape
    mask = np.logical_and(freqs >= exclude[0], freqs <= exclude[1])
    assert powers[mask].sum() > powers_out[mask].sum()

    # Test with multiple buffer exclusion zones
    freqs, powers = gen_power_spectrum(\
        [1, 150], [1, 100, 1], [[10, 0.5, 1.0], [60, 1, 0.1], [120, 0.5, 0.1]])

    exclude = [[58, 62], [118, 122]]

    freqs_out, powers_out = interpolate_spectrum(freqs, powers, exclude)
    assert np.array_equal(freqs, freqs_out)
    assert np.all(powers)
    assert powers.shape == powers_out.shape

    for f_range in exclude:
        mask = np.logical_and(freqs >= f_range[0], freqs <= f_range[1])
        assert powers[mask].sum() > powers_out[mask].sum()
Example #2
def test_translate_sim_spectrum():

    sim_params = SimParams([1, 1], [10, 0.5, 1], 0)
    freqs, spectrum = gen_power_spectrum([3, 40], *sim_params)

    translated_spectrum, new_sim_params = translate_sim_spectrum(
        spectrum, 0.5, sim_params)
    assert not np.all(translated_spectrum == spectrum)
    assert new_sim_params.aperiodic_params[0] == 1.5
Example #3
def test_interpolate_spectrum():

    freqs, powers = gen_power_spectrum(\
        [1, 75], [1, 1], [[10, 0.5, 1.0], [60, 2, 0.1]])

    freqs_out, powers_out = interpolate_spectrum(freqs, powers, [58, 62])

    assert np.array_equal(freqs, freqs_out)
    assert np.all(powers)
    assert powers.shape == powers_out.shape
Example #4
def test_rotate_sim_spectrum():

    sim_params = SimParams([1, 1], [10, 0.5, 1], 0)
    freqs, spectrum = gen_power_spectrum([3, 40], *sim_params)

    rotated_spectrum, new_sim_params = rotate_sim_spectrum(
        freqs, spectrum, 0.5, 20, sim_params)

    assert not np.all(rotated_spectrum == spectrum)
    assert new_sim_params.aperiodic_params[1] == 1.5
Example #5
def test_translate_spectrum():

    # Create a spectrum to use for test translation
    freqs, spectrum = gen_power_spectrum([1, 100], [1, 1], [])

    # Check that translation transforms the power spectrum
    translated_spectrum = translate_spectrum(spectrum, delta_offset=1.)
    assert not np.all(translated_spectrum == spectrum)

    # Check that 0 translation returns the same spectrum
    translated_spectrum = translate_spectrum(spectrum, delta_offset=0.)
    assert np.all(translated_spectrum == spectrum)
Example #6
def get_tfm():
    """Get a FOOOF object, with a fit power spectrum, for testing."""

    freq_range = [3, 50]
    ap_params = [50, 2]
    gaussian_params = [10, 0.5, 2, 20, 0.3, 4]

    xs, ys = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, ap_params, gaussian_params)

    tfm = FOOOF(verbose=False)
    tfm.fit(xs, ys)

    return tfm
Example #7
def test_rotate_spectrum():

    # Create a spectrum to use for test rotations
    freqs, spectrum = gen_power_spectrum([1, 100], [1, 1], [])

    # Check that rotation transforms the power spectrum
    rotated_spectrum = rotate_spectrum(freqs,
    assert not np.all(rotated_spectrum == spectrum)

    # Check that 0 rotation returns the same spectrum
    rotated_spectrum = rotate_spectrum(freqs,
    assert np.all(rotated_spectrum == spectrum)
Example #8
# Interpolating Line Noise Peaks
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# One approach is to interpolate away line noise peaks, in the frequency domain. This
# approach simply gets rid of the peaks, interpolating the data to maintain the 1/f
# character of the data, allowing for subsequent fitting.
# The :func:`~fooof.utils.interpolate_spectrum` function allows for doing simple
# interpolation. Given a narrow frequency region, this function interpolates the spectrum,
# such that the 'peak' of the line noise is removed.


# Generate an example power spectrum, with line noise
freqs1, powers1 = gen_power_spectrum([3, 75], [1, 1],
                                     [[10, 0.75, 2], [60, 1, 0.5]])

# Visualize the generated power spectrum
plot_spectra(freqs1, powers1, log_powers=True)

# In the plot above, we have an example spectrum, with some power line noise.
# To prepare this data for fitting, we can interpolate away the line noise region.


# Interpolate away the line noise region
interp_range = [58, 62]
Example #9
def FOOOF(eeg_epoch_full_df):
    # Import required code for visualizing example models
    from fooof import FOOOF
    from fooof.sim.gen import gen_power_spectrum
    from fooof.sim.utils import set_random_seed
    from fooof.plts.annotate import plot_annotated_model

    # Set random seed, for consistency generating simulated data

    # Simulate example power spectra
    freqs1, powers1 = gen_power_spectrum([3, 40], [1, 1],
                                         [[10, 0.2, 1.25], [30, 0.15, 2]])

    # Initialize power spectrum model objects and fit the power spectra
    fm1 = FOOOF(min_peak_height=0.05, verbose=False)
    fm1.fit(freqs1, powers1)

    plot_annotated_model(fm1, annotate_aperiodic=True)
    # Constants
    freq_range = [1, 40]
    alpha_range = (7, 12)
    # Initialize a FOOOF object
    fm = FOOOF(peak_width_limits=[1, 8], max_n_peaks=6, min_peak_height=0.4)

    # Get the PSD of our EEG Signal
    sig = eeg_epoch_full_df['Cz'][0]
    freq, psd = getMeanFreqPSD(sig)

    fm.add_data(freq, psd, freq_range)


    # Get PSD averages for each channel for each event type (0=left or 1=right)
    psd_averages_by_type = {}

    for event_type in event_types.keys():
        psds_only_one_type = {}
        freqs_only_one_type = {}
        for i, row in eeg_epoch_full_df[eeg_epoch_full_df["event_type"] ==
            for ch in all_chans:
                if ch not in psds_only_one_type:
                    psds_only_one_type[ch] = list()
                    freqs_only_one_type[ch] = list()
                f, p = getMeanFreqPSD(row[ch])
        avg_psds_one_type = {}
        for ch in all_chans:
            psds_only_one_type[ch] = np.array(psds_only_one_type[ch])
            avg_psds_one_type[ch] = np.mean(psds_only_one_type[ch], axis=0)
        psd_averages_by_type[event_type] = dict(avg_psds_one_type)

    # Visualize the parameters in these two classes of C4 activity
    fm_left_C4 = FOOOF(peak_width_limits=[1, 8],
                        psd_averages_by_type[0]['C4'], freq_range)

    fm_right_C4 = FOOOF(peak_width_limits=[1, 8],
                         psd_averages_by_type[1]['C4'], freq_range)

    # Calculate central freq, alpha power, and bandwidth for each channel and each trial
    # This cell takes a few minutes to run (~8 mins on my computer). There are 3680 trials in the training data.

    # Initialize a fooof object
    fm = FOOOF(peak_width_limits=[1, 8], max_n_peaks=6, min_peak_height=0.4)

    # Some will not have alpha peaks, use these variables to keep track
    num_with_alpha = 0
    num_without_alpha = 0
    fooof_parameters = {}
    for i in range(len(eeg_epoch_full_df)):
        # Print the trial number every 100 to make sure we're making progress
        if i % 100 == 0:
        for ch in all_chans:
            # Determine the key
            CF_key = ch + "_alpha_central_freq"
            PW_key = ch + "_alpha_power"
            BW_key = ch + "_alpha_band_width"
            if CF_key not in fooof_parameters:
                fooof_parameters[CF_key] = []
            if PW_key not in fooof_parameters:
                fooof_parameters[PW_key] = []
            if BW_key not in fooof_parameters:
                fooof_parameters[BW_key] = []

            # Calculate the PSD for the desired signal
            sig = eeg_epoch_full_df[ch][i]
            freq, psd = getMeanFreqPSD(sig)

            # Set the frequency and spectral data into the FOOOF model and get peak params
            fm.add_data(freq, psd, freq_range)
            peak_params = fm.peak_params_

            # Only select the peaks within alpha power
            peak_params_alpha = []
            for param in peak_params:
                if (param[0] > alpha_range[0]) and (param[0] < alpha_range[1]):

            # Take the average if there are multiple peaks detected, otherwise 0 everything
            means = []
            if len(peak_params_alpha) > 0:
                num_with_alpha += 1
                means = np.mean(peak_params_alpha, axis=0)
                num_without_alpha += 1
                means = [0, 0, 0]


    fooof_parameters_df = pd.DataFrame(fooof_parameters)
    print("% with alpha:",
          num_with_alpha / (num_with_alpha + num_without_alpha))
    return fooof_parameters_df
Example #10
# Define default aperiodic values
ap = [0, 1]

# Define default periodic values for band specific peaks
theta = [6, 0.4, 1]
alpha = [10, 0.5, 0.75]
beta = [25, 0.3, 1.5]

# Set random seed, for consistency generating simulated data


# Simulate a power spectrum
freqs, powers = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, ap, [theta, alpha, beta], nlv,

# Calculating Band Ratios
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Band ratio measures are a ratio of power between defined frequency bands.
# We can now define a function we can use to calculate band ratio measures, and
# apply it to our baseline power spectrum.
# For this example, we will be using the theta / beta ratio, which is the
# most commonly applied band ratio measure.
# Note that it doesn't matter exactly which ratio measure or which frequency band
# definitions we use, as the general properties demonstrated here generalize
Example #11
# Simulate a group of power spectra
freqs, powers, sim_params = gen_group_power_spectra(n_spectra, freq_range, ap_params,
                                                    pe_params, nlv, return_params=True)


# Print out the SimParams objects that track the parameters used to create power spectra
for sim_param in sim_params:


# You can also use a SimParams object to regenerate a particular power spectrum
cur_params = sim_params[0]
freqs, powers = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, *cur_params)

# Managing Parameters
# -------------------
# There are also helper functions for managing and selecting parameters for
# simulating groups of power spectra.
# These functions include:
# - :func:`~.param_sampler` which can be used to sample parameters from possible options
# - :func:`~.param_iter` which can be used to iterate across parameter ranges
# - :func:`~.param_jitter` which can be used to add some 'jitter' to simulation parameters
Example #12
# Import simulation utilities to create example data
from fooof.sim.gen import gen_power_spectrum

# Import functions that can transform power spectra
from fooof.sim.transform import (rotate_spectrum, translate_spectrum,
                                 rotate_sim_spectrum, translate_sim_spectrum,
                                 compute_rotation_offset, compute_rotation_frequency)

# Import plot function to visualize power spectra
from fooof.plts.spectra import plot_spectra


# Generate a simulated power spectrum
freqs, powers, params = gen_power_spectrum([3, 40], [1, 1], [10, 0.5, 1],

# Rotating Power Spectra
# ----------------------
# The :func:`~.rotate_spectrum` function takes in a power spectrum, and
# rotates the power spectrum a specified amount, around a specified frequency point,
# changing the aperiodic exponent of the spectrum.


# Rotation settings
delta_exp = 0.25        # How much to change the exponent by
f_rotation = 20         # The frequency at which to rotate the spectrum
Example #13
f_range = [3, 35]

# Define baseline parameter values
ap_base = [0, 1.5]
pe_base = [[10, 0.5, 1], [22, 0.2, 2]]

# Define parameters sets with changes in each parameter
pw_diff = [[10, 0.311, 1], [22, 0.2, 2]]
cf_diff = [[11.75, 0.5, 1], [22, 0.2, 2]]
off_diff = [-0.126, 1.5]
exp_diff = [-0.87, 0.75]


# Create baseline power spectrum, to compare to
freqs, powers_base = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, ap_base, pe_base, nlv, f_res)


# Create comparison power spectra, with differences in different parameters of the data
_, powers_pw = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, ap_base, pw_diff, nlv, f_res)
_, powers_cf = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, ap_base, cf_diff, nlv, f_res)
_, powers_off = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, off_diff, pe_base, nlv, f_res)
_, powers_exp = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, exp_diff, pe_base, nlv, f_res)


# Collect the comparison power spectra together
all_powers = {
    'Alpha Power Change': powers_pw,
    'Alpha Frequency Change': powers_cf,
Example #14
# In this example, we will simulated power spectra to explore the available
# plotting options. First, we'll create two spectra, using an example with different
# aperiodic components with the same oscillations, including theta, alpha & beta peaks.


# Settings & parameters for the simulations
freq_range = [3, 40]
ap_1 = [0.75, 1.5]
ap_2 = [0.25, 1]
peaks = [[6, 0.2, 1], [10, 0.3, 1], [25, 0.15, 3]]

# Simulate two example power spectra
freqs, powers1 = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, ap_1, peaks)
freqs, powers2 = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, ap_2, peaks)

# Plotting Individual Power Spectra
# ---------------------------------
# First we will start with the core plotting function that plots an individual power spectrum.
# The :func:`~.plot_spectra` function takes in an array of frequency values and a 1d array of
# of power values, and plots the corresponding power spectrum.
# This function, as all the functions in the plotting module, takes in optional inputs
# `log_freqs` and `log_powers` that control whether the frequency and power axes
# are plotted in log space.
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 5

# Import required code for visualizing example models
from fooof import FOOOF
from fooof.sim.gen import gen_power_spectrum
from fooof.sim.utils import set_random_seed
from fooof.plts.spectra import plot_spectra
from fooof.plts.annotate import plot_annotated_model


# Set random seed, for consistency generating simulated data

# Simulate example power spectra
freqs1, powers1 = gen_power_spectrum([3, 40], [1, 1],
                                     [[10, 0.2, 1.25], [30, 0.15, 2]])
freqs2, powers2 = gen_power_spectrum([1, 150], [1, 125, 1.25],
                                     [[8, 0.15, 1.], [30, 0.1, 2]])


# Initialize power spectrum model objects and fit the power spectra
fm1 = FOOOF(min_peak_height=0.05, verbose=False)
fm2 = FOOOF(min_peak_height=0.05, aperiodic_mode='knee', verbose=False)
fm1.fit(freqs1, powers1)
fm2.fit(freqs2, powers2)

# Now, we have some data and models to work with.
Example #16
# Set consistent aperiodic parameters
ap_params = [1, 1]

# Set periodic parameters, defined to vary between groups
#   All parameters are set to match, except for systematic power differences
pe_g1 = [[2, 0.25, 1], [6, 0.2, 1], [10, 0.5, 1.5], [20, 0.2, 3], [40, 0.25, 3.5]]
pe_g2 = [[2, 0.5, 1], [6, 0.3, 1], [10, 0.5, 1.5], [20, 0.15, 3], [40, 0.15, 3.5]]

# Set random seed, for consistency generating simulated data


# Simulate example power spectra for each group
freqs, g1_spectrum_bands = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, ap_params, pe_g1, nlv)
freqs, g2_spectrum_bands = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, ap_params, pe_g2, nlv)


# Plot the power spectra differences, representing the 'band-by-band' idea
plot_spectra_shading(freqs, [g1_spectrum_bands, g2_spectrum_bands],
                     log_powers=True, linewidth=3,
                     shades=bands.definitions, shade_colors=shade_cols,
plt.title('Band-by-Band', t_settings);

# Flatten the Spectra
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Example #17
def main():

    ## Individual Model Plot

    # Download examples data files needed for this example
    freqs = load_fooof_data('freqs.npy', folder='data')
    spectrum = load_fooof_data('spectrum.npy', folder='data')

    # Initialize and fit an example power spectrum model
    fm = FOOOF(peak_width_limits=[1, 6],
    fm.fit(freqs, spectrum, [3, 40])

    # Save out the report
    fm.save_report('FOOOF_report.png', 'img')

    ## Group Plot

    # Download examples data files needed for this example
    freqs = load_fooof_data('group_freqs.npy', folder='data')
    spectra = load_fooof_data('group_powers.npy', folder='data')

    # Initialize and fit a group of example power spectrum models
    fg = FOOOFGroup(peak_width_limits=[1, 6],
    fg.fit(freqs, spectra, [3, 30])

    # Save out the report
    fg.save_report('FOOOFGroup_report.png', 'img')

    ## Make the icon plot

    # Simulate an example power spectrum
    fs, ps = gen_power_spectrum([4, 35], [0, 1],
                                [[10, 0.3, 1], [22, 0.15, 1.25]],

    def custom_style(ax, log_freqs, log_powers):
        """Custom styler-function for the icon plot."""

        # Set the top and right side frame & ticks off

        # Set linewidth of remaining spines
        ax.set_xticks([], [])
        ax.set_yticks([], [])

    # Create and save out the plot
                  ax=check_ax(None, [6, 6]))

    ## Clean Up

    # Remove the data folder
Example #18
# create and return a simulated power spectrum. Note that the parameters that define the peaks
# are labeled as gaussian parameters, as these parameters define the simulated gaussians
# directly, and are not the modified peak parameters that the model outputs.


# Settings & parameters for creating a simulated power spectrum
freq_range = [3, 40]  # The frequency range to simulate
aperiodic_params = [1, 1]  # Parameters defining the aperiodic component
periodic_params = [10, 0.3, 1]  # Parameters for any periodic components


# Generate a simulated power spectrum
freqs, powers = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, aperiodic_params,


# Plot the simulated power spectrum
plot_spectrum(freqs, powers, log_freqs=True, log_powers=False)

# Simulating With Different Parameters
# ------------------------------------
# Power spectra can be simulated with any desired parameters in the power spectrum model.
# The aperiodic mode for the simulated power spectrum is inferred from the parameters provided.
# If two parameters are provided, this is interpreted as [offset, exponent] for simulating
# a power spectra with a 'fixed' aperiodic component. If three parameters are provided, as in

# Set the frequency range to generate the power spectrum
f_range = [1, 50]
# Set aperiodic component parameters, as [offset, exponent]
ap_params = [20, 2]
# Gaussian peak parameters
gauss_params = [[10, 1.0, 2.5], [20, 0.8, 2], [32, 0.6, 1]]
# Set the level of noise to generate the power spectrum with
nlv = 0.1

# Set random seed, for consistency generating simulated data

# Create a simulated power spectrum
freqs, spectrum = gen_power_spectrum(f_range, ap_params, gauss_params, nlv)


# Fit an (unconstrained) model, liable to overfit
fm = FOOOF()
fm.report(freqs, spectrum)

# Notice that in the above fit, we are very likely to think that the model has
# been overzealous in fitting peaks, and is therefore overfitting.
# This is also suggested by the model r-squared, which is suspiciously
# high, given the amount of noise we in the simulated power spectrum.
Example #20
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2

# Import matplotlib to help manage plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Import the FOOOF object
from fooof import FOOOF

# Import simulation functions to create some example data
from fooof.sim.gen import gen_power_spectrum


# Generate an example power spectrum
freqs, powers = gen_power_spectrum([3, 50], [1, 1],
                                   [[9, 0.25, 0.5], [22, 0.1, 1.5], [25, 0.2, 1.]])

# Plotting From FOOOF Objects
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# The FOOOF object has a :meth:`~fooof.FOOOF.plot` method that can be used to visualize
# data and models available in the :class:`~fooof.FOOOF` object.


# Initialize a FOOOF object, and add some data to it
fm = FOOOF(verbose=False)
fm.add_data(freqs, powers)
# Note that all FOOOF functions that simulate power spectra take in
# gaussian parameters, not the modified peak parameters.


# Settings for creating a simulated power spectrum
freq_range = [3, 40]            # The frequency range to simulate
aperiodic_params = [1, 1]       # Parameters defining the aperiodic component
gaussian_params = [10, 0.3, 1]  # Parameters for any periodic components


# Generate a simulated power spectrum
fs, ps = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, aperiodic_params, gaussian_params)


# Plot the simulated power spectrum
plot_spectrum(fs, ps, log_freqs=True, log_powers=False)

# Simulating With Different Parameters
# ------------------------------------
# Power spectra can be simulated with any desired parameters for the FOOOF power spectra model.
# The aperiodic mode for the simulated power spectrum is inferred from the parameters provided.
# If two parameters are provided, this is interpreted as [offset, exponent] for simulating
# a power spectra with a 'fixed' aperiodic component. If three parameters are provided, as in
Example #22
Apply transformations to power spectra.


# Imports
from fooof.sim.gen import gen_power_spectrum
from fooof.sim.transform import rotate_spectrum

from fooof.plts.spectra import plot_spectra


# Generate a simulated power spectrum
fs, ps = gen_power_spectrum([3, 40], [1, 1], [10, 0.5, 1])

# rotate_spectrum
# ---------------
# The :func:`rotate_spectrum` function takes in a power spectrum, and rotates the
# power spectrum a specified amount, around a specified frequency point, changing
# the aperiodic exponent of the spectrum.


# Rotate the power spectrum
nps = rotate_spectrum(fs, ps, 0.25, 20)
from fooof.sim.gen import gen_power_spectrum

# First, we will simulate some example data, and fit some individual power spectrum models.


# Settings for simulations
freq_range = [1, 50]
freq_res = 0.25

# Create some example power spectra
freqs, powers_1 = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, [0, 1.0], [10, 0.25, 2],
freqs, powers_2 = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, [0, 1.2], [9, 0.20, 1.5],
freqs, powers_3 = gen_power_spectrum(freq_range, [0, 1.5], [11, 0.3, 2.5],


# Initialize a set of FOOOF objects
fm1, fm2, fm3 = FOOOF(max_n_peaks=4), FOOOF(max_n_peaks=4), FOOOF(

# Fit power spectrum models
# Checking the Error of Individual Model Fits
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# First we will start by examining frequency-by-frequency error of an individual model fit,
# using simulated data.
# The function for analyzing error from a FOOOF object is
# :func:`~.compute_pointwise_error_fm`.
# To start with, we will indicate to this function to plot the frequency-by-frequency
# error of our model fit.


# Simulate an example power spectrum
freqs, powers = gen_power_spectrum([3, 50], [1, 1], [10, 0.25, 0.5])


# Initialize a FOOOF object to fit with
fm = FOOOF(verbose=False)

# Parameterize our power spectrum
fm.fit(freqs, powers)


# Calculate the error per frequency of the model
compute_pointwise_error_fm(fm, plot_errors=True)
