def test_cursing_a_reversed_curse():
    curse(str, 'one', 1)
    assert == 1

    reverse(str, 'one')
    curse(str, 'one', 2)
    assert == 2
def test_dunder_str():
    assert str(1) == "1"
    def always_one(self):
        return 'one'
    curse(int, '__str__', always_one)
    assert str(1) == "one"
    reverse(int, '__str__')
def test_cursing_a_reversed_curse():
    curse(str, 'one', 1)
    assert == 1

    reverse(str, 'one')
    curse(str, 'one', 2)
    assert == 2
Example #4
    def test(self):
        # quit()
        x = 'hi'
        # y=type(x)
        # y.z=7 #TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type
        from forbiddenfruit import curse, reverse

        # Since Forbidden Fruit is fundamentally dependent on the C API,
        # this library won't work on other python implementations,
        # such as Jython, PyPy, etc. I might add support for PyPy in the future,

        def words_of_wisdom(self):
            return self * "blah "

        # print(words_of_wisdom)
        # print(type(words_of_wisdom))
        # print(classmethod(words_of_wisdom))
        curse(str, "z", 7)
        print((x.z))  # YAY !!! retroactively gifts attribute to all instances
        reverse(str, "z")
        print((x.z))  # NOO:( don't work!!
        a = "dfs"
        print((a.z))  # NOO:(

        curse(int, "words_of_wisdom", words_of_wisdom)
        assert (2).words_of_wisdom() == "blah blah "
        reverse(int, "words_of_wisdom")
        # assert (3).words_of_wisdom() != "blah blah blah " #NOO
        assert (2).words_of_wisdom() != "blah blah "

        curse(str, "hello", classmethod(lambda x: 'blah'))
        assert str.hello() == "blah"
def test_dunder_new():
    assert str(1) == "1"
    def the_answer(cls, args, kwargs):
        return 'fourty-two'
    curse(str, '__new__', the_answer)
    assert str(1) == "fourty-two"
    reverse(str, '__new__')
    assert str(1) == "1"
Example #6
def uninstall(types=None):
    if types is None:
        # uninstall everything
        types = list(cursed_types)

    for _type in types:
        forbiddenfruit.reverse(_type, 'pluck')
def test_reversing_a_builtin():
    # Given that I have a cursed object
    curse(str, 'stuff', property(lambda s: s * 2))

    # When I bless it
    reverse(str, 'stuff')

    # Then I see that str won't contain
    assert 'stuff' not in dir(str)
def test_dunder_reverse():
    def type_error_str(self):
        return 'type error'
    curse(TypeError, '__str__', type_error_str)
    te = TypeError("testing")
    assert str(te) == "type error"

    reverse(TypeError, '__str__')
    assert str(te) == "testing"
Example #9
def test_reversing_a_builtin():
    # Given that I have a cursed object
    curse(str, "stuff", property(lambda s: s * 2))

    # When I bless it
    reverse(str, "stuff")

    # Then I see that str won't contain
    assert "stuff" not in dir(str)
Example #10
def reverse(classes=[list, tuple, set, dict]):
    """Add functional methods to list, tuple, set, and dict in-place."""
    cursed_methods = {
        "map": _map,
        "filter": _filter,
        "reduce": _reduce,
        "apply": _apply,
        "zip": _zip,
        "enumerate": _enumerate,
    for klass in classes:
        for name, fun in cursed_methods.items():
            forbiddenfruit.reverse(klass, name)
def test_dunder_list_revert():
    """Test reversion of a curse with dunders"""
    def map_list(func, list_):
        if not callable(func):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return map(func, list_)

    curse(list, "__add__", map_list)

    list_ = list(range(10))
    times_2 = lambda x: x * 2

    assert list(times_2 + list_) == list(range(0, 20, 2))

    reverse(list, "__add__")
        times_2 + list_
    except TypeError:
        # should always raise an exception
        assert False
def test_dunder_list_revert():
    """Test reversion of a curse with dunders"""
    def map_list(func, list_):
        if not callable(func):
            raise NotImplementedError()
        return map(func, list_)

    curse(list, "__add__", map_list)

    list_ = list(range(10))
    times_2 = lambda x: x * 2

    assert list(times_2 + list_) == list(range(0, 20, 2))

    reverse(list, "__add__")
        times_2 + list_
    except TypeError:
        # should always raise an exception
        assert False