def rhf_dyn(atoms, **kwargs): """\ Uses RHF derived forces to compute dynamics. Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- job pydyn Descriptive job name nsteps 100 number of dynamics steps to take dt 0.1 time step size in picoseconds units matter! we assume atom positions are stored in bohrs, velocities are in bohr/ps, acceleration is in bohr/ps^2 and forces are in hartree/bohr Hartree-Fock options copied from -> rhf rhf(atoms,**kwargs) - Closed-shell HF driving routine atoms A Molecule object containing the molecule Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- ConvCriteria 1e-4 Convergence Criteria MaxIter 20 Maximum SCF iterations DoAveraging True Use DIIS for accelerated convergence (default) False No convergence acceleration ETemp False Use ETemp value for finite temperature DFT (default) float Use (float) for the electron temperature bfs None The basis functions to use. List of CGBF's basis_data None The basis data to use to construct bfs integrals None The one- and two-electron integrals to use If not None, S,h,Ints orbs None If not none, the guess orbitals """ #dynamics options job = kwargs.get('job', settings.DynJob) nsteps = kwargs.get('nsteps', settings.DynSteps) dt = kwargs.get('dt', settings.DynTStep) #save any given RHF options cc = kwargs.get('ConvCriteria', settings.ConvergenceCriteria) maxit = kwargs.get('MaxIter', settings.MaxIters) doavg = kwargs.get('DoAveraging', settings.Averaging) temp = kwargs.get('ETemp', settings.ElectronTemperature) bfcns = kwargs.get('bfs') if not bfcns: bdat = kwargs.get('basis_data') ints = kwargs.get('integrals') init_orbs = kwargs.get('orbs') #open data file to store energy info edat = open(job + '.edat', 'w') edat.write("#Step Time PE KE TE\n") #open trajectory file to store xyz info xyz = open(job + '.xyz', 'w') #xyz.write("#RHF molecular dynamics done by PyQuante\n") #xyz.write("#job: %s nsteps: %d dt:%f\n"%(job,nsteps,dt)) xyz.write(xyz_str(atoms)) t = 0. for n in xrange(nsteps): t += n * dt pe,orben,coefs = rhf(atoms,ConvCriteria=cc,MaxIter=maxit,\ DoAveraging=doavg,ETemp=temp,bfs=bfcns,\ basis_data=bdat,integrals=ints,orbs=init_orbs) ncl, nop = atoms.get_closedopen() wf = Wavefunction(orbs=coefs, orbe=orben, restricted=True, nclosed=ncl, nopen=nop) hf_force(atoms, wf, bdat) ke = leapfrog(atoms, t, dt) te = ke + pe bl = atoms[0].dist(atoms[1]) edat.write('%d %f %f %f %f %f\n' % (n, t, bl, pe, ke, te)) xyz.write(xyz_str(atoms)) edat.close() xyz.close() return
def rhf_dyn(atoms,**kwargs): """\ Uses RHF derived forces to compute dynamics. Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- job pydyn Descriptive job name nsteps 100 number of dynamics steps to take dt 0.1 time step size in picoseconds units matter! we assume atom positions are stored in bohrs, velocities are in bohr/ps, acceleration is in bohr/ps^2 and forces are in hartree/bohr Hartree-Fock options copied from -> rhf rhf(atoms,**kwargs) - Closed-shell HF driving routine atoms A Molecule object containing the molecule Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- ConvCriteria 1e-4 Convergence Criteria MaxIter 20 Maximum SCF iterations DoAveraging True Use DIIS for accelerated convergence (default) False No convergence acceleration ETemp False Use ETemp value for finite temperature DFT (default) float Use (float) for the electron temperature bfs None The basis functions to use. List of CGBF's basis_data None The basis data to use to construct bfs integrals None The one- and two-electron integrals to use If not None, S,h,Ints orbs None If not none, the guess orbitals """ #dynamics options job = kwargs.get('job',settings.DynJob) nsteps = kwargs.get('nsteps',settings.DynSteps) dt = kwargs.get('dt',settings.DynTStep) #save any given RHF options cc = kwargs.get('ConvCriteria',settings.ConvergenceCriteria) maxit = kwargs.get('MaxIter',settings.MaxIters) doavg = kwargs.get('DoAveraging',settings.Averaging) temp = kwargs.get('ETemp',settings.ElectronTemperature) bfcns = kwargs.get('bfs') if not bfcns: bdat = kwargs.get('basis_data') ints = kwargs.get('integrals') init_orbs = kwargs.get('orbs') #open data file to store energy info edat = open(job+'.edat', 'w') edat.write("#Step Time PE KE TE\n") #open trajectory file to store xyz info xyz = open(job+'.xyz', 'w') #xyz.write("#RHF molecular dynamics done by PyQuante\n") #xyz.write("#job: %s nsteps: %d dt:%f\n"%(job,nsteps,dt)) xyz.write(xyz_str(atoms)) t=0. for n in xrange(nsteps): t+=n*dt pe,orben,coefs = rhf(atoms,ConvCriteria=cc,MaxIter=maxit,\ DoAveraging=doavg,ETemp=temp,bfs=bfcns,\ basis_data=bdat,integrals=ints,orbs=init_orbs) ncl,nop = atoms.get_closedopen() wf = Wavefunction(orbs=coefs,orbe=orben,restricted=True,nclosed=ncl,nopen=nop) hf_force(atoms,wf,bdat) ke = leapfrog(atoms,t,dt) te = ke+pe bl = atoms[0].dist(atoms[1]) edat.write('%d %f %f %f %f %f\n' %(n,t,bl,pe,ke,te)) xyz.write(xyz_str(atoms)) edat.close() xyz.close() return
def fixedocc_uhf_dyn(atoms, occa, occb, **kwargs): """\ Uses Fixed occupation UHF derived forces to compute dynamics. occa and occb represent the orbital occupation arrays for the calculating spin orbitals with holes Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- job pydyn Descriptive job name nsteps 100 number of dynamics steps to take dt 0.1 time step size in picoseconds units matter! we assume atom positions are stored in bohrs, velocities are in bohr/ps, acceleration is in bohr/ps^2 and forces are in hartree/bohr Hartree-Fock options copied from -> uhf uhf(atoms,**kwargs) - Unrestriced Open Shell Hartree Fock atoms A Molecule object containing the molecule Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- ConvCriteria 1e-4 Convergence Criteria MaxIter 20 Maximum SCF iterations DoAveraging True Use DIIS averaging for convergence acceleration bfs None The basis functions to use. List of CGBF's basis_data None The basis data to use to construct bfs integrals None The one- and two-electron integrals to use If not None, S,h,Ints orbs None If not None, the guess orbitals """ #dynamics options job = kwargs.get('job', settings.DynJob) nsteps = kwargs.get('nsteps', settings.DynSteps) dt = kwargs.get('dt', settings.DynTSteps) #save any given UHF options cc = kwargs.get('ConvCriteria', settings.ConvergenceCriteria) maxit = kwargs.get('MaxIter', settings.MaxIter) doavg = kwargs.get('DoAveraging', settings.Averaging) temp = kwargs.get('ETemp', settings.ElectronTemperature) bfcns = kwargs.get('bfs') if not bfcns: bdat = kwargs.get('basis_data') ints = kwargs.get('integrals') init_orbs = kwargs.get('orbs') #open data file to store energy info edat = open(job + '.edat', 'w') edat.write("#Step Time PE KE TE\n") #open trajectory file to store xyz info xyz = open(job + '.xyz', 'w') #xyz.write("#RHF molecular dynamics done by PyQuante\n") #xyz.write("#job: %s nsteps: %d dt:%f\n"%(job,nsteps,dt)) xyz.write(xyz_str(atoms)) t = 0. for n in xrange(nsteps): t += n * dt pe,(orbea,orbeb),(coefsa,coefsb) = uhf_fixed_occ(atoms,occa,occb, ConvCriteria=cc,MaxIter=maxit,\ DoAveraging=doavg,ETemp=temp,bfs=bfcns,\ basis_data=bdat,integrals=ints,orbs=init_orbs) na, nb = atoms.get_alphabeta() wf = Wavefunction(orbs_a=coefsa,orbs_b=coefsb,\ orbe_a=orbea,orbe_b=orbeb,\ occs_a=occa,occs_b=occb,\ fixedocc=True,nalpha=na,nbeta=nb) hf_force(atoms, wf, bdat) bl = atoms[0].dist(atoms[1]) #testing with H2 ke = leapfrog(atoms, t, dt) te = ke + pe edat.write('%d %f %f %f %f %f\n' % (n, t, bl, pe, ke, te)) xyz.write(xyz_str(atoms)) edat.close() xyz.close() return
def fixedocc_uhf_dyn(atoms,occa,occb,**kwargs): """\ Uses Fixed occupation UHF derived forces to compute dynamics. occa and occb represent the orbital occupation arrays for the calculating spin orbitals with holes Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- job pydyn Descriptive job name nsteps 100 number of dynamics steps to take dt 0.1 time step size in picoseconds units matter! we assume atom positions are stored in bohrs, velocities are in bohr/ps, acceleration is in bohr/ps^2 and forces are in hartree/bohr Hartree-Fock options copied from -> uhf uhf(atoms,**kwargs) - Unrestriced Open Shell Hartree Fock atoms A Molecule object containing the molecule Options: Value Description -------- ----- ----------- ConvCriteria 1e-4 Convergence Criteria MaxIter 20 Maximum SCF iterations DoAveraging True Use DIIS averaging for convergence acceleration bfs None The basis functions to use. List of CGBF's basis_data None The basis data to use to construct bfs integrals None The one- and two-electron integrals to use If not None, S,h,Ints orbs None If not None, the guess orbitals """ #dynamics options job = kwargs.get('job',settings.DynJob) nsteps = kwargs.get('nsteps',settings.DynSteps) dt = kwargs.get('dt',settings.DynTSteps) #save any given UHF options cc = kwargs.get('ConvCriteria',settings.ConvergenceCriteria) maxit = kwargs.get('MaxIter',settings.MaxIter) doavg = kwargs.get('DoAveraging',settings.Averaging) temp = kwargs.get('ETemp',settings.ElectronTemperature) bfcns = kwargs.get('bfs') if not bfcns: bdat = kwargs.get('basis_data') ints = kwargs.get('integrals') init_orbs = kwargs.get('orbs') #open data file to store energy info edat = open(job+'.edat', 'w') edat.write("#Step Time PE KE TE\n") #open trajectory file to store xyz info xyz = open(job+'.xyz', 'w') #xyz.write("#RHF molecular dynamics done by PyQuante\n") #xyz.write("#job: %s nsteps: %d dt:%f\n"%(job,nsteps,dt)) xyz.write(xyz_str(atoms)) t=0. for n in xrange(nsteps): t+=n*dt pe,(orbea,orbeb),(coefsa,coefsb) = uhf_fixed_occ(atoms,occa,occb, ConvCriteria=cc,MaxIter=maxit,\ DoAveraging=doavg,ETemp=temp,bfs=bfcns,\ basis_data=bdat,integrals=ints,orbs=init_orbs) na,nb = atoms.get_alphabeta() wf = Wavefunction(orbs_a=coefsa,orbs_b=coefsb,\ orbe_a=orbea,orbe_b=orbeb,\ occs_a=occa,occs_b=occb,\ fixedocc=True,nalpha=na,nbeta=nb) hf_force(atoms,wf,bdat) bl = atoms[0].dist(atoms[1]) #testing with H2 ke = leapfrog(atoms,t,dt) te = ke+pe edat.write('%d %f %f %f %f %f\n' %(n,t,bl,pe,ke,te)) xyz.write(xyz_str(atoms)) edat.close() xyz.close() return